On 15 Oct, I went to Saga city to see my daughter. I was glad to see her nice and hear that she was busy for preparing the college festival. We went to shopping because I need her help to buy what I wear in autumn.
After that, I went to Kurume city.
Two weeks ago, I had got the information of an animation “Regret” would be screened at Kurume from my old acquaintance. I was interested in it. The other day, I saw a movie directed by Kawai Hiroyuki, a lawyer, “Japan and Nuclear Plants”, and there was an impressive scene in the movie related to Fukushima disaster in 2011.
A man who belonged to Namie Town Fire Brigade told very painfully that despite his brigade heard some people groaning for help, it was getting dark and they were ordered to call it a day to avoid secondary damage. They went back whilst having worrying. At that time they intended to retry on the next day at dawn.
But after that, they were inhibited to go to the area because of a nuclear incident. They knew there were some people waiting for help, but they couldn’t go there. His company really really regret those people had been abandoned.
I remembered the scene and understood the animation movie was about the story.
I went to Eru Peer Kurume where the screening was planned.
There were from forty to fifty people to see the movie. Before the screening a person explained about the story and told the characters are talking in northeast dialect.
The movie was created by a collaboration of a picture-story troop “Committee of creating Machi Monogatari “ in Hiroshima city and a volunteer group “Namie Machi Monogatari Tutaetai” in Namie Town. An actor Daichi Yasuo has contributed.
The people in Namie Town doubled the characters. The movie doesn’t describe anti-nuclear directly, just tells about what has destroyed how people’s lives have been ruined, how badly regret the fire brigade members. It is harmful and heartbreaking.
TEPCO didn’t intend to do so, still, it is severely guilty.
I hope Kyushu Electric Power Co. shun making another disaster, in order to do that it should quit operating the Sendai nuclear power plant.
10月15日 佐賀市に娘に会いに行った。元気そうで、学園祭の準備に忙しくしているのを見てホッとした。私が秋に着る服を買うのに娘の手を借りるため買い物に行った。その後、久留米市に行った。
16 Oct. 2016
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