On 10 July, I went to O** junior high school to attend the PTA meeting. At there I've heard a lecture with the students about the method of safety using of mobile phone.
The lecturer was a woman worked at NTTDocomo.
She talked about the danger in visiting the dating sites, or the bulletin boards which were generally called school unofficial sites.
She also warned not to contribute your personal data on the "Prof" sites to keep your life safe.
All the students had understood that making disparaging comments was a libel. But all of them had misunderstood how to describe was improper.
The lecturer asked the audience. "Do you think this posted message is proper? " The example: "The Oyama junior high school baseball club coach is so cool!
I wonder whether he has a steady girlfriend?"
A student judged it was improper and the rest of the students judged it was no problem.
The lecturer asked the boy student, why did he think it was improper, he replied he thought telling a lie was improper.
No student had understood, if you post the bulletin boards a proper noun, it might cause a bother to an organization or an individual.
I thought the feature of Internet including cell phone is that you can spread information widely with little efforts. It is not been learned actually by junior high school students.
I thought the students and parents ought to learn a lot about information literacy.
7月10日 オ**中学校のPTAに行きました。生徒たちと一緒に携帯電話を安全に使うための講演を聴きました。講師はNTTドコモの人でした。
講師は出会い系サイトや、学校裏サイトといわれる掲示板を利用することの危険性について話しました。 また、身を守るためにプロフに個人情報を載せないよう言いました。
講師が質問しました。「この書き込みはいいと思いますか?」 この例です 「大山中学校の野球部の監督チョーかっこいい。彼女おるんかなあ?」
12 July 2009
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