Last Sunday (Feb. 22) my eldest son called me via Skype. He has a PSP new version. It was long time since we had done aural communication last.
I asked him how did he done the term exam. He said he had taken all the exams but he had not known the result yet. After a few weeks the students can see it on the designited web page. Accoeding to him no freshmen can't be promoted to sophomore. A sophomore can't be promoted to jnior, if he/she hasn't enough credits. As the same a junior can't be promoted to senior. He said one of his elder club mate was decided to be junior again, so he is depressed heavily. The man has been forced to be taken back home by his parents.
The man said to my son "When you aren't be promoted, you aren't. That's the way."
I said to him "Are you studing earnestly? If you don't study, you shall not pass the exam especially in Language." He said, "There are one Austrian German thacher and three Japanese German teachers. The Austrian teacher usually comes to class late afte ten minutes, and even at the exam if a student wants, a hint is his/hers for the asking. Other Japanese teachers are strict. There's a wide range in teaching policy."
I encouraged him he might have an oppotunity to read classics in original language later.
I said to him, " Recently we often notice the news that college students are under arrest having marijuana." He said,"They're really ordinary people who smoke marijuana." I recommended him a book, "Prisons of Poverty" written by Loic Wacquant. I've read it because I knew "Zero tolerance policy decreased crimes" was unture in the "Exclusive Sociaty" written by Jock Young. I wanted to know why the untrue theory had spread. It was the Manhattan Institute
who spread "Broken window theory" spending much money.
When the enployment is precarious or social welfare is shrunk, the social anxierty increase. The police arrest immigrant and the poor strictly and jail them. As the result the poor was jailed, unemployment rate has dicreased. The reason is the number of job seeker decrease. Add to it the jobs to build jails and the jobs to run jails are created. The poor go and back the jail and welfare.
Loic Wacquant wrote those. He is a French sociologist lives in U.S. He had enterd a boxing gym after he had moved to Cicago. To study closely to the inner-city.
I recommended the book to my son, but I'm not sure wheather he reads or not. He is going to perform with his band at the feawell concert for graduates of his college in March. They're going to play Deep Purple. I was surprised. I think the guitar and drum are very important. I wonder could he play like Ian Paice? I feel half anxious half excited.
この前の日曜(22日) 一番上の倅からスカイプで電話がありました。倅は新型PSPを持っています。声をきいたのはひさしぶりでした。
私が「語学はちゃんと勉強してる? やらないと試験に受からないよ」と言いました。倅は「ドイツ語はオーストリア人の先生が一人、日本人の先生が3人いて、オーストリア人の先生は授業に10分くらい遅れてきて、試験のときも学生が何か質問すると答えてくれるんだよ。ずいぶん教え方に幅があるよ」と言いました。でもいずれ古典的な名著を原書で読むんだろうからしっかり勉強しなさいと言いました。
私は倅にその本をすすめましたが、読むかどうかわかりません。3月に卒業生を送るコンサートでバンド演奏をするそうです。ディープ・パープルをするそうです。おどろきました。ディープ・パープルはギターとドラムが重要だと思うから。イアン・ペイスのようにやれるのでしょうか? 半分ドキドキ半分ワクワクです。
Feb. 26 2009
Jerusalem Prize
On Feb. 17 at night, I've read some blogs telling about Haruki Murakami's adress when he won Israeli literary prize. It was so impressed, which nearly made me cry.
"Novelists can't trust anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands." "If there is hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how wright the wall or how wrong the egg, I will stand on the side of the egg." "Because each of us is an egg, a unique soul enclosed in a fragile egg."
When the first time I 've read his novel, I was a college student. After that I've gotten old. But how fresh and sensitive still Haruki Murakami is. I took his novels fantastic,symbolic and lyrical.
One of his famous novel is "Norwegian Woods". I felt it so sad story. A female couldn't stand her destiny.
I accepted that each person has his/her destiny which weight heavy. With a little compassion it will become lighter.
"Underground" told me the same thing by nonfiction.
But as the beginning of his adress ----"I have come as a novelist that is a spinner of lies" ----- also showes, he is a humorist, I think so. A book of palindromes was so fun.
A few days before the ceremony of Jerusalem Prize, I've read an article in a newspaper that some people were asking Murakami not to receive the prize. I suppose they wished him to appeal to protest the offense to Gaza Strip. The adress should heve responsed those people sincerity. I was also moved deeply on this point.
I believe Muse will be stay with Murakami all the time.
At lunchtime on that day, I've read an article on BBC site about dozing Finance Minister Nakagawa Shoichi at press conference. I felt them very contrastive.
「小説家は自分の目で見て、自分の手でふれたものしか信じない」 「たとえばそこに堅固な高い壁とそれにぶつかる卵があったら、どんなに壁が正しくて卵が間違っていても私は卵の側に立ちます」 「私たち一人ひとりが卵であり、傷つきやすい卵に包まれた一つきりの魂だからです」
初めて彼の小説をよんだときは私は大学生でした。それからずいぶん老いました。でも村上春樹はなんてみずみずしくセンシティヴなままなのでしょう。 彼の小説は幻想的で象徴的で叙情的だと思いました。
でも彼のあいさつの冒頭 --「私は嘘ばっかりつく小説家としてここに来ました」-- でもわかるようにユーモアのある人と思います。回文の本はとっても愉快な本でした。
Feb.18 2009
"Novelists can't trust anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands." "If there is hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how wright the wall or how wrong the egg, I will stand on the side of the egg." "Because each of us is an egg, a unique soul enclosed in a fragile egg."
When the first time I 've read his novel, I was a college student. After that I've gotten old. But how fresh and sensitive still Haruki Murakami is. I took his novels fantastic,symbolic and lyrical.
One of his famous novel is "Norwegian Woods". I felt it so sad story. A female couldn't stand her destiny.
I accepted that each person has his/her destiny which weight heavy. With a little compassion it will become lighter.
"Underground" told me the same thing by nonfiction.
But as the beginning of his adress ----"I have come as a novelist that is a spinner of lies" ----- also showes, he is a humorist, I think so. A book of palindromes was so fun.
A few days before the ceremony of Jerusalem Prize, I've read an article in a newspaper that some people were asking Murakami not to receive the prize. I suppose they wished him to appeal to protest the offense to Gaza Strip. The adress should heve responsed those people sincerity. I was also moved deeply on this point.
I believe Muse will be stay with Murakami all the time.
At lunchtime on that day, I've read an article on BBC site about dozing Finance Minister Nakagawa Shoichi at press conference. I felt them very contrastive.
「小説家は自分の目で見て、自分の手でふれたものしか信じない」 「たとえばそこに堅固な高い壁とそれにぶつかる卵があったら、どんなに壁が正しくて卵が間違っていても私は卵の側に立ちます」 「私たち一人ひとりが卵であり、傷つきやすい卵に包まれた一つきりの魂だからです」
初めて彼の小説をよんだときは私は大学生でした。それからずいぶん老いました。でも村上春樹はなんてみずみずしくセンシティヴなままなのでしょう。 彼の小説は幻想的で象徴的で叙情的だと思いました。
でも彼のあいさつの冒頭 --「私は嘘ばっかりつく小説家としてここに来ました」-- でもわかるようにユーモアのある人と思います。回文の本はとっても愉快な本でした。
Feb.18 2009
A film "Rainbow"
On Feb. 11 I went to Kyushu University Hakozaki campus to watch the movie "Rainbow" filmed in Palestina.
That was something I'd really interested in to learn more about Palestina and Israel.
"Rainbow" is the name of operation that Israel had offeenced Rafah award of Gaza Strip to expel Palestinian in 2004.
In that film a father whose five-aged daughter was shooted on her way to buy a candy, a mother whose young son and daughter were sniped when they were going to feed their pigeones on the roof of their house were in deep sadness. For Rafah was occupyed a man lived in another award was made unable to go to his mother's house easily. It took half an hour's drive before but it take half a day or he can't go beyond the gate.
After foundation of Israel, the people who have lived in Palestinian region lost stable lives, haven't been able to trafic freely.
After viewing movie, we listened to Mr. Osama al Jamal, a student of Kyushu graduate Studies, and Ms. Fujinaga Kaori, who married wih a man of Gazan, now lives in Japan apart from her husband.
Mr. Osama's father used to farm olive and orange which destroyed by Israeli troops in 2005. He restored it then it was destroyed three times. Mr. Osama's wife was a college student and she came to Japan in her summer holiday in 2002. She wanted to go back and graduate college, but she has not been able to return.
One week ago, Mr. Osama could connected his mother finally, she said to him that his father was crushed and despaired. They have been destroyed their home, so they shelterd here and there, looking foe water, food, medicine et al. He said he felt painful because he could do nothing with being a student.
Ms. Fujinaga's husband lives in Gaza. Inspite of ceasefire, Gazan's suffer is still continue. The electric power is down, so water supply is down. Israel don't allow to carry into the necessary items to repair. Even if ceasefire has done, it is not easy to pass the border.
A traveldocument, which is equal to a passport in Japan, is published by Fataha who is in the west side of Yordan rever, which to get is difficult for Gazan.
She said : I had decided to live in Gaza and with my hasband we have been making every effort even to get a house.
The Palestinian have been living imprison for these sixty years. Japanese can meet their family anytime they want. Imagine the situation you can't do it. I wish Palestinian become to be able to meet their family freely.
There were about sixty people in the room, most of them were young. They said they couldn't get information of Palestina from Japanese mass media.
The expenses of holding the meeting "What's Palestina? What's going on?" had been paied by some students of faculty of law. They asked for aid. If some money would left they intended to send it Palestina.
And there was a signature-obtaining campaign which request Japanese government to protest Israel government. I annexed my signature.
The meeting was over at 6 p.m. I arrived at home around 8 p.m. My second eldest son had prepared supper of curry and rice. I was so glad, and was grateful for my great son.
2月11日 九州大学箱崎キャンパスにパレスチナで撮影された映画「レインボー」を見にいきました。パレスチナとイスラエルをもっと知るためにぜひ見たいと思ったのです。
「パレスチナって何? なにが起こってるの?」の集会の費用は法学部の学生さん達が負担しているそうで、カンパをよびかけました。お金が余ればパレスチナの人にも届けたいと言っていました。
Feb.12 2009
That was something I'd really interested in to learn more about Palestina and Israel.
"Rainbow" is the name of operation that Israel had offeenced Rafah award of Gaza Strip to expel Palestinian in 2004.
In that film a father whose five-aged daughter was shooted on her way to buy a candy, a mother whose young son and daughter were sniped when they were going to feed their pigeones on the roof of their house were in deep sadness. For Rafah was occupyed a man lived in another award was made unable to go to his mother's house easily. It took half an hour's drive before but it take half a day or he can't go beyond the gate.
After foundation of Israel, the people who have lived in Palestinian region lost stable lives, haven't been able to trafic freely.
After viewing movie, we listened to Mr. Osama al Jamal, a student of Kyushu graduate Studies, and Ms. Fujinaga Kaori, who married wih a man of Gazan, now lives in Japan apart from her husband.
Mr. Osama's father used to farm olive and orange which destroyed by Israeli troops in 2005. He restored it then it was destroyed three times. Mr. Osama's wife was a college student and she came to Japan in her summer holiday in 2002. She wanted to go back and graduate college, but she has not been able to return.
One week ago, Mr. Osama could connected his mother finally, she said to him that his father was crushed and despaired. They have been destroyed their home, so they shelterd here and there, looking foe water, food, medicine et al. He said he felt painful because he could do nothing with being a student.
Ms. Fujinaga's husband lives in Gaza. Inspite of ceasefire, Gazan's suffer is still continue. The electric power is down, so water supply is down. Israel don't allow to carry into the necessary items to repair. Even if ceasefire has done, it is not easy to pass the border.
A traveldocument, which is equal to a passport in Japan, is published by Fataha who is in the west side of Yordan rever, which to get is difficult for Gazan.
She said : I had decided to live in Gaza and with my hasband we have been making every effort even to get a house.
The Palestinian have been living imprison for these sixty years. Japanese can meet their family anytime they want. Imagine the situation you can't do it. I wish Palestinian become to be able to meet their family freely.
There were about sixty people in the room, most of them were young. They said they couldn't get information of Palestina from Japanese mass media.
The expenses of holding the meeting "What's Palestina? What's going on?" had been paied by some students of faculty of law. They asked for aid. If some money would left they intended to send it Palestina.
And there was a signature-obtaining campaign which request Japanese government to protest Israel government. I annexed my signature.
The meeting was over at 6 p.m. I arrived at home around 8 p.m. My second eldest son had prepared supper of curry and rice. I was so glad, and was grateful for my great son.
2月11日 九州大学箱崎キャンパスにパレスチナで撮影された映画「レインボー」を見にいきました。パレスチナとイスラエルをもっと知るためにぜひ見たいと思ったのです。
「パレスチナって何? なにが起こってるの?」の集会の費用は法学部の学生さん達が負担しているそうで、カンパをよびかけました。お金が余ればパレスチナの人にも届けたいと言っていました。
Feb.12 2009
The theatricallized biography of Matsushita Ryuichi
On Feb. 7 Suturday, I went to Nakatsu Culture Hall to watch a play. Its title was "About seagulls come" . It was a drama described the life of Matsushita Ryuichi who was an ex tofu maker and an author.
Mr.Matsushita gave up to go to colledge because of supporting his family, and succeed to the family buisiness tofu maker.While he worked as a tofu maker, he was married a young lady named Yoko who become a nice spouse, he wrote tankas, and the book collected his works became a best seller.
He became famous suddenly, and got prize or he was offered to do a lecture. But he disliked to be labeled as a model youth. He wished to think by himself and to take up society, then he decided to quit his business and become an author.
Meanwhile there was a plan of development Suounada ( the sea between Yamaguchi Pref. and Oita pref.) including his home town. It was to bury the sea and pollute environment. He started a movement against the plan.
Though there were many people who blamed him without turning a hair, he and his comrade were continued to appeal that it was our duty to conserve the sea and nature and succeed them to future generations.
They sued the government for not to give license buriing the sea, with studying the legal proceedings by themselves.
They had another trial. Because on the day the construction had started, his best friend was arrested in the protest rally. Recentry I've known the concept "lawful excuse" ,but to my regret at that time of 1979 the concept was not recognised widely. Also the environmental right which they suggested was not recognised. They had desparate fights. He passed away in his age 67 in 2004.
He was poor in his health but strong faith. He had been having conscience, left many beautiful works, and had told us the worth to saying "NO" for the greedy development.
I respect him truly and I'm grateful to show me how to live as a responsible citizen.
2月7日土曜日 中津文化会館にしばいを見に行きました。タイトルは『かもめ来る頃』というのです。元豆腐屋で作家になった松下竜一さんの生涯を描いた演劇でした。
自分達で法律を勉強しながら国に対しに埋め立て差し止め訴訟を起こしました。他にも裁判がありました。着工の日、抗議行動の中で親友が逮捕されたからです。近頃、合法的酌量(正当行為)という概念を知りましたが、残念なことに1979年当時その考えは広く理解されていませんでした。それに彼らが提起した環境権も理解されませんでした。彼らは厳しい戦いを強いられました。彼は2004年 67歳で亡くなりました。
# lawful excuse については など勉強になりました。
Feb.8 2009
Mr.Matsushita gave up to go to colledge because of supporting his family, and succeed to the family buisiness tofu maker.While he worked as a tofu maker, he was married a young lady named Yoko who become a nice spouse, he wrote tankas, and the book collected his works became a best seller.
He became famous suddenly, and got prize or he was offered to do a lecture. But he disliked to be labeled as a model youth. He wished to think by himself and to take up society, then he decided to quit his business and become an author.
Meanwhile there was a plan of development Suounada ( the sea between Yamaguchi Pref. and Oita pref.) including his home town. It was to bury the sea and pollute environment. He started a movement against the plan.
Though there were many people who blamed him without turning a hair, he and his comrade were continued to appeal that it was our duty to conserve the sea and nature and succeed them to future generations.
They sued the government for not to give license buriing the sea, with studying the legal proceedings by themselves.
They had another trial. Because on the day the construction had started, his best friend was arrested in the protest rally. Recentry I've known the concept "lawful excuse" ,but to my regret at that time of 1979 the concept was not recognised widely. Also the environmental right which they suggested was not recognised. They had desparate fights. He passed away in his age 67 in 2004.
He was poor in his health but strong faith. He had been having conscience, left many beautiful works, and had told us the worth to saying "NO" for the greedy development.
I respect him truly and I'm grateful to show me how to live as a responsible citizen.
2月7日土曜日 中津文化会館にしばいを見に行きました。タイトルは『かもめ来る頃』というのです。元豆腐屋で作家になった松下竜一さんの生涯を描いた演劇でした。
自分達で法律を勉強しながら国に対しに埋め立て差し止め訴訟を起こしました。他にも裁判がありました。着工の日、抗議行動の中で親友が逮捕されたからです。近頃、合法的酌量(正当行為)という概念を知りましたが、残念なことに1979年当時その考えは広く理解されていませんでした。それに彼らが提起した環境権も理解されませんでした。彼らは厳しい戦いを強いられました。彼は2004年 67歳で亡くなりました。
# lawful excuse については など勉強になりました。
Feb.8 2009
My son whom I pitied
I have received an e-mail from my son who lives alone in Tokyo. He said he had received the rice and chocolate and coffee et al, which I arranged to deliver from the cooperative I used usually.
He said he would be able to eat rice to his heart's content again. I asked him whether could he afford to live, how did he spend. He replied for various way, I've known he paied the NHK TV viewing fee from his small income barely.
I was surprised . He loves TV game. When he used to live in his mother's home, he shered TV games with his family, After he moved to Tokyo he bought his own PS3. His landlady was so kind that she lented him a television which her family didn't use. He has connected his PS3 to the borrowed television.
He was not to watch NHK. But the NHK fee collector said to him "Anybody owns television should pay the NHK viewing fee". He was so obedient that he signed the contract,
I'm regret. He is in his minority. I should have taught him "Befor you sign some contract you might well ask me".
I advised him. For they will terminate analog broadcasting by 2011, the chance he dissolve the contract will come. If the analog broadcasting would have terminated he could offer to dissolve to NHK because he would not be able to view any program.
To be honesty if I were he, I would say the collector "I don't need your radiowave. Please avoid my house." But my eldest son doesn't like to be borhered again and again,
I can't wait for the day the analog broadcasting will be terminated.
東京で一人暮らしをしている倅からメールが来ました。お米、チョコ、コーヒー、その他、私がいつも利用している生協から届けてもらったものを受け取ったとのことです。やっとまたごはんをお腹いっぱい食べられるとか。生活費足りてる? 何に使ってる?と聞きました、倅はいろいろ使っています。少ない収入のなかから無理してNHK受信料まで払ったそうです。
Feb.3 2009
He said he would be able to eat rice to his heart's content again. I asked him whether could he afford to live, how did he spend. He replied for various way, I've known he paied the NHK TV viewing fee from his small income barely.
I was surprised . He loves TV game. When he used to live in his mother's home, he shered TV games with his family, After he moved to Tokyo he bought his own PS3. His landlady was so kind that she lented him a television which her family didn't use. He has connected his PS3 to the borrowed television.
He was not to watch NHK. But the NHK fee collector said to him "Anybody owns television should pay the NHK viewing fee". He was so obedient that he signed the contract,
I'm regret. He is in his minority. I should have taught him "Befor you sign some contract you might well ask me".
I advised him. For they will terminate analog broadcasting by 2011, the chance he dissolve the contract will come. If the analog broadcasting would have terminated he could offer to dissolve to NHK because he would not be able to view any program.
To be honesty if I were he, I would say the collector "I don't need your radiowave. Please avoid my house." But my eldest son doesn't like to be borhered again and again,
I can't wait for the day the analog broadcasting will be terminated.
東京で一人暮らしをしている倅からメールが来ました。お米、チョコ、コーヒー、その他、私がいつも利用している生協から届けてもらったものを受け取ったとのことです。やっとまたごはんをお腹いっぱい食べられるとか。生活費足りてる? 何に使ってる?と聞きました、倅はいろいろ使っています。少ない収入のなかから無理してNHK受信料まで払ったそうです。
Feb.3 2009
投稿 (Atom)