
Town planning

   Today I went to a lecture of Motani Kosuke, about “village-vicinity mountain capitalistic economy”.
   He said, what we thought common was not common for strangers. Who couldn’t comprehend it shouldn’t have to do with the tourism.

   Population aging comes to Hita city, later, it comes to Fukuoka city or Metropolitan area. The working population is decreasing. In Hita city, the increase of over age sixty-five population is less than Fukuoka city. From now on Fukuoka city should spend more money for senior citizen. Compared with Fukuoka city, Hita city is better.

    In the future, even the population of senior will decrease. It is need to reform the industrial structure. Forest resources has potential  usage. In Austria they make use seventy present of the forest for glued laminated timber, and they make pellets from wood chips for energy resource.

   He said, though people live in Hita let their sons and daughters go to urban area, he recommended to create new industry which call back young people and increase children’s population.  He declared that Hita city was surrounded by beautiful nature and it was near big city, Fukuoka and an airport. You should better make  them come back home with quitting work at convenience stores in a city.

  His lecture was far from boring, he talked very casually and he often asked something and made us show our answer by hands sign.

  After Mr.Motani’s lecture, the Workshop of Hita Social Business members had a presentation. I knew about a camp at Tubakigahana, Kawadoko by Mikuma River, and A stall in Hita station square. It was very interesting.

   I am impressed the town planning which ordinary people get along healthy and happily.

  I hope my sons  listen to this kind of lecture.

   今日 藻谷浩介氏の「里山資本主義」についての講演を聴きに行った。

 16 Mar.2014


the result of entrance exam

   Last Monday our school was off because of the graduation ceremony on the day before.
  My daughter and I went to the Post office and the bank. I received a maturity refund of the education insurance.
  I made my daughter’s bank account which to pay monthly.

    Then we went to a clothes shop. I bought a set of jacket and skirt, a blouse, a pair of shoes and a bag for her.

    On 7th Mar. the university let the applicant know the result of entrance exam.

    My daughter was very lucky to find out her examinee’s number on the website.
    She told me the result, then went to see her home room teacher. 
    In the evening I called my mother to let her know the news and say that I greatly appreciate the education insurance she gave us.




 8 Mar. 2014

I drove to Notsu-machi

    On 25 Feb. I went to Notsu and Usuki to receive books from Notsu high school and Usuki commercial high school.

      It took about two hours to Notsu high school by car. Then I put books into boxes. I received about seven hundred books including new and old.  At Notsu high school the library is on the second floor. The Notsu high school librarian helped me loading the boxes on my car.
       Then I went to Usuki commercial high school. The librarian already packed the books into five boxes. I loaded them into my car.
      After I came back Hita high school, I began to carry the boxes to the library on the third floor. I carried and carried. When I had carried about half of them, two girl students came to help me. They were so helpful. There were thirty or forty boxes. 
       On the next day and the day after next I stuck bar code seal and input bibliographic data for ninety seven old books. We need the record of transfer for the books. We don’t need the record of transfer for the other books.
  So I can take time to examine those books and decide which books add to our catalog.

         On 28 Feb. the alumni association entrance ceremony and graduation ceremony  rehearsal. All the third grade students came to school.
 About ten executive alumni association members attended. After the entrance ceremony had finished, the graduation ceremony rehearsal  was held.I stood below the stage. Students were given diploma from the principal on the stage then walked to the edge of the stage and went down to the floor and handed the diploma to me. Then walked a few steps, and made a bow to the guests, then walked to their seats.

        On the day of rehearsal, I supposed to get the diplomas and carry to the faculty room.
        But on the nest morning, I told that the roll changed to another person. And I allowed to sit in the parents seat.


 2月28日同窓会入会式と卒業式の予行があった。3年生が登校してきた。 10人くらい同窓会の役員さんがみえた。入会式が終わったあと卒業式の予行があった。私はステージ下に立った。壇上で学校長から卒業証書を受け取った卒業生は舞台端まで進み降壇して証書を私に渡す。それから数歩歩いて来賓にお辞儀をして席に戻る。
 5 Mar. 2014




   On 1st March my daughter’s high school held the graduation ceremony.

   After the ceremony held at gymnasium the graduates and their parents went to their home rooms. I entered my daughter’s class room.

    The class room teacher and two assistant class room teachers and students made farewell speeches.
    Each student was given a piece of pottery which shaped and baked by the head teacher of the third grade and written letters by their class room teacher. They were surprised so much because they know how busy their teachers had been.

   In my daughter’s class room, there were many students who has not decided which university to go. The earlier university entrance exam result will be known on 7th March. Then the students who won’t be passed it are going to take the later exam.

   So including my daughter, most of students are studying for the later exam.

   When I used to be a student, I didn’t think the graduation ceremony was necessary, if I would be given the diploma at the short home room activity, that would be enough.

  Now I know such a ceremony is need for parents and teachers. It is the last chance for parents to say good-bye and thank you for every thing to teachers.
An organization made up of parents sent some small presents to teachers.

 3月1日 娘の高校の卒業式があった。




2 Mar. 2014