Aug.8-19 2019 I made a trip to Toronto and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
8th Aug
・Toronto Pearson International Airport
I met a woman who was going to Jamaica. I didn't know that Air Canada had the route from Japan to Jamaica. She was going to meet one of her friends. She chose this flight because it was more reliable than any other airline. We meant to hung around downtown together, but I was lost at the airport.
I wanted to withdraw some money by the ATM, but the machine worked for credit only. I borrowed 40 Canada dollar, though I didn't want to.
・Islington station
I got on the bus from airport to Kipling, then got on the subway to St Patrick station. Because I wanted to make sure where the Toronto Coach Terminal was. I had a reservation tour to Niagara Falls by Mega Bus, which departs from it.
I had no idea how to get there, but I asked a few people, who kindly showed me the way. After I checked the Toronto Coach Terminal, I went to the place I had reserved to stay, which was in Etobicoke. I had an iPod touch but had no Wi-Fi, so I couldn't use google map. I asked a woman how to get the place at Islington station. She was really considerate to consult with a station officer which bus would bring me the nearest bus stop.
When I get off the bus, I was confused which direction should go. I asked a young woman who looked like a student, she was kind enough to walk with me to find the place.
On the first day, I really appreciate Canadian people.
Arrived at the place, I talked to the owner that I planned to be Toronto Coach Terminal at 7:00 am. He suggest me to take Uber. I tried to make an account on the Uber App, but I couldn't, because I my phone number didn't work in Canada. I should have made the account in Japan.
9th Aug
・Mount Carmel Spiritual Center / Niagara Falls
I took a bus and a subway to Toronto Coach Terminal, and got on the Mega Bus which I had reserved at 7:00.
When I arrived at Niagara Falls, I needed to go the gathering point, because I had applied a walking tour via Airbnb. I asked a woman who was walking with a dog telling the address, she didn't know, so she went to a Pizza shop to make sure, the clerk looked up it on the google map. With the two women's help I made it in time. The gathering point was a monastery. It had long history. The tour guide instructed me about the monastery, the nature of Niagara Falls, and the sightseeing industry of Niagara Falls. There was a gift shop, where I tasted three different wine then bought a bottle of ice wine.
I had hung around the Niagara Falls, went to the border if the US and Canada through the Rainbow Bridge. Still I had bunch of time after hanging around. I bought the round ticket with enough time. The bus departed Niagara Falls Bus Terminal at 5:45. I came back my temporary home around 9:30. Fortunately the 24/7 supermarket was near the house. I bought some food.
10th Aug
・Toronto Public Library New Toronto Branch
While I was staying Toronto, I would like to take part in events as much as possible.Before I came to Canada, I already got the information of the Dusk Dance by Toronto city web-site. In the morning, I took a walk to the shore nearby my place. Then I went to the Public Library. At the Toronto Public Library New Toronto Branch I got a brochure of Toronto Public Library. I had learned there were nearly 100 branches in Toronto. Each library gives you Wi-Fi. I checked some events then left for downtown.
・TPL Yorkville branch
At first I went to Barbra Hall Park, I wanted to participate an event for LGBT, but it was over. In the park there was an epitaph in loving memory of the AIDS victims. Next to the park there was a community center named "the 519". I asked to access the Wi-Fi and get some information. I met a man and I walked to the TPL Yorkville Branch with him. On the way he taught me that the people who live in Halifax were called Haligonian. He showed me the TPL Reference Library and the TPL Yorkville Library.
I visited the TPL Yorkville branch, where I met a librarian who was planning to go to Japan in September. As she asked me where to go, I suggest the International Children's Library in Uenokoen. I hope she will have a good time. She kindly gave me bunch of brochure for children and young-adults. They had lots of attractive events.
最初にバーバラ ホール パークへ行った。性的少数者のイベントに行きたかったのだけど終わっていた。その公園にはエイズで亡くなった方たちの墓碑銘があった。公園の隣には「ザ 519」というコミュニティセンターがあった。ワイファイにつながせてもらって情報を得た。そこで会った男の人と一緒にトロント公共図書館ヨークヴィル分館へ歩いて行った。行きながら、ハリファックスに住んでいる人のことをハリゴニアンというのだと教えてもらった。彼はトロントレファレンスライブラリーとヨークヴィル分館を教えてくれた。
・ Flemingdon Park
On the web-site of Toronto city, I found a music event. So I went. I've got the information "Flemingdon Park" at that time I thought it was just a park. But in the bus, a woman asked me where I wanted to go, then I replied "Flemingdon Park", then she said that it was the name off the area not a specific place. I was so surprised, then I got off the bus and went to the nearby library and asked to help where should I go. The librarian of the TPL Flemingdon Park Branch kindly searched the music event and told me to go to the Flemingdon Park Soccer field.
A family music concert was held every week, on the day it was Bengal music. It was awesome. I heard some ethnic instruments.
Before the concert started, somebody gave me a brochure "2019 GUIDE Arts in the parks", after that this helped me make plans so much.
そのコンサートが始まる前に誰かが「2019ガイド 公園でやってるアート」というパンフレットをくれた。それ以降このパンフが計画をたてるのにとても役に立った。
・ Taste Danforth / Dusk Dance
From the soccer field I headed to Pape station. As I did not know which bus I should get on, I asked a woman at the bus stop. She showed me the bus and asked me where I was from. I told her I was from Japan, then she looked delighted and said she had been Shimane pref. We chatted in Japanese a little.
When I arrived at the Pape station, I noticed there were lots of police officer and they closed the street. There was a festival called "Taste Danforth". Through the Danforth Ave there were crowd and food stands on both sides. There were a few stages and at each stage somebody performed. It was very festive atmosphere. I enjoyed the music for a while, then went to the Withrow park to see the Dusk Dances. Before the event an instructor let us dance a square dance. It was fun, and I chatted with an Asian woman. She gave me a Toronto city map, a museum guide, and the Taste Danforth brochure. According to the brochure, the Danforth festival would continue to the next day, so she suggest me to come again on the next day, then to visit the Japan Foundation.
The professional performances were great. I was really impressed.
ペープ駅に着いたとき、とてもたくさんの警察官がいるのに気がついた。そして通りを通行止めにしていた。「テイスト ダンフォース」というお祭りをやっていた。ダンフォースアベニューに沿って群衆と通りの両側に屋台が出ていた。いくつかステージがあってそれぞれで演奏していた。とてもにぎやかな雰囲気だった。しばらく音楽を聞いて、それからウィズロー公園へダスクダンスを見に行った。その催しの前にインストラクターが私たちにスクェアダンスを教えた。楽しかった。そしてそのときアジア系の女の人と話した。彼女は私にトロント市内地図と博物館ガイドとテイストダンフォースのパンフレットをくれた。そのパンフによるとテイストダンフォースは翌日も続くようだ。彼女は明日もまた来たらいいと言った。そして日本財団も行くようにすすめてくれた。
11th Aug.
・Taste Danforth (day2) / Bard in Berczy
I visited the Danforth Ave before noon, when the festival started, so I could buy food as soon as a Kabab stand opened. I looked around again the Danforth avenue, then headed to the Broadview station then went to the King station by subway.
From the King station I walked to the Berczy Park. It was in downtown, One of the Shakespeare's play "All's Well That Ends Well" was performed in the park. It was very modern. The costumes they wore were differ. Almost all casts wore classical costumes but a woman who played Helena wore modern clothes. They played here and there in the park, and some audience followed and the others sat still their seats. It was my first experience to see such a theatrical presentation. It was free but I donated. I had a very good time. I said to myself, "Toronto is cool!"
・ダンフォースを味わう(2日め)/ バークジーのシェイクスピア
・ Outdoor Picture Show at Christie Pits Park
I went to the Christie Pits Park to see the outdoor picture show. It took time to wait until it got dark enough to screen. I bought a hotdog and Canada Dry at a stand. There were 100-200 people. I wanted to watch the movie to end but I was afraid it would get too late. So I went to my place in the middle of the screening.
12th Aug.
・Little India / Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books
In the morning, I went to the Little India, I hung around the street and visited the TPL Gerrard/Ashdale Branch. From Gerrard St East At Ashdale Ave I got on the street car and got off at College St At St George Station. The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books was in the same building of TPL Lillian H. Smith Branch. I went up by the elevator to the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. It was awesome, I asked the librarian about the young-adults read to find out their carrier path. The librarian understood I was interested in the difference between Canada and Japan, so she called a Japanese librarian. Her name was Ms. Kajihara who was a researcher of L.M. Montgomery. Luckily it was nearly noon, so she suggested me go out for lunch together.
She is going to Japan in October to give some lectures about L.M.Montgomery. One of the lecture will be held in Okayama pref. I keen to go to hear it.
朝リトルインディアに行った。通りをぶらついてトロント市立図書館ジェラルド/ アシュデイル分館に行った。ジェラルドストリート・アシュデイルアベニューからストリートカーに乗り、カレッジストリート・セントジョージ駅で降りた。オズボーンコレクション館はリリアンスミス分館と同じ建物にあった。エレベーターでオズボーンコレクション館へ上がった。素晴らしいところだった。司書の方に、若者が進路を考える際に読む本についてたずねた。その人は私がカナダと日本の違いについて興味を持っていることをわかってくれて日本人の司書を呼んでくれた。その人は梶原さんといってモンゴメリの研究者だった。幸いお昼近かったので、一緒にお昼を食べに誘ってくれた。
・Yoga for Teens at TPL Yorkville branch / Japan Foundation / China Town
After having lunch with Ms. Kajihara, I went to the TPL Yorkville branch, because I was interested in the event; Yoga for Teens.
When I arrived at the Yorkville library, the event had just started. I knew it was for teens, but as I was watching in front of the open space, the instructor kindly invited me and lent me a mat. So I took part in the class.
There were three teenage girls and an adult, and me. The yoga lesson was fun. I haven't heard a yoga class have been held by a library in Japan. It is nice approach.
The Japan Foundation was near the Bloor-Yonge station where very cloth to the Yorkville branch. I visited there. They kindly let me use the outlet and Wi-Fi, and I read a book for a while.
I left the Japan Foundation, then got on a street car to the China Town. I walked on the street and dropped in a Bangladesh food restaurant. I couldn't pronounce the dish, but I ate a kind of curry and rice, actually it was not rice. It was yummy.
13th Aug.
・Black Creek Pioneer Village / Lake Shore Bouldvard
I went to the Black Creek Pioneer Village by subway and bus. It was a huge space which preserves 19 century. I see the inn, the shed, the mill, the church, and the hall. It reminded me Laura Ingalls, in "Little House on the Prairie".
From there I walked to the TPL Jane/Sheppard Branch. Unfortunately on the day it would open at 12:30, it was still 11:00. I went to Islington station by bus. On the way to the Sheppard-Yonge station, I didn't know which stop I should get off and transfer to a train. While I was confused, I young boy instructed me. I really thanked him.
I had heard about a agency office for Japanese students was near the Islington station. I went to the
Then I rode a subway from Islington to Queen station, I got on the street car ran along the Lake Shore Blvd. I saw two police officers who was riding on horses. After I was in the street car for a while, I noticed it was going the opposite direction to my place. So I changed the street cars, this time I met a kind man in the car, he instructed me about famous tourist destinations in Toronto, I wished I had met him on the next day I arrived at here. The windows-view was really nice.
ブラッククリーク パイオニアヴィレッジ/レイクショアブールバード
地下鉄とバスでブラッククリーク パイオニアヴィレッジに行った。19世紀を残してある広大な場所だった。宿屋、倉庫、粉挽き小屋、教会、集会所を見た。「平原の小さな家」のローラ・インガルスを思い出した。
14th Aug.
・University of Toronto Campus Tour
In Japan, a lot of high school students visit universities for campus tour during the summer holidays.
When I saw the web-site of University of Toronto, there was an information about campus tour. 14 August was available. So I registered.
Because the tour was planned to start at 10:00 am, I went to downtown and Queen's park before the campus tour. I took pictures of Rogers Center and CN Tower, Legislative Assembly. Very touristy.
The campus tour was led by guides, who were students. The University of Toronto has a large beautiful campus. There are several colleges. One of the college has about 2000 students, and another one has 6000, or 5000.
Though I did not know that, the novelist Margaret Atwood studied at Victoria College in the University of Toronto.
Also I did not know the Queens Park land is the University of Toronto's property. It lend the land to the Ontario province so it is preserved.
There were lots of parent-kid pairs enjoying this tour.
After I was impressed by the Campus tour, I went to the Toronto Reference Library.
It was a tough decision. On the same day, there was an author's visit at TPL Yorkville Branch from 2:30 pm, at the other hand there was a library tour at Toronto Reference Library from 2:00 pm.
I chose Toronto Reference Library. A librarian showed about 10 patrons including me the library. The library was very supportive for the people who learn English as a second language. They have textbooks, audiobooks and study groups. Not only English, if you want to learn something, there are several programs. I was surprised when I entered the Sherlock Holmes study. There were the armchair, hunting cap, chess board, and the reference books.
In the basement floor, the Toronto Star contributed a microfilms of newspaper archives. If you need an article on someday in the past, you can copy it to your USB memory or mobile HDD. It was amazing.
Furthermore I was surprised to hear that is the banquet room. You can reserve the room and catering for your meeting or ceremony. No other library has banquet room, I suppose.
There are about 100 branches of Toronto Public Library. Each of the library has their special service. Toronto is really cool!
At a library, I asked where I could see the Dewey Decimal System handout, the librarian said in the old days they had used it but nowadays the patrons searched according to the subjects.
In the group of people there was a woman, who said she had moved from Beijing lately. She recommended me to go to the Casa Loma, even if I didn't enter the building, it might be good to see the outside.
After the tour finished I walked to the Casa Loma. On the middle way to there I found a Poutine at a hotdog stand, I bought it. I ate it near the Casa Loma. I wanted to eat it since I had heard about it via a podcast of "Speak up Radio". I was satisfied.
I got on a subway at Dupont station to Union station. Before I went back home I went to the Trillium Park. It took time because the street car route to my place was far from the park.
15th Aug.
・Kinder Kids Preschool
I stayed in Etobicoke until 14th Aug, and left in the morning on 15th. I stayed in Mississauga from 15th to 17th.
In Mississauga, I wanted to visit the Kinder Kids Pre School. I have read the book the founder of the preschool wrote. According to the book, at the preschool, kids learn phonics and write journal. Then they get familiar to English. There are many branches in Japan, and one branch had open in Mississauga. I asked the director I might visit.
The preschool stands in a quiet area. The kids looked playing comfortably. I would like to visit another branch in Japan.
I went to Port Credit by bus, I walked in the park near the shore. I asked an elder woman where the nearest library. It was not far, so I went to the Port Credit Library. The librarian was nice. She showed me how to get the place I reserved by bus. I saw the shelf, I was pleased to see some good Japanese comics were on the shelves. I took a Canadian comic "Skim" written by Mariko Tamaki, Jillian Tamaki. I read half of the book in the library, I wand to read the second half.
16th Aug.
・University of Toronto Mississauga campus / Central Library
When I had registered University of Toronto St George campus tour, I also registered University of Toronto Mississauga campus tour. It was today. I went to there by buses. At a bus stop when I transferred the bus I asked a young woman if I was right to got the bus. She said yes and she was going to the University of Toronto Mississauga campus.
The campus looked modern and new. The tour was led by a student. She explained us about the college life. They had a facebook page to exchange their textbooks. It sounded good idea. There was a shuttle bus between the St George campus and Mississauga campus. The students commute to Toronto or Mississauga if they need to attend the class, or just they want to.
I went to the Square One Shopping Center because there was a transit terminal. I wanted to go to the Central Library and it was not far from the terminal. But it took long time because I was lost in the shopping center.
The Library was nice. In front of the library there was a small cafe, where I bought a cheese bagel. I asked the librarian let me charge my iPod. She showed me the comfortable table by the window, while I charging the battery I ate my bagel. People were enjoying reading, eating, and discussing with comfortable way. The library policy was different from Japanese library.
There was a public museum and a square in front of the museum. It looked like having a festival, there was a stage.
On the way to back, I noticed I was on the wrong bus. I asked the woman who was sitting on the seat behind me where I could get the right bus. The woman talked to another woman who sat on the seat behind her. The two women discussed and one of the woman said "I'll show her", then she told me get off the bus with her and follow her. She took me to the bus stop and told me get on the bus number 19, it would come every 15 minutes. As I said sorry for bothering her, she replied friendly that was OK because she lived nearby. I was so pleased.
17th Aug.
・the Niagara Collage / Toronto night walk
In the morning I went to the Niagara Collage by Go bus and Go train from Port Credit.
It was Saturday, unfortunately the campus tour was held Monday through Friday. The security person kindly gave me a map and add to a trail route on the map. The collage has agriculture faculty, so it has nice trail path along a pond. Also there was a winery and shop.
After I came back to Port Credit, When I looked up the map, a woman talked to me and asked where to go, I replied I was wondering to go to the Chinese supermarket. Then another young woman talked to me, she also planned to go to the Chinese supermarket. So we decided to hang around together. She said that her mother had been Japan, and she was off and she would meet her at the central bus terminal.
The young woman was Suzie and her mother was Susan. We went to the supermarket, then they suggested to go to Toronto. It was almost 7:00 pm, they said it would not so far by bus and subway. I followed them. We hang around the CN Tower, Yonge-Dundas Square. The tower was different color at night, there was so crowded around Dundas Street. On the stage a Mexican music band was playing. The atmosphere was quite city-like.
When I got back home, it was 1:00 am.
18th Aug
・ Air Canada overbooking
In the morning I get on the bus to the Toronto Pearson airport. I got through the security and sitting the departure lounge I heard an information that the flight had overbooked, if anyone who gave up the ticket and postpone the flight to next day, Air Canada offer him/her a hotel room and 1800 dollar.
I regretted I had no flexibility on my itinerary. I was really interested in the green buck.
Anyway, I was so satisfied ending the trip safely.
エアカナダ オーバーブッキング
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