There was a monthly meeting of our neighborhood council on 28 October.
We discussed which matter should we submit to the municipality as our request through the local community.
We discussed and agreed six requests. Half of them were about safety traffic.
One of them is about so-called “demand bus”. Our neighbor exists far from central area of the city.
The person who has no car or no driver’s license must go by taxi. We hope the city start the demand bus system using the micro bus for the elementary school and high school students. If we can get to the branch office of city hall, we can get on a regular bus for the town from there.
Another one is about library bus. Our neighbor is far from public library. Children and senior citizen who can’t drive aren’t able to go to library.
We hope the library bus come to our district once or twice a month. If the library bus will deliver books I want to read, I will be so happy after I will have given up my driver’s license.
Others are for streetlights and for traffic safety.
I have submitted it to our local community chairman. He will prioritize all the request from each neighborhood.
I wish the demand bus and library bus will be implemented someday.
10月28日 地元の班の月例の集まりがあった。
Nov.10 2013
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