Last Sunday (Feb. 22) my eldest son called me via Skype. He has a PSP new version. It was long time since we had done aural communication last.
I asked him how did he done the term exam. He said he had taken all the exams but he had not known the result yet. After a few weeks the students can see it on the designited web page. Accoeding to him no freshmen can't be promoted to sophomore. A sophomore can't be promoted to jnior, if he/she hasn't enough credits. As the same a junior can't be promoted to senior. He said one of his elder club mate was decided to be junior again, so he is depressed heavily. The man has been forced to be taken back home by his parents.
The man said to my son "When you aren't be promoted, you aren't. That's the way."
I said to him "Are you studing earnestly? If you don't study, you shall not pass the exam especially in Language." He said, "There are one Austrian German thacher and three Japanese German teachers. The Austrian teacher usually comes to class late afte ten minutes, and even at the exam if a student wants, a hint is his/hers for the asking. Other Japanese teachers are strict. There's a wide range in teaching policy."
I encouraged him he might have an oppotunity to read classics in original language later.
I said to him, " Recently we often notice the news that college students are under arrest having marijuana." He said,"They're really ordinary people who smoke marijuana." I recommended him a book, "Prisons of Poverty" written by Loic Wacquant. I've read it because I knew "Zero tolerance policy decreased crimes" was unture in the "Exclusive Sociaty" written by Jock Young. I wanted to know why the untrue theory had spread. It was the Manhattan Institute
who spread "Broken window theory" spending much money.
When the enployment is precarious or social welfare is shrunk, the social anxierty increase. The police arrest immigrant and the poor strictly and jail them. As the result the poor was jailed, unemployment rate has dicreased. The reason is the number of job seeker decrease. Add to it the jobs to build jails and the jobs to run jails are created. The poor go and back the jail and welfare.
Loic Wacquant wrote those. He is a French sociologist lives in U.S. He had enterd a boxing gym after he had moved to Cicago. To study closely to the inner-city.
I recommended the book to my son, but I'm not sure wheather he reads or not. He is going to perform with his band at the feawell concert for graduates of his college in March. They're going to play Deep Purple. I was surprised. I think the guitar and drum are very important. I wonder could he play like Ian Paice? I feel half anxious half excited.
この前の日曜(22日) 一番上の倅からスカイプで電話がありました。倅は新型PSPを持っています。声をきいたのはひさしぶりでした。
私が「語学はちゃんと勉強してる? やらないと試験に受からないよ」と言いました。倅は「ドイツ語はオーストリア人の先生が一人、日本人の先生が3人いて、オーストリア人の先生は授業に10分くらい遅れてきて、試験のときも学生が何か質問すると答えてくれるんだよ。ずいぶん教え方に幅があるよ」と言いました。でもいずれ古典的な名著を原書で読むんだろうからしっかり勉強しなさいと言いました。
私は倅にその本をすすめましたが、読むかどうかわかりません。3月に卒業生を送るコンサートでバンド演奏をするそうです。ディープ・パープルをするそうです。おどろきました。ディープ・パープルはギターとドラムが重要だと思うから。イアン・ペイスのようにやれるのでしょうか? 半分ドキドキ半分ワクワクです。
Feb. 26 2009
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