
A lecture of young people's employment situation

A lecture about young people's employment situation

       On 18 August, I've heard a lecture of Mr. Takasu  Hirohiko who works for Research and Education Center for Fair Labor Graduate School of Social Sciences Hitotsubashi University.
      He instructed us about young generation's employment  situation. The survey shows that regular workers have decreased 5 million and temporary workers have increased 10 million from 1980s to 2012. The unemployment rate of age 18-24 is most in all generation.
      Over 20 percent male workers age 25-44 are working beyond 60 hours a week, it cause death from overwork.
     Young people need job openings, however they should find decent works. But they can't know whether the companies they're going to enter are decent or not. Mr. Takasu says they need education for fair labor. They need  knowledge of labor law , their right to work, and how to make an ally.
      Now the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare recommends education of labor at high school. It has announced the importance of the teachers' instruction to the graduated student go to relevant institution in case he/she has came to high school,
     I want to know more about good guide books for students.

若者たちの働き方 講演会 
 8月18日 高須裕彦さん--一橋大学大学院フェアレイバー研究教育センター--による講演を聞いた。
  若者は働き口が必要だ、けれどもまともな働き口を探さないといけない。しかし、会社に入る前にそこがまともなところかどうか知ることができない。高須さんは公正な労働教育が必要だとおっしゃる。労働法について 働く権利、仲間を作ることについて 知識が必要だ。

19 Aug. 2012


Laura Kaye, Author: 4 Ways to Read an eBook Without an eReader! Spread the word!

Laura Kaye, Author: 4 Ways to Read an eBook Without an eReader! Spread the word!

Thank you, I've got it!. You are so kind.
 I had downloaded the Kindle for mobile to my smart phone.  Many e-books are sold in Kindle store by free. I'll try some of them.

A lecture of Nasu Masamoto

On August 9, I've heard Nasu Masamoto's lecture.
  He was born in 1942. He was bombed by an atomic bomb at Hiroshima city when he was still three.
  He said about a vague remembrance of it. His house faced on the national road. He saw many people were going in front of his house. They were just like mud dolls. His house had the roof and wall blown off. He sat down in the closet. He remember he was reading a Japanese textbook. He thought the last page was so colorful. But after years he has known it was painted just two colors.
  He remember a man gave him a canned tangerine. It was very hot. The man might have stolen a pile of canned tangerine from the factory set in the central Hiroshima city. He should be a shrewd person who dear to go to the city when many people escaped from. How was he alive fine rest of his life ?
  After Fukushima nuclear plant accident, he went to Fukushima to see children. A  junior high school girl said that she was glad to see a man who was bombed like him could get old. Though one of his classmate was dead when she was junior high school student, he could live over seventy.
  One of the audience asked him, which character was the nearest to him. He replied the Hakase was the nearest. He has been curious from a little boy. Another audience asked how he had got the idea of the stories. He has written 213 books. He replied he hardly had difficulty in making stories. When he drinks with an editor chatting about next works, he goes to urinate, then the idea comes out.
 He said he made effort to write the sentence which children easily understand.

  If I knew that someday I would hear the author when I was reading the books, I would be more exciting.


 8月9日 那須正幹さんの講演を聞いた。

13 Aug. 2012


Enhancing IT technologies at my work place

     From last month, they have quit using a white board at a morning assembly at my work place. If you have an information, you should write it in a document titled some month some day morning assembly, which is shared in google drive.
    Everyone reads it on PC. But  some workers have no PC in the faculty room. So do I. It's nuisance bringing my PC which is in the fourth floor to and from the faculty room.
  Then I've decided to view it on my smart phone. It is convenient. I used to have to note the things written on the whiteboard, but now I only view the file. In the document there are some information to students. The teachers who run  classes  must inform those to students,
     It might be better sharing documents for students.
     My daughter goes to another high school. At her high school every students has given her own mail address by the Board of Education. But her high school doesn't allow students to bring cell phone. It seems being unused possession.

   先月から職場の朝礼でホワイトボードを使わなくなった。伝達事項はgoogle ドライブにある○月○日朝礼という文書に書く。それを各自パソコンで見る。しかし職員室にパソコンを持っていない職員もいる。私もそうだ。4階にあるパソコンをいちいち職員室に持ってきて持って帰るのは面倒だ。

6 Aug. 2012