On 16 and 17 May, I went on a business trip of our labor union. I stayed at Beppu. The studying and discussing meeting was held the two days end. It was my first experience in these nineteen years with an exception of my second-eldest son’s hospitalization in six years ago.
We learned about social situation, poverty of many children, decrease of our wage, estimation system, replacing the regular worker to temporary worker et al. The board of education put the budget for the new post, vice principal, but fired the cook of part-time high schools.
The teachers and clerks who work till late at night can’t keep the work-life balance. For example, at my sons’ high school, supplemental classes are held on Saturday and during the summer vacation there are ten school days and six supplemental classes days and for third grade students there are four days’ studying camp. Many teachers work their head off. Though I’m grateful to my sons’ teachers, I’m anxious about their mental health. Of course I know recently many people have to work so long to earn their living. I’m worry that isn’t any children abandoned because of their parents are too busy? I’ve heard some junior high school students are being pathetic at school.
We agreed at the meeting that we should have the spirit or energy to do the labor movement.
After the lectures I chatted with some acquaintances in the evening. We all missed the grate musician Mr. Kiyoshiro Imawano. We felt so sad. I think he had become our legend.
On the other day my daughter said to me, her elder brother Kiyoshiro didn’t look like Mr. Kiyoshiro. I replied her I supposed both two were upright; on this point your brother took after Mr.Kiyoshiro.
When I came home I found my children had done their laundry using the water from the bathtub, had cooked meal and had washed the pans and dishes. They are adorable.
5月16、17日 労働組合の出張に行きました。別府に宿泊しました。研修の集まりは2日間にわたって行われました。ここ19年のなかで6年前の次男の入院を除いては初めての経験でした。
夜遅くまで働く教職員のワークライフバランスが保てません。たとえば、私の倅達の高校は土曜日に補習、夏休みに10日間の授業日、6日間の補習、そして3年生は4日間の勉強合宿があります。たくさんの先生達がへとへとになるまで働いています。倅達の先生方に感謝はしますが、心の健康面が心配です。もちろん、昨今はたくさんのひとが生活のために長時間働かなくてはならないことは知っています。親たちが忙しすぎてほおっておかれている子どもはいないのでしょうか? 中学校でめちゃめちゃな態度の生徒がいると聞きました。
20 May 20, 2009
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