
I've gotten an iPod touch 6th

   On 24 Friday, I’ve gotten an iPod touch 6th. I set it up and moved data from iPhone4 which I had been  used. I confused where the wallpaper of it, which I wanted to put my new iPod touch. I didn’t know where the photo data was. Then I set iCloud photo library ON both of them. I could found the wallpaper.
      I was told the IPod touch had no GPS function. That’s because I installed MapFan and bought the membership for one year. I didn’t installed google map nor Yahoo Navi therein.

     On 25 Saturday, I went to Saga city and Fukuoka city.
    In the morning I left for Saga city first. I reached my daughter’s place at 9:30. I wanted to ask her about everyday details while staying in host family’s place in foreign country.
     I am 54 years old, and going to 55 within this school-year. At our work place, person who have got 45 and 55 are given refresh leaves one day and three days respectively.
    I’ve been noticed the September holidays are placed in a row this year. And we can take 5 days summer leave until the last September. I made up my mind to take 5 summer leaves and 3 refresh leaves from 14 September. It makes 17 days continuous vacation.
  I will take part in the 2 weeks language school in Vancouver EF school.
  Since I have heard the studying abroad by Rihoko and Sakura, I was longing to studying abroad.
 I have wanted to visit Vancouver island after I had read “a Tale for theTime being” written by Ruth Ozeki.
Then I applied the two weeks course from 14 Sep.in Vancouver school.

  I visited my daughter on 25, and asked how was her days at host family in Aukland, what should I bring my host family as souvenir, what is needed in staying abroad, cell phone is necessary or not, and more.
  She lent me her suitcase. Then we went to Tamaya department store to buy a rucksack for my trip. We went to Tamaya in Saga city for the first time. We compared some rucksacks, and decided to buy one of them. After that we went to basement, we enjoyed to see food stores, and bought Sushi and boiled seaweed and Tempura from Iki island. We had lunch at her room. Then she left for her part-time job and I left for Fukuoka city.
   I used google map on iPod touch, which navigated me from Saga to Fukuoka, and used Siri from Fukuoka on my way back home with mobile WiFi. I like my new iPod touch.

   24日 金曜日iPod touthの第6世代を手に入れた。それまで使っていたiPhone4からデータを移してセットアップした。壁紙もiPod touchに移行しようとしてどこにあるのかわからず困った。iCloudフォトライブラリーをどっちもオンにしたら見つかった。
 iPod touchにはGPSがないと聞いていた。それでMapFanの1年間会員権を買ってインストールした。そのときにはグーグルマップもヤフーナビもインストールしなかった。
 25日土曜日 佐賀と福岡に行った。
  モバイルルーターで、iPod touchで佐賀から福岡までグーグルマップを使い道案内してもらい、福岡から家に帰る間Siri を使った。新しいiPod touch いい。

 26  July 2015


Prof.Yuki Honda's lecture

  On 20 July our labor union women’s department held an annual workshop at Oita city, it is called “Natsu no Tsudoi”.
   I was so looking forward to that, because I had heard Prof. Yuki Honda was invited as a lecturer.

   She showed us the recent labor market circumstance. How young people and women were suffered from shortage of decent job openings.
   She explained those three relationship ; education, company, and home were strongly tied during 60’s and 70’s.
 People were sent from school to company as regular employees, they were mainly men who feeded their wives and children, and at home, wives took care of children and inspired them to do well at school. Then children were sent to company from school —. It circulated.
   Nevertheless there were cracks or problems. The employees were not able to refuse the company’s order, some children and parents struggled for being obsessed education, at school to pass the entrance exam of famous upper schools tended to prior to what they learn.

   After bubble economy period the circulation model has changed. Still some are exist, but some are ruined.
   Not all the homes have the ability to take care of children. Not all the employees are regular workers, the workers are in various situation.
   She suggested to reconstruct the model. She told an idea, the old circulation model flew to one direction, however from now on those should go and back.
    For example, even if you have got a job you’ll back to school, even if you are a breadwinner you should not obey the company’s order ignoring family’s benefit.

   She encouraged us women workers showing an opinion survey,  which told the family members of double income have good relationship, and the rate of the children who share household chores being brisk were superior to the rate of the children who didn’t share.

  I’m not sure my children are brisk, anyway at least they aren’t spoiled.

  Prof.Honda emphasized the government should decrease the illegal working situation such as an extra work with no pay. It will help not only the women worker herself, if her partner back home earlier he will be able to share the household chores.
  Her insight fascinated all of the audience. I was excited so much.

  7月20日 労組女性部の定例学習会が大分市であった。「夏のつどい」とよばれている。とても楽しみにしていた、というのも今回本田由紀さんを講師としてお招きしていると聞いたから。

 教育、産業界、家庭の3つが60年代70年代は強く結びついていたと説明した。学校から会社へ正規の社員として送られ、主に 男性だったが彼らが家庭で妻や子を養い、家庭では妻が子どもの世話をし学校で成果を出すよう鼓舞した。そして子どもたちは学校から会社へ送れ ‥循環していた。

 彼女は私たち女性労働者を ある調査結果を示すことで励ましてくれた、とも働きの家庭の家族は仲がいいこと、また、家の手伝いをする子どものてきぱき度はしない子どもよりも高いこと。


20 July 2015


the result of the exam

    On July  14th, I visited the Eiken site to see the result. They kindly let me pass the grade pre-1. I’m glad . The association explains this grade mainly aimed at university students. When I was a college student, I was not earnest enough to sit for the exam. That’s a shame, anyway, I have caught up with.

    I’m grateful to Mr.Watson’s English conversation class. In addition to his tolerant instruction, the existence of high school students and elder citizens has been helpful for me to continue learning English.
    Disappointingly my daughter attends the class no longer. Before she has left home for college, her attendance had encouraged me. I also grateful to her.

    I’ll keep making efforts from now on more than ever. I’ll practice reading aloud children’s books. I have been a reading aloud English books program at Oita prefectural library, however I haven’t been such a program around Hita city. It may possibly at Kokomo public library because there’s a librarian who is good at English.
   I’m not sure reading aloud English books attracts children, still it might attract some parents who have little children. It would be nice if the number of parents expand who read aloud English picture books for their children. I wish I would be one of those.

   Also on 14, I checked Apple site to make sure the rumors about iPod touch 6th generation, and disappointed to found nothing. I thought that was postponed.
   But in Friday evening, my eldest son posted me a link of information of iPod touch newest models vir LINE. I was surprised and glad to see the iPod touch 6th was truly released.
    I’ll buy one, it is fixed. Still I wonder when and where I do.
    I looked the Apple site and confused a little. The price of U.S. dollar and Japanese yen are not equal. Am I wrong? I’m not good at calculation. I wish anyone instructs me. I think the Japanese yen price is higher than U.S. dollar for recent rate. Why? Is there anything wrong my understanding? Or do I need to pay a duty?
   I may be stingy, however, it will alleviate my puzzlement only to know the reason.

    7月14日 結果を知るため英検のサイトを見てみた。親切にも準1級に合格させてくれた。英検によるとこの級の目安は大学生程度とのこと。私が学生だった頃、英検を受けるような熱心な学生じゃなかった。残念。ともあれ、追いついた。

 同じく14日iPod touch 第6世代のうわさが本当かどうか確かめるためアップルのウェブサイトを見て、何もなかったのでがっかりした。延期されたんだと思った。
 ところが金曜日の夕方、一番上の倅からラインであるニュースへのリンクが投稿されてきた。iPod touch 最新型が、本当に発売されていてびっくりして嬉しかった。
 アップルのサイトを見たら、少し戸惑った。USドルでの価格と日本円での価格が違う。私がまちがっているのか? 計算得意じゃないし。誰か教えてくれないかな。最近のレートで円での値段の方がドルのより高いようなのだけど。なぜだろう。私が何か間違えているのかな? それとも関税かなにか?

18 July 2015


iCloud and Apple Music

   On last Wednesday, Mr.Watson showed us how convenient the Apple Music was.
    After that I searched how to join the membership of it. And I found there were two options, one was for individual and the other was for families. The price were 980 yen and 1480 yen respectively.
    I thought it was much better for my money to join the family membership. Because it allow six persons maximum. If I pay 1480 yen per month, my four children and I are able to enjoy it.
    After I had decided, I asked them whether anyone had signed up Apple Music via LINE. Fortunately none of them had done yet. I informed them I would apply for the Apple Music for family, and I would be the organizer of us and they would be able to join the Apple Music.They were delighted.
     Then I needed to add them my iCloud, this caused to need to know their AppleIDs and those passwords. Actually it was not needed, but at that time I thought it needed.
    My eldest son told me to add the chrome remote desktop to my google chrome. It makes my iMac being operated by him. He wanted to write down his ID and password by himself not through e-mail nor LINE.
    Anyway I could invited to the iCloud those three children; eldest son, third eldest son and daughter. To my big surprise, we started to share our musics, books, and Apps we bought from iTunes.

    Still there’s a cumbersome problem. My second eldest son has no Apple product now. He used to have iPhone4 before, but when I cleared off his debt from SoftBank, I took it. It was bad trade for me, ‘cause it cost 30000 yen.
   But it is shame that he can’t join the family membership.
   Recently I’ve heard the rumor that Apple will release new iPod touch. I suppose that for my daily use i Pod touch is suitable because I don’t need telephone function. It might be better to buy a new iPod touch and hand-down the old iPhone4 to my second eldest son. It makes him possible to join the  family membership.
   That rumor says the release date is July 14. I’m expecting it is true. 
   Now I have two informations which will be available on 14.

1番上の倅が、私にgoogle chromeにリモートデスクトップをインストールして、と言ってきた。そうすると彼が私のマックを操作できるようになる。メールやラインでIDやパスワードを教えるのではなく自分で書きたかった。

最近、アップルがiPod touchの新製品を出すといううわさを聞いた。私の日常の使用にはiPod touchがふさわしいと思う。電話機能は要らないから。私が新しいiPod touch を買って2番目の倅にiPhone4を譲ったらいいかもしれない。そうすれば家族メンバーに入れる。

12 July 2015

Eiken 2015 June-July

   On  5th July Sunday, I went to ShowaGakuen to sit for an oral exam of Eiken pri-first.
    Last month I took the written exam. After that I had waited the result, which I have informed in Internet on 19 June.
I was relieved, because I thought I was on borderline. At the writing question I was so nervous that my shoulder and arms were stiffened. I knew what I should write but it was hard to write down. I finished somehow. I am grateful for the examiners kindness to read my bad handwriting.

    On 19th I found my score of the writing the letter was 12 from 14. That’s nice. I had to prepare the oral exam after that.
    At the night before the oral exam I went to bed earlier than usual, at 9 o’clock. But I was confused when I woke up the next morning, it was 3 o’clock. It was too early.  I had long time to go to the exam.

    At ShowaGakuen high school there were approximately  50 people who sit for the exam.
    The exam took very short time, greeting, thinking a narration of a story of a cartoon of four frames for 1 minute, make narration of 2 minutes. and answering four questions. Probably within 10 minutes, it took.
    I floundered through the speech. Still the examiner was smiling and nodded at times. I don’t know my achievement was above the passing mark.

    I will make sure the result on 14 in Internet. I’m curious.

7月5日 日曜日 昭和学園に英検準1級の面接を受けに行った。



 8 July 2015