On 19 Dec. I went to Fukuoka city by car.
I had an appointment at 6 o’clock, and I intended to drop in my son’s place before it.
I left Hita at 2:30. As the street was crowded I arrived at my son’s place at 5:20. I gave him some oranges and went ahead to Maizuru.
As I was unfamiliar with Fukuoka, I got lost. I thought I was near the parking place I had chosen before I left but I couldn’t find the way. I parked my car at the edge of the road and asked a taxi driver, thanks to him I got to there.
I visited CC Cafe. https://www.facebook.com/55english/?fref=ts
I had heard there was an event having fun with English conversation.
There were roughly forty people. Most of them seemed young. Some seemed to be business person and the other seemed to be university students.
I chatted with several people. I met some women and a man I had been met at EF Fukuoka.
I talked to a young man, I found him the Cafe’s owner. He explained that at day time there was an English class and at evening there was an English cafe. People who intend to talk someone in English came. He worked out this good idea. There was no other place like this in Fukuoka.
I talked to a young man, he was an exchange student from Minnesota studying at Seinan Gakuin Univ. He wanted to be a teacher of English.
And I talked with other students, one of them was practicing English at the ESS club. I thought he was an earnest student. I wish I would go back to my young days and tell me to be earnest.
We enjoyed games suggesting what was the movie by gesture, moving a cookie from on the forehead to the mouth.
It ended at 8 o’clock. I considered to go to KBC Fukuoka to see a late show. I knew “the FAREWELL PARTY” was on screen.
But I was not sure if I could back home safely after it was over. I was exhausted by then. Thus I went back home.
The Tenzin area was still hustle and bustle. Usually I drive with taking care not hit a wild boar through the road of no signals. It was completely different.
CCCafe に行った。英語で楽しむイベントがあると聞いたので。
天神はまだ人混みでにぎやかだった。 ふだん、信号のない道でイノシシをひかないよう気をつけて運転しているのに。まったく違う。
20 Dec. 2015
discrimination against women
On 16 Dec,the supreme court declare if the civil law against the Constitution. I’ve been interested in it. People have paid attention the regulation which makes six month time-limit of remarriage after divorce only for women. And wondering the choice of family name, at present, few men choose their wife’s name. It forces women to change their family name.
In 1988 the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women commented about the Japanese women’s situation.
The Committee felt that the de facto situation of Japanese women legged far behind the legal situation.
Whether under the Constitution all people are equal, there are discrimination in the political, economic, or social fields.
I think all adults should make efforts to exclude them. But law itself should have equality. The Civil Code used to be unfair.
I’ve read the news to see the supreme court declare the time limit should be 100 day, and the civil code forcing the same family name is constitutional.
I’m disappointed so much. There is inequality between men and women in choosing their family names. Women have difficulty to conserve their identity, which is personal rights. The Constitution article 14 says all the people are equal under the law, but the Civil Code make women suffer. I think it is irrational.
17 Dec. 2015
In 1988 the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women commented about the Japanese women’s situation.
The Committee felt that the de facto situation of Japanese women legged far behind the legal situation.
Whether under the Constitution all people are equal, there are discrimination in the political, economic, or social fields.
I think all adults should make efforts to exclude them. But law itself should have equality. The Civil Code used to be unfair.
I’ve read the news to see the supreme court declare the time limit should be 100 day, and the civil code forcing the same family name is constitutional.
I’m disappointed so much. There is inequality between men and women in choosing their family names. Women have difficulty to conserve their identity, which is personal rights. The Constitution article 14 says all the people are equal under the law, but the Civil Code make women suffer. I think it is irrational.
17 Dec. 2015
日本と原発 4年後
On 12 Dec. I went to Cinema5 in Oita city to see a movie., “Japan and the nuclear power plants : after four years”. The director is a lawyer, Kawai Hiroyuki and the co-director is also a lawyer, Kaito Yuichi.
This movie explained how the damage of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had made and why the policy has not been changed.
How the TEPCO and the government exchanged the information about the status of the four plants. And the worst scnario estimated by specialists.
the two lawyers go to Iidate village to see the residents living surrounded the tons of Flexible container bags, which contain the soill lipped from earth’s surface. An elder lady says that she has been vexed, because her family cultivated and fertilized the soil generation after generation. Now the elementary schools and junior high school are empty. It’s so sad.the children have loved their home town but they have had to go off in all directions.
In the movie, there’s a bright side. Takahama nuclear power plant was banned to work by Fukui district court. The court decided the power plant is too dangerous to run.
The movie is shown from 12-18 Dec. I want everybody see it. It is worth two hours drive and 1800 yen for me. Whereas I can’t recommend my neighbor for it is too far. I hope the movie will be adopted to library version DVD and the local libraries will acquire it.
The song of Iidate villagers was impressively beautiful. It is ironical as they can’t go the beautiful mountain.
After seeing the movie, I went to Prefectural Office, where Prof. Saitoh Tamaki gave a lecture about “The truancy and social withdrawal”.
He said the fifty percentage of depression are healed spontaneously, but the social withdrawal aren’t.
To talk about truancy, it is important to seek the cause, but about social withdrawal it is no need to find the cause.
The conversation between the person and other family members or between the person and the supporters should be kept on.
If the person doesn’t come out from his/her room, you should talk in front of the door.
To talk about the school caste, it arose from the tendency to measuring people by the communicative ability.
The definition of the social withdrawal is having no social relationship over six months, not caused mental disease primarily.
It often become long term, some years to some decades. Their average age is 32.6 years old. It is difficult to resolve the situation by themselves.
It is need to the family members to build the relationship which they feel safe. Better being Sun than being north wind. It is nicer being kind rather than loving them.
Refuse violence, if the person do violence, say “I hate it.”, don’t say “violence is wrong”. If it helps, call 110.
Keep on conversation. Listen carefully what the person says. Then reply it.
15 Dec. 2015
This movie explained how the damage of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant had made and why the policy has not been changed.
How the TEPCO and the government exchanged the information about the status of the four plants. And the worst scnario estimated by specialists.
the two lawyers go to Iidate village to see the residents living surrounded the tons of Flexible container bags, which contain the soill lipped from earth’s surface. An elder lady says that she has been vexed, because her family cultivated and fertilized the soil generation after generation. Now the elementary schools and junior high school are empty. It’s so sad.the children have loved their home town but they have had to go off in all directions.
In the movie, there’s a bright side. Takahama nuclear power plant was banned to work by Fukui district court. The court decided the power plant is too dangerous to run.
The movie is shown from 12-18 Dec. I want everybody see it. It is worth two hours drive and 1800 yen for me. Whereas I can’t recommend my neighbor for it is too far. I hope the movie will be adopted to library version DVD and the local libraries will acquire it.
The song of Iidate villagers was impressively beautiful. It is ironical as they can’t go the beautiful mountain.
After seeing the movie, I went to Prefectural Office, where Prof. Saitoh Tamaki gave a lecture about “The truancy and social withdrawal”.
He said the fifty percentage of depression are healed spontaneously, but the social withdrawal aren’t.
To talk about truancy, it is important to seek the cause, but about social withdrawal it is no need to find the cause.
The conversation between the person and other family members or between the person and the supporters should be kept on.
If the person doesn’t come out from his/her room, you should talk in front of the door.
To talk about the school caste, it arose from the tendency to measuring people by the communicative ability.
The definition of the social withdrawal is having no social relationship over six months, not caused mental disease primarily.
It often become long term, some years to some decades. Their average age is 32.6 years old. It is difficult to resolve the situation by themselves.
It is need to the family members to build the relationship which they feel safe. Better being Sun than being north wind. It is nicer being kind rather than loving them.
Refuse violence, if the person do violence, say “I hate it.”, don’t say “violence is wrong”. If it helps, call 110.
Keep on conversation. Listen carefully what the person says. Then reply it.
15 Dec. 2015
a lecture about Ueno village
On 28 Nov, there was a meeting of “Modern Agriculture” readers’. The panelist was Takashi Uchiyama.
He has been lived in Tokyo and Ueno village in Gunma prefecture. He says the society won’t sustain without being changed.
Now, 40% people work as temporary employees, and their average annual income is under one million fifty hundred thousand yen. In Tokyo the popuioulation of elderly people has increased so much.
There are many people who live isolated after they have retired. They have few friends or relatives who will come to condole after they die, Now is the time we have lost the confidence in the big system. We have to recreate the world to live.
He talked about Ueno village.
Ueno village has no rice paddies. They have been nothing to do with the government’s agricultural administration.
The village has large mountain and forest area. With the trees they produce woodworks or from mushroom.
Recently they make the thinning lumber into pellets. The pellets are used for pellet stoves at household., also used for heat up the spring water in the village.
And it is used for cooling mushroom at the factory. They have a Germany pellet generator, which do not burn but roast the pellets and produce gas to rotate the turbine to generate electricity.
Now they are planning to make the used mushroom bed into pellet.
In Ueno village there are about one hundred fifty people in forest related industry. 15% of residents are moved in from Tokyo i.e. somewhere else.
They are making efforts to create local energy, with conserving traditional religion or culture. They are practicing to make sustainable local society.
I’m so impressed. How wise the people of Ueno village are. They are using resources effectively, that let them independent economy.
They should think of their future society by themselves. I have learned the autonomy.
I deeply appreciate Takashi Uchiyama and Nobunkyo the publisher of “Modern Agriculture” .
11月28日 「現代農業』読者会があった。内山節さんが講演した。
内山 節さんと、『現代農業』の出版社、農文協さんに深く感謝する。
29 Nov. 2015
He has been lived in Tokyo and Ueno village in Gunma prefecture. He says the society won’t sustain without being changed.
Now, 40% people work as temporary employees, and their average annual income is under one million fifty hundred thousand yen. In Tokyo the popuioulation of elderly people has increased so much.
There are many people who live isolated after they have retired. They have few friends or relatives who will come to condole after they die, Now is the time we have lost the confidence in the big system. We have to recreate the world to live.
He talked about Ueno village.
Ueno village has no rice paddies. They have been nothing to do with the government’s agricultural administration.
The village has large mountain and forest area. With the trees they produce woodworks or from mushroom.
Recently they make the thinning lumber into pellets. The pellets are used for pellet stoves at household., also used for heat up the spring water in the village.
And it is used for cooling mushroom at the factory. They have a Germany pellet generator, which do not burn but roast the pellets and produce gas to rotate the turbine to generate electricity.
Now they are planning to make the used mushroom bed into pellet.
In Ueno village there are about one hundred fifty people in forest related industry. 15% of residents are moved in from Tokyo i.e. somewhere else.
They are making efforts to create local energy, with conserving traditional religion or culture. They are practicing to make sustainable local society.
I’m so impressed. How wise the people of Ueno village are. They are using resources effectively, that let them independent economy.
They should think of their future society by themselves. I have learned the autonomy.
I deeply appreciate Takashi Uchiyama and Nobunkyo the publisher of “Modern Agriculture” .
11月28日 「現代農業』読者会があった。内山節さんが講演した。
内山 節さんと、『現代農業』の出版社、農文協さんに深く感謝する。
29 Nov. 2015
It getting colder, getting closer to the end of the year.
It getting colder, getting closer to the end of the year.
On 20 Friday, there was an year-end party of my office. A woman had reserved a restaurant which was providing Beaujolais Nouveau fair.
We had very good time, though I didn’t drink alcohol.
On 21st, Saturday, I went to Ichinomiya, in Aso city.
I should prepare fuel for our pellet stove. During last winter I ordered the pellet to Meiken Kogyo in Okayama prefecture.
Their pellet was good, but the transporting cost was high. I searched on internet other shops within the area I can go by myself.
I found out an NPO Kyushu Biomass Forum, it locates in Aso city. I thought I might get there in one and a half hours.
I asked the office in advance if the shop would open from 21 to 23, they replied me 21 would be OK, but from 9 o’clock to 4 o’clock, the man should go delivery. Then I should be before 9 o’clock. I left home at 7 o’clock.
I’m slightly worried if I could get there without getting lost. Thanks to google map, I got there in one and half hours. It located next to Azelea21, a facility which has hot spring and pool. If I kew it, I might bring my swim ware and towel. Next time I won’t forget.
The pellet cost 880 yen per 20 kg. I bought 15 bags. I have 15 bags remained from last season. I suppose it will be enough for two months.
In the evening I’ve heard from one of my acquaintance that there were very beautiful illumination at Fukuoka city. She kindly sent me a photo. I supposed there was the hustle and bustle of a city there. Many children and young people should be looking forward to Christmas.
Also I found some opinion on twitter that the illumination seemed like a trap for the people who was enjoying their real life. There was a mirthful naming “Riajyu hoihoi”! I understand that feeling it was like another world. But even if it were not my business, it is a fact that there are many people enjoying Christmas atmosphere.
20日 金曜日、職場の忘年会があった。一人の人がボーショレヌーボー祭をやっているレストランを予約してくれた。
21日 土曜日 阿蘇市の一宮に行った。
ペレットストーブの燃料を用意しておかなくては。 昨シーズンは岡山県の銘建工業にたのんでいた。ペレットはいいのだけど運送費が高くついた。ネットで、自分で買いにいける範囲の店を探してみた。NPO法人九州バイオマスフォーラムが阿蘇市にあるのがわかった。それだったら1時間半で行ける。
23 Mon 2015
On 20 Friday, there was an year-end party of my office. A woman had reserved a restaurant which was providing Beaujolais Nouveau fair.
We had very good time, though I didn’t drink alcohol.
On 21st, Saturday, I went to Ichinomiya, in Aso city.
I should prepare fuel for our pellet stove. During last winter I ordered the pellet to Meiken Kogyo in Okayama prefecture.
Their pellet was good, but the transporting cost was high. I searched on internet other shops within the area I can go by myself.
I found out an NPO Kyushu Biomass Forum, it locates in Aso city. I thought I might get there in one and a half hours.
I asked the office in advance if the shop would open from 21 to 23, they replied me 21 would be OK, but from 9 o’clock to 4 o’clock, the man should go delivery. Then I should be before 9 o’clock. I left home at 7 o’clock.
I’m slightly worried if I could get there without getting lost. Thanks to google map, I got there in one and half hours. It located next to Azelea21, a facility which has hot spring and pool. If I kew it, I might bring my swim ware and towel. Next time I won’t forget.
The pellet cost 880 yen per 20 kg. I bought 15 bags. I have 15 bags remained from last season. I suppose it will be enough for two months.
In the evening I’ve heard from one of my acquaintance that there were very beautiful illumination at Fukuoka city. She kindly sent me a photo. I supposed there was the hustle and bustle of a city there. Many children and young people should be looking forward to Christmas.
Also I found some opinion on twitter that the illumination seemed like a trap for the people who was enjoying their real life. There was a mirthful naming “Riajyu hoihoi”! I understand that feeling it was like another world. But even if it were not my business, it is a fact that there are many people enjoying Christmas atmosphere.
20日 金曜日、職場の忘年会があった。一人の人がボーショレヌーボー祭をやっているレストランを予約してくれた。
21日 土曜日 阿蘇市の一宮に行った。
ペレットストーブの燃料を用意しておかなくては。 昨シーズンは岡山県の銘建工業にたのんでいた。ペレットはいいのだけど運送費が高くついた。ネットで、自分で買いにいける範囲の店を探してみた。NPO法人九州バイオマスフォーラムが阿蘇市にあるのがわかった。それだったら1時間半で行ける。
23 Mon 2015
Inqiry-based learning
On 13 Friday, I went to Beppu shosei high school. It rained heavy. I parked my car in the muddy ground.
I attended a study meeting for the inquiry-based learning held by the department of high school education. The guideline of teaching offers teachers to teach children with the method of active learning.
From 2003 to 2006 Japanese students results of PISA -Programme for International Student Assesment -was dropping. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has released new guidelines for teaching. It includes the inquiry model learning.
The new guideline indicates students to increase the skills and strategies to seek and find out problems and solutions by themselves.
Without learning an inquiry process, students often develop a very limited and narrow view of inquiry. That’s why teachers should include their syllabus at least one class ICT class and library class from this year.
Now, in Oita prefecture, there are teacher-librarians and school librarians at each high school. The board of education has held the study meeting twice a year. The Beppushosei meeting was the second,
The participants observed a class of Japanese of first graders. At that time students made presentations of their research for the difference of culture between Occident and Orient.
I’ve heard the students had been researched their own subjects divided into some groups at the school library. The school librarian had supported them with collecting books from other libraries.
After that visitors had a lecture from the teacher of Beppushosei high school about their practice report. Then we had a lecture by an associate professor of Beppu University, Mr.Kudou about Inquiry Model learning.
At elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools, there are integrated classes. At the class students seek something interested in and research for individual issue and report it to other students.
On the process they are expected to develop their skills of finding questions, information to solve the question, and develop their knowledge.
It is ideal. But almost all of the people who are over 30s have no experience of such kind of learning. So we should learn the new method.
I am fond of the idea that students should learn at classrooms and libraries and any other places where they will be content in learning.
On 15th Sunday, I went to Oitanishi high school. There was a study meeting held by the labour union of teachers.
I attended the “Information society and education” workshop. I’ve learned an information teacher’s practice. He said the purpose of the subject is let students be a person who can get information they need and can tell truth and falsity. He said most teachers have thought that the information class teach students how to use Word and Excel. The students have learned using application software at junior high school. At senior high school they should learn about programming.
The other presenters were two librarians. They told us that more than half librarians in Oita prefectural high school were full-time temporary employees.
They want to work as a librarian, but some of them have to do administrate work. Perhaps all the librarians share the school work with other teachers.
Recently the high school education department has emphases the importance of learning at library, on the other hand financial department forces librarians to do administrative work. They can economies the personal expenses.
The temporary employees can’t refuse the work because it is written in the contract. The permanent employees can refuse, but is isn’t easy. If she transferred, and the previous librarian had been worked for the administrative work, the co-workers might expect she would take over the work.
I don’t know what to do when I meet the case.
I’m worry about another problem. The librarian who work as temporary employees wish to work as permanent employees. But the exam has age limit, under 29 years old people are permitted to sit for. Most of the temporary librarians can’t take the exam.
And they should work on yearly contract. I wish they will be permitted to take the exam. Not only Oita prefecture, a lot of municipal offices employ people with temporary contract to save the personal expences.
I hope equal pay for equal labor.
11月13日 金曜日 別府翔青高校に行った。大雨だった。泥んこのグラウンドに車をとめた。
高校教育課主催の「探求型学習」の研修会に参加した。新しい学習指導要領は教員にアクティヴラーニングで子ども達に教えるよう求めている。2003年 2006年と、日本はPISAの結果が落ちた。文科省は新学習指導要領を制定した。それは探求型学習を含んでいる。
11月15日 日曜日 大分西高校に行った。
他にも心配なことがある。現在臨時で働いている司書は正規司書になりたいと 思っている。しかし、採用試験には年齢制限がある。29歳以下でないと受けられない。臨時司書の多くは受けられない。
18 Nov. 2015
I attended a study meeting for the inquiry-based learning held by the department of high school education. The guideline of teaching offers teachers to teach children with the method of active learning.
From 2003 to 2006 Japanese students results of PISA -Programme for International Student Assesment -was dropping. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has released new guidelines for teaching. It includes the inquiry model learning.
The new guideline indicates students to increase the skills and strategies to seek and find out problems and solutions by themselves.
Without learning an inquiry process, students often develop a very limited and narrow view of inquiry. That’s why teachers should include their syllabus at least one class ICT class and library class from this year.
Now, in Oita prefecture, there are teacher-librarians and school librarians at each high school. The board of education has held the study meeting twice a year. The Beppushosei meeting was the second,
The participants observed a class of Japanese of first graders. At that time students made presentations of their research for the difference of culture between Occident and Orient.
I’ve heard the students had been researched their own subjects divided into some groups at the school library. The school librarian had supported them with collecting books from other libraries.
After that visitors had a lecture from the teacher of Beppushosei high school about their practice report. Then we had a lecture by an associate professor of Beppu University, Mr.Kudou about Inquiry Model learning.
At elementary schools, junior high schools and senior high schools, there are integrated classes. At the class students seek something interested in and research for individual issue and report it to other students.
On the process they are expected to develop their skills of finding questions, information to solve the question, and develop their knowledge.
It is ideal. But almost all of the people who are over 30s have no experience of such kind of learning. So we should learn the new method.
I am fond of the idea that students should learn at classrooms and libraries and any other places where they will be content in learning.
On 15th Sunday, I went to Oitanishi high school. There was a study meeting held by the labour union of teachers.
I attended the “Information society and education” workshop. I’ve learned an information teacher’s practice. He said the purpose of the subject is let students be a person who can get information they need and can tell truth and falsity. He said most teachers have thought that the information class teach students how to use Word and Excel. The students have learned using application software at junior high school. At senior high school they should learn about programming.
The other presenters were two librarians. They told us that more than half librarians in Oita prefectural high school were full-time temporary employees.
They want to work as a librarian, but some of them have to do administrate work. Perhaps all the librarians share the school work with other teachers.
Recently the high school education department has emphases the importance of learning at library, on the other hand financial department forces librarians to do administrative work. They can economies the personal expenses.
The temporary employees can’t refuse the work because it is written in the contract. The permanent employees can refuse, but is isn’t easy. If she transferred, and the previous librarian had been worked for the administrative work, the co-workers might expect she would take over the work.
I don’t know what to do when I meet the case.
I’m worry about another problem. The librarian who work as temporary employees wish to work as permanent employees. But the exam has age limit, under 29 years old people are permitted to sit for. Most of the temporary librarians can’t take the exam.
And they should work on yearly contract. I wish they will be permitted to take the exam. Not only Oita prefecture, a lot of municipal offices employ people with temporary contract to save the personal expences.
I hope equal pay for equal labor.
11月13日 金曜日 別府翔青高校に行った。大雨だった。泥んこのグラウンドに車をとめた。
高校教育課主催の「探求型学習」の研修会に参加した。新しい学習指導要領は教員にアクティヴラーニングで子ども達に教えるよう求めている。2003年 2006年と、日本はPISAの結果が落ちた。文科省は新学習指導要領を制定した。それは探求型学習を含んでいる。
11月15日 日曜日 大分西高校に行った。
他にも心配なことがある。現在臨時で働いている司書は正規司書になりたいと 思っている。しかし、採用試験には年齢制限がある。29歳以下でないと受けられない。臨時司書の多くは受けられない。
18 Nov. 2015
A lecture about equal marriage
On 8th Nov.I went to Seinangakuin University in Fukuoka city.
The other day I read a book which has the title “Equal marriage :We’re lawyers of same sex couple”. It was so instructive. And I have heard the author Mr. Kazuyuki Minami comes to Fukuoka to give a lecture.
The lecture was held by a NPO Rainbow Soup. They’ve been worked for LGBT.
Mr. Minami has explained the struggle that he felt being odd when he was child. being different from other boys. He had been interested in male. When he told he was gay to his mother when he was senior in university, she lost her self-control.
She said “Were there anything wrong in my bringing you up?” He said gay or lesbian are not being become, they are born naturally. In his life history, he met his partner at university, and both of them have admitted to the bar, they held a wedding ceremony and run a law office together. They employ Mr. Minami’s mother as a clerk.
Mr. minima wrote the book to raise a question why equal marriage isn’t legal.
I think if the equal marriage would be legal. it means a progress of recognizing diversity among families.
After Mr. Minami’s lecture, there was a panel session, Mr, Minami and Prof. Shigeru Minamino from Kyushu Univ.
They talked about whether the constitution forbids the equal marriage or not.
In the article 24:
Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis.
With regard to choice of spouse, property rights. inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the standpoint of individual dignity and the essential equality of the sexes.
Prof. Minamino said, at that time Beate Shirt Gordon had not known about gay and lesbian, she said late in life.
The right wing researcher of constitution says the equal marriage would not be legal without an amendment of constitution. The other researcher says the constitution doesn’t ban from equal marriage. A Civil Code researcher declares the purpose of the marriage system is to specify one’s father.
Mr. Minami says it is not the only goal that to put equal marriage into practice. There are many issues, which should be shared by society. e.g. HIV or prejudice.
In case of international marriage there is a problem, If the equal marriage couple are Japanese and non-Japanese.
Incase of both foreigners couple, the permission to stay in Japan is given to the spouse as a family. But if one of them is Japanese it is not given. If he/she is young or has any skill, he/she will get a permission to stay for business or student. But if both of them are retired or old, it is difficult to get for business or student. This issue is argent.
After their panel session, some questions are asked by the audience or asked to the audience.
One of those are how do they teach about LGBT at schools.
In the textbook of health and physical education, the article is written, in the adolescence people are interested in the opposite sex. Actually, Mr. Minami was worried to read this. Now the movement to change the article has occur. Also, the study for teachers has started.
In the sub textbook of human rights, there’s an article about sexual diversity.
In the other hand it is concerned about the terms which are well known colloquial expressions, even the first grade elementary students use “Homo”, “Okama” to disgrace the sexual minority.
To talk about some municipal administration, in Osaka pref. citizen can apply for the public residence by couple of man and woman, man and man, woman and woman.
At Fukuoka city, the city employees have started to hear what the citizen being troubled.
At elementary schools, the register of students has changed from boys first order to AIUEO order. Teachers call students both with “-san”. These are small good changes for more diverse.
I was surprised to hear that—-.when Prof. Minamino asked what kind of case he dealt with to Mir. Miami, he told us about a case. It was a blackmail. A client came to his office being blackmailed by another man. He had met that man via an APP, which makes an appointment between gay people. He dated that man, then that man peeped his ID card and blackmailed that he would tell his family or co-worker if he wouldn’t give him an amount of money. He had been scared ‘cause he had not open his sexual orientation to his family or co-worker.
I didn’t know there’s such an APP. You need not to go any sex venue. Talk to this case, the malicious man has gave up to get money to know he must negotiate to a lawyer.
I’m glad to hear that. I think the APP is convenient but there is dangerous to see unspecified people.
11月8日 福岡市の西南学院大学に行った。
先日『同性婚 :私たち弁護士夫夫です』という本を読んでとても教えられた。その著者、南和行さんが福岡に講演に来られると聞いた。
その講演会はNPO Rainbow Soup が主催していた。LGBTの運動をしている。
11 Nov. 2015
The other day I read a book which has the title “Equal marriage :We’re lawyers of same sex couple”. It was so instructive. And I have heard the author Mr. Kazuyuki Minami comes to Fukuoka to give a lecture.
The lecture was held by a NPO Rainbow Soup. They’ve been worked for LGBT.
Mr. Minami has explained the struggle that he felt being odd when he was child. being different from other boys. He had been interested in male. When he told he was gay to his mother when he was senior in university, she lost her self-control.
She said “Were there anything wrong in my bringing you up?” He said gay or lesbian are not being become, they are born naturally. In his life history, he met his partner at university, and both of them have admitted to the bar, they held a wedding ceremony and run a law office together. They employ Mr. Minami’s mother as a clerk.
Mr. minima wrote the book to raise a question why equal marriage isn’t legal.
I think if the equal marriage would be legal. it means a progress of recognizing diversity among families.
After Mr. Minami’s lecture, there was a panel session, Mr, Minami and Prof. Shigeru Minamino from Kyushu Univ.
They talked about whether the constitution forbids the equal marriage or not.
In the article 24:
Marriage shall be based only on the mutual consent of both sexes and it shall be maintained through mutual cooperation with the equal rights of husband and wife as a basis.
With regard to choice of spouse, property rights. inheritance, choice of domicile, divorce and other matters pertaining to marriage and the family, laws shall be enacted from the standpoint of individual dignity and the essential equality of the sexes.
Prof. Minamino said, at that time Beate Shirt Gordon had not known about gay and lesbian, she said late in life.
The right wing researcher of constitution says the equal marriage would not be legal without an amendment of constitution. The other researcher says the constitution doesn’t ban from equal marriage. A Civil Code researcher declares the purpose of the marriage system is to specify one’s father.
Mr. Minami says it is not the only goal that to put equal marriage into practice. There are many issues, which should be shared by society. e.g. HIV or prejudice.
In case of international marriage there is a problem, If the equal marriage couple are Japanese and non-Japanese.
Incase of both foreigners couple, the permission to stay in Japan is given to the spouse as a family. But if one of them is Japanese it is not given. If he/she is young or has any skill, he/she will get a permission to stay for business or student. But if both of them are retired or old, it is difficult to get for business or student. This issue is argent.
After their panel session, some questions are asked by the audience or asked to the audience.
One of those are how do they teach about LGBT at schools.
In the textbook of health and physical education, the article is written, in the adolescence people are interested in the opposite sex. Actually, Mr. Minami was worried to read this. Now the movement to change the article has occur. Also, the study for teachers has started.
In the sub textbook of human rights, there’s an article about sexual diversity.
In the other hand it is concerned about the terms which are well known colloquial expressions, even the first grade elementary students use “Homo”, “Okama” to disgrace the sexual minority.
To talk about some municipal administration, in Osaka pref. citizen can apply for the public residence by couple of man and woman, man and man, woman and woman.
At Fukuoka city, the city employees have started to hear what the citizen being troubled.
At elementary schools, the register of students has changed from boys first order to AIUEO order. Teachers call students both with “-san”. These are small good changes for more diverse.
I was surprised to hear that—-.when Prof. Minamino asked what kind of case he dealt with to Mir. Miami, he told us about a case. It was a blackmail. A client came to his office being blackmailed by another man. He had met that man via an APP, which makes an appointment between gay people. He dated that man, then that man peeped his ID card and blackmailed that he would tell his family or co-worker if he wouldn’t give him an amount of money. He had been scared ‘cause he had not open his sexual orientation to his family or co-worker.
I didn’t know there’s such an APP. You need not to go any sex venue. Talk to this case, the malicious man has gave up to get money to know he must negotiate to a lawyer.
I’m glad to hear that. I think the APP is convenient but there is dangerous to see unspecified people.
11月8日 福岡市の西南学院大学に行った。
先日『同性婚 :私たち弁護士夫夫です』という本を読んでとても教えられた。その著者、南和行さんが福岡に講演に来られると聞いた。
その講演会はNPO Rainbow Soup が主催していた。LGBTの運動をしている。
11 Nov. 2015
the illustration of Gongitsune
On 6th Nov. I went to Saiki city through the express way.
It took less than I expected. I thought it would take an hour from Oita IC to Saki IC, actually it took half an hour. I left home at twenty minutes to 7:00 a.m. and I arrived at Sanyokan in Saiki city at ten minutes to 9:00 a.m.
I took part in a studying meeting for the teachers dealing with school library and librarians.
In the morning,I’d learned how to contribute for teaching classes with using school library.
In the afternoon, I heard a lecture of Masahiro Kasuya, who is known as an illustrator for Gongitsune in the Japanese textbook used in the elementary schools.
He was super humbled, and his lecture was super attractive.
First, he told us about the novels and movies which he had been enjoyed in his childhood. “the Little Prince”, ”Tarzan”, “Tom Sawyer”, “King Solomon’s Mines” —He said it relates to the movie “Indiana Jones”, “Treasure Island”, "Little Lord Fauntleroy”. He was aware of the favorable of expression.
He emphasized the difficulties of expression.
It is difficult for you to describe your pain to the doctor. He had got something about to express from Helen Keller’s essay and “To trust and to Know” by Hideo Kobayashi.
Next he told us about drawing. He admired Cezanne for bringing into multiple viewpoints in one painting. And he said that has been led to the Cubism.
He told that there was a straight point of view and another point of view in a painting of Picaso.
There’re an inside view and an outside view in Paul Klee’s painting. He introduced the epitaph of Klee; No one can grasp me in this world, ‘cause I’m with those who are not born yet and those who have passed away already.
Then he described about the works of Miyazawa Kenji. In his poetry you see an expression and from the next line you see another point of view or another world.
I thought he suggested an excellent art had so fertile, being layered multistory, or meanings pile up in layers.
Until then, his talk was preliminary. Then he started to talk about his illustration for “Gongitsune” texted by Niimi Nankichi. That was awfully instructive.
He researched the home town of the author. And made a map of the world where Gon and Hyoju lived.
And researched the moon calendar along the story. Based on the research he draw each scene. He draw the forest, the river, Hyoju’s house, the villagers, and the fox Gon, positional relation correctly as far as possible.
It is very persuasive of the scene, Gon following Hyoju and the other person in the long shadow of them on the path between trees, above them there’s a moon. Also in the last scene that Gon laying down in a circle of moon light.
I was surprised to see how closely he had investigate the text to draw some illustrations for.
And he also indicated that the story starts from the last scene, where Gon was killed. The readers start to think about incongruousness.
The expenses was high he spared for his work. He dedicates his life to expression. I was so impressed.
I want to compare all kind of picture books of “Gongitsune”.
11月6日 高速道路を使って佐伯市に行った。思ったより早かった。大分インターから佐伯インターまで1時間かかると思っていたら30分だった。家を7時20分前に出て、佐伯市の三余館に着いたのが9時10分前だった。
ピカソの絵は、ひとつの画面の中で正面から 見る視点と別の視点で見る。
It took less than I expected. I thought it would take an hour from Oita IC to Saki IC, actually it took half an hour. I left home at twenty minutes to 7:00 a.m. and I arrived at Sanyokan in Saiki city at ten minutes to 9:00 a.m.
I took part in a studying meeting for the teachers dealing with school library and librarians.
In the morning,I’d learned how to contribute for teaching classes with using school library.
In the afternoon, I heard a lecture of Masahiro Kasuya, who is known as an illustrator for Gongitsune in the Japanese textbook used in the elementary schools.
He was super humbled, and his lecture was super attractive.
First, he told us about the novels and movies which he had been enjoyed in his childhood. “the Little Prince”, ”Tarzan”, “Tom Sawyer”, “King Solomon’s Mines” —He said it relates to the movie “Indiana Jones”, “Treasure Island”, "Little Lord Fauntleroy”. He was aware of the favorable of expression.
He emphasized the difficulties of expression.
It is difficult for you to describe your pain to the doctor. He had got something about to express from Helen Keller’s essay and “To trust and to Know” by Hideo Kobayashi.
Next he told us about drawing. He admired Cezanne for bringing into multiple viewpoints in one painting. And he said that has been led to the Cubism.
He told that there was a straight point of view and another point of view in a painting of Picaso.
There’re an inside view and an outside view in Paul Klee’s painting. He introduced the epitaph of Klee; No one can grasp me in this world, ‘cause I’m with those who are not born yet and those who have passed away already.
Then he described about the works of Miyazawa Kenji. In his poetry you see an expression and from the next line you see another point of view or another world.
I thought he suggested an excellent art had so fertile, being layered multistory, or meanings pile up in layers.
Until then, his talk was preliminary. Then he started to talk about his illustration for “Gongitsune” texted by Niimi Nankichi. That was awfully instructive.
He researched the home town of the author. And made a map of the world where Gon and Hyoju lived.
And researched the moon calendar along the story. Based on the research he draw each scene. He draw the forest, the river, Hyoju’s house, the villagers, and the fox Gon, positional relation correctly as far as possible.
It is very persuasive of the scene, Gon following Hyoju and the other person in the long shadow of them on the path between trees, above them there’s a moon. Also in the last scene that Gon laying down in a circle of moon light.
I was surprised to see how closely he had investigate the text to draw some illustrations for.
And he also indicated that the story starts from the last scene, where Gon was killed. The readers start to think about incongruousness.
The expenses was high he spared for his work. He dedicates his life to expression. I was so impressed.
I want to compare all kind of picture books of “Gongitsune”.
11月6日 高速道路を使って佐伯市に行った。思ったより早かった。大分インターから佐伯インターまで1時間かかると思っていたら30分だった。家を7時20分前に出て、佐伯市の三余館に着いたのが9時10分前だった。
ピカソの絵は、ひとつの画面の中で正面から 見る視点と別の視点で見る。
7th Nov. 2015
La famillie Belier
On 1st November, I went to T-Joy Kurume to see the movie “La Famille Belier”.
Paula is a child of deaf adults, CODA. She lives with her parents and younger brother. The family run a dairy farm.As the other three are deaf, Paula acts as interpreter for her parents. On the way to and from school, she occasionally gets a phone call about business. When her parents go to a hospital, she goes with them and interprets their condition even if the conversation is about venereal disease.
It looks too much the parents depend on her.
The movie describes the daily life of deaf people. They don’t care making noise, Sometimes it annoys Paula when they are in front of her school. But generally Paula loves her family.
She is at the period of becoming of the menstrual function.
She has applied the optional class of chorus because a boy student who she is interested in has applied.
The music teacher instructs her to sing with abdominal breathing. She has not sung at home. Once she know how to sing, everybody has surprised her talent. The teacher offer to sit for an entrance exam of the Maitrise de Radio France, a vocal elite choir in Paris.
She want to sing but Paris is too far from her family. She can’t persuade her parents of her ambition.
When the chorus class students have performed at the school event, Paula’s family have come to see. They can’t hear, but they have seen the whole audience admire Paula.
In the evening, Paula’s father has asked her to sing, and he has heard with his finger put on her throat.
The next day, in early morning he has wake her up and they go to Paris together to sit for the entrance exam.
At the Exam, Paula sing a song, “I fly, not escape” with sign language. Her mother, her father, and her younger brother can understand what she want to do.
That’s occur not only CODA’s family. Every child should leave their home.Even if they love their family deeply.
It is a very good adolescence movie.
I imagine the mother’s feeling.It should be sad. But she must let her go.
After Paula would go, they might use facsimile or mail or message to do their business and other communication. Maybe their son should help them more.
Though it would be far distance between they and Paula,their unit won’t have weaken. It is so touched.
I don’t know why the Japanese title is “Yell”. I wonder at the entrance exam, after Paula has sung, mother has yelled her bravo. Is it the reason?
I am glad as it is the first day, the fee is only 1100 yen. And T-joy Kurume has free parking place. Kurume is only one hour drive from Hita.
It is better than Oita.
11月1日 tジョイ久留米に映画「ベリエ一家」を見に行った。
その翌日 早朝に父はポーラを起こして一家でパリに試験を受けにいく。
2 Nov, 2015
Paula is a child of deaf adults, CODA. She lives with her parents and younger brother. The family run a dairy farm.As the other three are deaf, Paula acts as interpreter for her parents. On the way to and from school, she occasionally gets a phone call about business. When her parents go to a hospital, she goes with them and interprets their condition even if the conversation is about venereal disease.
It looks too much the parents depend on her.
The movie describes the daily life of deaf people. They don’t care making noise, Sometimes it annoys Paula when they are in front of her school. But generally Paula loves her family.
She is at the period of becoming of the menstrual function.
She has applied the optional class of chorus because a boy student who she is interested in has applied.
The music teacher instructs her to sing with abdominal breathing. She has not sung at home. Once she know how to sing, everybody has surprised her talent. The teacher offer to sit for an entrance exam of the Maitrise de Radio France, a vocal elite choir in Paris.
She want to sing but Paris is too far from her family. She can’t persuade her parents of her ambition.
When the chorus class students have performed at the school event, Paula’s family have come to see. They can’t hear, but they have seen the whole audience admire Paula.
In the evening, Paula’s father has asked her to sing, and he has heard with his finger put on her throat.
The next day, in early morning he has wake her up and they go to Paris together to sit for the entrance exam.
At the Exam, Paula sing a song, “I fly, not escape” with sign language. Her mother, her father, and her younger brother can understand what she want to do.
That’s occur not only CODA’s family. Every child should leave their home.Even if they love their family deeply.
It is a very good adolescence movie.
I imagine the mother’s feeling.It should be sad. But she must let her go.
After Paula would go, they might use facsimile or mail or message to do their business and other communication. Maybe their son should help them more.
Though it would be far distance between they and Paula,their unit won’t have weaken. It is so touched.
I don’t know why the Japanese title is “Yell”. I wonder at the entrance exam, after Paula has sung, mother has yelled her bravo. Is it the reason?
I am glad as it is the first day, the fee is only 1100 yen. And T-joy Kurume has free parking place. Kurume is only one hour drive from Hita.
It is better than Oita.
11月1日 tジョイ久留米に映画「ベリエ一家」を見に行った。
その翌日 早朝に父はポーラを起こして一家でパリに試験を受けにいく。
2 Nov, 2015
iMac repair
On 17th October, I went to Tenjin Fukuoka,
There was a mingled meeting of who going to study abroad and who has just came back at an English language company.
I drove through Chikushuno, Kasuga,Takamiya, Yakuin. This time I had not got lost.
I parked my car in Imaizumi. First, I went to Apple Tenjin branch. Because my iMac had been out of order from September. I called the support center. The person told me if I want to repair it by picking up service it would cost 50000 yen. At that time I was going to go Vancouver and didn’t have enough time. Until October I could get along without the iMac.
But I had the opportunity to go to Fukuoka on 17 Oct, I took the chance. I took it to Apple Tenjin.
The person told me to come again at 4 pm, as I had not an appointment. I deposited it.
Then I went to EF Fukuoka office in Daimyo ward. It was far only one block from Apple.
On the day people who gathered were all adult, Two of them had been EF Chicago school. I had been EF Vancouver school. The other five people were going to study abroad in coming spring.
First we practiced English conversation with a teacher who come from Ireland.
Then talked each other over a cup of coffee and snacks. We exchanged LINE ID, and made a group.
One of them has been a backpacker. He instructed us a useful APP, Maps.me.
It finished 5 minutes to 4:00 pm. I went to Apple Tenjin.
The shop clerk explained me, if the power unit was out of order, the replacement was needed, it cost 12000 yen. If the replacement won’t be effective, it would be needed to replace the substrate, it cost 68000 yen.
I decided to repair in case the power unit replacement would be effective. If not, I’ll throw it, The clerk checked the sticker for recycle and agreed.
He will call in from three to a week.
We talked about the new iPad Pro. I asked him, I had thought I need iMac not only iPad, the new one also need a mac? He told me, it had been thought, but iPad Pro may not need a mac. It will be useful only itself. After I have known that, if my i
21 Oct. 2015
Today I went to Apple Tenjin to pick up my Mac. It has repaired after replaced the power unit. I’m so glad.
24 Oct. 2015
There was a mingled meeting of who going to study abroad and who has just came back at an English language company.
I drove through Chikushuno, Kasuga,Takamiya, Yakuin. This time I had not got lost.
I parked my car in Imaizumi. First, I went to Apple Tenjin branch. Because my iMac had been out of order from September. I called the support center. The person told me if I want to repair it by picking up service it would cost 50000 yen. At that time I was going to go Vancouver and didn’t have enough time. Until October I could get along without the iMac.
But I had the opportunity to go to Fukuoka on 17 Oct, I took the chance. I took it to Apple Tenjin.
The person told me to come again at 4 pm, as I had not an appointment. I deposited it.
Then I went to EF Fukuoka office in Daimyo ward. It was far only one block from Apple.
On the day people who gathered were all adult, Two of them had been EF Chicago school. I had been EF Vancouver school. The other five people were going to study abroad in coming spring.
First we practiced English conversation with a teacher who come from Ireland.
Then talked each other over a cup of coffee and snacks. We exchanged LINE ID, and made a group.
One of them has been a backpacker. He instructed us a useful APP, Maps.me.
It finished 5 minutes to 4:00 pm. I went to Apple Tenjin.
The shop clerk explained me, if the power unit was out of order, the replacement was needed, it cost 12000 yen. If the replacement won’t be effective, it would be needed to replace the substrate, it cost 68000 yen.
I decided to repair in case the power unit replacement would be effective. If not, I’ll throw it, The clerk checked the sticker for recycle and agreed.
He will call in from three to a week.
We talked about the new iPad Pro. I asked him, I had thought I need iMac not only iPad, the new one also need a mac? He told me, it had been thought, but iPad Pro may not need a mac. It will be useful only itself. After I have known that, if my i
21 Oct. 2015
Today I went to Apple Tenjin to pick up my Mac. It has repaired after replaced the power unit. I’m so glad.
24 Oct. 2015
Arther Binard's lecture
On 10th Octorber, a lecture was held in Nakatsu city. The lecturer was Arthur Binard.
He takled about the newly enacted security legislation. When the ruling parties railroaded the legislation through the Diet,he was in U.S. It had been planned.
While staying in U.S.,he read sevelal newspapers.And found no articles about Japan's security law. He said the reason. If there's something new or something odd,they will write about it as a news. But it has been same through post world war 2. The security law and my number are demanded from U.S. From the view of U.S., Japan has been same,has been obeying.
Then he talked about Natsume Soseki's haiku.
叩かれて夏の蚊を吐く木魚かな He said it is very difficult to translate in English.
吹井戸やぽこりぽこりと真桑瓜 It might be
These two are both in old texts. He has serched the original text,but still unsure which is true.
He alarted being sensitive about detail of words.
For example,"100 million total activity society". He suggested it's similar with 100 million honable death. At that time,people who made the slogan didn't count themselves in the 100 million.
He had given nine digit number when he was twelve years old. It was social se curity number. Now people in U.S. are lgiven the number at the maternity hospital. It is similar to a brand on a livestock.
Japanese people has been opposit the system during it had been called "Sousebangou". But when it called "My number", it sounds similar to "My car" "My home".
He is anxious about reforming of the constitution. He explaned,the constitutions of France or U.S. are imported.American constitution is taken from Magna Carta, French constitution is taken from U.S.
The constitution makes the government's power be regulated.
He said he had read the draft of the constitution of LDP. He felt it looked like the Imperial Japan's constitution.
The constitution of Imperial Japanese was written with reference to the constitution of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was established in a manner that Emperor Meiji bestowed it on his subjects.(a constitution enacted by the emperor)
He says, the constitution brakes the govrrmnent's power. The people who has survibed from the "100 million honourable death" want to back the constitution to the previous one.
During the previous world war, the word "valuable life" was a taboo word. If you said,you must be under arrest.
Now,at the Peace celemony, the Prime minister and the mayer of Hiroshima used this word. Under the present constitution, we say this word safely.
That's the matter, people who called "valuable lives" in PM's adress were not allowed use the word when they were alive. PM had rewritten the history.
Auther Binard's lecture was very fun and instructive.
23 Oct. 2015
He takled about the newly enacted security legislation. When the ruling parties railroaded the legislation through the Diet,he was in U.S. It had been planned.
While staying in U.S.,he read sevelal newspapers.And found no articles about Japan's security law. He said the reason. If there's something new or something odd,they will write about it as a news. But it has been same through post world war 2. The security law and my number are demanded from U.S. From the view of U.S., Japan has been same,has been obeying.
Then he talked about Natsume Soseki's haiku.
叩かれて夏の蚊を吐く木魚かな He said it is very difficult to translate in English.
吹井戸やぽこりぽこりと真桑瓜 It might be
These two are both in old texts. He has serched the original text,but still unsure which is true.
He alarted being sensitive about detail of words.
For example,"100 million total activity society". He suggested it's similar with 100 million honable death. At that time,people who made the slogan didn't count themselves in the 100 million.
He had given nine digit number when he was twelve years old. It was social se curity number. Now people in U.S. are lgiven the number at the maternity hospital. It is similar to a brand on a livestock.
Japanese people has been opposit the system during it had been called "Sousebangou". But when it called "My number", it sounds similar to "My car" "My home".
He is anxious about reforming of the constitution. He explaned,the constitutions of France or U.S. are imported.American constitution is taken from Magna Carta, French constitution is taken from U.S.
The constitution makes the government's power be regulated.
He said he had read the draft of the constitution of LDP. He felt it looked like the Imperial Japan's constitution.
The constitution of Imperial Japanese was written with reference to the constitution of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was established in a manner that Emperor Meiji bestowed it on his subjects.(a constitution enacted by the emperor)
He says, the constitution brakes the govrrmnent's power. The people who has survibed from the "100 million honourable death" want to back the constitution to the previous one.
During the previous world war, the word "valuable life" was a taboo word. If you said,you must be under arrest.
Now,at the Peace celemony, the Prime minister and the mayer of Hiroshima used this word. Under the present constitution, we say this word safely.
That's the matter, people who called "valuable lives" in PM's adress were not allowed use the word when they were alive. PM had rewritten the history.
Auther Binard's lecture was very fun and instructive.
23 Oct. 2015
CampbellRiver & Nanaimo
Today, I left my host family's place. I went to Vancouver International Airport. In front of the YVA domestic terminal I get on the shutlle bus to the Souse terminal.
I get on a air plane of Pacific Coasteal Airline to CampbellRiver. It was a grate fright.I have enjoyed.
I had not known about CampbellRiver. I had imagined it was a fishermen's town. I got on the island link Bus to Nanaimo. Seeing from the bus, CampbellRiver was a gorgeous cornstalk town. I saw many camping cars and morter cyclists.
It was clear. the surface of the sea was reflected sun shine. I had not imagined to see such a perfect scene.
In the bus I chatted an elder woman. She was to get on the BC Ferry to Vancouver, which I was to get on the next day. We went yo the Ferry terminal together. She kindly showed me how to get a ticket and how to get passengers' route.
Then I went to the Swy-a-Lana Park and hung around. The bay was beautiful.
Because it wa the last day of staying Canada, I ate a Maplesyrop burger.
26 Sept.2016
I get on a air plane of Pacific Coasteal Airline to CampbellRiver. It was a grate fright.I have enjoyed.
It was clear. the surface of the sea was reflected sun shine. I had not imagined to see such a perfect scene.
In the bus I chatted an elder woman. She was to get on the BC Ferry to Vancouver, which I was to get on the next day. We went yo the Ferry terminal together. She kindly showed me how to get a ticket and how to get passengers' route.
Then I went to the Swy-a-Lana Park and hung around. The bay was beautiful.
26 Sept.2016
VIFF : Vancouver International Film Festival
Today, my last class ended at 3:20 pm.
Yesterday, I reserved a movie ticket of Vancouver International Film Festival.
I bought a "Golden Kingdom". It was filmed at the Cinemateque. The theater was near my school.
The film started at 3:45pm. It was a Myanmar film.
The main actors were preteen boys. They were on their training of Buddism with their menter.
After their mentor had been absent, the peaceful world changed into unpeaceful.
The camera had chaptured primitive world. The landscape was beautiful.
The audience could not understand their language, it had subtitle. I was watching the movie with subtitle. I enjoyed much.
Yesterday, I reserved a movie ticket of Vancouver International Film Festival.
I bought a "Golden Kingdom". It was filmed at the Cinemateque. The theater was near my school.
The film started at 3:45pm. It was a Myanmar film.
The main actors were preteen boys. They were on their training of Buddism with their menter.
After their mentor had been absent, the peaceful world changed into unpeaceful.
The camera had chaptured primitive world. The landscape was beautiful.
The audience could not understand their language, it had subtitle. I was watching the movie with subtitle. I enjoyed much.
After I watched the movie, I went back to school. I have gotten a quolification of 2weeks' corse.
I think 2weeks was too short. The days of in Vancouver was wonderful. Itwould be nice if I come here again.
25 Sept. 2015
At Vancouver Public Libraty
Today my classes had started at 8:20 and finished at 13:10.
I went to T&T supermarket to have lunch, then went to Vancouver Public Library.
I asked to listen an audio book of Montgomery L.M. I listened it with reading a text.
After that, I asked one of the librarian if they had a " Maze Runner". They had,but all of copies were borrowed. She told me I could download the e-book version. Though I could not download at envy where else but in the library, that was because my Library card was for visitors', I could read it at the library.
She instructed me how to use the computer, unfortunately something wrong in the networkar the time.ea
I thanked her and asked where was young adults fictions. I went there. Thy have many novels and graphics and Manga.
I meant to read one of those books, but I noticed the "Vancouver International Film Festival".
I visited the website, and chose one of them on the time after my class. I bought a ticket on the website. "The Golde Kinfdom". I will go to the theater near the school.
I went to T&T supermarket to have lunch, then went to Vancouver Public Library.
I asked to listen an audio book of Montgomery L.M. I listened it with reading a text.
After that, I asked one of the librarian if they had a " Maze Runner". They had,but all of copies were borrowed. She told me I could download the e-book version. Though I could not download at envy where else but in the library, that was because my Library card was for visitors', I could read it at the library.
She instructed me how to use the computer, unfortunately something wrong in the networkar the time.ea
I thanked her and asked where was young adults fictions. I went there. Thy have many novels and graphics and Manga.
I meant to read one of those books, but I noticed the "Vancouver International Film Festival".
I visited the website, and chose one of them on the time after my class. I bought a ticket on the website. "The Golde Kinfdom". I will go to the theater near the school.
24 Sept. 2015
Lunch, Sovenir shop
Today the first class had ended at 11:50 the second class had started at 14:50.
I had long enough time to out for lunch. I walked to T&T supermarket in Chinatown. I prefer Chinese bun to a hamburger or hotdog. At the first time I went to the supermarket I got lost. But I have marked the Queen Elizabeth Theater, after that I can go there easily.
The buns and dis he's are delicious,and I can eat in the eat-in. The place is safe and good for saving.
I had long enough time to out for lunch. I walked to T&T supermarket in Chinatown. I prefer Chinese bun to a hamburger or hotdog. At the first time I went to the supermarket I got lost. But I have marked the Queen Elizabeth Theater, after that I can go there easily.
The buns and dis he's are delicious,and I can eat in the eat-in. The place is safe and good for saving.
I sat for a departure test. I had heard that students should take it on Friday, but it was misunderstanding. It included grammer, listening, reading test. I don't think I made it well.
After school I we t to OK Gift shop to seek some souvenir for my children.
23 Sept. 2015
Movie Tuesday, Cineplex Odeon International Villedge
Today is Tuesday. I have heard about the "Movie Tuesday". On every Tuesday, you can see the movie at a fare of $7.50.
I have googled what kind of movie I can see today, then I have decided to see "Inside Out".
My last class has finished at 13:10 then I walked to the Cineplex Odeon International villedge. It was near Chinatown.
Inside Out was an animation movie. It was very instructive and helpful to consider about my mind.
Then I went to the T&T super market, I took delicious lunch there.
22 Sept. 2015
I have googled what kind of movie I can see today, then I have decided to see "Inside Out".
My last class has finished at 13:10 then I walked to the Cineplex Odeon International villedge. It was near Chinatown.
Inside Out was an animation movie. It was very instructive and helpful to consider about my mind.
Then I went to the T&T super market, I took delicious lunch there.
22 Sept. 2015
In the evening, I visited to Vancouver Public Library. After I used the PC,I went outside. Then I noticed a bulletin board, in those I was interested in an event.
It was a lecture of a psychologist. I attended it.
Dr.Randy Paterson showed how to set straight our loads of life. His talk was attractive.
Deep Cove
Today I had three classes, and the first one started at 11:50. For I had plenty of time before school, I went to Deep Cove.
It was clear with few clouds. I took a train to Metro town, at Metro town Station Bay, I got on the bus. After I got on the bus I understood it was not for Phibbs Exchange, then the driver kindly instructed me where I should got off and took the behind bus.
I changed the bus and reached the Deep Cove.
I walked in the park faced the bay, walked down to the beach. It was very beautiful.
After enjoyed the scenery, I went back to the Phibbs Exchange, then went to Lonsdale Quay To get on a sea bus. It was my first experience to get on the sea bus. It is used to let people across the bay.
It was nearly 10;00, I walked to the Central Library. I was surprised to see many people lined to wait the library open.
I hurried to the fourth floor. I could find a seat for PC. I wrote my blog as a diary, to memory where I went and what I did.
Every single day is wonderful and exciting in Vancouver.
After school, I walked around Yalletown, then went to Granville island by bus. I enjoyed four glasses of beer at a brewer.
21 Sept. 2015
It was clear with few clouds. I took a train to Metro town, at Metro town Station Bay, I got on the bus. After I got on the bus I understood it was not for Phibbs Exchange, then the driver kindly instructed me where I should got off and took the behind bus.
I changed the bus and reached the Deep Cove.
I walked in the park faced the bay, walked down to the beach. It was very beautiful.
After enjoyed the scenery, I went back to the Phibbs Exchange, then went to Lonsdale Quay To get on a sea bus. It was my first experience to get on the sea bus. It is used to let people across the bay.
It was nearly 10;00, I walked to the Central Library. I was surprised to see many people lined to wait the library open.
I hurried to the fourth floor. I could find a seat for PC. I wrote my blog as a diary, to memory where I went and what I did.
Every single day is wonderful and exciting in Vancouver.
After school, I walked around Yalletown, then went to Granville island by bus. I enjoyed four glasses of beer at a brewer.
21 Sept. 2015
Peace Arch Park
I went to the border of between U.S. and Canada.
From 22nd street station I took a train and two buses to reach NB King George Blvd FS 8 Ave. It was the nearest bus stop to the Peace Arch Park. After I got off the bus, I walked along Highway 99. It was a little scary to walk along the highway.
For I had no idea how to reach the park, I dropped in a duty-free shop and asked a clerk. He told me the park was just behind the shop.
The park was quiet, it was at the side of the ocean. I walked in the park, then crossed the road to enter the next park. There was a big white arch with a gate. The gate was open, with the words on it -"(MAY THESE GATES NEVER BE CLOSED"
After I took pictures I started to return to the bus stop.
But I was confused. I had come along the right side on the road, same direct with cars. If I would walk the same lane, the cars come toward to me. The opposing lane might be better. But to enter the opposing lane, I might enter the entrance checkpoint. I had a passport. That would be helpful, but I thought I might better avoid the checkpoint.
I was wondering, at that time I saw a pickup truck and an elder man. I asked him how could I return to the NB King George Blvd 8 Ave. He kindly gave me a ride to there.
He went through the path around the duty-free shop. I did not notice it. Through the path, the car entered the opposing lane.There was roundabout near the bus stop. If he did not help me, I could not get back to the bus stop safely.
I thanked him.After I waved him, I took a picture of his truck. It is the most important picture in Canada for me.
From the bus stop, I took two buses and a train from Bridgeport to Vancouver International Airport. I wanted to make sure where the shuttle bus station to the South terminal was.
From the airport, I went to Waterfront Station, then I understood I should get off at City Center to exchange to Expo line.The City Center station and the Granville station is 5 minutes walk. I made a plan for the day I go to Campbell River.
I went to Chinatown, there I found a good supermarket full of Chinese products. There was an Eat-in. I ate Chinese fried bread and bought cookies and so on.
I wanted to go around more, but it was cold and raining. That why I went back home.
20 Sept. 2015
From 22nd street station I took a train and two buses to reach NB King George Blvd FS 8 Ave. It was the nearest bus stop to the Peace Arch Park. After I got off the bus, I walked along Highway 99. It was a little scary to walk along the highway.
For I had no idea how to reach the park, I dropped in a duty-free shop and asked a clerk. He told me the park was just behind the shop.
The park was quiet, it was at the side of the ocean. I walked in the park, then crossed the road to enter the next park. There was a big white arch with a gate. The gate was open, with the words on it -"(MAY THESE GATES NEVER BE CLOSED"
After I took pictures I started to return to the bus stop.
But I was confused. I had come along the right side on the road, same direct with cars. If I would walk the same lane, the cars come toward to me. The opposing lane might be better. But to enter the opposing lane, I might enter the entrance checkpoint. I had a passport. That would be helpful, but I thought I might better avoid the checkpoint.
I was wondering, at that time I saw a pickup truck and an elder man. I asked him how could I return to the NB King George Blvd 8 Ave. He kindly gave me a ride to there.
He went through the path around the duty-free shop. I did not notice it. Through the path, the car entered the opposing lane.There was roundabout near the bus stop. If he did not help me, I could not get back to the bus stop safely.
I thanked him.After I waved him, I took a picture of his truck. It is the most important picture in Canada for me.
From the bus stop, I took two buses and a train from Bridgeport to Vancouver International Airport. I wanted to make sure where the shuttle bus station to the South terminal was.
From the airport, I went to Waterfront Station, then I understood I should get off at City Center to exchange to Expo line.The City Center station and the Granville station is 5 minutes walk. I made a plan for the day I go to Campbell River.
I went to Chinatown, there I found a good supermarket full of Chinese products. There was an Eat-in. I ate Chinese fried bread and bought cookies and so on.
I wanted to go around more, but it was cold and raining. That why I went back home.
20 Sept. 2015
Victoria in Vancouver Island
On 19 Sept. I took part in an activity of excursion to Victoria in Vancouver Island.
We should be at Canada Place at 7:00 am. It was raining in the morning. The two students who are staying at the same host family had signed up this activity. I followed those two girls to the meeting point.
It took long time from downtown in Vancouver to Victoria. The bus went to Tsawwassen, got on the BC Ferry and arrived at Swartz Bay, went to the downtown of Victoria.
While we were sat in the bus, the guide person told us much of stories. Two of them I had remenberd.
First, the name of "Tsawwassen" is come from first nation language, means "Toward sea".
Second, the British Columbia was demanded to belonged from both the U.S. and the Canada.
For U.S.A, because they had Alaska, if they got B.C. they make the route from South to North. For Canada, if they got B.C. they make the route from east coast to west coast. The British Columbia chose to belong to Canada.
In Canada, the transcontinental rail road was a huge project. For the project many Chinese worker had come to Canada. They worked hard, and the project has finished before it had been anticipated.
But the government could not pay the workers they had promised. Instead of the payment, the government gave them an allowance to settle in Canada. That is the reason, there are many China town in Canada.
With hearing interesting story, the bus arrived at Victoria.
First, we visited the Fisherman`s Wharf. I saw seals, they were cute. Then hung around Inner Harbor area. I enjoyed the Government street sight, then went to Emily Carr House. I had a good time, then went to Royal BC Museum.
To buy the ticket, the guide person asked me whether I want use cash or credit card. I offered to pay by credit card. The device she had was incredibly smart. She indicated to write down my signature on the device`s screen by my finger. It was a clumsy signature, but effective. I have not seen that system in Japan.
It took almost 90 minutes from Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen. On the Ferry boat, I was anxious because my iPod touch`s battery was going to dead. I looked for some outlets. I found. There were two persons working at their PCs. One of them were connecting the outlet. He was kindly let me use that outlet. I charged about 5 minutes or more.
My iPod touch is very convenient, but I wish some advantaged invention, for example, rolling hundle to generate power.
Thanks to kind person, my iPod had revived.
19 Sept. 2015
We should be at Canada Place at 7:00 am. It was raining in the morning. The two students who are staying at the same host family had signed up this activity. I followed those two girls to the meeting point.
It took long time from downtown in Vancouver to Victoria. The bus went to Tsawwassen, got on the BC Ferry and arrived at Swartz Bay, went to the downtown of Victoria.
While we were sat in the bus, the guide person told us much of stories. Two of them I had remenberd.
First, the name of "Tsawwassen" is come from first nation language, means "Toward sea".
Second, the British Columbia was demanded to belonged from both the U.S. and the Canada.
For U.S.A, because they had Alaska, if they got B.C. they make the route from South to North. For Canada, if they got B.C. they make the route from east coast to west coast. The British Columbia chose to belong to Canada.
In Canada, the transcontinental rail road was a huge project. For the project many Chinese worker had come to Canada. They worked hard, and the project has finished before it had been anticipated.
But the government could not pay the workers they had promised. Instead of the payment, the government gave them an allowance to settle in Canada. That is the reason, there are many China town in Canada.
With hearing interesting story, the bus arrived at Victoria.
First, we visited the Fisherman`s Wharf. I saw seals, they were cute. Then hung around Inner Harbor area. I enjoyed the Government street sight, then went to Emily Carr House. I had a good time, then went to Royal BC Museum.
To buy the ticket, the guide person asked me whether I want use cash or credit card. I offered to pay by credit card. The device she had was incredibly smart. She indicated to write down my signature on the device`s screen by my finger. It was a clumsy signature, but effective. I have not seen that system in Japan.
It took almost 90 minutes from Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen. On the Ferry boat, I was anxious because my iPod touch`s battery was going to dead. I looked for some outlets. I found. There were two persons working at their PCs. One of them were connecting the outlet. He was kindly let me use that outlet. I charged about 5 minutes or more.
My iPod touch is very convenient, but I wish some advantaged invention, for example, rolling hundle to generate power.
Thanks to kind person, my iPod had revived.
19 Sept. 2015
Souvenia shop
In the morning, on the way to school, I found crowded people.
There was a Beauty Bush by NORDSTROM. Befor it open, they held a bountiful campaign.
They treat costomers free coffee, doughnuts, pastry, and tote bags. There ware many booth of cosmetics and hair products. They offered free make ups and hair sets.
Today was Friday. I reminded that shops are closed at 6 in Vancouver, but on Friday many shops are open until 8 or 9.
That's why I went to shopping for souvenir. I wasked along the Robson street. I found a typical souvenir shop. And I bought some cookies and chocolates. And by my daughter's advise, I bought a small snow dome for my mother.
18 Sept. 2015
There was a Beauty Bush by NORDSTROM. Befor it open, they held a bountiful campaign.
They treat costomers free coffee, doughnuts, pastry, and tote bags. There ware many booth of cosmetics and hair products. They offered free make ups and hair sets.
Today was Friday. I reminded that shops are closed at 6 in Vancouver, but on Friday many shops are open until 8 or 9.
That's why I went to shopping for souvenir. I wasked along the Robson street. I found a typical souvenir shop. And I bought some cookies and chocolates. And by my daughter's advise, I bought a small snow dome for my mother.
18 Sept. 2015
Fly Over Canada
Today, I had three classes, the last one was finished at 13:10.
I asked our activity cooedinator, whether I could use the remeined $11 of EF credit for the "Fly Over Canada". Ahe replied I could. I bought the ticket adding $6.
At first I went to the JTB office. I was still eager to go to CampbellRiver. I had searched the public transportation in Cancouver Ialand. I had known it might took long time. I should be Vancouver International Airport at 14:20 to back to Japan. I reserved to stay at Nanaimo on 26 Sept.
I don't have enough time to go to Quadra Island and Cort Island.
I should be arrive at Vancouver airport south terminal by 8:45 am. on 26th September.
I will fly to CampbellRiver in the morning on 26, will take a bus from CampbellRiver to Nanaimo, maybe I will arrive at there around 5:00 pm.
Next morning,I will get on a 8:30 Ferry to Tsawwassen, then go to YVA.
After I had planned this itenerary, went to JTB office again. I made a reserve to Pacific Corstal.
Then went to Canada Place to ride the "Fly Over Canada".
On the way to Canada Place I found a chocolate shop. I ordered a cup of chocolate. It was delicious. But I was disappointed at the treatment. When I ordered the clerk, a man seemed her boss, directed her never accept debit card. As if most Japanese have used debit card and annoyed him. But I meant to pay money.I didn't feel good. Chocolate was good but man was not food.
I rode "Fly Over Canada". It was a scenic film.
Then I went to the Central Library. To my joy, I found a stationary shop in front of the library.I had lost an eraser and went to by two stores, but had not found either of the store. I bought an eraser at the stationary shop.
17 Sept. 2015
I asked our activity cooedinator, whether I could use the remeined $11 of EF credit for the "Fly Over Canada". Ahe replied I could. I bought the ticket adding $6.
At first I went to the JTB office. I was still eager to go to CampbellRiver. I had searched the public transportation in Cancouver Ialand. I had known it might took long time. I should be Vancouver International Airport at 14:20 to back to Japan. I reserved to stay at Nanaimo on 26 Sept.
I don't have enough time to go to Quadra Island and Cort Island.
I should be arrive at Vancouver airport south terminal by 8:45 am. on 26th September.
I will fly to CampbellRiver in the morning on 26, will take a bus from CampbellRiver to Nanaimo, maybe I will arrive at there around 5:00 pm.
Next morning,I will get on a 8:30 Ferry to Tsawwassen, then go to YVA.
After I had planned this itenerary, went to JTB office again. I made a reserve to Pacific Corstal.
Then went to Canada Place to ride the "Fly Over Canada".
On the way to Canada Place I found a chocolate shop. I ordered a cup of chocolate. It was delicious. But I was disappointed at the treatment. When I ordered the clerk, a man seemed her boss, directed her never accept debit card. As if most Japanese have used debit card and annoyed him. But I meant to pay money.I didn't feel good. Chocolate was good but man was not food.
I rode "Fly Over Canada". It was a scenic film.
Then I went to the Central Library. To my joy, I found a stationary shop in front of the library.I had lost an eraser and went to by two stores, but had not found either of the store. I bought an eraser at the stationary shop.
17 Sept. 2015
Jerico Beach
At the breakfast, I asked my host mother when I might use her loundly. She had told me the students are allowed to use it once a week. My socks were going to shortage. I will use it today after I would back home.
I left home before 8:00 this morning. Then took a skytrain, got off at Commercial-Broadway and got on a bus to west.
I hung around West 10th avenue, took a photo of ex Rinjuan-Ms.Yoko Kirishima's residence- then wandered about Jerico Beach. There were joggers and cyclists enjoying along the beach side path.I also enjoyed the scenery.
I remembered my class would srart at 9:20. I hurried up. I waited at a bus for a bus go to downtown. I thought the bus I should take was N17. That bus didn't come. Another buses came frequently. Thereby I decided to get on one of the buses, go to the nearest bus stop to Granville street and would take another bus which go to the district to my school.
I got on a N14 bus. The bus went through the disterict I hoped.
I thought I might be late for my class, but I arrived at school 30 minutes before it started.
At night a daughter of my host mother insructed me using the washing machine and drying machine.
To wash, it takes 20 minutes, and to dry, it takes 40 minutes. Very convinient.
16 Sept. 2015
I left home before 8:00 this morning. Then took a skytrain, got off at Commercial-Broadway and got on a bus to west.
I hung around West 10th avenue, took a photo of ex Rinjuan-Ms.Yoko Kirishima's residence- then wandered about Jerico Beach. There were joggers and cyclists enjoying along the beach side path.I also enjoyed the scenery.
I remembered my class would srart at 9:20. I hurried up. I waited at a bus for a bus go to downtown. I thought the bus I should take was N17. That bus didn't come. Another buses came frequently. Thereby I decided to get on one of the buses, go to the nearest bus stop to Granville street and would take another bus which go to the district to my school.
I got on a N14 bus. The bus went through the disterict I hoped.
I thought I might be late for my class, but I arrived at school 30 minutes before it started.
At night a daughter of my host mother insructed me using the washing machine and drying machine.
To wash, it takes 20 minutes, and to dry, it takes 40 minutes. Very convinient.
16 Sept. 2015
Hanging around Vancouver
In the mid night, I waked up 'cause I felt ill. I had stomach acke and felt to vomit.
Unfortunately,I had brought no medicine. Only I could do was laying down rubbing my tummy. Almost one or one and half hours past. I decided to wake up and write a dialy. While weighting dialy, I exchanged messages on Line with my son and daughter.
I had learned that I can download google map, and view it out of WiFi.
I left home ar seven, I had planned to take a walk around the downtown. But when I went out of the station, it was cold. Then I went to school.
I had three classes in the morning, the third lesson finished at 13:10. After that I searched a "thrift store" on google map. I found one near the school. I walked to the Wildlife thrift store and bought a cardigan. It cost $11. It was 13 degee celcious in the morning. It was cooler than I had anticipated.
I signed up an activity of hanging around China town in Vancouver.
The Cina town was not so far from my school. After the tour I hung around Gastown and went to Canada Place. I saw the beautiful sea and the harbor.
15 Sept. 2014
Unfortunately,I had brought no medicine. Only I could do was laying down rubbing my tummy. Almost one or one and half hours past. I decided to wake up and write a dialy. While weighting dialy, I exchanged messages on Line with my son and daughter.
I had learned that I can download google map, and view it out of WiFi.
I left home ar seven, I had planned to take a walk around the downtown. But when I went out of the station, it was cold. Then I went to school.
I had three classes in the morning, the third lesson finished at 13:10. After that I searched a "thrift store" on google map. I found one near the school. I walked to the Wildlife thrift store and bought a cardigan. It cost $11. It was 13 degee celcious in the morning. It was cooler than I had anticipated.
I signed up an activity of hanging around China town in Vancouver.
The Cina town was not so far from my school. After the tour I hung around Gastown and went to Canada Place. I saw the beautiful sea and the harbor.
15 Sept. 2014
School, and after school
I made a mistake. I planned to go to school by 8 o'clock. I should get on the 7 o'clock train.
But when I woke up it was 7:50. I was upset. I ran to the station, and ran to the school.
I wan't late for the designated start time. From 7:30 to 8:45, new students were expected to sign up.
In the morning, students were directed to chat with small group members each other.
First, I chatted with three students, those were from German, two young women and a middle-aged man.
The man had taken paid leaves and going to study 2weeks like me.
Their English ability were good. I didn't think they need to study abroad. I felt I was faltering out.
There were almost seventy to eighty people from various countries. German, Switzland, Norway, Nederland, Mexco, Italy and Japan.
I met some Japanese. One of them was an elder woman than me. We chatted at McDnald.
In the afternoon the new students took part in the bus tour. We visited Stanly Park, Lynn Canyon,Gastown, and Granville Island.
After school,I hung around in the town with the Japanese elder woman. Her name was Shuko, similar to me. She was came from Chiba pref. We went to the Art Gallaly, but it was closed at 5:00 on Monday, then went to JTB office, where I consulted to reserve a airplane ticket to CambellRiver. I want to visit CambellRiver and Cort island on 26 Sept. the day before returning to Japan.
The woman who deal with the reservation said to me, if I should fly to Japan I should not make the plan tightly. I must consider again.
14 Sept. 2015
But when I woke up it was 7:50. I was upset. I ran to the station, and ran to the school.
I wan't late for the designated start time. From 7:30 to 8:45, new students were expected to sign up.
In the morning, students were directed to chat with small group members each other.
First, I chatted with three students, those were from German, two young women and a middle-aged man.
The man had taken paid leaves and going to study 2weeks like me.
Their English ability were good. I didn't think they need to study abroad. I felt I was faltering out.
There were almost seventy to eighty people from various countries. German, Switzland, Norway, Nederland, Mexco, Italy and Japan.
I met some Japanese. One of them was an elder woman than me. We chatted at McDnald.
In the afternoon the new students took part in the bus tour. We visited Stanly Park, Lynn Canyon,Gastown, and Granville Island.
After school,I hung around in the town with the Japanese elder woman. Her name was Shuko, similar to me. She was came from Chiba pref. We went to the Art Gallaly, but it was closed at 5:00 on Monday, then went to JTB office, where I consulted to reserve a airplane ticket to CambellRiver. I want to visit CambellRiver and Cort island on 26 Sept. the day before returning to Japan.
The woman who deal with the reservation said to me, if I should fly to Japan I should not make the plan tightly. I must consider again.
14 Sept. 2015
At UBC Anthropology museum
I got on the city bus to go to the University of British Columbia.
In the morning,I went to Seven11 with my host mother. She advised me to buy the 10-ticket for 2 zones because I should commute to downtown every day.
She took me to the EF school and showed me how to get to the Central Library.
After she left, I went to the Central Library. I asked the person at the reference desk how to access the internet.
He made me a visitor's library card and taught me the ID and PIN code to join the WiFi or use the computers.
Then I went to JTB Vancouver office in the basement of Fairmont hotel. It was closed on Sunday.
Then I got on a city bus to go to the University of British Columbia. On the way,as I was looking a map in my guide book, an elderly man asked me where I was to go. I told him I was going to UBC. He said I was on the wrong bus, I thanked him and changed to the right bus.
I was surprised to see the bicycles being held in front of the bus.
At the UBC,I was confused because it was very huge. I visited the Museum of Human Beauty Biodiversity and got a campus map. Then visited the Museum of Anthropology and Nitobe Memorial Garden.
I went back to the bus stop in front of the entrance. There were three bus stops. I read the third bus stop's sign. It showed the N17 bus goes to downtown. Thereby I was waiting with holding my guide book. A young man asked me "Are you OK? You are Japanese, aren't you?" I told him I was waiting for the bus going to downtown. He said, "Ok,Let's check. The N17 bus goes to downtown, but you can get a bus also goes to downtown at the first bus stop." I asked him,"Earlier?" "Earlier!"
I said to him, "Thank you." I have learned when I was holding a guide book with frowning, some charitable people gave me a help.
I went back to the Granville Station, got on the millennium line. I went to further than needed. I wanted to use the Day pass more effectively. I went to King George station then returned to 22 nd Street station.
13 Sept. 2015
In the morning,I went to Seven11 with my host mother. She advised me to buy the 10-ticket for 2 zones because I should commute to downtown every day.
She took me to the EF school and showed me how to get to the Central Library.
After she left, I went to the Central Library. I asked the person at the reference desk how to access the internet.
He made me a visitor's library card and taught me the ID and PIN code to join the WiFi or use the computers.
Then I went to JTB Vancouver office in the basement of Fairmont hotel. It was closed on Sunday.
Then I got on a city bus to go to the University of British Columbia. On the way,as I was looking a map in my guide book, an elderly man asked me where I was to go. I told him I was going to UBC. He said I was on the wrong bus, I thanked him and changed to the right bus.
I was surprised to see the bicycles being held in front of the bus.
At the UBC,I was confused because it was very huge. I visited the Museum of Human Beauty Biodiversity and got a campus map. Then visited the Museum of Anthropology and Nitobe Memorial Garden.
I went back to the bus stop in front of the entrance. There were three bus stops. I read the third bus stop's sign. It showed the N17 bus goes to downtown. Thereby I was waiting with holding my guide book. A young man asked me "Are you OK? You are Japanese, aren't you?" I told him I was waiting for the bus going to downtown. He said, "Ok,Let's check. The N17 bus goes to downtown, but you can get a bus also goes to downtown at the first bus stop." I asked him,"Earlier?" "Earlier!"
I said to him, "Thank you." I have learned when I was holding a guide book with frowning, some charitable people gave me a help.
I went back to the Granville Station, got on the millennium line. I went to further than needed. I wanted to use the Day pass more effectively. I went to King George station then returned to 22 nd Street station.
13 Sept. 2015
At host family`s place in Vancouver
I arrived at my host family's place at 12th September.
I thought I was going to share a room, but host mother said that I use one room alone.
Here, there are 5 students. The students may eat dinner at anytime, don`t need to tell her when they would come home in advance. In the morning they take breakfast by themselves.
My room is on the basement, there are three rooms and live 4 students. There is one bath room, it has shower, toilet, and washbasin. We should be careful not bothering each other.
Talk about my host family, the couple were came from Philipine, and their daughters are born in Canada.
I asked my host mother, "Taking care of students is a hard work, isn`t it?" She replied, "I`ve retired my previous work. I used to be a nurse. I worked in the nights and slept in day time. It was hard work, and it is easier now."
The host father told to me, "At least four months is OK". He has met various foreign students. He said even if they could not speak English, they got to understand in four months.
I can`t stay more than two weeks, it is a shame.
12 Sept. 2015
I thought I was going to share a room, but host mother said that I use one room alone.
Here, there are 5 students. The students may eat dinner at anytime, don`t need to tell her when they would come home in advance. In the morning they take breakfast by themselves.
My room is on the basement, there are three rooms and live 4 students. There is one bath room, it has shower, toilet, and washbasin. We should be careful not bothering each other.
Talk about my host family, the couple were came from Philipine, and their daughters are born in Canada.
I asked my host mother, "Taking care of students is a hard work, isn`t it?" She replied, "I`ve retired my previous work. I used to be a nurse. I worked in the nights and slept in day time. It was hard work, and it is easier now."
The host father told to me, "At least four months is OK". He has met various foreign students. He said even if they could not speak English, they got to understand in four months.
I can`t stay more than two weeks, it is a shame.
12 Sept. 2015
I have read a report about prevelence of sexual victimization and correlates of forced sex in Japanese men who have sex with men
I have been consulted by one of my colleague whether I can understand a research paper, which is on the subject of prevalence of sexual victimization and correlates of forced sex in Japanese men who have sex with men.
I said I would try, then she has sent me the PDF File. It is available in the internet.
I have made an effort. It was amazing. I was shocked so much. I had known little about the sexual victimization of boys and men.
I have learned how hard situation those MSM are in Japanese society.
Sexual victimization is an extreme form of social and
interpersonal stress that MSM may experience, and can contribute
to further psychological and behavioral health risks among those
who have been victimized. Sexual victimization can be defined as
any form of involuntary sexual interaction or contact with another
person, which can occur in childhood as well as in adulthood .
Studies have shown that MSM with a history of childhood sexual
victimization show greater sexual risk behavior in adulthood and
have higher prevalence of HIV infection compared with their
MSM peers who have not experienced sexual victimization.
quote to here
I sent her my translation. Unfortunately I don’t know about chi-square test nor logistic regression. Still I could understand the consequence.
It took long time to translate the References part. But thanks for that I have learned there are studies about MSM in South Africa,Southeastern Europe, South India, Shanghai,Nepal, Central Asia, New Zealand, and Japan.
She is concerning about the LGBT students’ welfare. I hope these studies will be available in plain Japanese books.
彼女は LGBTの生徒たちの幸せを気にかけている。こういう研究がやさしい日本語の本になって出版されることを願っている。
9 Aug. 2015
I said I would try, then she has sent me the PDF File. It is available in the internet.
I have made an effort. It was amazing. I was shocked so much. I had known little about the sexual victimization of boys and men.
I have learned how hard situation those MSM are in Japanese society.
Sexual victimization is an extreme form of social and
interpersonal stress that MSM may experience, and can contribute
to further psychological and behavioral health risks among those
who have been victimized. Sexual victimization can be defined as
any form of involuntary sexual interaction or contact with another
person, which can occur in childhood as well as in adulthood .
Studies have shown that MSM with a history of childhood sexual
victimization show greater sexual risk behavior in adulthood and
have higher prevalence of HIV infection compared with their
MSM peers who have not experienced sexual victimization.
quote to here
I sent her my translation. Unfortunately I don’t know about chi-square test nor logistic regression. Still I could understand the consequence.
It took long time to translate the References part. But thanks for that I have learned there are studies about MSM in South Africa,Southeastern Europe, South India, Shanghai,Nepal, Central Asia, New Zealand, and Japan.
She is concerning about the LGBT students’ welfare. I hope these studies will be available in plain Japanese books.
彼女は LGBTの生徒たちの幸せを気にかけている。こういう研究がやさしい日本語の本になって出版されることを願っている。
9 Aug. 2015
I've gotten an iPod touch 6th
On 24 Friday, I’ve gotten an iPod touch 6th. I set it up and moved data from iPhone4 which I had been used. I confused where the wallpaper of it, which I wanted to put my new iPod touch. I didn’t know where the photo data was. Then I set iCloud photo library ON both of them. I could found the wallpaper.
I was told the IPod touch had no GPS function. That’s because I installed MapFan and bought the membership for one year. I didn’t installed google map nor Yahoo Navi therein.
On 25 Saturday, I went to Saga city and Fukuoka city.
In the morning I left for Saga city first. I reached my daughter’s place at 9:30. I wanted to ask her about everyday details while staying in host family’s place in foreign country.
I am 54 years old, and going to 55 within this school-year. At our work place, person who have got 45 and 55 are given refresh leaves one day and three days respectively.
I’ve been noticed the September holidays are placed in a row this year. And we can take 5 days summer leave until the last September. I made up my mind to take 5 summer leaves and 3 refresh leaves from 14 September. It makes 17 days continuous vacation.
I will take part in the 2 weeks language school in Vancouver EF school.
Since I have heard the studying abroad by Rihoko and Sakura, I was longing to studying abroad.
I have wanted to visit Vancouver island after I had read “a Tale for theTime being” written by Ruth Ozeki.
Then I applied the two weeks course from 14 Sep.in Vancouver school.
I visited my daughter on 25, and asked how was her days at host family in Aukland, what should I bring my host family as souvenir, what is needed in staying abroad, cell phone is necessary or not, and more.
She lent me her suitcase. Then we went to Tamaya department store to buy a rucksack for my trip. We went to Tamaya in Saga city for the first time. We compared some rucksacks, and decided to buy one of them. After that we went to basement, we enjoyed to see food stores, and bought Sushi and boiled seaweed and Tempura from Iki island. We had lunch at her room. Then she left for her part-time job and I left for Fukuoka city.
I used google map on iPod touch, which navigated me from Saga to Fukuoka, and used Siri from Fukuoka on my way back home with mobile WiFi. I like my new iPod touch.
24日 金曜日iPod touthの第6世代を手に入れた。それまで使っていたiPhone4からデータを移してセットアップした。壁紙もiPod touchに移行しようとしてどこにあるのかわからず困った。iCloudフォトライブラリーをどっちもオンにしたら見つかった。
iPod touchにはGPSがないと聞いていた。それでMapFanの1年間会員権を買ってインストールした。そのときにはグーグルマップもヤフーナビもインストールしなかった。
25日土曜日 佐賀と福岡に行った。
モバイルルーターで、iPod touchで佐賀から福岡までグーグルマップを使い道案内してもらい、福岡から家に帰る間Siri を使った。新しいiPod touch いい。
26 July 2015
I was told the IPod touch had no GPS function. That’s because I installed MapFan and bought the membership for one year. I didn’t installed google map nor Yahoo Navi therein.
On 25 Saturday, I went to Saga city and Fukuoka city.
In the morning I left for Saga city first. I reached my daughter’s place at 9:30. I wanted to ask her about everyday details while staying in host family’s place in foreign country.
I am 54 years old, and going to 55 within this school-year. At our work place, person who have got 45 and 55 are given refresh leaves one day and three days respectively.
I’ve been noticed the September holidays are placed in a row this year. And we can take 5 days summer leave until the last September. I made up my mind to take 5 summer leaves and 3 refresh leaves from 14 September. It makes 17 days continuous vacation.
I will take part in the 2 weeks language school in Vancouver EF school.
Since I have heard the studying abroad by Rihoko and Sakura, I was longing to studying abroad.
I have wanted to visit Vancouver island after I had read “a Tale for theTime being” written by Ruth Ozeki.
Then I applied the two weeks course from 14 Sep.in Vancouver school.
I visited my daughter on 25, and asked how was her days at host family in Aukland, what should I bring my host family as souvenir, what is needed in staying abroad, cell phone is necessary or not, and more.
She lent me her suitcase. Then we went to Tamaya department store to buy a rucksack for my trip. We went to Tamaya in Saga city for the first time. We compared some rucksacks, and decided to buy one of them. After that we went to basement, we enjoyed to see food stores, and bought Sushi and boiled seaweed and Tempura from Iki island. We had lunch at her room. Then she left for her part-time job and I left for Fukuoka city.
I used google map on iPod touch, which navigated me from Saga to Fukuoka, and used Siri from Fukuoka on my way back home with mobile WiFi. I like my new iPod touch.
24日 金曜日iPod touthの第6世代を手に入れた。それまで使っていたiPhone4からデータを移してセットアップした。壁紙もiPod touchに移行しようとしてどこにあるのかわからず困った。iCloudフォトライブラリーをどっちもオンにしたら見つかった。
iPod touchにはGPSがないと聞いていた。それでMapFanの1年間会員権を買ってインストールした。そのときにはグーグルマップもヤフーナビもインストールしなかった。
25日土曜日 佐賀と福岡に行った。
モバイルルーターで、iPod touchで佐賀から福岡までグーグルマップを使い道案内してもらい、福岡から家に帰る間Siri を使った。新しいiPod touch いい。
26 July 2015
Prof.Yuki Honda's lecture
On 20 July our labor union women’s department held an annual workshop at Oita city, it is called “Natsu no Tsudoi”.
I was so looking forward to that, because I had heard Prof. Yuki Honda was invited as a lecturer.
She showed us the recent labor market circumstance. How young people and women were suffered from shortage of decent job openings.
She explained those three relationship ; education, company, and home were strongly tied during 60’s and 70’s.
People were sent from school to company as regular employees, they were mainly men who feeded their wives and children, and at home, wives took care of children and inspired them to do well at school. Then children were sent to company from school —. It circulated.
Nevertheless there were cracks or problems. The employees were not able to refuse the company’s order, some children and parents struggled for being obsessed education, at school to pass the entrance exam of famous upper schools tended to prior to what they learn.
After bubble economy period the circulation model has changed. Still some are exist, but some are ruined.
Not all the homes have the ability to take care of children. Not all the employees are regular workers, the workers are in various situation.
She suggested to reconstruct the model. She told an idea, the old circulation model flew to one direction, however from now on those should go and back.
For example, even if you have got a job you’ll back to school, even if you are a breadwinner you should not obey the company’s order ignoring family’s benefit.
She encouraged us women workers showing an opinion survey, which told the family members of double income have good relationship, and the rate of the children who share household chores being brisk were superior to the rate of the children who didn’t share.
I’m not sure my children are brisk, anyway at least they aren’t spoiled.
Prof.Honda emphasized the government should decrease the illegal working situation such as an extra work with no pay. It will help not only the women worker herself, if her partner back home earlier he will be able to share the household chores.
Her insight fascinated all of the audience. I was excited so much.
7月20日 労組女性部の定例学習会が大分市であった。「夏のつどい」とよばれている。とても楽しみにしていた、というのも今回本田由紀さんを講師としてお招きしていると聞いたから。
教育、産業界、家庭の3つが60年代70年代は強く結びついていたと説明した。学校から会社へ正規の社員として送られ、主に 男性だったが彼らが家庭で妻や子を養い、家庭では妻が子どもの世話をし学校で成果を出すよう鼓舞した。そして子どもたちは学校から会社へ送れ ‥循環していた。
彼女は私たち女性労働者を ある調査結果を示すことで励ましてくれた、とも働きの家庭の家族は仲がいいこと、また、家の手伝いをする子どものてきぱき度はしない子どもよりも高いこと。
20 July 2015
I was so looking forward to that, because I had heard Prof. Yuki Honda was invited as a lecturer.
She showed us the recent labor market circumstance. How young people and women were suffered from shortage of decent job openings.
She explained those three relationship ; education, company, and home were strongly tied during 60’s and 70’s.
People were sent from school to company as regular employees, they were mainly men who feeded their wives and children, and at home, wives took care of children and inspired them to do well at school. Then children were sent to company from school —. It circulated.
Nevertheless there were cracks or problems. The employees were not able to refuse the company’s order, some children and parents struggled for being obsessed education, at school to pass the entrance exam of famous upper schools tended to prior to what they learn.
After bubble economy period the circulation model has changed. Still some are exist, but some are ruined.
Not all the homes have the ability to take care of children. Not all the employees are regular workers, the workers are in various situation.
She suggested to reconstruct the model. She told an idea, the old circulation model flew to one direction, however from now on those should go and back.
For example, even if you have got a job you’ll back to school, even if you are a breadwinner you should not obey the company’s order ignoring family’s benefit.
She encouraged us women workers showing an opinion survey, which told the family members of double income have good relationship, and the rate of the children who share household chores being brisk were superior to the rate of the children who didn’t share.
I’m not sure my children are brisk, anyway at least they aren’t spoiled.
Prof.Honda emphasized the government should decrease the illegal working situation such as an extra work with no pay. It will help not only the women worker herself, if her partner back home earlier he will be able to share the household chores.
Her insight fascinated all of the audience. I was excited so much.
7月20日 労組女性部の定例学習会が大分市であった。「夏のつどい」とよばれている。とても楽しみにしていた、というのも今回本田由紀さんを講師としてお招きしていると聞いたから。
教育、産業界、家庭の3つが60年代70年代は強く結びついていたと説明した。学校から会社へ正規の社員として送られ、主に 男性だったが彼らが家庭で妻や子を養い、家庭では妻が子どもの世話をし学校で成果を出すよう鼓舞した。そして子どもたちは学校から会社へ送れ ‥循環していた。
彼女は私たち女性労働者を ある調査結果を示すことで励ましてくれた、とも働きの家庭の家族は仲がいいこと、また、家の手伝いをする子どものてきぱき度はしない子どもよりも高いこと。
20 July 2015
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