
Hita Rinko orchestra annual concert

On 7th January I went to Hita-Rinko wind orchestra annual concert held at Patria Hall.
  It has been a few years since I heard them last.
I expected an enjoyable concert their specialty.
First I was surprised at the marching tune. Though that stage was not wide enough, they were good at the drill. According to the pamphlet, they played at Housetenbos Marching Band Feista last summer.

 The following pieces of music were so nice. I liked the “Great promised land, Genghis Khan” so much. It reminded me vast plain.
 They looked being so satisfied. It is so nice people have something devote all their high school life.
The hall was almost filled to capacity.

On 10January, I went to Oita city to attend a meeting and a new year party of our labor union.
The meeting began at ten then ended at eleven thirty, After that the new year party was going to start at noon.

When it was closing to noon, an unusual racket came from the parking lot under the window. We were in a room on second floor.
There was a sound car of rightwing. They had taken the trouble to come to disturb our new year party.
Who did they disliked? Diet members? Local assemblymen?  Or labour union?
If one of them asked me something, I could reply. But he was just shouting and his words blurred.
It was nuisance.

I considered how did the foreign person living in Japan who faced to such Hate speech feel.
That act is stupid, but a kind of stupidness makes me feel eeriness.
 It was just a harassment, if they wanted to appeal something, they failed.

1月7 日 日田林 工の吹奏楽部の定期演奏会を聴きにパトリアに行った。2、3年ぶりに聴くことになる。

続く曲もとても良かった。「大いなる約束の地 チンギスハ-ン」が特に良かった。広大な大地が目に浮かんだ。

1月10日 大分市に労働組合の会議と旗開きに行った。

彼らは誰に文句があるのだろう? 国会議員? 地方自治体の議員? それとも労組?


13 Jan. 2014

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