
I've read The Vertigo of Late Modernity

I've read two books during winter holiday. One is The Vertigo of Late Modernity written by Jock Young, the other is Supercapitalism written by Robert B. Reich.
These books desrve to read for who wondering why should I live with anxiousnes.
Both authors declare the difference between parents' era and our era. ( in the developed countries)
The world in the '60s had stability because of the regulated companies and unions.
During the cold war or Vietnum War they spent much money to military study,as the result technological inovation has promoted. The important matters were reducing the transportation cost and the internet started from Advanced Reserch Project Agency. Add to these they became less legulated,and international division of labor has promoted. Companies became to outsource rather than domestic production.
Because they must cut the cost to sell lower price than their competitor. Companies are forced to compete.
Thanks for them consumer can select sheep,valuable goods. They try to put into investment their money from saving bank account.
Companies can extend globalisation with the money people bought the stock. Both companies and investors got profit.
The other hand the labor market became fluid or chaos. For the works anybody can do paied less in foreign country, the factory moved out, or use the machines instead of human being. The middle class lost job. They have to accept the low wage.
The harder the companies compete, the lobbysts or adovocacy groups exercise more influence to the politics, so democracy has been defeated.
People who have to be competitive in getting job or in successing in business got into individualism, and they lost the feeling of belonging somebody somewhere, now their identitis are blurring.

I was surprised to read Young. Certain politicians think like this, a specific area and specific home environment, particulaly single mothers and their children are hotbedsfor crime, but in fact it isn't true.
Whether to be a child of a singlemother or not is a destiny for the child. It is unfair to be prejudiced for the matter he/she has no resmonsibility. The prejudice lile this is unpleasant or hurmful for the people concerned, doesn't benefit.
Honestly I feel a little angry " Do you insult my children?"

I've leaned from Young about oxymoron first. "oxy" means sharp and "moron" means dull, so "oxymoron" shows contradiction., like "public secret" "deafening silence". He points out the "working poor"is an oxymoron. I understood. I'm ashamed I've been using this phrase not feeling incompatibility.

The fact that who blaming underclass are doing it from camouflage jealousy is also amazing.
There are various other surprising description. He refers Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories and refers what written in the 40th birthday card sent from Elton John to Johen Lennon. Why does he know everything? Is he a fly-on-the wall? I'm envy the college students who learn these contents.

Young says he has a hope that people who recognise they have nothing will be able to have compassion each other.
I also agree. I wish to learn nore about other people including foreign people.

 I'm greteful for the both translators to let me read in Japanese so rapidly.

冬休みに2冊の本を読みました。『後期近代の眩暈』ジョック・ヤング著 と『暴走する資本主義』ロバート B. ライシュ著です。
 一方、労働市場は流動化もしくは混沌化しました。誰でもできる仕事は海外の方が安いので工場は移転するか 人間の変わりに機械でやります。中産階級の人々は職を失い低賃金を受け入れなければならなくなりました。

 ヤングの著書で初めて知ったのがオキシモーロンという言葉です。oxyは鋭い、moronは鈍いという意味で「公然の秘密」「しーんとした静けさ」など矛盾を表しています。 著者は「働く貧困層」という言葉もオキシモーロンだと指摘します。納得しました。いままで何も矛盾を感じずに使っていたことを恥ずかしく思います。

 ほかにもヤングの著書には驚くことがいろいろあります。グランドセフトオートバイスシティの話とかエルトン・ジョンがジョン・レノンの40歳の誕生日に送ったカードの言葉とか。どうしてこんなになんでも知っているのでしょう? ひそかに調べまわっているのでしょうか? こういうことを大学で教わっている学生が羨ましいです。



Jan.7 2009

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