
PTA meeting

On July 12th saturday there was a meeting of federal Hita city PTA. There was a celemony
to admire those who have worked hard for the association, and presentation. The presenters were brains of the group "Rearing Children of Oyama". A father of Oyama junior high emceed.
When Oyama town used to be a regional autonomy,the Oyama town office ran the "Rearing Children of Oyama" and the regidence supported it. But Oyama town was combined with Hita city. Then the presidents of four schools' PTA tried to revive it. Now it is consist of parents of school children and citizen. With having the slogan,"Don't tell my child from others' children, they are all the children of Oyama", they held a lecture, ran a film, held a contest of short slogan which expressed "family" last year.
The ex-brain felt pity that there was less participant at the lecture than he had expected.
So he was worry about whether there would be many participant at the next lecture.
I felt sotty for him. I suppose it is difficult to have many attendance to the lecture which thema is parenthood or something. I guess almost all mothers doing well of growing up their children. If they don't go to the lecture because of satisfctory, I think it is welcome.

On the same day in the afternoon, I went to my son's senior high school to participate the meeting to explane about the course. The theachers said students might be thoughtful about university and department of their choice from second-year. For my son had poor schlostic ability, I didn't know whether he wished to go to university or not.
After I came back home I asked him. He replied he wished to go to university if possible. I agreed.
Even if he wishes just for the part-time works, student drinks parties, and club activities, I expect it will be useful for him to become an adult.
Of course I told him "If you want to go to university, study seriously. You should not be too optimistic." " You can go to a two-bit university as you like but please don't waste the hard-saved money."

Jul. 16 2008

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