From March 16 to 17,my first-born son and I went
to Hachioji city, in Tokyo to find his living place.
We went by highway bus and came back by plane. On 17
we went to the university,where some bulletin of
rental room were on the bulletin board. Also some
real estate agents were at the university Coop.
We saw five rooms then decided to rent one. It was
affordable and we're pleased with the sarroundings
and Mrs.Owner was likable. Since it's no board, he'll
have to cook by himself or go out for meals.
He'll need some appliances, table wares, kichin tools,
because he'll start life on his own.
We talked about the money I'll have to pay for his
four years in college. I'll send money hundred thousand
yen per month except the tuition.
I have saved some money from his grandmother in case of
trouble. I named the fund "Grandma scholarship". He has
reserved the Japan Scholarship Foundation,but they will
lend money at interest. So I recommend him Granma
scholarship. I told him "I'll give you fifty thousand
yen ,and lend you fifty thousand yen at no interest per
month. After you graduated the university pay back ten
thousand yen per month to grandma during twenty years."
I wish she is alive when he is fourty-two.
If his younger brothers and sister want to go to college,
I'll do the same. I hope they'll learn with their needs
and wills.
Now I have mixed feeling, happy,lonely, anxious. I don't
know how to stop. I must trust him. He isn't a child any
longer. I wish his college life enjoyable.
Mar. 20 2008
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