About Kindle
I've noticed an advertisement and an article about new Kindle.
This coming model has a future of speaking.
I have Kindle but Kindle for PC. After I installed the application software Kindle for PC, I've downloaded two contents,"Botchan" and "The book of tea" for nothing. I was glad 'cause I wanted to read them in English, and I couldn't buy them in my neighbor.
I haven't bought Kindle yet, but I want to buy one if I will be able to hear it read aloud. I don't know which works will be audible. I'm going to pay attention the information about Kindle.
If Japanese titles would be sold with sound data I had best buy one for my mother. Because my mother doesn't try to read any books or magazines or newspapers. She used to like to listen to me reading my Japanese textbook in my childhood. I expect she will enjoy listening to the books.
Nov.20 2010
report about "Waitress"
Impression report about "Waitress"
Jena was so sad having a bad husband. Her husband controlled her. He had no imagination how she felt.
She had been unhappy being tied bad husband not knowing how to escape from him. If I were in her shoes, I didn't know what to do.
She wanted to escape somewhere. But she didn't have enough money and she was pregnant.
She wanted to escape from her life, so she did love affair with her doctor. Still she hesitated to escape with him.
But her baby saved her. When she had born her girl baby, she declared her husband she wanted to divorce. Then she said good-bye to her lover.
Her baby saved her. But in fact, her baby just reflected her inner confidence lead by her mother's memory. Her mother had loved her so much. She remembered the lullaby "Baby, don't cry. Gonna make a pie".What she really is was strong and self-confident. Her baby had reminded her that.
Her friends supported her, especially an old male friend. He left her some money. She won the first prize at a pie contest. She could have a pie shop.
I was so impressed by great sisterhood, steady will. I love the heroine.
I want to recommend this movie to my daughter. But I've hesitated. She is fourteen years old. I wonder when is the proper age to watch the movie? Some making love scenes are embarrassing to recommend to low teens.
I'm going to recommend this movie to my daughter in two or three years.
I respect this movie's director. I'm so sorry that she had been killed after finished making this movie.
彼女の赤ん坊が彼女を救いました。でも実際は、彼女の赤ん坊は彼女の母親の記憶が作った彼女の内なる自信を反映しただけでした。彼女の母親は彼女のことをとても愛していました。「いい子、泣かないで。パイを作ろうね」と彼女に歌ってきかせたのを覚えていました。 本当の彼女は強くて自尊心がありました。彼女の赤ん坊はそれを思い出させてくれたのです。
この映画を娘にも勧めたいです。しかし、ためらいます。娘は14歳です。これを見るのはいくつが適当でしょうか? いくつかのラブシーンがあってローティーンに勧めるの派はちょっととためらわせます。
Nov. 18 2010
Jena was so sad having a bad husband. Her husband controlled her. He had no imagination how she felt.
She had been unhappy being tied bad husband not knowing how to escape from him. If I were in her shoes, I didn't know what to do.
She wanted to escape somewhere. But she didn't have enough money and she was pregnant.
She wanted to escape from her life, so she did love affair with her doctor. Still she hesitated to escape with him.
But her baby saved her. When she had born her girl baby, she declared her husband she wanted to divorce. Then she said good-bye to her lover.
Her baby saved her. But in fact, her baby just reflected her inner confidence lead by her mother's memory. Her mother had loved her so much. She remembered the lullaby "Baby, don't cry. Gonna make a pie".What she really is was strong and self-confident. Her baby had reminded her that.
Her friends supported her, especially an old male friend. He left her some money. She won the first prize at a pie contest. She could have a pie shop.
I was so impressed by great sisterhood, steady will. I love the heroine.
I want to recommend this movie to my daughter. But I've hesitated. She is fourteen years old. I wonder when is the proper age to watch the movie? Some making love scenes are embarrassing to recommend to low teens.
I'm going to recommend this movie to my daughter in two or three years.
I respect this movie's director. I'm so sorry that she had been killed after finished making this movie.
彼女の赤ん坊が彼女を救いました。でも実際は、彼女の赤ん坊は彼女の母親の記憶が作った彼女の内なる自信を反映しただけでした。彼女の母親は彼女のことをとても愛していました。「いい子、泣かないで。パイを作ろうね」と彼女に歌ってきかせたのを覚えていました。 本当の彼女は強くて自尊心がありました。彼女の赤ん坊はそれを思い出させてくれたのです。
この映画を娘にも勧めたいです。しかし、ためらいます。娘は14歳です。これを見るのはいくつが適当でしょうか? いくつかのラブシーンがあってローティーンに勧めるの派はちょっととためらわせます。
Nov. 18 2010
My last purchase
I've started reading "Their eyes watching God" last week.
I was recommended it from an ALT. We talked about "Precious" and I rent her my book "Push". She told me I probably would be pleased "Their eyes were watching God", And she said it was made into an movie,the Halle Berry was the leading actress.
I went to TSUTAYA in Hita to find the DVD, but I couldn't find out. I bought the book at AMAZON and started to read. I was surprised the writing. In the beginning I was puzzled. Then I noticed "Ah" might be "I", "dat" might be "that".After a while I was taught by another man it was ebonics and I might be able to find some ebonics dictionary in internet.
It will take long time to read the book through, but the heroine is so attractive that I want to read through the rest.
The other purchase are "Martin's Big Words"and"13sai karano eigo noto". I like the illustrator Bryan Collier. In that book I like the scene which Dr.King addressing in a church.He looks like strong and calm.The drawing is excellent. About "13 sai karano eigo noto",in fact I bought it for my daughter, but she said she didn't need it. So I read it now. I think it is good for English beginner, I'm going to read aloud this book little by little.
日田のつたやに行ってDVDを探しましたが、見つかりませんでした。それで本をアマゾンで買って読み始めました。表記のしかたに驚きました。始めは何がなにやら分かりませんでした。そして、AhはI のことで、dat はthatのことかなと気づきました。しばらくして、別の人にそれはエボニクスというアフリカンアメリカンの英語でインターネットでエボニクスの辞書もあるだろうと教えてもらいました。
13 Nov. 2010
I was recommended it from an ALT. We talked about "Precious" and I rent her my book "Push". She told me I probably would be pleased "Their eyes were watching God", And she said it was made into an movie,the Halle Berry was the leading actress.
I went to TSUTAYA in Hita to find the DVD, but I couldn't find out. I bought the book at AMAZON and started to read. I was surprised the writing. In the beginning I was puzzled. Then I noticed "Ah" might be "I", "dat" might be "that".After a while I was taught by another man it was ebonics and I might be able to find some ebonics dictionary in internet.
It will take long time to read the book through, but the heroine is so attractive that I want to read through the rest.
The other purchase are "Martin's Big Words"and"13sai karano eigo noto". I like the illustrator Bryan Collier. In that book I like the scene which Dr.King addressing in a church.He looks like strong and calm.The drawing is excellent. About "13 sai karano eigo noto",in fact I bought it for my daughter, but she said she didn't need it. So I read it now. I think it is good for English beginner, I'm going to read aloud this book little by little.
日田のつたやに行ってDVDを探しましたが、見つかりませんでした。それで本をアマゾンで買って読み始めました。表記のしかたに驚きました。始めは何がなにやら分かりませんでした。そして、AhはI のことで、dat はthatのことかなと気づきました。しばらくして、別の人にそれはエボニクスというアフリカンアメリカンの英語でインターネットでエボニクスの辞書もあるだろうと教えてもらいました。
13 Nov. 2010
skit at a culture festival
On Oct. 31 there was a culture festival of my daughter's junior high school.
My daughter's class played a skit. It was a story about Showa ira junior high students and modern students. It was full of educational mind.
At one scene which a boy received an e-mail on his cell phone, he said "babaa kara meru da". It was most impressive for me in the skit.
Several years ago, I realized the phrase "Babaa ga urusai." meant "My mother is meddler." Boys and girls use the word "babaa" as mother.There are some words refer to mother, "mama", "okaasan","hahaoya","ofukuro"and "babaa". They don't intend to insult their mothers. It is just a jargon. They use it in their company. Of course their mother aren't old ladies.
The scenario was written by their home room teacher. I guess she knows her students very well.
The skit has gotten the first prize. My daughter and her friends are very happy.
10月31日 娘の中学校の文化祭がありました。
6 Nov. 2010
My daughter's class played a skit. It was a story about Showa ira junior high students and modern students. It was full of educational mind.
At one scene which a boy received an e-mail on his cell phone, he said "babaa kara meru da". It was most impressive for me in the skit.
Several years ago, I realized the phrase "Babaa ga urusai." meant "My mother is meddler." Boys and girls use the word "babaa" as mother.There are some words refer to mother, "mama", "okaasan","hahaoya","ofukuro"and "babaa". They don't intend to insult their mothers. It is just a jargon. They use it in their company. Of course their mother aren't old ladies.
The scenario was written by their home room teacher. I guess she knows her students very well.
The skit has gotten the first prize. My daughter and her friends are very happy.
10月31日 娘の中学校の文化祭がありました。
6 Nov. 2010
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