the lecture of Arthur Binard
On November 22, I have been to Usuki City Hall to hear Arthur Binard’s lecture.
I left home at 9:30 then arrived at Usuki before 12:30,opening time. First I bought two books and stood in line to get his autograph.
He is so sociable, he has chatted with each person who ask his autograph, it has taken time.
I’ve asked to write down his autograph on my favorite book “Rain won’t” and “What a wonderful world”. He says it is translated in Japanese to make it possible to sing in Japanese. I’m going to practice.
Before the lecture, a woman read aloud “Here we’re our home — Ben Shahn’s the fifth happy dragon ship”.
Arthur Binard starts his speech with the topic of his swimsuit. When he has come to Japan in 1990, he has brought a swimsuit. After he knew it is called “sea water pants” in Japanese. At that time he has felt a little weird. He used to put on them at Lake Michigan or river.
After a wile he has been Lake Biwa, and then he has known Lake Biwa has another name “Ohmi — freshwater ocean”. He has reminded the word Michigan means great water in native American tribe Algonquian language.
He has deeply understood the similarity of those two languages.
He has told us Ohzu and Michigan are sister towns.
Then he has asked anyone would sing “If I sail the sea I will become a corpse washed up, if I go through the mountain I will become a corpse in the grass, I wish to die beside my Lord, I'll never look back.”.
And a man has sang it very well.
He has said 辺 is the matter. It doesn’t mean “for”, it means “by” “beside”.
Yosano Akiko has described “your Lord himself won’t go to the battle” in her work “Please don’t die”. From the word of Otomo no Yakamochi you can’t read it to send someone to battle. They have made it into martial song by cheating.
“His/Her Majesty will continuee ten thousand eighty thousand until a small pebble will become a big crag and be covered with moss”, he favors this poem especially its last phrase. He has asked various people if their national anthem has moss. He has never heard. “Koke kokka —the moss nation —is so nice”, he says.
The radioactive materials easily put on moss or mushroom. If Japanese take care of moss, the nuclear power plants won’t be restarted generating.
Some people say Japanese is vague, but he isn’t agree. He was surprised to see Japanese distinguished clearly. You may have met someone on December 30 then meet again him on January 1. You should say “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me last year, and Happy new year! “ Even if you met him just todays before. “Shoes prohibited” makes the place different.
P.M.Abe has been withdrawing the line of demarcation.
His cabinet has allowed to use right of collective self-defense. It combines the police and the self-defense-force, and then with U.S. army.
In the way of his talking the word “interrupt” sounds like fault, it is not true. Thanks to the interrupt people can survive. Who demands to export arms should welcome the right of collective self-defense.
We can admit the Okinawa people hope the Japan-U.S. alliance with demarcation. The constitution make the power’s demarcation clear and limit it. The constitution is not only the written words, rather than a rein in government not to turn into tyrants.
On the other day the midterm election has held. Actually President Obama has not defeated. Those who against the TPP are low-level Democrat. President Obama is for the TPP. Mr. Obama and Republican controlled Congress will move ahead on the TPP.
With the TPP the demarcation between nations will be vanished. Japanese will lose economical advantage, then it may be going to face the same fate as Ainu or native American languages.
Japanese has been raised in ocean and mountain, in the sustainable environment.
You must stand on the side of create, not be passive.
How much value is Japanese? Japanese won’t be sold.
11月22日 臼杵市民会館にアーサー・ビナードの講演を聴きに行った。9時半に家を出て12時半の開場の前に着いた。 まず本を2冊買ってサイン会の列に並んだ。
講演の前に『ここが家だ-- ベン・シャーンの第五福竜丸』の朗読があった。
「海ゆかば水漬く屍山ゆかば草蒸す屍 大君の辺にこそ死なめ かえりみはせじ」の歌を歌える人はいますかと聞いた。ある男性がとても上手に歌った。
「君が 代は千代に八千代にさざれ石の巌となりて苔のむすまで」も良い。ラストの苔が特によい。どこの国の国家に苔を歌っているものがあるか、何人かに聞いたけれどまだきいたことがない。「苔国家はとてもいい」と言う。
日本語は海と里山、持続可能な生態系の中で育てられた。受け身の日本語でなく作る 側にならなくてはいけない。
日本語の値段は? 日本語は 売らない。
23 Nov. 2014
Library service for the blind
(写真 左/ブレイルメモ32 右/プレクストーク 当日配布資料より)
Today, I went to BeppuTsurumigaoka high school to attend a reserch meeting.
I had meant to hear both reserches about education with library and about education with ICT. But they were not shown at the same place. So I chose ICT group.I’ve learned various lessons using school library and how teachers use ICT —Information and Communication Technology —.
In all the reports I was impressed by the report from the school for the blind.
The teacher instructed us about some devises which was helpful for the person with visual impairment.
An “Optiscope” is a device which helps reading with magnifying letters or inverting black-and-white.
Speaking about the personal computer, you can let it read aloud for you by voice read-aloud software. And there is a software for translate into Braille. But the braille point printer is too expensive for the school to purchase.
The teacher who instructed us was using a devise. He said it was called “Brailmemo” . He can take note with it, and when connect it to PC he can edit them. Not only teachers but also many students have bought it with grant. It is so helpful in daily life.
Another device, “PLEXTALK”, it is a reading apparatus for DAISY —Digital Accessible Information System—. There are many audio files read by volunteer. You can download digital audio files from SAPIE library.
I have been interested in e-books sold at Amazon because some of them have audio files. If I had a Kindle I could buy an e-book which text-to-speech is available.
He said at his school there are ten iPad and two iPod touch. He said the iPad is tremendously universal designed. You can make an iPad support for person with visual disorder with setting the accessibility.
He also admired windows PC. Win PC has nice software for education.
I have learned much through his presentation. He is totally blind. The students have various optical disorder. The teachers are making efforts for students acquire skills to get along well in their lives.
I want to study more about library service on audio books.
先生の勤務校では10台のiPadと2台のiPod touchがあるそうだ。iPadは究極のユニバーサルデザインだと言っていた。iPadのアクセシビリティを設定すれば視覚障がい者をサポートしてくれる。
先生の発表を通していろいろ教わった。先生は全盲だ。生徒はいろいろな視覚障 がいをもつ。先生方は生徒に生活していくためのスキルを修得させるよう努力をしている。
9 Nov. 2014
the lecture of Jiro Yamaguchi
Today, I went to BeppuTsurumigaoka High School to listen to a lecture of professor Jiro Yamaguchi.
He talked about the critical state of democracy for about ninety minutes. He might have wanted to describe more, and I have wanted to listen more.
He explains the current situation like this, the public opinion is against for the right to collective degfense, restart of nuclear plants, and people have a premonition that “Abenomics “will get no good.
Meanwhile support for the Abe cabinet is still keeping high.
The present situation is similar to the situation of German at post world war 1. At that time there was enmity against defeat in war and economic crisis.
Prime minister Abe appropriate the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, NHK, and the Bank of Japan. He suggests that’s why Mr. Abe’s complex. He quoted Ishihara Yoshiro.
While Ishihara was one of Siberian prisoner, when the prisoner go out they were surrounded by army in all directions. At that time Ishihara was terrified the high teen armies who had little experience behind. Because they had inferiority complex and without hesitation they tend to fire for every little reason.
Prof. Yamaguchi estimates Prime Minister Abe’s motivation is similar to the young armies.
He explains the “Winners takes all” situation in policy and economy.
The single-member constituency system has brought it. And about the economic conditions, the difference is increasing. Even if the government reduce the corporation tax, they will not reward.
According to statistical survey, compare to 1980 and 2013, the university tuition has grown twelve times, and medical expenses has grown seven times.
According to another survey, the poor population has increased, especially under thirty.
The poor is 99 percent. Why the 99 percent people can’t unite? Because under bureaucracy, people is given a short term goal and let competed with others.
Neoliberal educational reform makes students stop considering deeply.
Public morality is needed. To make equality by mutual support we have to create citizenship.
He quotes Lu Xun, Hope is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass the way, a road is made.”
Prof.Yamaguchi’s lecture has inspired me to read Uzawa Hirofumi. I must read the “Social Common Capital” written by Uzawa Hirofumi.
8 Nov. 2014
He talked about the critical state of democracy for about ninety minutes. He might have wanted to describe more, and I have wanted to listen more.
He explains the current situation like this, the public opinion is against for the right to collective degfense, restart of nuclear plants, and people have a premonition that “Abenomics “will get no good.
Meanwhile support for the Abe cabinet is still keeping high.
The present situation is similar to the situation of German at post world war 1. At that time there was enmity against defeat in war and economic crisis.
Prime minister Abe appropriate the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, NHK, and the Bank of Japan. He suggests that’s why Mr. Abe’s complex. He quoted Ishihara Yoshiro.
While Ishihara was one of Siberian prisoner, when the prisoner go out they were surrounded by army in all directions. At that time Ishihara was terrified the high teen armies who had little experience behind. Because they had inferiority complex and without hesitation they tend to fire for every little reason.
Prof. Yamaguchi estimates Prime Minister Abe’s motivation is similar to the young armies.
He explains the “Winners takes all” situation in policy and economy.
The single-member constituency system has brought it. And about the economic conditions, the difference is increasing. Even if the government reduce the corporation tax, they will not reward.
According to statistical survey, compare to 1980 and 2013, the university tuition has grown twelve times, and medical expenses has grown seven times.
According to another survey, the poor population has increased, especially under thirty.
The poor is 99 percent. Why the 99 percent people can’t unite? Because under bureaucracy, people is given a short term goal and let competed with others.
Neoliberal educational reform makes students stop considering deeply.
Public morality is needed. To make equality by mutual support we have to create citizenship.
He quotes Lu Xun, Hope is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass the way, a road is made.”
Prof.Yamaguchi’s lecture has inspired me to read Uzawa Hirofumi. I must read the “Social Common Capital” written by Uzawa Hirofumi.
8 Nov. 2014
Fujiwara Masahiko / Dakim & Bun
On November first, I went to Patoria Hita to hear Fujiwara Masahiko’s lecture.
There was an event called Oita educational Day tenth anniversary convention. Oita prefectural governor Mr. Hirose, Mayer of Hita city Mr. Harada took part in.
At first, the representative of PTA and those two gave the welcome address.
Then Fujiwara Masahiko gave a lecture. The title was “the soul of Japan : beautiful sentiment and figure of nation”.
He talked about what he thought important for Japanese society.
He thought it had been better thirty years before. At 80’s people had lived less differentials. It was ideal world which 80 percent people thought they belonged to middle class.
The government spent money for public investment for years. But at 90’s government directed opposite after being suggested from U.S. U.S. government wanted Japan to purchase U.S. bond. Japanese government shifted policy from expansion of domestic demand to neoliberalism.
As the result local economies had shrunken. The consumption tax increase would expand gap.
I have understand he was against neoliberal policy.
Then he continued. It was important to maintain figure of nation.
He emphasized the importance of compulsory elementary education especially mastering mother tongue. He didn’t agree to teach neither IT nor English at elementary school. He thought mother tongue was base of logical thinking. For children it was more important than learning English. If they learned about a large amount of classics they would understand Japanese beautiful sentiment. Then they should gain the sense of compassion. Being sensitive and empathetic had been distinguish feature of Japanese. He gave some examples that foreign people who had come to Japan had spoken well of Japanese countryside people.
He said the phrase “Freedom” and “Equarity” were fiction. Using thsese words as a cover the y exploit the weak.
“To make children understand that unfairness is unacceptable in our society is needed”, he said. “We must treasure the figure of nation.”
His lecture was partly interesting and he was attractive, but I didn’t understand what he meant as the word figure of nation.
I heard the lecture of Fujiwara Masahiko on the very day there was a live concert. I don’t know what it called, it might be called DJ party. It was my first experience.
The beat maker Dakim and Bun(Fumitake Tramura) have collaborated and they are touring now, from 24 Oct through 3 Nov. They go around six places. The fifth place was Hita Oita pref. at CMVC.
I haven’t been CMVC. It is near PatriaHita. If you pass by the Chuo dori, you can see the wall ad and a toilet in the front window. I was curious about the toilet, Is it a display or for use.
The party started at 10 p.m. Some twenty people had come. We had good time. The place have great soundproof wall. Though there was loud sound in the hall, there was quiet outside.
At first the DJ who lives in HIta played. Then Bun and Dakim played, while the music was playing, an artist draw a picture, with synchronizing. He drew some whirlpool. Audience was curious what he draw next. It was amazing.
The beat came me and I felt like getting massage. The audience were swinging as they liked. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. It might be one of the reason, I dozed. But I could hear the sound. I left at 2 a.m.
I’ve not known about this studio. Time after time they held good events.
I’ve heard this place used to be a boutique. The owner has reformed to studio.The audience comes from out of Hita city. It is a good place for young people who love music.
The next event will be held on Nov.15. I was given a fryer.
11月1日 パトリア日田に藤原正彦の講演を聞きに行った。おおいた教育の日というものの10周年記念大会だった。大分県知事の広瀬氏、日田市長の原田氏が来場していた。
ビートメイカーのDakim と Fumitake Tamura が協働して10月24日から11月3日までツアーを行っている。6箇所でやるのだが、5番目が大分の日田で CMVCであった。
2 Nov. 2014
There was an event called Oita educational Day tenth anniversary convention. Oita prefectural governor Mr. Hirose, Mayer of Hita city Mr. Harada took part in.
At first, the representative of PTA and those two gave the welcome address.
Then Fujiwara Masahiko gave a lecture. The title was “the soul of Japan : beautiful sentiment and figure of nation”.
He talked about what he thought important for Japanese society.
He thought it had been better thirty years before. At 80’s people had lived less differentials. It was ideal world which 80 percent people thought they belonged to middle class.
The government spent money for public investment for years. But at 90’s government directed opposite after being suggested from U.S. U.S. government wanted Japan to purchase U.S. bond. Japanese government shifted policy from expansion of domestic demand to neoliberalism.
As the result local economies had shrunken. The consumption tax increase would expand gap.
I have understand he was against neoliberal policy.
Then he continued. It was important to maintain figure of nation.
He emphasized the importance of compulsory elementary education especially mastering mother tongue. He didn’t agree to teach neither IT nor English at elementary school. He thought mother tongue was base of logical thinking. For children it was more important than learning English. If they learned about a large amount of classics they would understand Japanese beautiful sentiment. Then they should gain the sense of compassion. Being sensitive and empathetic had been distinguish feature of Japanese. He gave some examples that foreign people who had come to Japan had spoken well of Japanese countryside people.
He said the phrase “Freedom” and “Equarity” were fiction. Using thsese words as a cover the y exploit the weak.
“To make children understand that unfairness is unacceptable in our society is needed”, he said. “We must treasure the figure of nation.”
His lecture was partly interesting and he was attractive, but I didn’t understand what he meant as the word figure of nation.
I heard the lecture of Fujiwara Masahiko on the very day there was a live concert. I don’t know what it called, it might be called DJ party. It was my first experience.
The beat maker Dakim and Bun(Fumitake Tramura) have collaborated and they are touring now, from 24 Oct through 3 Nov. They go around six places. The fifth place was Hita Oita pref. at CMVC.
I haven’t been CMVC. It is near PatriaHita. If you pass by the Chuo dori, you can see the wall ad and a toilet in the front window. I was curious about the toilet, Is it a display or for use.
The party started at 10 p.m. Some twenty people had come. We had good time. The place have great soundproof wall. Though there was loud sound in the hall, there was quiet outside.
At first the DJ who lives in HIta played. Then Bun and Dakim played, while the music was playing, an artist draw a picture, with synchronizing. He drew some whirlpool. Audience was curious what he draw next. It was amazing.
The beat came me and I felt like getting massage. The audience were swinging as they liked. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. It might be one of the reason, I dozed. But I could hear the sound. I left at 2 a.m.
I’ve not known about this studio. Time after time they held good events.
I’ve heard this place used to be a boutique. The owner has reformed to studio.The audience comes from out of Hita city. It is a good place for young people who love music.
The next event will be held on Nov.15. I was given a fryer.
11月1日 パトリア日田に藤原正彦の講演を聞きに行った。おおいた教育の日というものの10周年記念大会だった。大分県知事の広瀬氏、日田市長の原田氏が来場していた。
ビートメイカーのDakim と Fumitake Tamura が協働して10月24日から11月3日までツアーを行っている。6箇所でやるのだが、5番目が大分の日田で CMVCであった。
2 Nov. 2014
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