I've read "The nuclear power plant crisis and the Univ.of Tokyo Discourse" written by Ayumu Yasutomi. After I reserved to borrow it, I have waited for a long time. It is popular at Oita pref. Library.
After Fukushima Daiich nuclear plant had an accident, people are confused because the government and TEPCO and scholars have hide facts or announce it is normal nonchalantly.
In this book, Prof.Yasutomi criticizes especially such scholars kept by the government, for the behavior as insincere to science.
For Prof.Yasutomi himself works for Tokyo Univ. and has been observing, he know that well. Then he designates it "Univ. of Tokyo discourse".Also he warns citizen lest being cheated.
This book is both so interesting and instructive. I recommend you.
Now the situation looks similar to those in the Japanese Community in Brazil immediately following the World War 2. --when the community divided in two, those who believed Japan had won and those who had believed Japan had lost.
There are people who believe the government releases that the radiation effects are little, and the other who measure the radioactive contamination by themselves and worry about especially children's health. It is terrible circumstance.
To think by myself is important.
保富歩著 『原発危機東大話法』を読んだ。予約してからだいぶ待った。大分県立図書館では人気だ。
3 Apr. 2012
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