I was looking forward to the Aso Rock Festival. It was held just yesterday at Aso Aspecta.
I’ve noticed the event in March. The association of the festival was asking for donation in Makuake site. The Makuake is a website that organize the person who need fund to do something with the person who support that.
There were various corse, I offered the 6000yen corse a set of consent ticket and a towel with autograph of Izumiya Shigel.
They told me to get the parking lot ticket by Lawson ticket service. So I went to the Lawson behind Hita station to buy the parking ticket at 9 May.
Then I hung the Lawson’s envelope on the wall, where I usually hang some tickets I will need near future.
In the previous night, I packed my belongings into a rucksack.,a round fan, a towel, two kinds of snack. a 2-little-bottle of water, a sheet, and the parking ticket. I unhooked the Lawson’s envelope. I opened it, and I found myself absurd. I treasured an empty envelope. I recollected that the salesperson gave me the envelope and three receipt, two of them were saved but I cast the longest one which I thought to be unnecessary. I imagined a ticket was in the envelope.
In the next morning, I went to Lawson to ask if I could get a parking ticket. A kind salesperson inquired so perseveringly, but the Aso rock festival’s ticket were no longer available.
I went to Aso aspect, and asked the person in charge parking cars. He told me go to a tent to get a ticket for temporary lot.
I bought it and parked my car in the Sonmin ground, It was far from Aspecta, accordingly people who parked their cars there got on the shuttle bus.
The parking space that I had bought the ticket once was in front of the entrance gate. I regretted.
The festival was tremendously engrossing! It rained hard, so I was soaked to the skin. I had brought a pocketable raincoat but it was not so much useful.
The performer was Mongol800, Every-little-thing, Suchadarapah, Chatmonchi, KyaryPamyuPamyu, Tokyo-Skaparadise-orckestra, and Izumiya Shigeru band. Kuma-Mon also came.
Mongol800 sung a new tune, named “Himeyuri”, it recollected me the Henoko fight,
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu performed with six girls. The girls were all shorter than her, in immaculate white angel costume. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu was also in white, her culottes was shiny. Their performance was like ballet, technically composed the choreography. She was distinguished. I admire the Baby Metal and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, they construct highly their original world. I was lucky to see Kyary Pamyu pamyu’s live concert. I wish to see Baby Metal some day,
I had weathered the heavy rain to see Tokyo Skaparadise Oeckestra. They were incredibly cool and powerful, they were playing their instruments with pivoting, flying and jumping. I wish to listen and see their live performance again.
Izumiya Shigeru asked the audience if they want to come to this rock festival next year, and they replied yes. I expect it become true.
Fortunately I sat beside a woman and her daughter. They wore a raincoat and a rain poncho on it. Double rainwear was effective, she said. I have learned it. She was a comfortable person and looked like being familiar with music festival. We mutually said good-bye and see you next year.
On the way home driving winding road in foggy night exhausted me.
出演者はモンゴル800 エブリリトルシング、スチャダラパー、チャットモンチー、きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ、東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ、泉谷しげるバンドだった。くまモンも来た。
モンゴル800は新曲『ひめゆり 』を歌った。辺野古の闘いのことを思った。
きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅは6人の女の子と一緒に演じた。みんなきゃりーぱみゅぱみゅより小さくて真っ白な天使コスチュームを着ていた。きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅも白い 衣装でキュロットは光る素材だった。バレエのように技巧的な振り付けだった。際立っている。ベビーメタルときゃりーぱみゅぱみゅはすごいなあと思う。どちらも独自の世界を作り上げている。きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅのライブを見られて幸運だった。いつかベビーメタルも見たい。
May 31 2015
Driving modestly
From April 8 to May 6, I have set a drive counter in my car.”Drive counter” is a device to measure how you drive a car fuel consumption efficiently.
I borrowed it from Sony Insurance company. Sony Insurance company offer customers the cheaper fee according to their driving tendency. If the customer drives without heavy braking or quick accelerating, the drive counter shows good point.
My score was bad. If I enter a contract with Sony Sonpo, I will get no discount.
I think the person who drives modestly may cause to fewer traffic accident than the person luck of attention.
Thus I appreciate this insurance rate rational.
I truly hope I will be able to drive modestly enough to make a contact with Sony Sonpo with getting discount.
I have not be able to drive smoothly for the life of me thus far, but I know driving modestly will reduce my expenditure.
This motivate me well.
The high school I work for has changed the school schedule to trimester. Until last school year it has semesters.
In Oita prefecture trimester high schools are much more than semester schools.
If we plan something to do with other schools’ students, it become easier to make arrangement the date.
20 May 2015
I borrowed it from Sony Insurance company. Sony Insurance company offer customers the cheaper fee according to their driving tendency. If the customer drives without heavy braking or quick accelerating, the drive counter shows good point.
My score was bad. If I enter a contract with Sony Sonpo, I will get no discount.
I think the person who drives modestly may cause to fewer traffic accident than the person luck of attention.
Thus I appreciate this insurance rate rational.
I truly hope I will be able to drive modestly enough to make a contact with Sony Sonpo with getting discount.
I have not be able to drive smoothly for the life of me thus far, but I know driving modestly will reduce my expenditure.
This motivate me well.
The high school I work for has changed the school schedule to trimester. Until last school year it has semesters.
In Oita prefecture trimester high schools are much more than semester schools.
If we plan something to do with other schools’ students, it become easier to make arrangement the date.
20 May 2015
impressed by Szanne Ma and John Mung
Today I watched the Suzanne Ma’s presentation on TED.
She talks about the empathy and complacency.
She declares she doesn’t like the word “outsider”, because it automatically implies that someone doesn’t belong. So she began to perceive them as newcomers, very different from her.
She recommends us to be a newcomer. Go talk to a stranger,if you see a new face in the room, be the first. Meeting someone new could be the start of an extraordinary friendship. With all new friends you gonna learn a lot new things.
Her speech is worth to listen repeatedly, so I put the clip in the list easy to reach.
I have known her name as the author of “Meet me in Venice”, which is a non-fiction about the Chinese migrants who have migrated to Europe.I want to read this book.
I have borrowed a book of another pioneer’s book coincidently. The “Japanese first manual of English conversation by John Mung”.
This shows the basic English conversation which John Mung wrote for the Edo shogunate and his life.
I have known how neat his writing was and how splendid his his achievements was. I wish I had known this book at last August. Because at that time the high school students had a reading activity about John Mung by the book “Heart of Samurai” written by Margi Preus.
This book should have been helpful.
I have no experience living abroad and I don’t know how difficult to understand different culture. But I admire those people who pioneer new world.
I am lucky to know these two books at the same time.
今日 スザンヌ・マーのTEDのプレゼンテーションを見た。
ジョン万次郎の筆跡がどれほど見事だったか、それにどれほど業績があったのかを知った。昨年の8月にこの本を知っていればなあ、と思う。そのときにマギー・プロイス著『ジョン万次郎 海を渡ったサムライ魂』という本で高校生が読書会をしたから。この本があったら役に立っただろうに。
5 May 2015
5 May 2015
the movie "Pride"
On 3 May after I took part in the meeting to study the Constitution, I went to the movie “Pride”
I had been looking forward to watch it. The actors of the coal miners and their wives, the guys and lesbians were attractive. The atmosphere between the union people and the guys and lesbians group are so impressed.
And the party scene, they were dancing with their figures beamed with joy.
In a scene they gathered to conference room, a lady stood up and started to sing so beautifully. The song was “Bread and Roses”. We live for bread but also something beautiful. I thought only that scene it was like musical movie. I didn’t follow who the lady was. But her song was impressed.
It was a very acceptable movie. There were fight against the policy, or prejudice or betrayal or discrimination, whereas there were so much love and mutual understanding and hope.
I want to see this movie again or more.
会議の部屋に集まっている場面で、ある女の人が立ち上がってものすごい美声で歌い始めた。曲は「ブレッド アンド ローズ」。人はパンのために生きる、それだけじゃなく何か美しいもののために。この場面だけミュージカル映画のように思えた。この女の人が何の役なのかわからなかった。でも、彼女の歌は強く心に残った。
4 May 2015
I had been looking forward to watch it. The actors of the coal miners and their wives, the guys and lesbians were attractive. The atmosphere between the union people and the guys and lesbians group are so impressed.
And the party scene, they were dancing with their figures beamed with joy.
In a scene they gathered to conference room, a lady stood up and started to sing so beautifully. The song was “Bread and Roses”. We live for bread but also something beautiful. I thought only that scene it was like musical movie. I didn’t follow who the lady was. But her song was impressed.
It was a very acceptable movie. There were fight against the policy, or prejudice or betrayal or discrimination, whereas there were so much love and mutual understanding and hope.
I want to see this movie again or more.
会議の部屋に集まっている場面で、ある女の人が立ち上がってものすごい美声で歌い始めた。曲は「ブレッド アンド ローズ」。人はパンのために生きる、それだけじゃなく何か美しいもののために。この場面だけミュージカル映画のように思えた。この女の人が何の役なのかわからなかった。でも、彼女の歌は強く心に残った。
4 May 2015
a lecture of the Constitution
On 3 May, I went to Oita city.
There was a meeting to study the Constitution on the anniversary. I went to there to take a lecture by the lawyer Hajime Kawaguchi.
I had not studied about the trial at Nagoya High Court whether the Self-Defense Forces’ operation in Iraqi against the Constitution of Japan.
The judgment was against the Constitution and the Act on special measures for Sending Forces to Iraqi.
The plaintiff including Mr.Kawaguchi piled up the facts how the Self-Degence Forces had supported U.S. Army in great detail.
We watched the DVD which was adopted as an evidence, that had contained how the children and citizen in Iraqi suffered by U.S. Army’s bombing.
Self-Defense Forces had supported transportation of the troops, it was a part of military operation.
Thanks to the lucid argument, I have understood the reason of the judgement.
The trial has done in 2008. But he concerns about the Abe cabinet is going to send the Self-Defense Forces anywhere he directs.
All the people who have heard his lecture also concern. Me,absolutely worry about it.
In March 2015, I have read some articles that Iraqi government launched a massive military operation to recapture Tikrit besieging the city.
I have no idea when and how the Iraqi government and Pro-Shiite and ISIL will reach the agreement. I’m afraid more people and children are going to die.
Until now the article9 has prevented us involving war. I hope Japan would act the cease-fire mediation.
By the way, I was surprised when I arrived at the entrance where the lecture was held.
It seemed over aged-70 of the average of people at there including me. There were many senior citizens. A group was asking to sign a petitin to support to demand not to decrease the pension.
I have surprised because I have read the comic ‘the Era youth are being slaved” by Sharin Yamano the day before the previous day.
I have admit his opinion here and there, and partly confused at some points. He argues that the elder people suck younger people’s welfare about the pension system. I think it is not the senior citizen’s intension. The pension system used to be reserve financing scheme in the beginning. Now it has changed to unfunded method; intergenerational support. I hope him hate the system not the elder people.
In the comic, the author recommends the young people to involve social activity but alerts them to be careful not to engage senior group who cares only their benefit. If he had been there, he might have hate the people who declare “Save our pension”.
There should be various people, despite their age some people dedicate for public benefit.
5月3日 大分市に行った。憲法記念日に憲法を考える集会があった。弁護士 川口 創さんの講演を聞きに行った。
裁判で証拠として採用されたDVDを見た、それにはイラクの子ども 達、市民がどれほど米軍の空爆に苦しんでいるかを収録してあった。自衛隊は米軍兵士の輸送を受け持ったがそれは軍事行動の一部だった。
2015年3月イラクの政府軍がチクリッとを包囲し奪還する大規模は軍事作戦を行うという記事をいくつか読んだ。いつ、どうやって、政府、 親シーア派、ISILが合意に至るのか全然わからない。それまでにさらに多くの人々や子ども達が亡くなるんじゃなかろうか。
3 May 2015
There was a meeting to study the Constitution on the anniversary. I went to there to take a lecture by the lawyer Hajime Kawaguchi.
I had not studied about the trial at Nagoya High Court whether the Self-Defense Forces’ operation in Iraqi against the Constitution of Japan.
The judgment was against the Constitution and the Act on special measures for Sending Forces to Iraqi.
The plaintiff including Mr.Kawaguchi piled up the facts how the Self-Degence Forces had supported U.S. Army in great detail.
We watched the DVD which was adopted as an evidence, that had contained how the children and citizen in Iraqi suffered by U.S. Army’s bombing.
Self-Defense Forces had supported transportation of the troops, it was a part of military operation.
Thanks to the lucid argument, I have understood the reason of the judgement.
The trial has done in 2008. But he concerns about the Abe cabinet is going to send the Self-Defense Forces anywhere he directs.
All the people who have heard his lecture also concern. Me,absolutely worry about it.
In March 2015, I have read some articles that Iraqi government launched a massive military operation to recapture Tikrit besieging the city.
I have no idea when and how the Iraqi government and Pro-Shiite and ISIL will reach the agreement. I’m afraid more people and children are going to die.
Until now the article9 has prevented us involving war. I hope Japan would act the cease-fire mediation.
By the way, I was surprised when I arrived at the entrance where the lecture was held.
It seemed over aged-70 of the average of people at there including me. There were many senior citizens. A group was asking to sign a petitin to support to demand not to decrease the pension.
I have surprised because I have read the comic ‘the Era youth are being slaved” by Sharin Yamano the day before the previous day.
I have admit his opinion here and there, and partly confused at some points. He argues that the elder people suck younger people’s welfare about the pension system. I think it is not the senior citizen’s intension. The pension system used to be reserve financing scheme in the beginning. Now it has changed to unfunded method; intergenerational support. I hope him hate the system not the elder people.
In the comic, the author recommends the young people to involve social activity but alerts them to be careful not to engage senior group who cares only their benefit. If he had been there, he might have hate the people who declare “Save our pension”.
There should be various people, despite their age some people dedicate for public benefit.
5月3日 大分市に行った。憲法記念日に憲法を考える集会があった。弁護士 川口 創さんの講演を聞きに行った。
裁判で証拠として採用されたDVDを見た、それにはイラクの子ども 達、市民がどれほど米軍の空爆に苦しんでいるかを収録してあった。自衛隊は米軍兵士の輸送を受け持ったがそれは軍事行動の一部だった。
2015年3月イラクの政府軍がチクリッとを包囲し奪還する大規模は軍事作戦を行うという記事をいくつか読んだ。いつ、どうやって、政府、 親シーア派、ISILが合意に至るのか全然わからない。それまでにさらに多くの人々や子ども達が亡くなるんじゃなかろうか。
3 May 2015
Pulling the weeds
On 29 Apr. as it was cloudy and I had no appointment, I pulled the weeds and pruned in my small garden.
Though I worked only two hours or less, I was tired and I lay back and listening podcast for a while.
In the early evening I went to the hot spring. I had given the free ticket as a reward for helping the plum blossom festival in March. and it was going to expire on the last of April. That was why I went to the hot spring.
I had a good time, the hot bubble bath and sauna relaxed my muscles. Yes, I felt at that time.
After two days, my back was sore, the whole surface was like a plate. Almost all the day time I felt the plate on my back. How do I deal with my garden? Working only fifteen minutes a day will be adequate?
Anyway I’m glad the pain vanished after that.
4月29日 曇っていて出かける予定もなかったので、小さな庭の草を取って枝を切った。
その2日後、背中一面が一枚の板のようだった。ほぼ日中ずっと背中が板みたいだった。庭をどうすればいいんだろう? 1日15分だけやるくらいがいいんだろうか?
1 May 2015
Though I worked only two hours or less, I was tired and I lay back and listening podcast for a while.
In the early evening I went to the hot spring. I had given the free ticket as a reward for helping the plum blossom festival in March. and it was going to expire on the last of April. That was why I went to the hot spring.
I had a good time, the hot bubble bath and sauna relaxed my muscles. Yes, I felt at that time.
After two days, my back was sore, the whole surface was like a plate. Almost all the day time I felt the plate on my back. How do I deal with my garden? Working only fifteen minutes a day will be adequate?
Anyway I’m glad the pain vanished after that.
4月29日 曇っていて出かける予定もなかったので、小さな庭の草を取って枝を切った。
その2日後、背中一面が一枚の板のようだった。ほぼ日中ずっと背中が板みたいだった。庭をどうすればいいんだろう? 1日15分だけやるくらいがいいんだろうか?
1 May 2015
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