
note #FLlearnenglish

Now I’m at the 6th week of Future Learning Exploring English. Such a good time I have not expected leaning English.
I should note the comments I’ve posted so as not to forget.

(Week 3)
Something about my countryside
I live in Kyushu island,Japan. My house stands in a small village.There is no restaurant,no shopping mall,no hospital. You may say it's inconvenient, yes, but I love the tranquility. 
About two hour's drive takes me Aso volcano and meadow. 
In spring I enjoy ume and cherry blossom. Before farmers plant young rice they fill water the paddies,the surface reflects blue sky, and frogs are noisy in the evening. 
In autumn the leaves turn to red and yellow.The bell crickets sing at night. In winter, though I don't like coldness, the stars are brilliant in the night. 
The climate is not gentle in summer and in winter. I complain about it. Anyway it makes me happy when spring and autumn come.

(Week 4)
My knowledge about Shakespeare
I don't know much about Shakespeare's play. In my favorite novel & movie "Dead Poets Society", a boy played Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It was very impressive. 
O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? 
I know just he wrote many excellent plays for his own theatrical company.

About some characters from literature who have challenged ideas about women’s roles in society
These novels come to my mind: Color Purple,Their Eyes were Watching Gods, Push,My Antonia, Room, Catsle in the Air, and The Only Neat Things to Do. 
Some good female poets have had an impact, for example, Akiko Yosano, Noriko Ibaragi, Rin Ishigaki, Machi Tawara. I think many women have been encouraged by their works.

About ‘anniversary’ events
I think the anniversary events are kind of helpful to inform people about the author. 
My favorite author Roald Dahl was born in 1916. I expect his new biography or anecdote will be in public. 

About Japanese books which I recommend
The writer i think best describes my country or culture? Hmm, do I recommend someone from modern writers, not Tale of Genji, or Lafcadio Hearn? 
Does anyone have read Otsuichi? He has many fan in young generation. He writes roughly two type of novels. One is so scary, dreadful, and the other is so heartwarming.His novels are translated in English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Thai and Korean.Please look for any copy at your regional library. 
If you are a Sci-Fi fan, you may like Project Itoh. I recommend "Harmony". I was surprised at the beginning of the novel, the description of 'etml', it looked like html. The three girls struggle to survive it the super harmonized society. You can read it in English. 
If you are a mystery fan, you may like Miyuki Miyabe. She has written many books for juvenile and for adult. "All She was Worth" is the book I have read her novel at the first time. I was so touched by the degree of completion. It is translated in English.

(Week 5)
The environment and me
I drive to my work place. Because there is no public transportation. So I bought a energy efficient small car, and drive as steady as possible. I set solar panel on my roof about 17 years ago, though it was not inexpensive at that time.I want to prevent the global warming. 
Almost all people have heard about global warming. The appliances, cars, and houses are sold with advertisements which emphasize those energy efficiency.

Why I think taking care of environment is important
I’m going to talk why I think taking care of the environment is important. I live in Japan. After World War Ⅱ it has become an industrial country.While the progress the nature resources have been consumed mindlessly.It cause some pollution, increase of CO2 emission, and damage to eco-system. 

While the process, not many citizen was aware of the irremediable error.
Now various reports has brought to citizen so that we shouldn’t pretend we don’t know. If the environment will be changed, it won’t be suitable all the creatures including human beings any more.

It is possible making a decent legislation to prevent the environment.Only if people agree to that.

The sooner, the better. Because the environment need to be well balanced,  after having been destroyed it will be difficult to recreate.

About environmental problems
There are some issues about environment in Japan, especially the nuclear power plants. 
There are old nuclear power plants too dangerous to run continuously. Most nuclear power plants are stands above active faults. After Fukushima Daiichi power plant's accidents all the nuclear power plants had stopped running for a while. But the government still keen to restart those for the sake of electric power cooperations. 
It really scares people not only the possibility of another accident but also everyday leak of radioactive materials or the nuclear wastes. And I'm afraid the waste of money for the plan of reprocessing plant. 
I hope in near future people vote to quitting nuclear power plants.

(Week 6)
About the role of the entrepreneur in my country
In Japan there are not enough offices which takes care of old people and babies and toddlers. On the other hand there are some evil offices which traps the poor and old in miserable stable to rob their social security subsidy. So some people have started business as NPOs to save the suffering people. 
I don't know the detail, but there are changes both for better and for worse in the welfare field. 
I've never seen the TV program for the entrepreneurs in Japan. I think people aren't used to entrepreneurship.

My advise to the entrepreneur in Japan
He said an entrepreneur is who sees a gap in the market, he meant there would be a business chance. I think he is right everywhere in the world. 
I have no idea whether the people with the right qualities will succeed anywhere or not. People who have succeeded might have had right qualities, but people who have not succeeded might have had right qualities.It depends. 
In my country I recommend them to look out the needs of double-income parents. While their children are under 10 years old they need somebody who takes care of their children when the kids are sick or when the parents go to business trip. 
I suppose it will be nice if there is a matching system who needs nanny and who can take care of kids.

私は日本の九州に住んでいます。うちは小さな村にあります。レストランもショッピングモールも病院もありません。不便じゃないかって? そうです。でもこの静けさがいいのです。クルマで2時間も行けば阿蘇の火山と草原があります。


・次の小説が頭に浮かぶ--カラー・パープル、 彼らの目は神を見ていた、プッシュ、わがアントニーア、部屋、ハウルの動く城、たったひとつの冴えたやり方。
・(何らかの衝撃を与えた作家) 何人かの優れた歌人が影響を与えた、与謝野晶子、茨城のり子、石垣りん、俵万智。たくさんの女性が彼女たちの作品によって力づけられたと思う。


わが国やわが国に文化について上手に描いている作家ですか? ううーん。源氏物語とかラフカディオ・ハーンじゃなく現代作家で良いですか?
どなたか乙一を読んだことがありますか? 若い世代に多くのファンがいます。大きく分けて二つのタイプの小説を書いています。ひとつは、ものすごく怖くておぞましいもの、もうひとつは胸を打つもの。彼の作品は英語、中国語、フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、タイ語、韓国語に訳されています。どうぞお近くの図書館で探してみてください。

・(自分自身の態度や考え) 職場には車で通勤している。公共交通機関がないから。だから燃費のいい小さい車を買った、そしてなるべく一定の速度で行くように心がけている。





29 March 2016

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