I went to the Oita Pref.Library on 21 May. I attended an event, story-telling in English.
"A lot of children! Good!" Mr. Mickel Chadwick said when he entered the room which served us for the story-telling room.
He had come from Fukuoka American Center to perform the reading aloud. He was so cheerful and treated children very well.
First, he read aloud "From Head to Toe" by Eric Carl. With reading he invited children in front of all audience one by one to be an animal which appeared on the page by turn. He asked the child "Can you do it?" Then the preschool child replayed "Yes, I can do it." fluently. I was slightly surprised. We played together following the animals in the book.
Next, we hear him reading aloud "Joseph had a Little overcoat" and "Guri and Gura".
While reading books he asked or talked to the children very friendly. They were concentrated. Of course also I was.
I suppose story-telling in English will be spread in local libraries and elementary school libraries. Because there will be more children who can understand plane English.
On last Monday, I was called from my daughter around 3:00 p.m. She told me "You don't need to pick me up today. I'm home already." I asked her what had happened. She said a student had fallen from the forth story veranda at high school. He had died. Shocking, isn't it.
It was a terrible accident. Many students and teachers have confused. No one had predicted.
I feel pity for the boy student shutting his life only 15 or 16 years. I feel so sorry for his mother. Whole the high school lost its composure. I hope time may provide a solution.
5月21日 大分県立図書館に行きました。英語で読み聞かせの催しに参加しました。
まず、エリック・カールの『頭からつまさきまで』を読みました。読みながら、順にページに登場する動物になってもらうため子ども達をひとりずつみんなの前に招きました。 子どもに聞きました。「これできるかな?」 すると就学前の子どもは「できるよ」と流暢に答えました。ちょっとびっくりしました。私たちは一緒に本の動物たちに続いて動作をしました。
28 May 2011
lecture of raising children
In last Monday morning I took my daughter to high school earlier than usual.
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.
On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.
My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resentry. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.
先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。
22 May 2010
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.
On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.
My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resentry. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.
先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。
22 May 2010
cabbage is unavailable
Last Tuesday I received an information and apology from a cooperative association. I have translated it for practice.
Information and apology : Cabbage is unavailable
The cabbage which expected to be delivered today is short of supply, so they are unavailable.
Under influence of rapid rise of temperature in daytime those have turn to seed.
We are sorry for your inconvenient in spite of your kind order. Please accept our apology.
Over charges will be corrected in May.
We look forward to your continued patronage to Greencoop's greengrocery.
お詫びとお知らせ キャベツお届けできません。
22 May 2011
Information and apology : Cabbage is unavailable
The cabbage which expected to be delivered today is short of supply, so they are unavailable.
Under influence of rapid rise of temperature in daytime those have turn to seed.
We are sorry for your inconvenient in spite of your kind order. Please accept our apology.
Over charges will be corrected in May.
We look forward to your continued patronage to Greencoop's greengrocery.
お詫びとお知らせ キャベツお届けできません。
22 May 2011
lecture of raising children
In last Monday morning I took my daughter to high school earlier than usual.
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.
On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.
My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resently. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.
先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。
22 May 2011
Because she took a duty of greeting at the entrance to school. She is a student in charge of traffic safety. The members did the campaign to recommend students who commuting by bicycle double lock.
I don't admire her because she has one lock to her own bicycle.
On before last Friday, -13 May- I went to Merusan hall in Kusu town to listen to a lecture of raising children.
First two high school girl students made their speech. One of them was dramatic. She was bullied in her softball club at middle school. Her mother encouraged her telling "There is no night which never meet dawn". She made efforts to change the circumstance. After the team finished the last game of middle school, all the members were satisfied. She told us, "Never give up, the circumstance will be changed".
After students' speech. Mr.Robert Watson made a lecture. He insisted that parents should not say "Nowadays, children are --" .
We, parents should accept them. Their circumstance is different from ours. The world has been changed. We must comprehend the fact. And we must tell the dearest and nearest one that "You are my dearest". We should have more conversation.
An episode of his own mother in his childhood was so joyful. One day he ate a watermelon. He asked her mother "What's going to happen if I plant these seeds?" His mother said to him "Why don't you try?" He planted the seed and watered every morning. And after a while he found a watermelon on the ground. It was already cold. He was so glad that he kept trying other things.
We, parents need to say "Try it" to children, and look after them, this episode tells me.
My daughter and I enjoy watching DVD "Glee" resently. She rented "Glee" I rented "Little Britain".
It's a TV program of a high school glee club story. The members are not popular at their high school, rather being bullied. But they have talents.
The main characters are Rachel and Finn. The drama describes adolescent people. It's very interesting, and the music is cool. I can see the high school life style, school caste. The joke is on the top. Rachel isn't content that situation. Including Rachel the glee members have talents. Artie is cripple and he is very gifted in music. Kurt is gay and he has nice voice of high tone. It would be great to see what happens with them.
先先週の金曜日 玖珠町のメルサンホールに子育て講演会を聞きに行きました。
22 May 2011
Koide Hiroaki and P.G.Wodehouse
Time flies. It was holiday before about three weeks, from 29 Apr. to 5 May, except 2 may. I had spent half working for the labour union, half reading.
I have to work for my union as a representative of one department this school year. The staffs and I must prepare the annual meeting. We discussed about our direction or action.
I went to the meetings at Beppu city and at Oita city three times.Though I'm not fit the roll of leader, I must try to be any assistance.
I've written four letters to recommend joining our labour union who haven't joined yet. I hope them to find it is valuable to be organized into a labour union.
And the other hand, I've read a few books and magazines. I found out the "The Concealed Nuclear" written by Koide Hiroaki was so much helpful to recognize about nuclear power plant. If the plant quit to generate electric power the waste fuels need to be cooled in water long long time. It will waste time and money absolutely.
Also I read "The Inimitable Jeeves" written by P.G.Wodehouse. I needed some funny book. I could escape from depressive mood. Reading is a small good thing. I felt so relieved. In this novel there are full of humor. Humor make me aware of foolishness of myself. I respect Jeeves,the complete butler. His young master Barty is so amiable and so adorable. I tasted the comfortable world.
いっぽう、本や雑誌を何冊か読みました。『画される原子力』 小出裕章著 は原子力発電について理解するのにとても役立ちました。発電をやめても使用済み核燃料は長い長い期間冷やさなければなりません。まったくお金と時間のむだです。
22 May 2011
I have to work for my union as a representative of one department this school year. The staffs and I must prepare the annual meeting. We discussed about our direction or action.
I went to the meetings at Beppu city and at Oita city three times.Though I'm not fit the roll of leader, I must try to be any assistance.
I've written four letters to recommend joining our labour union who haven't joined yet. I hope them to find it is valuable to be organized into a labour union.
And the other hand, I've read a few books and magazines. I found out the "The Concealed Nuclear" written by Koide Hiroaki was so much helpful to recognize about nuclear power plant. If the plant quit to generate electric power the waste fuels need to be cooled in water long long time. It will waste time and money absolutely.
Also I read "The Inimitable Jeeves" written by P.G.Wodehouse. I needed some funny book. I could escape from depressive mood. Reading is a small good thing. I felt so relieved. In this novel there are full of humor. Humor make me aware of foolishness of myself. I respect Jeeves,the complete butler. His young master Barty is so amiable and so adorable. I tasted the comfortable world.
いっぽう、本や雑誌を何冊か読みました。『画される原子力』 小出裕章著 は原子力発電について理解するのにとても役立ちました。発電をやめても使用済み核燃料は長い長い期間冷やさなければなりません。まったくお金と時間のむだです。
22 May 2011
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