
About a reined film

I took my son and daughter to the dentist for piriodic medical checkup.
They were checked how acid thier saliva, how's the teeth condition.
My daughter and son both have a few decayed teeth. They couldn't brush
between tooth and tooth. Their teeth need looking after by a dentist.
Still to be checked teeth and to be learned tooth-brushing by periodic
medical check is useful to prevent your teeth from badly decaying.
They say "Better safe than sorry".

I've read that cinemas in Tokyo have backed out of screening "Yasukuni".
I think it a problem. I assume some movies have to be partically reined
in by age,because of the sex expression and violence. But I guess it is
wrong to demand the cinema cancel screening because of content.
It may be unpleasant for somebody but it may be informative for somebody.
I think whether the society is people-friendly or not depends on if we
can keep the diversity or not.
It is natural that we have different opinions. That's what makes
communication important. All the more reason we learn at school.

Apr.14 2008

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