Last Saturday, I went to Fukuoka Science Center in Kurume.
I was interested in the dinosaur exhibition.
In June or July, I listen to the podcast featuring Kyouryu-kun, his talk was very interesting,
He said the more the fossils were found,the more the knowledge got updated.
Kyouryu-kun went to the high school in Alberta province, Canada, because he keens to study dinosaur from he had been in childhood.
He talked about the similarity between birds and dinosaurs especially their eggs.
This exhibition had directed by Kyouryu-kun, and he came to Kurume on 6 August. I was not ab,e to go on that day.
I was off on last Saturday and Sanday, then I went on Saturday.
There were so many kids, with their families or teachers. There were huge replica dinosaurs which were moving automatically, children were so pleased to see those.
There was fossils and explanation along to periods. Children were given special question booklet. I asked the curator if I could get it, but they gave it only children. I was jealous. The children solved the questions on the booklet and got a stamp at the exit.
There was also another amusement event. One of them was drawing imaginary dinosaurs, Children were drawing and painting.
Another event was touching the fossils.The sigh board said it would start at 2:45, I saw it at 2:30, so I made up my mind to line up.
After visiting the Science Center, I went to Saga city, my daughter’s place. I got off some food and some belongings she couldn’t bring the other day.
Then I went to Fukuoka city, my third eldest son’s place. Unfortunately, the cars were stuck at the Misuse tunnel toll gate.
Usually, there were two lanes, but the outer lane had collapsed, there were only one lane and one toll gate. The tunnel is on the commute route between Saga and Fukuoka. It is inconvenient for a while.
23 Aug. 2016
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