
a lecture of the Constitution

On 3 May, I went to Oita city.
There was a meeting to study the Constitution on the anniversary. I went to there to take a lecture by the lawyer Hajime Kawaguchi.

 I had not studied about the trial at Nagoya  High Court whether the Self-Defense Forces’ operation in Iraqi against the Constitution of Japan.
 The judgment was against the Constitution and the Act on special measures for Sending Forces to Iraqi.
The plaintiff including Mr.Kawaguchi piled up the facts how the Self-Degence Forces had supported U.S. Army in great detail.
We watched the DVD which was adopted as an evidence, that had contained how the children and citizen in Iraqi suffered by U.S. Army’s bombing.
Self-Defense Forces had supported transportation of the troops, it was a part of military operation.

Thanks to the  lucid argument, I have understood the reason of the judgement.

The trial has done in 2008. But he concerns about the Abe cabinet is going to send the Self-Defense Forces anywhere he directs.
 All the people who have heard his lecture also concern. Me,absolutely worry about it.

In March 2015, I have read some articles that Iraqi government launched a massive military operation to recapture Tikrit besieging the city.
I have no idea when and how the Iraqi government and Pro-Shiite and ISIL will reach the agreement. I’m afraid more people and children are going to die.

Until now the article9 has prevented us involving war. I hope Japan would act the cease-fire mediation.

By the way, I was surprised when I arrived at the entrance where the lecture was held.
It seemed over aged-70 of the average of people at there including me. There were many senior citizens. A group was asking to sign a petitin to support to demand not to decrease the pension.

I have surprised because I have read the comic ‘the Era youth are being slaved” by Sharin Yamano the day before the previous day.
I have admit his opinion here and there, and partly confused at some points. He argues that the elder people suck younger people’s welfare about the pension system. I think it is not the senior citizen’s intension. The pension system used to be reserve financing scheme in the beginning. Now it has changed to unfunded method; intergenerational support. I hope him hate the system not the elder people.
In the comic, the author recommends the young people to involve social activity but alerts them to be careful not to engage senior group who cares only their benefit. If he had been there, he might have hate the people who declare “Save our pension”.

There should be various people, despite their age some people dedicate for public benefit.

5月3日 大分市に行った。憲法記念日に憲法を考える集会があった。弁護士 川口 創さんの講演を聞きに行った。

裁判で証拠として採用されたDVDを見た、それにはイラクの子ども 達、市民がどれほど米軍の空爆に苦しんでいるかを収録してあった。自衛隊は米軍兵士の輸送を受け持ったがそれは軍事行動の一部だった。


2015年3月イラクの政府軍がチクリッとを包囲し奪還する大規模は軍事作戦を行うという記事をいくつか読んだ。いつ、どうやって、政府、 親シーア派、ISILが合意に至るのか全然わからない。それまでにさらに多くの人々や子ども達が亡くなるんじゃなかろうか。





3 May 2015

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