I've read an intereting article about the student loan of university.
Accoding to Nikkei article on Aug. 21 2008, the Orient Coaporation has announced that they
will start a student loan tie-up with the Tokyo Metropolitan University. After
the student graduated the Tokyo Metropolitan University will pay the interest on the loan when the student will pay off. The studentloan are mostly have intrest of some percent per year, and this is the first loan which has no interst.
My chilren want to go to university. For I love them I wish to do anything I can. But it's
difficult to raise enough money for four children.
One of my acquaintance, who has four children said that because his youngest son entered the
Aeronautical Ssfty College, he didn't need to concern about school expenses. I'm envy him so much. I might be glad mostly if my children could enter the college which need no academic fee or they could enter a university being exampted from the fee. The next pleasure is getting the scholarship without interest. The Tokyo Metropolitan University's loan is as same as the scolarship without interest. I think it might an inportant factor of selecting a university. I hope the other universities adopt this system.
I have known later, it is not for the students who enter the university after graduated high school this year.
大学の教育費について興味深い記事を読みました。2008年8月21日の日経によるとオリエントコーポレーションは首都大学東京と提携し学費ローンを始めると発表しました。学生が卒業後返済する際 金利は首都大学が払います。学費ローンは年数パーセントの金利がかかるのが一般的で金利負担のないローンは初めてです。
Aug. 26 2008
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