've read a very interesting book, "Fukushima :Why is it born the atomic village?" ,written by Hiroshi KAINUMA.
He describes the following facts and thoughts.
The local village, which has become --what they call --"happy" from having nuclear power plants.
With modernization and civilization, the disparity of urban cities and abandoned villages is increasing.
Before the nuclear power plants have built, the villages were already colonized, --military installations, coal mine, working away from home--.
If you say ,"It's dangerous", or "I pity local people", your view point is as same as promoters' who look from center.
The reality, even post 3・11 the candidate who is for the nuclear power plant is elected at there.
In this book, the author Hiroshi KAINUMA explains elaborately.
Though I'm not familiar with social study, I was shocked same as I had read "The study of sexy gals" written by Chizuko UENO.
There is a system that the government grant money to the municipal which accept nuclear plants.
I should remember the people couldn't help to depend on it.
By the way, I think Mr. Edano shouldn't refer to the resignation of the president of Kyusyu electric company. Because the emperor shown to have no clothes. That's we who support him and the company.
とても面白い本を読みました。開沼博の『フクシマ論 原子力ムラはなぜ生まれたのか』です。
近代化 文明化をよしとする国にあって、都市ととり残された地方の差は拡大
October 20th 2011
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