
To prevent "Ore-Ore" fraud

To prevent “Ore-Ore” fraud

 I’ve read an article on Gemalto blog. I haven’t known about Gemalto, which is a Dutch company selling so much SIM card worldwide.

The article published on 19 Feb. 2015 is so interesting.


I’ve heard about “Ore-Ore” fraud from security information mailing list. Someone pretending targets’s son. And ask send him money, ‘cause he had made serious mistake at his office or something. He blurs his identity telling he has gotten cold or crying so badly. There are some seniors who worry her son and send wad of cash.

I haven’t heard such swindlers who pretend someone’s daughter. Maybe, usually daughters don’t call their parents, “It’s Ore”.
Anyway, according to the article, when you make an ATM withdrawal, a message can be sent to your authorized person’s mobile for verification.
It’s a smart method. If you have someone trust.

Someday I might adopt that way. But basically I’ll accept an application for borrowing money  by e-mail or document. If he is really my son, he should know my e-mail address or real dwellings.

Anyway it is interesting that one action automatically send message. If I will need nursing, it would be helpful.


Gemalto のブログを読んだ。Gemalto のことは知らなかったけれど世界中でSIMカードを販売している会社だ。





22  Feb. 2015


I've read Ayako Sono's op-ed.


Recently I noticed an argument about Ms. Ayako Sono’s op-ed on Sankei newspaper.

In this contribution, She wrote she agreed to the acceptance of foreign workers as the carers , but insisted to let them live apart.Then she suggested an example of an apartment in Johannesburg. She mentioned in the apartment house black people lived together in an apartment too many to afford water. Afterward white people moved out.

 She stated her opinion that immigrant’s dwellings should be separated.

I don’t think her opinion is adequate. If there was some inconvenient in Johannesburg, it was completely another matter. Why she concluded such an opinion. She may have had that opinion already.

Her opinion reminds me the gated community.  Maybe, there  are some person who called celebrity prefer to live specialized safe house.

She might be condemned by many people who appreciate human rights. I think this case should be taken on the textbook of moral education
to consider in both shoes.

最近 曾野綾子氏の産経新聞への寄稿をめぐっての論争を知った。






15 Feb. 2015


I have offset the loss.

  On last Saturday, in the morning I had an appointment to see the dentist. I made my teeth clean.
     After that I did some errands. At the end, I went to Sanki.
    I went to look up two pieces of curtain or door curtain. In my house there were two small windows, which I put on the door curtain and Micky Mouse towel temporary.  When I had moved to this house, I couldn’t find suitable curtain for those windows. So I put the two temporary.

    Now I thought I should change those two cloths. I went to Sanki, and I looked through the interior corner. There were not so much curtain for small windows.
   Then I found the cloths for curtain. Those were cheap. The products curtain or door curtain cost one thousand five hundred yen or more. The cloths cost four hundred seventy yen.

    I bought a piece of cloths for curtain and a pole. then went home.
    I cut the cloth into the window size, then sewed the edges. On the top, I folded twice, once 5 mm from edge then folded 5 cm from it. And sewed to as I get into a pole. Then the bottom edge I folded twice 5 mm from the edge then sewed, and both side, I folded once 5 mm then sewed.
     In this way I’ve made two pieces of curtain. To be honest, I made one perfectly, but the other I haven’t finished the bottom edge. Anyway I put those on the windows.

    I was satisfied. If I bought two pieces of product curtain, it might cost about three thousand yen. As I mede by myself, it cost about six hundred yen. I felt relieved, I felt like a kind of compensation.

    What do I mean compensation?  I should explain a silly experience I made in last month.
  In the end of winter holiday, I took my daughter to Saga city. On my way back home I dropped in a gas station.
   There were self supplying equipments. I was not sure how much it would cost, so I put in four thousand yen.
  I filled fuel, the price appeared about 2500 yen. But that machine didn’t have exit of change money. I looked around. Over there I saw a machine for paying change. I went up it, read the explanation. I put my receipt on the trey for read barcode, then coins came out. I grabbed the coins and left.
   On the way home, I reflect myself, I felt something weird. I put into four 1000 yen bill. And got coins, - - - I should get one thousand bill, I forgot it.

  I didn’t know about such system. In Hita city, there are men at self gas station. I live in countryside, so I’m not familiar with newest system.
I was shocked. Exactly the price was not the matter. I have found out that I couldn’t adapt to the modern technology. Disgusting!
 The older I become, the less I can recognize modern technology. That’s the reason I felt unhappy.

  Because of making curtain by myself, I saved more than two thousand yen. Though I thought that the price was not the matter, I was pleased that I had offset the loss.





埋め合わせとはどういう意味か? 先月のばかな経験を説明しないといけない。
帰り道、思い返して何かへんな感じがした。1000円札4枚入れた、百円玉を取った ‥ ‥1000円札も取らなくちゃいけなかった。忘れてた。



11Feb. 2015


I've read "the philosophy for a return journey".

I’ve read “The philosophy for a return journey”  by Katsumi Hirasawa.

In this book, he recommends to rethink the 17 articles of constitution written by Shoutoku Taishi. And writes down the article 10.

I look into this site : http://home.c07.itscom.net/sampei/17ken/17ken.html

Stop the resentment, throw your anger. Don’t get angry because they don’t obey you. Each men has each mind. Each mind occupies itself with each concern. He is he and not me. I am I and not he. I am not always holy priest. He is not always stupid. Both of us are average person. If it was not truth, what else could be. We are as same as wise and stupid. Like a ring has no end. Though he happens to get angry with others for this reason. Look back on your faults. Even if you are confident in yourself, follow the community and do as they do.

I used to recognize Shoutoku Taishi just said harmony is the matter. But I’ve learned he emphasized the diversity which we should based on, and he recommended us to make our best to discuss for the goal.
 Katsumi Hirakawa describes how we should behave as an adult in his book. I am short of tolerance or wisdom. 
I think this book is good for high school library. I won’t be surprised when I will see a part of this in a entrance examination sentence someday.





十 絶忿棄瞋。不怒人違。人皆有心。心各有執。彼是則我非。我是則彼非。我必非聖。彼必非愚。共是凡夫耳。是非之理  能可定。相共賢愚。如鐶无端。是以彼人雖瞋。還恐我失。我獨雖得。従衆同擧。
絶忿棄瞋。       いきどおりを絶ちいかりを捨て。
不怒人違。       人が従わないことを怒らない。
心各有執。      人には皆それぞれの心が有ります。
心各有執。      心は各人思いとらわれるところが有ります。
彼是則我非。   彼は我では無く。
我是則彼非。  我は彼では無い。
我必非聖。     我も必ずしも物事の道理に通じた者では無い。
彼必非愚。     彼も必ずしも愚か者では無い。
共是凡夫耳。  共に凡夫なばかりです。
是非之理  能可定。これが道理で無くて、どんな定めが出来ようか。
相共賢愚。     お互いに道理に通じた者でもあり愚か者でもある。
如鐶无端。     まるで金輪に端が無いように。
還恐我失。     顧みて我がしくじりが無いか心配しなさい。
我獨雖得。    我一人が適任と考えても。
従衆同擧。    皆に合わせて同じ様に用いなさい。

1 Feb. 2015