On last Saturday, I went to Beppu city for a conference, where we discussed about an annual assembly of our labor union's plan.
When I was home I found a flyer which told an opening notice of new bakery.
I looked for the address on google map. I understood it was near Tsuzuki elementary school. But there wasn't more information. Fortunately in the evening it was going to be held an community annual meeting. I thought I should ask someone about the bakery there. And I asked one of my neighbor, and he told me it was under Tsuzuki nursery school.
On Sunday I went to the bakery. On my way there I met two ladies with their children having bread, I asked how I could go there. And I arrived there.
It was an ordinary house. They sold bread and pastry in the backyard. Though it was about ten o'clock, over ten customers were there. Some
liquor bottles given as celebration gifts were displayed.
I bought a loaf of bread,spinach bread, carrot bread,melon pan, and raisin bread. The baker gave me a pack of macaroon as opening premium. It was crisp and yummy.
I asked her when the bakery was open. She said she considered it. I told her I was to buy if it was open on Sunday.
The district is a maze. If you want to go to the bakery, first, you should go the Tsuzuki elementary school, and seeing it on your right side go to Tsuzuki nursery school, then walk along the path right of the nursery's entrance gate. At the parting of the ways, turn left twice. The house is the bakery. In the backyard they sell bread and pastry when it is open.
Apr. 30 2012
A reception
On 20 Apr. Friday, a reception of my work place was held. We had some newcomers, who I went to fill their glasses with beer.
I talked with a home economics male teacher. I said to him I liked to read "Papa's dishes project" on Facebook. The member published a book. If he needed it I would add it our library. He was glad. He hoped the students would be interested in home economics.
When I chatted with a woman facing her, we heard a loud voice, probably argument. She could see him, and was surprised. "I haven't seen it."
" What are they doing?" I hesitated to turn back, wondering it was bad manner to pay attention to them. "Is it better to ignore?"
I explained her the contents that I could grasp by the choppy words. Mr.A blamed Mr.B because of leaving office at 5:00 every day. Mr.B retorted. Mr.B was taking care of his parents. Therefore he should go home soon after work. He was in a bad temper.
It seemed getting worse, and many men interrupted them. They took them out of the room. A sound of "Bang! " was heard from outside.
She was much interested in their behavior, and we kept on chatting about it. I thought Mr.B drunk too much or he wasn't a good drinker. I had two minds. One, let him drink more until he would fall asleep. Another, stop him drinking. She bursted into laugh, and said." No,no. The first is bad. He should not drink more."
" I haven't seen that before." " Do you have?" she asked me. I replied "I suppose in downtown at pub, you can see that occasionally."
I have three sons. Though they used to fight when they were younger, I didn't disturb. After they got tired or lost interested, they quit spontaneously.
I was surprised to see many guys interrupted them, it was to be banned in public.
I had come home at 9:30 p.m. I worked making documents I needed on the next day from 10 to 12. On April I should make some documents for the labor union work. One is due 26th, and another is due 28.
My task is as yet unfinished.
ある女性と彼女に向きあって話していたとき、口論しているようなうるさい声がした。彼女からは見えた、そしてびっくりした。「こんなの見たことなかった。」「あれ、何をしてるの?」 私は、じろじろ見たら失礼じゃないかなと振り返るのをためらった。「知らない顔してた方がいいかな?」
悪化しそうな雰囲気だった。それで何人かの男性が止めに入った。二人を部屋から連れ出した。「どすん」という音が外から聞こえた。彼女が彼らのふるまいに興味しんしんだったので、話し続けた。私はB氏は飲み過ぎたんだと思う。それかお酒に弱いか。私は2つのやり方があると思うと言った。一つはB氏が寝入ってしまうまでお酒をもっと飲ませる。もう一つはもう飲ませない。彼女は笑い出した。「だめ、だめ。最初のは。もう飲んだらいけない」 「あんなの見たことなかった。」「あなたはある?」と私に聞いてきた。「繁華街の居酒屋だったらたまに見られると思うよ」と答えた。
22 Apr. 2012
I talked with a home economics male teacher. I said to him I liked to read "Papa's dishes project" on Facebook. The member published a book. If he needed it I would add it our library. He was glad. He hoped the students would be interested in home economics.
When I chatted with a woman facing her, we heard a loud voice, probably argument. She could see him, and was surprised. "I haven't seen it."
" What are they doing?" I hesitated to turn back, wondering it was bad manner to pay attention to them. "Is it better to ignore?"
I explained her the contents that I could grasp by the choppy words. Mr.A blamed Mr.B because of leaving office at 5:00 every day. Mr.B retorted. Mr.B was taking care of his parents. Therefore he should go home soon after work. He was in a bad temper.
It seemed getting worse, and many men interrupted them. They took them out of the room. A sound of "Bang! " was heard from outside.
She was much interested in their behavior, and we kept on chatting about it. I thought Mr.B drunk too much or he wasn't a good drinker. I had two minds. One, let him drink more until he would fall asleep. Another, stop him drinking. She bursted into laugh, and said." No,no. The first is bad. He should not drink more."
" I haven't seen that before." " Do you have?" she asked me. I replied "I suppose in downtown at pub, you can see that occasionally."
I have three sons. Though they used to fight when they were younger, I didn't disturb. After they got tired or lost interested, they quit spontaneously.
I was surprised to see many guys interrupted them, it was to be banned in public.
I had come home at 9:30 p.m. I worked making documents I needed on the next day from 10 to 12. On April I should make some documents for the labor union work. One is due 26th, and another is due 28.
My task is as yet unfinished.
ある女性と彼女に向きあって話していたとき、口論しているようなうるさい声がした。彼女からは見えた、そしてびっくりした。「こんなの見たことなかった。」「あれ、何をしてるの?」 私は、じろじろ見たら失礼じゃないかなと振り返るのをためらった。「知らない顔してた方がいいかな?」
悪化しそうな雰囲気だった。それで何人かの男性が止めに入った。二人を部屋から連れ出した。「どすん」という音が外から聞こえた。彼女が彼らのふるまいに興味しんしんだったので、話し続けた。私はB氏は飲み過ぎたんだと思う。それかお酒に弱いか。私は2つのやり方があると思うと言った。一つはB氏が寝入ってしまうまでお酒をもっと飲ませる。もう一つはもう飲ませない。彼女は笑い出した。「だめ、だめ。最初のは。もう飲んだらいけない」 「あんなの見たことなかった。」「あなたはある?」と私に聞いてきた。「繁華街の居酒屋だったらたまに見られると思うよ」と答えた。
22 Apr. 2012
About flowers
I'm going to talk about seasonal topic.
Recently the subject of cherry blossoms often comes up in our daily conversation.
You might be attracted by it. But I'm attracted by rape flowers more than cherry blossoms. Those are beautiful from a distance, but the color is subtle. Perhaps that color is called cherry pink. When the petals are falling, it reminds me good people who had passed away. I suppose I'm brainwashed. In Japanese literature or popular music, cherry blossoms are described as fragile.
Contrary the rape flower 's yellow color is so vivid. It cheers me up. Though cherry blossoms leads me somewhere far or something vague,rape flower wakes me up.
I like rape flower not only because the beauty but also the usefulness. I use some cooking oil, and mostly I use canola oil, vegetable oil made from rapeseed.
Recently the subject of cherry blossoms often comes up in our daily conversation.
You might be attracted by it. But I'm attracted by rape flowers more than cherry blossoms. Those are beautiful from a distance, but the color is subtle. Perhaps that color is called cherry pink. When the petals are falling, it reminds me good people who had passed away. I suppose I'm brainwashed. In Japanese literature or popular music, cherry blossoms are described as fragile.
Contrary the rape flower 's yellow color is so vivid. It cheers me up. Though cherry blossoms leads me somewhere far or something vague,rape flower wakes me up.
I like rape flower not only because the beauty but also the usefulness. I use some cooking oil, and mostly I use canola oil, vegetable oil made from rapeseed.

I've read "BEQUEST Of WINGS --A Family's Pleasures with Books --" translated in Japanese.
I was so touched. It expresses a warm,healthy and decent atmosphere in bringing up children. I repent of having neglected encouraging my children to form the habit of reading. Annis Duff describes how fun it is that spending time chatting over books with her children. And she refers to many good books. In this book put on annotation every end of chapter. But there are some books which I can't recognize the original titles. If I could read the original "Bequest Of Wings", I would know those books' original language titles. I consulted OPAC. I found out that the ILCL (International Library of Children's Literature):Researchers' Reading Room has a copy. If I want to borrow the book, I must ask my regional library if it has a membership of the interlibrary loan services. If Oita prefectural Library can borrow the book from NDL, I can read the book in the library only. I can't borrow it. If I go to Oita city every Saturdays and Sundays, how many will it take to finish the book? I was anxious. Then I searched it in Internet. I've found the digital copy in the Internet Archive: archive.org. On the Text department page,I can consult Ebook and Texts archive. There is "Bequest Of Wings". And I read it searching the books which not being refered the original title in the Japanese translation. I am so satisfied. I'm so grateful of the Internet Archive. Of corse I thank Ms. Ohe Eiko, Ms. Masaki Ruriko, and Ms. Watanabe Toshiko, who translated this book into Japanese.
とても感銘を受けた。あたたかく、健全な、礼儀正しい子育ての雰囲気がうかがえた。自分が子ども達に本を読む習慣をつけさせることを怠ったことを後悔している。アニス・ダフは、子ども達と本について語り合うことがどんなに楽しいことか述べている。そして、何冊ものよい本を挙げている。各章の終わりに注がある。しかし、原書のタイトルがわからないものもある。もし、『つばさの贈り物』の原書を読むことができたら、それらの原題がわかるだろう。OPACで調べてみた。国際子ども図書館の資料室にある。借りたければ、住んでいる地域の図書館が「図書館間貸出」制度に入っているかどうか問い合わせなければならない。もし、大分県立図書館が国立国会図書館から借りられれば、私はそこの館内だけで読むことができる。借りることはできない。土日ごとに大分市まで行くとして、読み終えるまでどれくらいかかるだろう? 不安だ。それで、インターネットで探してみた。インターネットアーカイヴで電子書籍を見つけた。テキストの部門で、電子書籍とテキストのアーカイヴを調べることができる。『つばさの贈り物』があった。日本語版で原題がわからなかった本を探しながら読んだ。とても満足した。インターネットアーカイヴのサイトに感謝している。もちろん、大江栄子さん、間崎ルリ子さん、渡邉淑子さんにも感謝している。日本語に翻訳してくれて。
7 Apr. 2012
The nuclear plant crisis and the Univ.of Tokyo Discourse

I've read "The nuclear power plant crisis and the Univ.of Tokyo Discourse" written by Ayumu Yasutomi. After I reserved to borrow it, I have waited for a long time. It is popular at Oita pref. Library.
After Fukushima Daiich nuclear plant had an accident, people are confused because the government and TEPCO and scholars have hide facts or announce it is normal nonchalantly.
In this book, Prof.Yasutomi criticizes especially such scholars kept by the government, for the behavior as insincere to science.
For Prof.Yasutomi himself works for Tokyo Univ. and has been observing, he know that well. Then he designates it "Univ. of Tokyo discourse".Also he warns citizen lest being cheated.
This book is both so interesting and instructive. I recommend you.
Now the situation looks similar to those in the Japanese Community in Brazil immediately following the World War 2. --when the community divided in two, those who believed Japan had won and those who had believed Japan had lost.
There are people who believe the government releases that the radiation effects are little, and the other who measure the radioactive contamination by themselves and worry about especially children's health. It is terrible circumstance.
To think by myself is important.
保富歩著 『原発危機東大話法』を読んだ。予約してからだいぶ待った。大分県立図書館では人気だ。
3 Apr. 2012
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