On 26 Apr. I went to Ms.Nobuta Sayoko's lecture,which held by Eba no kai. "Eba" means "web" in Oita language. They are suporting the victims of DV, they run a shelter.
Ms. Nobuta Sayoko is Harajuku Counseling Center president. She taught us about the Domestic Violence. Unless being broken your nose bone there often are DV. In case somebody is blamed until midnight, or somebody is on pins and needles at 4:00 being bothered to prepare perfect supper in 7:00, these are both DV in the point of being under controle of their husband.
An assailant often says as if he is a victim. Like this "My wife says something get me angry". But among vorious option he chose to act violence. The aim of rehabilitation program is to recognize it.
She also talked about Adult Children. It is especially prodused from the conflict of mother and daughter.
She mentioned a woman who finally had left home and lived alone was forced to care her mother. She has stomachache from the day before she has to go to care and was depressed a few days after she went her mother's home.
About the mother-daughter relationship it might be misunderstood by both of them for love,nevertheless the mother is oppressive.
I recommend the "For you who standing on the edge of the cliff" written by OCHIAI Keiko,to think about the relationship between mother and daughter.
It is an autobiographical essay, and shows the eccense of the relationship between parents and children. Ms. Ochiai Keiko's mother suffered from Ms.Ochiai's grandmother, who demanded endlessly. Ms. Ochiai thanks her mother because her mother loved her and protected as a shield from other adults' interfere. I respect them with their noble relationship.
I probably reminded my high school days by this book, I had a dream about in those days.
There was a girl who thought she had nothing superior to other people. She was anxious because she didn't know what she counted on to live.
But now I know I may live even if I have no virtue. Nobody can ignore the sanctity of life.
Though this book has been published for the young adult, I think it is suitable for all those who have a suffering of family relationship.
4月26日 信田さよ子講演会に行きました。えばの会主催です。「えば」というのは大分の言葉でクモの糸です。ドメスティック・バイオレンスの被害者の支援をしていてシェルターも運営しています。
2 May 2009
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