
a publication party of “To develop the reactive activity : Collection of literary remains of Hisashi MURATA

  On 26 July, I went to Kokura to attend a publication party of “To develop the reactive activity : Collection literary remains of Hisashi MURATA”.

    Mr. Hisashi Murata had been making efforts in public activity or civil movement.. He had published so many newsletters.
After his death before two years his wife and his friends have organized his posthumous writings and have published.

   The book has published by Kaichosha. The company has published Tatsuru Uchida’s “Another person and dead person” ten years ago. I hope it will be get many people’s attention.
  I respect him. He worked for better world, or decent work circumstance. He couldn’t stand Japan’s company hurt Asian people by environmental pollution.

  The party was held at Kokura station hotel. I went there at the first time. I drove through route 322. The area around Kokura station, it was difficult to understand the one-way street. I was lucky I could reach there somehow.

   People who attended the party made a speech of their memory to Mr. Murata one by one. Some of them played music.
  Mr. Murata had passed away, but the relationship of his friends will be kept.

  7月26日 『響き合う運動づくりを 村田久遺稿集』の出版記念の会に出席するため小倉に行った。 http://kaichosha-f.co.jp/books/society/3184.html 

27 July 2014


the lecture of Shinzo KIMURA

  On 20 July, there was a lecture of Shinzo KIMURA at Kyushu Univ. Nishijin Plaza in Fukuoka city.
 I intended to go on prefectural road 31, but on the way to there I took the express way. It was truly bad. The city express way was jammed, so I get off before my destination. After that I caught in a heavy traffic jam at Watanabe street.
 In the end I reached there three o’clock behind one hour, the lecture had started at two o’clock.
  Mr. Kimura has been consulted victims of chernobyl in Belarus and Ukraine, that’s why he was anxious about the situation damaged from Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. In Nihonmatsu city, he has been measuring the air dose completely with citizen. They also have measured the breast milk, school lunch, and soil.
  At Nihonmatsu city, the local public organization has handed out radiation record book to the one sixty hundred thousand citizen. They will record another twenty or thirty years. He quoted Karl Popper, “that what is unfalsifiable is classified as unscientific”
    After the lecture had finished, some people asked questions. One of them, how did he feel the difference between Belarus and Ukraine. He replied, Ukriane had gone close to EU, while Belarus had decided to go on dictatorship as far as the nation was week. Though Belarus had established dictatorship, the govenor has taken good care of people and people seemed happy. The medical level went higher so that they can operate endoscopic surgery for thyroid cancer. He said it good for young patients because the scars so-called chernobyl necklace have hurt their mentality.
  He said he was surprised to see how clean the hospital in Belarus was. In Ukraine the toilet in hospital was duty, he felt the difference of policy. In Ukraine the east an residents and western residents were differ in mindset. In western area was stable, but in eastern area the neo-Nazi conspired with pro-Russian.
   He said from now on how would you manage risk was to be questioned. He would consult with the local staff.

  7月20日 福岡市の九州大学西新プラザで木村真三先生の講演会があった。

 22 July 2014


the lecture of Sawachi Hisae

Yesterday, I went to Oita city to hear two lectures.

     First I went to Kyouiku Kaikan.
     I heard the lecture by Ms Junko HIRAIWA, who is a member of Oita prefectural assembly.
 She talked about the children who was  concerned about their health condition lived in Fukushima pref. She has been running summer camp for the children at Yufuin.
 Still there are some places its radioactive contamination level is high. It is concerned the effect to children’s health. It is better than never for them to change of air. So she  invites children from Fukushima every summer with her group. The audience willingly supported with some money.

  She used to work at elementary school. Though it was hard decision to separate from the students, she quit her job to stand as a candidate for Oita prefectural assembly.

  She talked about the movement to gain the rights for women workers, perticurary maternity leave or child care leave. And special support education.
  This was her own experience. She cared a child who had disability at special support school. But the girl student had longed to go ordinary school. She moved for the student, and the girl student changed school. She kept attention for her, the girl was bullied at the new school, still she wanted to go to ordinary school. She said not only at special support school, but also ordinary school, it was needed education for diversity or empathy.

 I was glad to know such a woman is a member of prefectural assembly.

   After that I went to Horuthall-Oita, to hear Sawachi Hisae’s lecture.
   It was the first time I go to there. I didn’t know where was the parking place. Yet, the entrance of the Hall’s parking place was found easily. It took time about ten minute to wait at the gate. There might be many users for various events. I didn’t know which room to go. In the elevator three senior people. They looked like who were interested in Sawachi Hisae.
   I asked one of them, I was right, but nobody knew. We walked forward to conference room. No time before we found the place to held the lecture, because there was throng of people.
   I saw one hundred-fifty or more people. The average of age seemed to be over sixty. The lecturer Ms Sawachi was aged eighty-three.
     She was calm and resolutely courageous.   Only one or two days before, the Supreme Court ruling was informed. About the secret promise when Okinawa was returned was missing and the Japanese Goverment was’t blamed.
    I had thought she was absolutely angry as an accuser. She looked calm and elegant. She was not such a person who vent her anger. She talked us what she had watched at Manshu when her teenager. She talked about her good friends, Makoto Oda.
   She talked about Battle of Midway. She talked about Japanese constitution. It has prevent Japanese people both killing or being killed in any war after world war 2.
   She was against the cabinet decision for collective defense. Maybe all the audience in the conference room. She praised the
campaign kept by the Akadonbo group, who had kept putting advertisement in a newspaper for conserve article 9.
    I want to read the book she recommended, ”Why the Japanese navy took a wrong course?”.

 昨日 大分市に講演を聴きに行った。


 20 July 2014


A farewell party

  Yesterday, from 7:30 in the evening I attended a farewell party for our ALT Ms Emma. H.  There were about forty people at the place. It was a casual public house stood on riverside.

 Emma has been in Hita for two years. Everybody has loved her. They say she has been cleaning toilet with second grade students during the cleaning time. Teachers who deal with English class say she is excellent  ‘ cause she can adapt each student’s level. I’ve heard she have had English club activities with the students who are interested in English.

   She told us that her home town was Manchester, she graduated Liverpool Univ.  I talked to her about a musical piece “Manchester and Liverpool”. But she didn’t know.
 I didn’t remember when I listened it, and I searched the song on YouTube today, I found it was a big hit when I was a little kid. The singer was Pinkey & the fellas, but I might have heard sung by the Peanuts.  “Manchester and Liverpool may not seem cities for romantic fools …”

   She had been Brunei and here and there in U.K. with her family while she was elementary school. When she was a college student she came to study Seinangakuin Univ. in Fukuoka city as an exchange student. She had learned some Europian language and intended to study some Asian language, so decided to study Japanese.

   She socialized all four tables one by one.
   She looked so cute in her Yukata which was a gift from us.  She was embarrassed having been praised by all. She said she must go shopping in that Yukata in Manchester.

  I asked her what kind of job she would do after she went U.K. She is going to work at a youth hostel in Manchester after she would be trained for a while. She had traveled using youth hostels from place to place.It cost about one thousand eight hundred yen for one night. It’s inexpensive. Those are also in Japan, and welcome anyone. I've never known.
  If I will go to U.K. I want to trip staying youth hostels. I wish to go V&A museum and Southbank Center in London, and Manchester, she said it was from three to four hours by car between London and Manchester.
    She made her farewell address in Japanese.
    No one wants let her go. I feel sad and I’m grateful for everything she had made for us.

  きのう7時半から ALTのエマさんの送別会に行った。40人くらい来ていた。川のほとりの気取らない居酒屋だった。
 おうちはマンチェスター、大学はリバプールだそうだ。それで「マンチェスターアンドリバプール」という曲があったねって言ったけど知らなかった。いつ聴いたのか記憶がなく、今日ユーチューブで調べたら小さい頃のヒット曲だった。歌ったのはピンキーアンドフィラーズだったらしい。でももしかしたらザ・ピーナッツで聴いたのかもしれない。「マンチェスターとリバプール… そんなに素敵じゃないかも…」

  小さい頃ブルネイにも住んだそうだ、そしてイギリスのあちらこちら。 大学時代は福岡市の西南学院大学に留学したこともあるとか。ヨーロッパ言語をいろいろ知って次はアジアの言語かなと思い、それなら日本語をという経緯だったらしい。




 12 July 2014 


Planting flower seedlings

  In last Friday midnight, my daughter had come home. She intended to cheer for  the Hita high baseball team. The National High School Baseball Championship Tournament Oita prefectural competition started on last Saturday. Hita high school team had participated on the first day.
  My daughter went to see the game. She said it was a tight match against Maizuru high school. Regrettably Hita was defeated after extra innings.
    I was glad to have the opportunity to chat with her. She talked about her college life. She uses the washing machine at 11 p.m. though she feels guilt, because her power contract charges less fee from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Almost all the residents of her apartment house are college students who awake till late in the night. She has hard time in mathematics class. Whether she can resolve the problem or not she smiles so the teacher admits her smile. She has selected French for second foreign language, it is difficult to remember the spelling, her teacher gives them home work via his Facebook, so they need to have their Facebook account. I don’t know it is common in these days.
     My daughter went back Saga on the next day. It was raining heavily. I was anxious about the road condition. Eventually no news was good news.
     On last Sunday, my neighborhood have done an annual work. We care the flowers on the roadside walls. We replaced the flowers. About thirty people included elementary school children worked together.
   Honestly I wondered if we would do as planned, because it rained. I called the president and vise president, but both men didn’t answer the phone.  I thought they had left home already and I also left home with wearing a raincoat. When I reached there, people had started working already. They put on raincoat.
   We pulled out and replaced the flower seedling and pour new nursery soil.
   There were tens of flower seedlings left. We shared those flowers for each neighbor. I took about twenty flower seedlings and planted them in my neighbor’s open area.  After I planted half of them, my next door man came to help me. I hope them bloom neatly.



7 July 2014