
Economic package

About economic package, about the NDL banned the book

On Aug 30 I've read a newspaper article about economic package which had unveiled by the government. While New Komeito leaders are pushing for temporary tax cuts to benefit low earners which is on investigation.
 The plan includes 9 trillion yen in loan guarantees and aid for small business.From October the highway toll will decline half limited ETC user. For the Bank of Japan forecast the inflation is set to accelerate,they has left interest rates on hold. The core price index --the consumer price index except food and energy --had increased.
I think I should economize. I know such consumer confidence decrease domestic demands. But I can't help because I can't downturn educational expences.

A few days later Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda had announced his resignation during a news conference of his official residence. I think he has been suffered from lost pension records,a controversial helthcare scheme and sliding economy. Also Mr.Fukuda has been frustrated by the upper house of Perliament,which is controlled by the oppsition, and the collaborator, New Komeito.
Probably next Prime Minister Aso will do the same polisy,with expecting different results.

 I was surprised another news. (http://d.hatena.ne.jp/okazakisatoru/) The National Diet Library had banned a book written about an arrangement of American troops stationed in Japan.
The refusal is reasonable if there were the necessity to concider human right, but there weren't. So this case isn't applicable.
It is against people's benefit banning to show which the authority asked not to be appeared.
I think you need reconsider the significance of Library. As this case is against the Statement on Intellectual Freedom in Libraries (http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jla/jiyu/english.html) , many citizen would be disappointed.

 8月30日 新聞で政府が明らかにした経済対策についての記事を読みました。公明党は低所得者のため
 それから2,3、日して総理大臣の福田赳夫氏が首相官邸での記者会見で辞任すると発表しました。消えた年金記録問題や論議になっている福祉政策 不景気などで苦しんだのだと思います。それに野党が多数派となっている参議院にも仲間である公明党にも苦しめられていました。

 権力が見せないよう要求したものを禁止するのは国民の利益に反します。図書館が存在することの意味を問い直す必要があると思います。 この件は図書館の自由に関する宣言に反することなので、多くの市民ががっかりすると思います。

Aug. 31 2008

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