Today, in the early evening,there was a protest rally in front of Hita station. It was organized by Heiwa Center, a monthly act known as “Hachi no hi” —the eighth day — act. Especially Dec. 8 is the Perl Herbar Day in Japan, Dec. 7 in U.S.
Japan started a war with the U.S.
Also an anniversary of John Lennon’s death.
There were about forty protesters including their family members.
As it was only two days after the illiberal Secrecy law had passed, all of us worried about this law.
Under this law government officials found to have revealed secrets could be jailed up to 10 years. Also it will make government more opaque by threatening to jail journalists up to 5 years.
There has been no clear guideline as to what constitutes a secret, therefor the people’s right to know has not been guaranteed. The situation will become worse.
The prople who attended in the rally hoped to keep on acting against the law.
It was too cold to hold a demonstration. So we left after chanting slogans.
今日 夕方日田駅前で集会があった。平和センターが主催し、毎月8日に行われる「八の日」行動だ。特に12月8日は真珠湾攻撃の日(アメリカでは12月7日)だ。その日に本はアメリカに対して戦争を開始した。それとジョン・レノンの命日だ。
Dec. 8 2013