My children and I spent the short vacation being laid back. I'd rather stay home. Only on 3 May we went to Oita city to hear Ms. Ishizaka Kei's talk and to go shopping at Parkplace-Oita.
On 6 May we cleaned up the living room and vacuumed. For on 7 May there was the homevisiting of my daughter's junior high school.
It takes twenty minutes each home. I prepared a resume in which I wrote about her family, favorite subject, hobby, what want to be, my view as my child.
Honestly I was anxious a little. I've heard her new class room teacher had poor control over his temper last year. A boy student was knocked down against the wall after the boy had told him a lie. I hope my daughter not to attract his attention.
On 10 May there is a PTA meeting and Open school at the high school. I'm going to see my second eldest son's teacher on the day. I should apologize to her for he didn't turn in his assainment on time.
I'm going to explane he doesn't understand the world as the same way as the majority. It is difficult for him to understand what people think much of, not impossible, I wish.
Probably his filter with which he takes items of cognition from the society is defferent from others'.
I might tell her that among the topics I've talked about with him he was rather intersted in safe food and the marketing system of them.
And also as his life is his, it isn't my concern nor his teacher's, if he would fail the entrance exam of colledge as the result of his negligence.
For I can't afford the suplimental school tuition, I think he might well remain the third year.
He says if he couldn't pass the exam he would find a job, but he seems like saying so thoughtlessly.
I should not expect more than he will be healthy and decent.
5月6日に居間を片付け掃除機をかけました。 7日に娘の中学校の家庭訪問があるからです。
9 May 2009
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