On Feb. 17 at night, I've read some blogs telling about Haruki Murakami's adress when he won Israeli literary prize. It was so impressed, which nearly made me cry.
"Novelists can't trust anything they haven't seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands." "If there is hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how wright the wall or how wrong the egg, I will stand on the side of the egg." "Because each of us is an egg, a unique soul enclosed in a fragile egg."
When the first time I 've read his novel, I was a college student. After that I've gotten old. But how fresh and sensitive still Haruki Murakami is. I took his novels fantastic,symbolic and lyrical.
One of his famous novel is "Norwegian Woods". I felt it so sad story. A female couldn't stand her destiny.
I accepted that each person has his/her destiny which weight heavy. With a little compassion it will become lighter.
"Underground" told me the same thing by nonfiction.
But as the beginning of his adress ----"I have come as a novelist that is a spinner of lies" ----- also showes, he is a humorist, I think so. A book of palindromes was so fun.
A few days before the ceremony of Jerusalem Prize, I've read an article in a newspaper that some people were asking Murakami not to receive the prize. I suppose they wished him to appeal to protest the offense to Gaza Strip. The adress should heve responsed those people sincerity. I was also moved deeply on this point.
I believe Muse will be stay with Murakami all the time.
At lunchtime on that day, I've read an article on BBC site about dozing Finance Minister Nakagawa Shoichi at press conference. I felt them very contrastive.
「小説家は自分の目で見て、自分の手でふれたものしか信じない」 「たとえばそこに堅固な高い壁とそれにぶつかる卵があったら、どんなに壁が正しくて卵が間違っていても私は卵の側に立ちます」 「私たち一人ひとりが卵であり、傷つきやすい卵に包まれた一つきりの魂だからです」
初めて彼の小説をよんだときは私は大学生でした。それからずいぶん老いました。でも村上春樹はなんてみずみずしくセンシティヴなままなのでしょう。 彼の小説は幻想的で象徴的で叙情的だと思いました。
でも彼のあいさつの冒頭 --「私は嘘ばっかりつく小説家としてここに来ました」-- でもわかるようにユーモアのある人と思います。回文の本はとっても愉快な本でした。
Feb.18 2009
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