I've finished reading "HUNGER GAMES" trilogy.After I had borrowed, I read it every night and as long as I could on Saturday and Sunday.
It is so interesting thrilling and exiting, which is for young-adult.
There are some gory battle scenes but there are full of friendship, love, trust ally and family-bond.
The last conversation is stuck in my mind. "Real? Unreal?" "Real." I hope it will be translated in Japanese this phrase "Attakoto? Nakattakoto?"
I muse whole this novel's world "Real? Unreal?"
It is so touching and make me think various theme; democracy,multicultural coexistence,political power, vengeance,tolerance,et al.
Katniss quit another HUNGER GAMES lest next generation tribute children.
But she wonder if people forget the tragedy they might start war again.
On 21 Jan. I went to Oita city to hear Mr.Tatsuya Mori's lecture.
He talked about the patriotic atmosphere.Taking care of each other is good and necessary. But if you exclude anyone looks like different,it might cause stampede.
He showed us Finnish prison. They suppose person who has committed a crime is lack of parents' love,education, and in poverty. Therefor the society have to educate and reform him/her.
In the prison, the prisoners and prison officers take lunch at the same table. The prisoners have their own rooms, where they can study, read, use computer, listen to music.
They can take leaves to go to see their family live in their home town.
The crime rate is quite low. However in Japan the rate is also low.
I think about vengeance and tolerance.
Another topic.
I noticed an advertisement on Amazon.com site. If you buy a Kindle and become a prime member, you can borrow and read over 50000 titles free, including "HUNGER GAMES". I found the yearly prime membership's fee was 3900 yen. A kindle cost under 10000 yen.
I want to buy a Kindle, if the Kindle Owner's Lending Library is available in Japan. I'll ask anyone who have a Kindle.
26 Jan. 2012
Last purchese
I'm going to write about my last purchase.
I've bought a dehumidifier a few weeks ago.
I visited an electrical appliance shop in my town. And I viewed some internet mall.
I've studied there were three types of dehumidifier, compressor, condence, and hibrid.
Which I've been used is compressor type. It is not effective in winter, also I've used it for several years. I decided to buy a new one.
I found one looked nice. And I searched the lowest price. I tried to buy it at an online shop,Dinos. I had bought something at the shop twice or thrice.
I tried to order at the shop.Unfortunately my e-mail address have changed after I had bought last time, because I changed the way of accessing internet.
The e-mail address which I had registered was useless. Worse, I forgot my password.Thereupon I couldn't change it.
Then I ordered at another online shop.They sold at the same price as Dinos. I bought a new dehumidifier. It works well.
And I've make another shopping. A digital mirror less camera. Which I most desire is SIGMA SD1. But It's so expensive and beyond my necessary and knowledge. I compared
those cameras, Sony α nex-5, Olympus pen E, Panasonic Lumix.I discussed with my daughter who was the main user of it.
As the result, I made my mind to buy Sony α nex-5. The full color capture system is similar to SIGMA's.
I've bought it at a shop on Amazon.Japan site.It cost about 55000 yen at the shop,though I saw the price 70000 yen more or less at another shops.
My daughter and I should learn how to use it.
Jan. 19 2012
I've bought a dehumidifier a few weeks ago.
I visited an electrical appliance shop in my town. And I viewed some internet mall.
I've studied there were three types of dehumidifier, compressor, condence, and hibrid.
Which I've been used is compressor type. It is not effective in winter, also I've used it for several years. I decided to buy a new one.
I found one looked nice. And I searched the lowest price. I tried to buy it at an online shop,Dinos. I had bought something at the shop twice or thrice.
I tried to order at the shop.Unfortunately my e-mail address have changed after I had bought last time, because I changed the way of accessing internet.
The e-mail address which I had registered was useless. Worse, I forgot my password.Thereupon I couldn't change it.
Then I ordered at another online shop.They sold at the same price as Dinos. I bought a new dehumidifier. It works well.
And I've make another shopping. A digital mirror less camera. Which I most desire is SIGMA SD1. But It's so expensive and beyond my necessary and knowledge. I compared
those cameras, Sony α nex-5, Olympus pen E, Panasonic Lumix.I discussed with my daughter who was the main user of it.
As the result, I made my mind to buy Sony α nex-5. The full color capture system is similar to SIGMA's.
I've bought it at a shop on Amazon.Japan site.It cost about 55000 yen at the shop,though I saw the price 70000 yen more or less at another shops.
My daughter and I should learn how to use it.
Jan. 19 2012
Reading eBook
downloaded "Time and Time Again" on Project Gutenberg. As well the fairly books of Andrew Lang's Fairy Books.
I've been interested in the books for I've read Donna Tarttt's recommendation. She wrote her memory when she found the Fairy books.
quote-- I was completely gone,sleeping with those books,reading them while I ate, deaf to anything that was said to me and only half aware of my surroundings. --
I read "Time and Time Again". Then I read the blue Fairy Book. It was interesting, but on the half I felt my eyes dry. The whites streaked with little connecting lines of red, and behind each eyeball there was a small concentration of pain.
I admire the convenience of eBook for getting easily what I was looking forward to read. However my eyes were fatigued might with the display.
How about SONY Reader, iPad or other devices? I wish I borrow them and try them for a while.
『いまひとたびの』をプロジェクト・グーテンベルグでダウンロードしました。ついでにアンドルー・ラングの『妖精の物語』もダウンロードしました。ドナ・タートのおすすめを読んで以来ずっと読んでみたかったのです。彼女は自分が妖精の物語と出会ったときのことをこんな風に書いています。-- 私はすっかり上の空だった。本を抱えて眠り、本を読みながら食べた。人から何を言われても聞こえず周りのことは半分しか見えていなかった。
ソニーのリーダーとかアイパッドとかその他の媒体はどうなんでしょう? ちょっと借りて試してみたいです。
8 Jan. 2011
I've been interested in the books for I've read Donna Tarttt's recommendation. She wrote her memory when she found the Fairy books.
quote-- I was completely gone,sleeping with those books,reading them while I ate, deaf to anything that was said to me and only half aware of my surroundings. --
I read "Time and Time Again". Then I read the blue Fairy Book. It was interesting, but on the half I felt my eyes dry. The whites streaked with little connecting lines of red, and behind each eyeball there was a small concentration of pain.
I admire the convenience of eBook for getting easily what I was looking forward to read. However my eyes were fatigued might with the display.
How about SONY Reader, iPad or other devices? I wish I borrow them and try them for a while.
『いまひとたびの』をプロジェクト・グーテンベルグでダウンロードしました。ついでにアンドルー・ラングの『妖精の物語』もダウンロードしました。ドナ・タートのおすすめを読んで以来ずっと読んでみたかったのです。彼女は自分が妖精の物語と出会ったときのことをこんな風に書いています。-- 私はすっかり上の空だった。本を抱えて眠り、本を読みながら食べた。人から何を言われても聞こえず周りのことは半分しか見えていなかった。
ソニーのリーダーとかアイパッドとかその他の媒体はどうなんでしょう? ちょっと借りて試してみたいです。
8 Jan. 2011
enjoy reading

I've borrowed some books to read during this winter holiday.
I've borrowed the "HUNGER GAMES" from one of my co-workers.
I've borrowed the "Happy Youth in a Hopeless Country" written by Noritoshi Furuichi and the "ZEBRA" written by Chim Potok from Tanso Library.
I've borrowed "IF THIS IS WINNETKA, YOU MUST BE JUDY and other Stories" edited by Nozomi Omori and "You're my Paradise" written by Asuko Taira from Oita prefectural library.
I've borrowed "The Wolves of Wiloughby Chase" and some other wolves chronicles written by Joan Aiken from Warabenoyakata.
It took whole the last week of last year to read the "HUNGER GAMES". It was written in plane English. It was marvelous and thrilling. I read the first of the trilogy. I keen to read the next two.
The "Happy Youth in a Hopeless Country" was so interesting. I realized why the young people looked not so unhappy instead of their bitter situation.
"ZEBRA" was so nice. This book contains six short stories. Those are so sensitive young adult people's story. I felt so transparent and pure atmosphere in them. I had never read this author. I want to read his another work.
"You're in the Paradise" was so useful. I wanted to know about the menopause. I should face to my aging and should manage my physical and mental condition.
"IF THIS IS WINNETKA, YOU MUST BE JUDY" is an anthology of S.F.novels. All of them are excellent. I want to read H.Beam Piper's more.
Because the editor guided that you can read his works in the Gutenberg Project. I want to read "TIME AND TIME AGAIN" in English first.
Now I'll start reading the "Wolves Chronicle" written by Joan Aiken.
Those are an adventure of courageous girls' and boys'. I have read two of those ever. But this time I borrowed those which translated by another translator. I'm very looking forward to read them.
2 January 2012
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