
About Note Taking

  On 20 May, I took part in a lesson of one of the second-grade classes. We listened to a special lesson of Prof. Murata Takanori.
  He used to teach in Kyoto Educational College. He explained us how to take an experiment notebook.
  He said we should take note anything you thought being need, and should not use an eraser.  We might better use A4 sized squared paper  notebook with page number so that we need not use a ruler when draw line. It prevents losing time.
   He said we should not delete if we made a mistake. He said why it was important.
   We are not always understand everything. Even if we think it’s a mistake, we may understand the mistake has meaning later. So instead of deleting we should write down large x on it  or write “Mistake” by it.
   I thought it was similar to my house accounting notebook.

   In addition to that topic, he told us leaning foreign language saved him after he had fallen into slump.
   He learnt French as second compulsory foreign language. Thanks for this he got along with French researchers, it leaded him so much advantage.

  He has retired about ten years ago. After that he started leaning Italian and Spanish. He said he was enjoying. He emphasized leaning foreign language was very important.
   I was inspired.  I won’t delete my notebook for English conversation class if I would’ve made a mistake.




21 May 2014


A elcture of the scientist who found photocatalysts

A lecture of the scientist who found photo catalysts

  On 19 May, I’ve heard a lecture of professor Fujishima Akira.
  He told us be aware of nature nearby.

  At first he told us his experiment he had done in the graduate school of the Tokyo Univ.
 He made a divide, which was similar to the electrolysis of water. But his device didn’t need electric power, he shone light.
He put a titanium dioxide and a platinum in water. Bubbles of oxygen came out from the titanium dioxide and bubbles of hydrogen from the platinum.
 He presented it to the public, but everybody laughed. He sent the report to “Nature”. “Nature” printed it immediately.
 After that other researchers accepted his discovery. It was the trigger of revealing photocatalysts.
 He was impressed it was similar to photosynthesis.

 In the beginning he thought it is useful to produce hydrogen. But to produce enough amount of hydrogen, you needs six times ten to the power of twenty-three photon. The sun light is ten to the power of fifteen per square centimeters.  So he took alternative method.  He began to study to use it for disinfection. It need only ten to the power of six.

 Now the photocatalysts is used for sterilization of surgery room walls, sterilization and disinfection of medical appliances, or buildings’ walls.
  He emphasized two things is needed for good research, good atmosphere, reading good books.
He recommended us many science books, especially Farady’s works.

 His lecture inspired the high school students.
  I’m looking forward to some earnest students will go to the library.


 始めのうちは光触媒を使って水素を取り出そうとした。しかし十分な量の水素を取り出すには 6×10の23乗の光子が要る。太陽光は1平方センチ当たり10の15乗だ。それで発想を変えた。殺菌に使えないか研究を始めた。それだったらたった10の6乗でいい。


19 May 2014


I watched Talk Back Out Loud

  On 17 May, I went to Cinema 5bis in Oita city, to watch the movie, “Talk Back Out Loud”.

  I reached there forty minutes ahead of the movie starts, because I was not sure I would be able to park my car the nearest parking lot.
 Thanks to  getting there early, I was given a present from the theater a skin lotion.

  The movie, “Talk Back Out Loud” is a documentary, has been filmed in San Francisco over eight years.
  There is a doctor, he takes care of AIDS patients. He says, HIV is just an infectious disease. His patients have died of accidents, have died of suicide, have killed,have died of refusing medical treatment, not from HIV.
 He has thought depression and isolation are the matter.
 He consulted Rhodessa Jones. Once she succeeded the program for inmates in San Francisco jail. The inmates who prosecuted drag addiction, shoplifting, rubbing, etc. They began to talk about themselves. Most of them had been raped or abused before they have addicted drag.

 The HIV carriea women have been felt shame and lost their self-esteem. Through the program they talk about their lives each other, getting along with. They have various background, but they got sisterhood beyond race, class, ethnisity.
 Their performance is based their experiences. And shere that with the audience. This movie followed mainly eight women.
 I’m so touched. One of them, Sonia, she had been senior in college when she studied abroad in South Africa. She was raped there and got HIV. In one scene, in train she was reading a book,I found the book was “Push” written by Sapphire, the original piece of the movie “Precious”. The protagonist went through abuse and twice pregnant. She got excellent support from a teacher of special education and from self support group. The book encourages another victim.
  I was impressed.
  They accept their experiences. They say “We’re living with HIV”.

  I respect them. On the other hand, I can’t accept so many men rape women, worse part of them were young girls, aged eight or eleven or —.
  They should be confused and felt fear deeply. We teach children the phone number 110 in case of accident or criminal. 
 But some other phone number is needed. Anything feel fear and can’t tell her family, a child call for. Why we can’t help child being upset?
  After I watched the movie, I bought a novelty, a tote bag. The director Ms, Sakagami said, many people called them asking “Tote bag” by mistake. So they decided to make Talk Back tote bag.
 It’s funny. The sound is similar. It reminds me Anonymous daily called Masuda. Anyway I’m glad to get it. I’ll remember the women who survived with determination.

 Besides I was surprised. I’ve been living countryside. And I didn’t study geography earnestly. So when I hear “San Francisco”, I image California west coast.
   I’m fond of recent Beach Boys. I love to watch the live concert video clip. I love to see the band member also I love the audience. There are many person looks like in their 60’s, 70’s, 80’s maybe. They are dancing,shaking, or clapping so happily. They appreciate the band still singing, It’s amazing that the older they get, the cooler they are.
 I love Beach Boys’ harmony, and the sense of unity with audience.
 I’m not sure the world is beautiful, but when I watch the video I believe there are many people who want to believe the world is beautiful.

  I want to go to San Francisco some day to watch Talk Back Out Loud.






 18 May 2014


A movie and a lecture

Now I’m looking forward to a movie and a lecture.

The movie is “TALK BACK OUT LOUD” ,a documentary film about an all-women amateur theater group which originated in SF jail.

  Since 2008, The Medea Project:Theater for Incarcerated Women, an all-women amateur theater group which originated in jail, has been working in collaboration with Women’s HIV Program to mainly tug these women out od the closet and to help them break their silence.
In March 2010, they premiered their new ‘documentary’ theater piece Dancing with the Clown of Love. It featured women living with HIV  and was performed by sixteen women, half of whom were diagnosed positive.
  This production was developed over two years in workshops facilitated by Rhodessa Jones’ workshop to witness their unique process of creating a play, Supposed by nurturing of sisterhood beyond class, race and ethnicity, these women of diverse backgrounds including former inmates and prostitutes are now able to speak out about their own lives without holding back traumatic events such as rape and HIV disclosure.
 TALK BACK OUT LOUD challenges us to face the reality of marginalized women and to examine our own perceptions as well as our lifestyles.
   The woman director, Ms Sakagami Kaori will come to Oita city on 17 and 18 May. She filmed over six years for this.
I’m looking forward to see her.

   I have known that Uchida Rintaro will come to Omuta city on 31 May Saturday. I’m fond of his works. It probably two and half hours to Omuta city from here. I’d like to go to listen to his lecture. He informs it on his blog. I suppose it will be crowded.

15 May 2014


  I’ve  read “Family less refugees” written by Yamada Masahiro.
  He predicts our society go to singlification.
  It has two meanings, one, it become longer the team of being single in a person’s lifetime, the other, in all generation the population of single person —by unmarried, divorced , being bereaved of—is increasing. Because of extending lifetime, the term of being single in old age become longer.
  From age-30 to age-34 the percentage of unmarried people is 11.7 for men, and 7.3 for women at 1970. It is 47.3 for men and 34.5 for women at 2010.

   Single people, for all generation, used to be included by big family in Meiji era.  People used to think that being single is a temporary state in the beginning  and ending of their social life.
  But single population is including. The sons and daughters who live with their parents can’t be independent from their family because of luck of income.
  He says the Family less refugees are people who have no relative to count on. He expect it will be 3 million in thirty  years.
   The welfare system of our society is designed for families and it premise there is  support   from their family.
   That system will widen the gap between the haves and the have-nots. From the pressure people hesitate to have their family.
   Mr. Yamada suggests two approaches. One is encourage to have families, and the other is to reform the welfare system.

 Mr.Yamada suggests you should have your family, and go to the marriage making party. Besides he shows us about share house to make semi-family.
 He refers to PACS in France and Sambolagen in Sweden. It is similar to marriage. People get legal protect and can separate easily. It is open foe same sex couple.
      In Japan if you want to make a relationship similar to marriage, you should choose de facto marriage. It helps a little but it is not popular.
    He fears if the population of single keep on increasing the population of under class will bigger. In case of that our society will be fragile.
  I suppose this is my own issue. My sons will be under class. Two of them work as temporary workers and one of them can’t find any job.
  I should do something I can for reform of welfare system.
  It is very interesting book written for ordinary people.
   To my regret he doesn’t suggest the library’s possibility, I think people can avoid being isolated if he/she goes to library. Books are the media which connect people.
   I wish young people get along with library.

 30〜34歳の未婚率は1970年は男性11.7% 女性7.2%だったが、2010年には男性47.3% 女性34.5%になっている。

 15 May 2014


the consecutive holidays

On 2nd May, my daughter, lives in Saga city has come home at the first time since she left on 30 March.
    I expected to see her, she had asked me to pick her up at the station about nine o’clock in the night.
    But on the day she texted in Line she would come home by car, so I would not need to go to the station. One of her friend’s mother picked up her son   who lives in Omuta city, then kindly went to Saga to give a ride her.

   On 4th May, my daughter and I went to Fukuoka city. We went through route 386. We supposed the expressway would be crowded.
 We visited my third eldest son. Then my son, my daughter and I went to shopping. First we went to a home center to buy a toaster with microwave oven, a bamboo blind, and tin foil panel which to prevent getting dirty around the gas stove.
    We carried them to my son’s apartment.

     Then I parked my car in a parking lot near Nishijin subway station. We took subway train to Hakata.
     At Tenjin station a lot of passenger get on and get out because of Dontaku festival.
     At first we bought some croissant at Mignon. Many costumer were lined up. We hang around in the Amu plaza. Then we went to Yodobashicamera to buy a personal computer for my son. We bought an inexpensive one. After that I looked iPad mini and Nexus 7. I want to buy one of them. I asked a salesperson if my IDEOS could be used tethering for them. At that time my IDEOS was connected both tablet. But both of them can’t access internet. I don’t know why. A should ask the company run the  SIM card.

   I can’t make up my mind which tablet I will buy. I want to use navigation, to read e-books, to listen to music and podcasting, e-mail, LINE, Skype or google hung out. My sons and daughter use iPhone, but for me iPone’s screen is too small to read text. I have used to use tablet, Lenovo idea tab.
   To my disappointment, it hailed recently. I should buy new one. It cost more than the former. It is nuisance. On the other hand it is a little exiting to waver in my choice.
    I want to buy firm one this time, and to expand the term of guarantee.

     On 6 May, I took my daughter Saga city to her apartment. The university will start on 7 May. So she have to back to Saga city.
    I drove prefectural route 151, there were less cars than route 210.
    On the way to Saga city, we dropped in Tony’s cafe in Ukiha-machi.
    We ordered tacos, she chose spicy lord and I chose minced meat. There were two pieces for one person. So we exchanged one of those. Both tasted good.
     And we ordered ice cream, blubbery and chocolate. Those were served with fried torilla, added honey and cinnamon. It matched very well. I went there for the first time.The restaurant has ethnic and comfortable atmosphere. I’ll go there again.

   My daughter stayed home three days. She saw some friends, freshmen of university, One girl who goes to Teikyo university in Tokyo came home by night express bus. It is inexpensive. Her university had eight continuous offs, so she decided to go home.

   My daughter is going to the driving school from the end of May. She told me the university coop’s person recommended to go to the driving school, “It’s now or never”.
     She expecting to get driver’s license in the summer vacation.
     She intends to work on every Saturday and Sunday. It will be useful.
    I’m looking forward to see her again in summer vacation.
  5月2日 佐賀にいる娘が帰って来た。3月30日にこちらを発って以来だ。





8 May  2014