About my daughter’s last purchase.
Late March, she asked me to buy her a new pair of glasses. She wanted because she had tired of those she was putting on then. I said “No”, because I might not have money remained after spending for my second eldest son.
But in the beginning of April, she asked again. Fortunately I had read the bulletin of Hita city published in April. An article taught me my daughter of third grade junior high school student supposed to get a Child benefit. I had known I would get three months’ allowance in June. So I said to her I could buy her a pair of glasses in June. But she said she needed them now in the beginning of new school term. She repeated “Please Mom, Please Mom “. I gave way to her, I agreed to buy. And I told her she should search discount glasses in internet. Usually I’ve bought myself and my sons some pairs of glasses at a glasses shop in Hita city. At the shop I’ve paid from thirty to forty thousand yen for each pair of glasses. Now I have to economize so I asked her looking for cheaper. She found an information that the MeganeIchiba’s new branch shop was to open in Hita city. I told her I would buy her when the shop would have open. She wanted before then. She found out another branch shop was in Kagoshima city. The shop was near my son’s apartment house and we were going to visit him on 11 April. She recommended me to buy her a new one at the shop. I agreed. So we visited my son and went to the MeganeIchiba Kagoshima shop. She chose a black celluloid-rimmed with cherry blossom illustration on the side rims. It owed me fifteen thousand eight hundred yen including a pair of lens.
She was so pleased. Of course I was pleased with the price.
My daughter has been promoted in third grade, then former classmates were divided and the class room was changed. She told me her recent mistake.
She was one of the person in charge of school lunch, to distribute bread was her turn. She had to return a bread container to the storage shelf before lunch. She went and back to the class room. All of those in the class room looked at her. At the moment she mused why. But she noticed it was not her class room. She used to be first class in last year but she is second class third grade this year. She felt embarrassed. Some friends told her about that in noon recess.
I know how she felt. I used to do similar things in the beginning of terms in my school days.
しかし、4月のはじめ、また、眼鏡がほしいと言いました。幸いなことに私は4月に出た日田市報を読んだところでした。中3の娘は子ども手当てがもらえるという記事がありました。3ヶ月分を6月にもらえるそうです。私は娘に6月に買ってあげると言いました。でも、娘は学校の新学期が始まるときに要るのだと言いました。「お母さん、おねがい、お母さん、おねがい」 私が折れて買うことにしました。娘にインターネットで安いのをさがしてみてと言いました。いつも自分と倅達に日田市の眼鏡屋で買っていますがひとつが3万から4万くらいします。今は節約しなくてはいけないので安いのを見つけるようたのみました。娘が眼鏡市場が新しく日田にオープンするというお知らせを見つけました。私は日田店ができたときに買ってあげようと言いました。娘はそれより早くほしがりました。もうひとつ眼鏡市場鹿児島店を見つけました。それは倅のアパートのすぐそばでした。それに4月11日に私たちは倅のところに行くことにしていました。娘はそこで買おうと言いました。同意しました。そうして、私たちは倅のところに行って、眼鏡市場鹿児島店に行きました。娘は黒のセルフレームで横にさくらの絵のついたのを選びました。レンズ込みで15800円でした。
娘の気持ちがわかります。私も学校時代 新学期は似たようなことをしたものです。
14 April 2010
nuclear policy
On April 3, I've heard a lecture about nuclear power at Yufuin central community center.
Mr.Yuko Fujita told us the history of nuclear policy of Japanese administration.
Mr. Yoshida Sigeru talked with U.S. official servant at a Japan- U.S negotiation that he wanted to be nuclear armament as an individual, but it would be opposite national enthusiasm, so he couldn't unveiled.
After then Mr. Eisaku Satoh maneuvered the Nation to misunderstand use of nuclear power plant as use for peace, and drew a grand design of creating nuclear fuel cycle. He pretended our nation didn’t keep nuclear weapon but keeping potential of create nuclear weapon. He manipulated with using secret promise.
The operation of light-water reactor nuclear power plant produce very pure plutonium in the blanket around the reactor. You can make a nuclear weapon. However making nuclear weapon is something completely different from atomic armament.
If you envisage a nuclear power as just a business of generation of electric power, it will end up failure because of the cost of nuclear waste disposal. But if they tell you it’s possible to reuse the spent fuel they can cheat you.
In this way the administration keeps potential of building nuclear weapon.
To build a fast breeder reactor is technically difficult, mixed oxide form of plutonium and uranium fuel returned from France is no use. So, though it is differ from the original plan, they intend to burn a Mox fuel in plutonium-thermal reactors.
However still the fast breeder reactor can’t build, any reprocessing plant of spent fuel can’t be run, so before long interim storage facility of nuclear waste get impasse.
The Kyushu electric corporation scouts a possible site of interim storage facility. I’ve heard there’s a plan that Kyudenko –affiliated firm of Kyuden – may have an Olive farm in Amakusa and may fail to run it, then may sell the site to Kyuden.
I think the nuclear issue is considerable.
4月3日 湯布院中央公民館で原子力発電についての講演を聴きました。
7 April 2010
Mr.Yuko Fujita told us the history of nuclear policy of Japanese administration.
Mr. Yoshida Sigeru talked with U.S. official servant at a Japan- U.S negotiation that he wanted to be nuclear armament as an individual, but it would be opposite national enthusiasm, so he couldn't unveiled.
After then Mr. Eisaku Satoh maneuvered the Nation to misunderstand use of nuclear power plant as use for peace, and drew a grand design of creating nuclear fuel cycle. He pretended our nation didn’t keep nuclear weapon but keeping potential of create nuclear weapon. He manipulated with using secret promise.
The operation of light-water reactor nuclear power plant produce very pure plutonium in the blanket around the reactor. You can make a nuclear weapon. However making nuclear weapon is something completely different from atomic armament.
If you envisage a nuclear power as just a business of generation of electric power, it will end up failure because of the cost of nuclear waste disposal. But if they tell you it’s possible to reuse the spent fuel they can cheat you.
In this way the administration keeps potential of building nuclear weapon.
To build a fast breeder reactor is technically difficult, mixed oxide form of plutonium and uranium fuel returned from France is no use. So, though it is differ from the original plan, they intend to burn a Mox fuel in plutonium-thermal reactors.
However still the fast breeder reactor can’t build, any reprocessing plant of spent fuel can’t be run, so before long interim storage facility of nuclear waste get impasse.
The Kyushu electric corporation scouts a possible site of interim storage facility. I’ve heard there’s a plan that Kyudenko –affiliated firm of Kyuden – may have an Olive farm in Amakusa and may fail to run it, then may sell the site to Kyuden.
I think the nuclear issue is considerable.
4月3日 湯布院中央公民館で原子力発電についての講演を聴きました。
7 April 2010
Farewell party
It's time for transfer and entrance to school.
On 25 March our English conversation class held a farewell party for Ms. Kurokawa who was leaving for Australia. I'm expecting to see her again in a year.
On 26 March my co-workers belong to same section had a farewell party. One of us is going to transfer and two of us are retired. One of us is finish the term of employment. We have enjoyed together these days so I feel lonely.
On 27 March I went to Oita city to work for our labor union. We have to write an annual report.
On 28 March I took my sons and daughter to a restaurant to have a farewell lunch for my second eldest son. He is going to living away from April. Perhaps we'll miss him.
On 29 March I went to a farewell party of whole co-workers of my work place. Twelve person transfer and three person are retired.
On 30 March I went to a farewell party of our labor union. One is retired. I went to Hibiki no sato in Oyama town to buy a bottle of excellent plum wine wrapped in nice Huroshiki, as a gift from other members. He was pleased. He has been working for forty years. He said he was expecting to build a new house and to go to trip. He looked so cheerful.
I sent two post cards to my second son's high school teachers who transfer. I expressed my appreciation in the cards. His high school held a farewell ceremony on 30 March. At the high school almost graduates attend the ceremony. And almost all of them are in new suits. I have bought my son a new suit expecting him to go to the ceremony put it on. But my second eldest son had gone to AKB48's live and shake their hands event with some friends waring the new suit, instead going to high school.
3月25日 英会話教室で、オーストラリアに出発する黒川さんの送別会がありました。また1年後彼女に会うのを楽しみにしています。
3月26日 同じ課の送別会がありました。一人は転勤で二人は退職です。一人は雇用期限が切れます。これまで楽しくやってきたのでさびしいです。
3月27日 大分市に労働組合の仕事をしに行きました。1年の総括をしないといけません。
3月28日 2番目の倅の送別昼食会に、倅達と娘をレストランに連れていきました。4月から一人暮らしです。たぶんさびしくなるでしょう。
3月29日 職場全体の送別会に行きました。12人が転勤、3人が退職します。
3月30日 労働組合の送別会に行きました。一人が退職です。大山町のひびきの郷にふろしきに包まれた高級梅酒を買いに行きました。他の組合員からのプレゼントです。彼は喜んでくれました。40年間働いてきました。新しい家を建てるのと旅行に行くのを楽しみにしていると言いました。すごく楽しそうでした。
1 April 2010
On 25 March our English conversation class held a farewell party for Ms. Kurokawa who was leaving for Australia. I'm expecting to see her again in a year.
On 26 March my co-workers belong to same section had a farewell party. One of us is going to transfer and two of us are retired. One of us is finish the term of employment. We have enjoyed together these days so I feel lonely.
On 27 March I went to Oita city to work for our labor union. We have to write an annual report.
On 28 March I took my sons and daughter to a restaurant to have a farewell lunch for my second eldest son. He is going to living away from April. Perhaps we'll miss him.
On 29 March I went to a farewell party of whole co-workers of my work place. Twelve person transfer and three person are retired.
On 30 March I went to a farewell party of our labor union. One is retired. I went to Hibiki no sato in Oyama town to buy a bottle of excellent plum wine wrapped in nice Huroshiki, as a gift from other members. He was pleased. He has been working for forty years. He said he was expecting to build a new house and to go to trip. He looked so cheerful.
I sent two post cards to my second son's high school teachers who transfer. I expressed my appreciation in the cards. His high school held a farewell ceremony on 30 March. At the high school almost graduates attend the ceremony. And almost all of them are in new suits. I have bought my son a new suit expecting him to go to the ceremony put it on. But my second eldest son had gone to AKB48's live and shake their hands event with some friends waring the new suit, instead going to high school.
3月25日 英会話教室で、オーストラリアに出発する黒川さんの送別会がありました。また1年後彼女に会うのを楽しみにしています。
3月26日 同じ課の送別会がありました。一人は転勤で二人は退職です。一人は雇用期限が切れます。これまで楽しくやってきたのでさびしいです。
3月27日 大分市に労働組合の仕事をしに行きました。1年の総括をしないといけません。
3月28日 2番目の倅の送別昼食会に、倅達と娘をレストランに連れていきました。4月から一人暮らしです。たぶんさびしくなるでしょう。
3月29日 職場全体の送別会に行きました。12人が転勤、3人が退職します。
3月30日 労働組合の送別会に行きました。一人が退職です。大山町のひびきの郷にふろしきに包まれた高級梅酒を買いに行きました。他の組合員からのプレゼントです。彼は喜んでくれました。40年間働いてきました。新しい家を建てるのと旅行に行くのを楽しみにしていると言いました。すごく楽しそうでした。
1 April 2010
投稿 (Atom)