On 1 July, I went to a business trip. It finished at ten past 5:00 pm. After that I had to go to Beppu city by 7:00 pm. I wondered if I took route 210 I would be there in time? I decided to go via express way.
I reached Beppu city about 6:20 pm.It was too early but better than late.
I went to the Theater Bluebird. I wanted to see “The Constitution of a strange nation”, directed by MATSUI Hisako.
In this movie a narrator guided various people who were involved in the Constitution of Japan. Gen. MacArthur, YOSHIDA Shigeru, SHIDEHARA Kijuro, KISHI Nobusuke, FUNADA Hajime, the young people who are anxious Japan to send military force to battle field, young mothers who are anxious their children’s future, and so on.
A scholar of constitution HASEBE Yasuo, a former UN staff for peace keeping operation ISEZAKI Kenji, a commentator and former diplomat MAGOSAKI Ukeru, an attorney TATE Tomoko, I was very impressed by these four people.
ISEZAKI says, after Japan situated a base Djibouti he can’t be proud of Article 9 of the Constitution any more. Djibouti is not the disputed country. Japan constructed a base in the third-person country, like U.S. has placed in Okinawa Japan.
He says the senior citizen who insist on conservation of the Constitution are shameful. He thinks the reform of Article 9 is needed. He hopes Japan won’t be involved in war, to prohibit the right of collective self-defense.
HASEBE, the scholar is worry about Constitutional amendment. At present, the neoliberal U.S. subservient government wants to amend it more warlike.
Former diplomat MAGOSAKI points out the Abe-cabinet has been betrayed their manifesto and they have changed their explanation to article 9.
Lawyer TATE is busy to go here and there to discuss with young mothers how to participate politics as sovereign to pass next generation better society.
This movie is so instructive. The people think and act so earnestly for peace had a great impression on me.
Maybe a few percentage of people will get benefit if Japanese army will improve. On the other hand, the middle class and lower class people will be suffered from the decrease welfare budget or their incomes and increase of tax.
And even if ISEZAKI’s critic is proper, I believe the senior citizen’s repent of their experience during world war 2. Maybe the campaign of conservation article 9 is a kind of atonement.
I hope many electors vote “Non LDP” to this coming House of Councilors.
7月1日 出張だった。5時過ぎに終わった。そのあと夜7時までに別府に行かなくてはいけなかった。210号線を使って間に合うかどうか迷った。高速道路で行くことにした。
2 July 2016
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