From last Monday,I take my sons to and from high school.
On the day of school culture festival my second eldest son was late for school. And at around 10:00
a.m. he and his classmate were caught by vise principal on Mameda street on their way to a supermarket
to buy some food. Their teachers scolded them. I was summoned to high school. The teacher asked my son
why he had been late to school. He said he had gone to fishing before school. He left home at 6:30 am,
earlier than usual. His home room teacher got so angry, me too. I apologized. I thought he should be
suspended from school one or two days. I declared I would keep his motorcycle's key till the end of
first-half. I think he is moron and feel I'm responsible.
So recentry I take my two sons to Tashima field and truck's parking place and go to Tanso Library to
pick them up.
On Sept. 11 the Prefectural boad of education announced a new system of teachers and clerks evaluation
rating. Principals must do relative rating between A and E all the teachers and clarks working at public
I'm anxious how I'll be estimated, also all colleagues are anxious. Above all, they are worry about the
distrust will be produced. Like this: Why he/she is ahead me? How does the principal get my behavior?
Will my wage raise or go down? How about others'?
After a corruption in employment exam the authorities are obliged to show some renew methods.
I can't understand what is deal with the employment exam's misconduct and this new teacher evaluation
rating system. Isn't it another misconduct?
風に、どうして彼(女)のほうが私よりいいの? 校長は私の行動をどう思う? 私の給料は上がるの?下がるの?
Sept. 18 2009
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