I've read "Myself and others" written by Kataoka yoshio. I've learned much. Especially I was impressed the chapter "The unhealthful Japanese". I noted some.
"soko wo nantoka"
If you say "soko wo nantoka", you desire somebody to ignore rules for your pleasure. It might prime concession,faction,tribe representative (=who work for a particular benefit) or government and become State.
"uchi niha nanno meritto mo nai"
Merit means admirable action accumulation or value, it doesn't mean profit in English. meanwhile it is used only as a profit of "profit and loss" in Japan. It is a symbolic word of the post war society in which the profit of company is the core of it.
"soko made kataku kangaeru kotoha naindayo"
The most positive meaning of to think strictly is to respect the rules or the observance of principle. Then if you say you don't think tightly you would say you don't want to obey rules in detail and going to ignore it.
"kusai mono niha huta"
If you put the lid on the reality which there're something smell bad, there are almost nothing. Then you can get the situation you don't have to think the measures and others. The policy which you don't think by yourself is you admit that you actually can't live with having your own thought. You may expect things will work out without notice while you are following others.
"sou natte hosiine"
If a wish had come true, somebody had done it. You do nothing.
"sou natte masu kara"
You interpret the things on temporary as the eternal reality.
"minnna sou shite masu kara"
You crush everything with this phrase of fierce pressure.
"sono henn ni gokai ga atta to suru nara"
In fact it is not a misunderstanding, it's a violation or a disobedience. The phrase "on the assumption" makes the cause of occurrence an assumption. A misunderstanding isn't the matter of whether there is or not, but the matter of somebody does by mistake. You are not only replacing an assumption but also taking a so-what attitude.
"jokyo wo mimamoritai"
You would like to watch, so you won't move. It express your will of doing nothing, while you admit you can't do even if you want to do because you can't realize how to do what's the true of the problem.
"kanngaete ikanakuteha ikenai monndai dato omoimasu"
You express the attitude to postpone, to slight, to neglect, to underestimate, to ignore, to close your eyes, never to take it personally, to say it isn't your own business.
20 Nov. 2009
On 7 Nov. Saturday, there was an event of environment reservation, "We like ecological life today." at Tanoura beach in Oita city. I went there in the afternoon. According to the Asahi newspaper over one thousand people had came to the event. It was nice weather and it was warm.
There were various booth of renewable energy --solar-power, wind-generated power, biomass. Also there were shops of ethnic food, buns, recycle shop and natural accessory shop. In the morning there were a lecture of renewable energy and a concert,which I missed to listen.
I went to the biomass booth. I asked the man at the pellet stove booth because I had been interested in it. He was from Kusu town.
Pellets which are made in Kokonoe town are made from wood shavings and scrap from furniture factory.
Including the expenses of setting up it costs from five hundred thousand yen to six hundred thousand yen. He told me I could be subsidized the one-third. So I ccould buy it about three hundred fifty thousand yen.
I'm hesitating now. Because my second eldest son is going to graduate from high school and go to university. I have to prepare much money.
But I want a pellet stove. It has stuck in my head. I hope Oita Pref. and Hita city to implement innovative policies to ensure that green jobs are good for the environment and benefits local communities.
Next I talked with the man at solar-power. He taught me about the electric rate system. I've known I might well change the contract of electric power.
I made the contract ten years ago, it was the midnight hours discount type. After then the new type contract, seasonal time zoning contract has been made. If I change to it I'll get benefit about five hundred yen per month. Add to this I've been learned if I change the contract of capacity from 3 ampere to 6 ampere, I would owe the same base rate.
About such information you can see at the Kyusyudenryoku web site. But I've never thought.
I was lucky to meet the man and chat with him.
いろんな再生可能エネルギー--太陽光発電 風力発電 バイオマス--の展示ブースがありました。それに外国風食べものや菓子パンのお店やリサイクルショップや自然なアクセサリーの店もありました。午前中は再生可能エネルギーに関する講演やコンサートもありましたが、私は聞き逃しました。
13 Nov. 2009
There were various booth of renewable energy --solar-power, wind-generated power, biomass. Also there were shops of ethnic food, buns, recycle shop and natural accessory shop. In the morning there were a lecture of renewable energy and a concert,which I missed to listen.
I went to the biomass booth. I asked the man at the pellet stove booth because I had been interested in it. He was from Kusu town.
Pellets which are made in Kokonoe town are made from wood shavings and scrap from furniture factory.
Including the expenses of setting up it costs from five hundred thousand yen to six hundred thousand yen. He told me I could be subsidized the one-third. So I ccould buy it about three hundred fifty thousand yen.
I'm hesitating now. Because my second eldest son is going to graduate from high school and go to university. I have to prepare much money.
But I want a pellet stove. It has stuck in my head. I hope Oita Pref. and Hita city to implement innovative policies to ensure that green jobs are good for the environment and benefits local communities.
Next I talked with the man at solar-power. He taught me about the electric rate system. I've known I might well change the contract of electric power.
I made the contract ten years ago, it was the midnight hours discount type. After then the new type contract, seasonal time zoning contract has been made. If I change to it I'll get benefit about five hundred yen per month. Add to this I've been learned if I change the contract of capacity from 3 ampere to 6 ampere, I would owe the same base rate.
About such information you can see at the Kyusyudenryoku web site. But I've never thought.
I was lucky to meet the man and chat with him.
いろんな再生可能エネルギー--太陽光発電 風力発電 バイオマス--の展示ブースがありました。それに外国風食べものや菓子パンのお店やリサイクルショップや自然なアクセサリーの店もありました。午前中は再生可能エネルギーに関する講演やコンサートもありましたが、私は聞き逃しました。
13 Nov. 2009
the lecture of smart grid
On 31 Oct. Saturday, my family had go to school. My work place held a culture festival. It was the day before the culture festival of my daughter's junior high school. My sons went to high school to take a practice exam.
So I made packed lunch for the entire family.
The packed lunch I make are far from the typical ones -- packed with several meals whose pieces and parts are artificially and neatly arranged.
Refer to Anne Allison nursery school mothers tend to expend inordinate time and attention on these obento in efforts both to please their children and to affirm that they are good mothers.
I usually try to make lunch with nutritional foodstuffs.
On 1 Nov. Oyama junior high school held the culture festival. After I had seen a drama of my daughter's class, I went to Oita University. They also held a culture festival, and I'd like to hear the lecture of Mr. Murakami Norio who had worked for Google Japan.
He talked about smart grid. He said Google company made efforts to decrease energy which they use. They are challenging to run their company energy efficiently.
In U.S. the government already had decided to put electric infrastructure with smart grid. Google is studying smart meter, which people can control transmission and distribution of electric power with.
On 2 Nov. my daughter and I had replacement day off. My daughter suggested me to go to shopping to a new boutique. It is in Tomoda district. They sell clothes for women. Now as an opening sale they are selling 20 percent discount. Both my daughter and I bought two tops.
It became cold suddenly in the evening we set a kotatsu.
私の作る弁当は典型的な弁当 --何種類かのお惣菜をすごくきれいにに切ったり盛り付けたりしてあるものからはほど遠いです。
5 Nov. 2009
So I made packed lunch for the entire family.
The packed lunch I make are far from the typical ones -- packed with several meals whose pieces and parts are artificially and neatly arranged.
Refer to Anne Allison nursery school mothers tend to expend inordinate time and attention on these obento in efforts both to please their children and to affirm that they are good mothers.
I usually try to make lunch with nutritional foodstuffs.
On 1 Nov. Oyama junior high school held the culture festival. After I had seen a drama of my daughter's class, I went to Oita University. They also held a culture festival, and I'd like to hear the lecture of Mr. Murakami Norio who had worked for Google Japan.
He talked about smart grid. He said Google company made efforts to decrease energy which they use. They are challenging to run their company energy efficiently.
In U.S. the government already had decided to put electric infrastructure with smart grid. Google is studying smart meter, which people can control transmission and distribution of electric power with.
On 2 Nov. my daughter and I had replacement day off. My daughter suggested me to go to shopping to a new boutique. It is in Tomoda district. They sell clothes for women. Now as an opening sale they are selling 20 percent discount. Both my daughter and I bought two tops.
It became cold suddenly in the evening we set a kotatsu.
私の作る弁当は典型的な弁当 --何種類かのお惣菜をすごくきれいにに切ったり盛り付けたりしてあるものからはほど遠いです。
5 Nov. 2009
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