
I saw "The Case against 8"

 On 28 June I went to Fukuoka city to see a movie.
  I went to Nijiiro Mirai Cafe at Atago 1 chome in Fukuoka city. I left Hita at 11:30 am, on the way to there I accidentally got lost and waste one hour or more. I didn’t mean to go to Umi-machi.
That’t why I arrived at Atago at 3:30 pm. The screening had started already, I joined the audience halfway into the film. But after finished the owner kindly replayed for me from the beginning to catch up with.

    The movie’s title is “The Case Against 8” and the Japanese title is “Gender Marriage”.
It’s a documentary film about the legal fight against the proposition 8 which proposed by residents in California, had forbidden same-sex marriage.
   Honestly I’m not sure the law system of U.S. But it is overwhelmingly interesting.
   In this movie two gay and lesbian couples have sued the state governor of California.
   Before that the members of American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) had gotten mad and anxious for discrimination of gay and lesbian. One night a member met her acquaintance at a restaurant, the person told her Ted Olson might be interested in the lawsuit. She and other members couldn’t believe, but they thought if he might support them. Then Adam, one of the staff went to see him, to his amazement, Ted Olson said “Yes”.
   He is conservative and believes the marriage is a conservative value.
   Ted Olson and David Boies, the two attorneys, both great and old political foes at the presidential election of Bush v Gore, have made up a team. It caused controversy. The liberal person disliked Ted Olson. Adam was exhausted by the complaint from LGBT groups.
    Still they carried on.They worked together so hard.The two gay and lesbian couples testified that they loved each other and wanted to marry as same as other people.  The attorneys questioned if same-sex marriage would be allowed who would be suffered.
   It took four years before the two couples got married at the city center as the case of federal marriage equality.
   On this legal fight process many citizens paid attention. This movie has filmed the people both for and against.
   The people who are for think the right of marriage is one of civil rights. I saw a couple in the crowd around the court put up a sign which said “We used to be banned to marriage before”, the man liked like African American and the woman looked like Angro-Saxon. There is a history the inter-racial marriage was banned.
   The people who claim that marriage should be allowed between a man and a woman believe their god says so. I feel awful that religion makes people thoughtless.
   In Japan recently some municipal offices has started partnership proof.  Until same-same sex marriage will be allowed it may be a method like shelter in emergency.
   The man who was one of the accuser said he didn’t want to get the partnership proof. If he get it, he may admit he was second citizen. It is discrimination.
 I agree with his opinion, I hope Japanese law admit marriage equality soon.


29 June 2016


I saw "The True Cost"

  On 11 June I went to see a movie to Nakatsu city. The film meeting was held by the group “Earth Day Nakatsu”. 
     I saw “The True Cost”, which has revealed what going on behind the fashion industry.
     In U.S. the clothes people ware used to be produced by domestic factories but now 95% of clothes are produced in developing countries.
   The fast fashion companies seek the cheapest wage country to produce their clothes.That’s the reason why the garment factories are concentrated in Bangladesh. The garment workers are making clothes under cruel condition. Once the factory building had collapsed, hundreds of people were killed or injured. In Cambodia, some garment workers had established a labor union  and had got to the negotiating table with the owners, but they didn’t reach agreement, then, unbelievably, they locked the door and beaten the workers ―all female― with their fists, with the chairs, with the tables.
    The problem is not only the fact that the garment workers’ human rights are neglected, but also the extreme consumption hurts environment.
    So much waste of clothes are piled up and exhaust toxic gas. If you donate your clothes, it cause another problem, the majority of those clothes are exported to developing countries. One of the examples, in Haiti the charity clothes led the domestic fashion industry destroy. The employees of garment factory are not needed any more.
   This movie also has researched agriculture. Nowadays agribusiness is based on GMO seeds and so much chemical fertilizer and pesticide. The people who deals with agriculture are ruined their health and their children’s health.

   It looks like the people live in minority countries suck the benefit from majority countries. However it’s not true. Even if they look enjoying shopping, they are becoming poorer. Shopping is only compensation for their tough lives.

    I’ve learned the very few capita;its and stock holders gain benefit while rest of people are suffering.
    Still in fashion industry some designers have risen up to change the system, for example, “People Tree”, Stella McCartney.

   The advertisement makes us feel every thing “to dispose” not “to use”. The more stuff you have, the more you are happy. Actually to have many stuff isn’t equal to happiness.
    I’m scared brain washing. I’m obsessed by consumerism everyday.
    In this movie Vandana Shiva and Richard Wolff are pointing out what makes the world in this way. I will read their books.






    12 June 2015