Last month the news of the Tibetan people who demand freedam
with the Olympic torch relay had informed widely. I've known
that the Dalai Lama calls the brurality of the Chainese
authorities in Tibet, cultural genocide. I think I've hardly
had oppotunities to know about indigenous people. I've heard
Japan is hosting of the G8 summit on July 7-9, and ahead of
the G8 event on July 1-4 the Indigenous People Summit will
be held.
I've read about a press conference held in the end of April.
I'll quote a littele.
"There are about 200,000 Ainu people throughout Japan, most
are live in Hokkaido. Much of Ainu society and culture has
suffered progressively destruction as a result of assimilation
policies enforced by successive Japanese govermments, and many
Ainu have experienced prejudice and been forced to live in poverty."
They say about 1000 people will participate in the Indigenous
People Summit. It'll be a nice oppotunity for us to know indigenous
people. I'm looking forward to.
May 7 2008
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