On 23rd October, there was a sample fair of Green co-op at HitaKusu industrial development center.
The makers which trade their products with Green co-op gathered, and members tasted samples or received explanation.
I invited my neighbor and my daughter and went to there together. Many Green co-op members and their families and acquaintances participated.
We ate various foods. I liked baked dried mushrooms after soaking in water and restored.
I ate some bread and pastry made from domestic wheat flour, those were delicious.
I ate some kind of fried fish paste, which tasted good. Also grilled chicken, sausage, sardine and pickled vegetables were delicious.
I was explained about toilet paper and tissue paper made from recycled paper.
Also I had heard about cosmetics, which cosmetics should I use to care of my skin.
I tried nuts, buiscuits, and frozen pineapple and mango. Some of those I haven't bought yet. Those will be on the catalog in the future, I tried samples. I like Goto Udon, which run through my throat smoothly, so if it will be on the gift catalog, I'll choose it.
I ate a sunny-side up egg, which was laid from chicken raised up with domestic feed. It was nice.
I received a toilet roll and a pack of rice balls.
I was glad to see my neighbor also pleased with those products. I hope she will join Green co-op.
27 October 2011
Fukushima :why is it born the atmic village?

've read a very interesting book, "Fukushima :Why is it born the atomic village?" ,written by Hiroshi KAINUMA.
He describes the following facts and thoughts.
The local village, which has become --what they call --"happy" from having nuclear power plants.
With modernization and civilization, the disparity of urban cities and abandoned villages is increasing.
Before the nuclear power plants have built, the villages were already colonized, --military installations, coal mine, working away from home--.
If you say ,"It's dangerous", or "I pity local people", your view point is as same as promoters' who look from center.
The reality, even post 3・11 the candidate who is for the nuclear power plant is elected at there.
In this book, the author Hiroshi KAINUMA explains elaborately.
Though I'm not familiar with social study, I was shocked same as I had read "The study of sexy gals" written by Chizuko UENO.
There is a system that the government grant money to the municipal which accept nuclear plants.
I should remember the people couldn't help to depend on it.
By the way, I think Mr. Edano shouldn't refer to the resignation of the president of Kyusyu electric company. Because the emperor shown to have no clothes. That's we who support him and the company.
とても面白い本を読みました。開沼博の『フクシマ論 原子力ムラはなぜ生まれたのか』です。
近代化 文明化をよしとする国にあって、都市ととり残された地方の差は拡大
October 20th 2011
Back Home
On the other day I've read "Back home" written by Michelle Magorian.
During the World War 2 there were children of U.K. who evacuated to the U.S.
This is a story about a girl, one of them. After being evacuated five years, Rusty came back home to Britain. She suffered as finding nowhere feeling her place in her family.
As same as her, her mother bewildered because her daughter grown up a stranger. With suffering both of them become understanding each other little by little.
It was so thought-provoking book.
How are the children around Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. I had an idea that I can accept two evacuates, because two of my four children had left home.
But actually it is stressful for a child separated from his/her family. I don't know which is better the risk and another risk of falling ill in the future from exposing to the radioactive material internal organs.
17 October 2011
During the World War 2 there were children of U.K. who evacuated to the U.S.
This is a story about a girl, one of them. After being evacuated five years, Rusty came back home to Britain. She suffered as finding nowhere feeling her place in her family.
As same as her, her mother bewildered because her daughter grown up a stranger. With suffering both of them become understanding each other little by little.
It was so thought-provoking book.
How are the children around Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. I had an idea that I can accept two evacuates, because two of my four children had left home.
But actually it is stressful for a child separated from his/her family. I don't know which is better the risk and another risk of falling ill in the future from exposing to the radioactive material internal organs.
17 October 2011
My mother's moving
On last Sunday, my third-eldest son, my daughter, and I went to Kagoshima pref. First, we dropped in Kagoshima city, where I picked up my second-eldest son. Then we went to Kaseda, Minamisatsuma city.
In the end of last month, my mother was released from the hospital after three years. Her doctor didn’t allow her live alone. My brother found a institution that to be open on September in Kaseda.
My mother agreed, and she moved in the institution.
This institution named “Casa Branka” is a complexed institution, which has 24 apartment houses rent for only advanced years, 29 care homes, and day services including short-stay for 25 persons.
My mother seemed not adapted there yet.
My mother’s apartment is in the first floor, faced a small garden, there are bed-room, and living-room. There are also bathroom, restroom, and kitchen. In the bathroom, restroom and bed-side there are call buttons. If any emergency, a stuff will come.
She can cook her meals or can take meals at the restaurant of the institution.
I brought a prepaid cell phone because I had been asked by my brother to talk my mother into using a cell phone. I showed her how to use it. The prepaid phone is available to next April, so until then she can think about her new cell phone. She seemed to be very confused for it was her first experience using a cell phone. I expect she would become familiar day by day.
Her apartment is located in town, which is convenient for for shopping or going for a walk. But she isn’t trying to go out yet.
She used to be active and an earnest worker. I can’t be adapted the gap between who she was in the old days and who she is now.
Maybe also my brother, his family and other relatives can’t.
Still she is out of hospital, she isn’t sick now. I had best not demand her more.
5th October 2011
In the end of last month, my mother was released from the hospital after three years. Her doctor didn’t allow her live alone. My brother found a institution that to be open on September in Kaseda.
My mother agreed, and she moved in the institution.
This institution named “Casa Branka” is a complexed institution, which has 24 apartment houses rent for only advanced years, 29 care homes, and day services including short-stay for 25 persons.
My mother seemed not adapted there yet.
My mother’s apartment is in the first floor, faced a small garden, there are bed-room, and living-room. There are also bathroom, restroom, and kitchen. In the bathroom, restroom and bed-side there are call buttons. If any emergency, a stuff will come.
She can cook her meals or can take meals at the restaurant of the institution.
I brought a prepaid cell phone because I had been asked by my brother to talk my mother into using a cell phone. I showed her how to use it. The prepaid phone is available to next April, so until then she can think about her new cell phone. She seemed to be very confused for it was her first experience using a cell phone. I expect she would become familiar day by day.
Her apartment is located in town, which is convenient for for shopping or going for a walk. But she isn’t trying to go out yet.
She used to be active and an earnest worker. I can’t be adapted the gap between who she was in the old days and who she is now.
Maybe also my brother, his family and other relatives can’t.
Still she is out of hospital, she isn’t sick now. I had best not demand her more.
5th October 2011
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