
the dinosaur exhibition

Last Saturday, I went to Fukuoka Science Center in Kurume.
I was interested in the dinosaur exhibition.
In June or July, I listen to the podcast featuring Kyouryu-kun, his talk was very interesting,
He said the more the fossils were found,the more the knowledge got updated.
Kyouryu-kun went to the high school in Alberta province, Canada, because he keens to study dinosaur from he had been in childhood.
He talked about the similarity between birds and dinosaurs especially their eggs.

This exhibition had directed by Kyouryu-kun, and he came to Kurume on 6 August. I was not ab,e to go on that day.
I was off on last Saturday and Sanday, then I went  on Saturday.

There were so many kids, with their families or teachers. There were huge replica dinosaurs which were moving automatically, children were so pleased to see those.
There was fossils and explanation along to periods. Children were given special question booklet. I asked the curator if I could get it, but they gave it only children. I was jealous. The children solved the questions on the booklet and got a stamp at the exit.
There was also another amusement event. One of them was drawing imaginary dinosaurs, Children were drawing and painting. 
Another event was touching the fossils.The sigh board said it would start at 2:45, I saw it at 2:30, so I made up my mind to line up.

After visiting the Science Center, I went to Saga city, my daughter’s place. I got off some food and some belongings she couldn’t bring the other day.
Then I went to Fukuoka city, my third eldest son’s place. Unfortunately, the cars were stuck at the Misuse tunnel toll gate. 
Usually, there were two lanes, but the outer lane had collapsed, there were only one lane and one toll gate. The tunnel is on the commute route between Saga and Fukuoka. It is inconvenient for a while.

23 Aug. 2016

Visiting two grandmas

On 13 Saturday, I went to Saga city to pick up my daughter. This time, I took the new route. I went along the Chicago river. 
Because if I went the usual route, I would go through Kurume city its center aria might be crowded than usual. 
I made a mistake twice, but I noticed immediately. 
There were a few signals from Ukiah to Kurume, and on my way, there was no traffic jam. Though it was hard to memorize the route, because the scenes are very similar. There were few landmarks. 
I need more experience. I brought back home my daughter from Saga. 

On 14 Sunday, my daughter and I went to her grandmas’ homes. First, we visited the grandma in Kumamoto. She is age 86. She goes to rehabilitation twice a week, goes to a hospital once or twice a month. 

 Then we went to Kagoshima via Kyushu expressway. I got on from Kumamoto IC. It was a mistake. At the Kumamoto IC, I went trough lamprey to the highway, there was a heavy traffic jam. It was caused by the repair construction around Mashiki. I thought I should drive route 3 from Kumamoto to Yatsushiro. 
Anyway, we visited grandma, relatives, my elder brother. Luckily my daughter was still favored by ante, uncle or anther relative, she got an allowance, candy, melon, and a box of canned beer. She is already age 20, was a little embarrassed. Still, she had amiable manner, smiled and said :“Thank you”. 

 16 Aug. 2016


Plan for summer vacation which has difficulty 2

 On 5th Fri. I asked the principal and the head officer to take leave and trip to Vancouver. They searched the rule in case the employee go abroad during the regular school day in Tokyo metropolitan high schools.
   It said it allowed up to seven days including Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or not. Only if the Saturdays and Sundays appended  before.  So If I wanted to go about 19th, I may make a plan from 17 to 26. If it may start 19, end on 26. It was Tokyo’s rule, but they thought the person deals with the personnel department refer to other examples.
   They advised me I would need to plan some fruitful purposes to persuade them. I asked them, would it go wrong if I would plan to spend time viewing the ocean. They replied it might be alright on the holiday.
  The head officer told me he would go to the board of education on Wednesday, at the trip he would bring my itinerary. I will have a business trip on Tuesday, so I would have to hand it in on Monday.

    From in the evening to late at night, I searched the events of Vancouver Central Library and other branch libraries.
  There were many attractive events, most of them were going to hold in the morning. So I need some more useful purpose
    On 6th Aug. there was a study meeting for school librarians at Beppu. I took part in it and came back about 6 pm.
   After I had got home, I continued to search good activities. Then I found a DayCare volunteer tour in Vancouver for minimum one week. I sent an e-mail to the company, I might be in time.
   I wrote an itinerary based on the plan. I hope it will be implemented.
   I feel guilty to take leave during school is on, but I have the 5 days summer leaves. I thought before the school festival the students might come to the library, but after the festival, there would be fewer users. Whereas the head officer says the personnel department would agree if during the off school days. At our school, even if it was summer holiday officially, they have supplemental classes and students come to school. I don’t know how should I do.

 7 Aug. 2016


Plan for summer vacation which has difficulty

  I had thought to go to the Childhood Care assistant tour in Vancouver. It would take 16 days from 18 September.

   On 1st Aug. Monday I applied to take 5 day summer vacation and 4 day paid leaves, and  submitted the itinerary.

  I talked to two female colleagues and told to our principal. But our head of the office disagreed. He said the itinerary was too long. I should not take paid leaves so long. He asked me what was the purpose. I replied that I would learn how children grown up to love reading. I had looked for some opportunities to work at libraries but there was nothing. So I had chosen the day care assistant tour. While in Vancouver I would go public libraries to attend circle time or story time. I wished to be good at reading picture books in English.

    But the head officer said I was not an English teacher. I should not allowed. I might change it to during winter holiday.

   Then I replied I would research if there was a similar plan in winter holiday.

   I texted to the travel company, I must cancel, but if there was any similar plan in winter holiday season I would be interested in. In the evening I got a mail that they accepted and would pay back the money I had paid already. There was some plan from end of January to end of March but wan’t winter holiday.

   I was very disappointed being pointed out I was not an English teacher. I wanted to believe he did not said with evil mind. Still he was unintentionally mean to me.

  Actually tear dropped in my eyes a little.  

  On 2nd Aug. I went to Beppu city, It was planned to go beforehand to attend the lecture for women’s health. I learned the importance oral health care, nutrient balance in the morning, and exercise in the afternoon.  After all finished I enjoyed the hot spring.

  On 3rd Wednesday, when I woke up, I had a good idea.
  The head officer suggested changing the itinerary to winter holiday. I researched if there was any plan, and found there was not. Firstly, I’ll tell him this fact.
  He said the plan was too long, so I suggest shorter plan, not the tour company’s plan, I would make plan by myself. I might manage it from 19 to 28, September. In this case I will take 5 summer holiday and 1 paid leave.

   I told my improvement suggestion to head officer. Unfortunately today and tomorrow the principal is on his business trip. That’s why he said we will talk on Friday.

    I hope them agree to me.

3 Aug. 2016