
日本と原発 4年後

 On 12 Dec. I went to Cinema5 in Oita city to see a movie., “Japan and the nuclear power plants : after four years”.  The director is a lawyer, Kawai Hiroyuki and the co-director is also a lawyer, Kaito Yuichi.

 This movie explained how the damage of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had made and why the policy has not been changed.
  How the TEPCO and the government exchanged the information about the status of the four plants. And the worst scnario estimated by specialists.
 the two lawyers go to Iidate village to see the residents living surrounded the tons of Flexible container bags, which contain the soill lipped from earth’s surface. An elder lady says that she has been vexed, because her family cultivated and fertilized the soil generation after generation. Now the elementary schools and junior high school are empty. It’s so sad.the children have loved their home town but they have had to go off in all directions.
 In the movie, there’s a bright side. Takahama nuclear power plant was banned to work by Fukui district court. The court decided the power plant is too dangerous to run.
 The movie is shown from 12-18 Dec. I want everybody see it. It is worth two hours drive and 1800 yen for me. Whereas I can’t recommend my neighbor for it is too far. I hope the movie will be adopted to library version DVD and the local libraries will acquire it.
  The song of Iidate villagers was impressively beautiful. It is ironical as they can’t go the beautiful mountain.

  After seeing the movie, I went to Prefectural Office, where Prof. Saitoh Tamaki gave a lecture about “The truancy and social withdrawal”.
  He said the fifty percentage of depression are healed spontaneously, but the social withdrawal aren’t.
  To talk about truancy, it is important to seek the cause, but about social withdrawal it is no need to find the cause.
    The conversation between the person and other family members or between the person and the supporters should be kept on.
 If the person doesn’t come out from his/her room, you should talk in front of the door.
   To talk about the school caste, it arose from the tendency to measuring people by the communicative ability.

 The definition of the social withdrawal is having no social relationship over six months, not caused mental disease primarily.
 It often become long term, some years to some decades.  Their average age is 32.6 years old. It is difficult to resolve the situation by themselves.

 It is need to the family members to build the relationship which they feel safe.  Better being Sun than being north wind.  It is nicer being kind rather than loving them.
Refuse violence, if the person do violence, say “I hate it.”, don’t say “violence is wrong”. If it helps, call 110.
  Keep on conversation. Listen carefully what the person says. Then reply it.

15 Dec. 2015

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