Today, in the early evening,there was a protest rally in front of Hita station. It was organized by Heiwa Center, a monthly act known as “Hachi no hi” —the eighth day — act. Especially Dec. 8 is the Perl Herbar Day in Japan, Dec. 7 in U.S.
Japan started a war with the U.S.
Also an anniversary of John Lennon’s death.
There were about forty protesters including their family members.
As it was only two days after the illiberal Secrecy law had passed, all of us worried about this law.
Under this law government officials found to have revealed secrets could be jailed up to 10 years. Also it will make government more opaque by threatening to jail journalists up to 5 years.
There has been no clear guideline as to what constitutes a secret, therefor the people’s right to know has not been guaranteed. The situation will become worse.
The prople who attended in the rally hoped to keep on acting against the law.
It was too cold to hold a demonstration. So we left after chanting slogans.
今日 夕方日田駅前で集会があった。平和センターが主催し、毎月8日に行われる「八の日」行動だ。特に12月8日は真珠湾攻撃の日(アメリカでは12月7日)だ。その日に本はアメリカに対して戦争を開始した。それとジョン・レノンの命日だ。
Dec. 8 2013
On last Saturday I went to Tansoh Library to enjoy a tory time.
I had been looking forward to this event. Miyanishi Taysuya, an author of children’s book and Akihiro, so called a book doctor, came to Hita.
There were almost twenty children and forty adults. We enjoyed Miyanishi’s lecture, talking about his books. In the ending of his lecture he told us his visiting to Tohoku district, which wrung our chest.
Next the book doctor Akihiro talked and read aloud some picture books. It was so exiting. He also told his experience when he went to Miyagi Pref. just three days after the earthquake. He called his old company who were skillful for such works.
There were huge debris stuck destroyed buildings and cars piled up.
They found some motor bikes and cars which looked usable and hot -wired them. They found many refugees on top of the hills. He cried, “How many people are there?” Then from the top of the hill, somebody replied,” Here we are fifty prople, twenty are not able to move.” or something.
He called his good friend who were working for some organization to ask him carry and fall food to clandestine points. He said this story after ensure it was off record. He delivered food each asylum and said them “Please stay alive with this food for five days, I’ll come again.”
His story convinced me it was an extreme situation.
He advised us to treat each child seriously. Today will never come. After the event I asked Mr.Akihiro to shake hands. I was so glad.
On last Sunday I went to a local community outing. It was partly business, and partly leisure.
We went by a rental bus. There were twenty six people. We visited Karatsu Castle, took lunch at Osakana Mura, then went to Itosaisai and Aeon Ogori branch. In the latter two places we researched farmer’s markets.
There are tenants for selling vegetables and agricultural products. At Aeon Ogori there is Konohana Garten branch, shop and restaurant. It seemed being popular on the day.
The restaurant is closed at 10 o’clock in the night. Some workers live in Oyama, Hita city. They get rid of items after closed the restaurant then go home. It sounds very hard.
先週の日曜日 地域住民の研修旅行に行った。半分仕事半分遊びのようなもの。
29 Nov. 2013
I had been looking forward to this event. Miyanishi Taysuya, an author of children’s book and Akihiro, so called a book doctor, came to Hita.
There were almost twenty children and forty adults. We enjoyed Miyanishi’s lecture, talking about his books. In the ending of his lecture he told us his visiting to Tohoku district, which wrung our chest.
Next the book doctor Akihiro talked and read aloud some picture books. It was so exiting. He also told his experience when he went to Miyagi Pref. just three days after the earthquake. He called his old company who were skillful for such works.
There were huge debris stuck destroyed buildings and cars piled up.
They found some motor bikes and cars which looked usable and hot -wired them. They found many refugees on top of the hills. He cried, “How many people are there?” Then from the top of the hill, somebody replied,” Here we are fifty prople, twenty are not able to move.” or something.
He called his good friend who were working for some organization to ask him carry and fall food to clandestine points. He said this story after ensure it was off record. He delivered food each asylum and said them “Please stay alive with this food for five days, I’ll come again.”
His story convinced me it was an extreme situation.
He advised us to treat each child seriously. Today will never come. After the event I asked Mr.Akihiro to shake hands. I was so glad.
On last Sunday I went to a local community outing. It was partly business, and partly leisure.
We went by a rental bus. There were twenty six people. We visited Karatsu Castle, took lunch at Osakana Mura, then went to Itosaisai and Aeon Ogori branch. In the latter two places we researched farmer’s markets.
There are tenants for selling vegetables and agricultural products. At Aeon Ogori there is Konohana Garten branch, shop and restaurant. It seemed being popular on the day.
The restaurant is closed at 10 o’clock in the night. Some workers live in Oyama, Hita city. They get rid of items after closed the restaurant then go home. It sounds very hard.
先週の日曜日 地域住民の研修旅行に行った。半分仕事半分遊びのようなもの。
29 Nov. 2013
Neighborhood council
There was a monthly meeting of our neighborhood council on 28 October.
We discussed which matter should we submit to the municipality as our request through the local community.
We discussed and agreed six requests. Half of them were about safety traffic.
One of them is about so-called “demand bus”. Our neighbor exists far from central area of the city.
The person who has no car or no driver’s license must go by taxi. We hope the city start the demand bus system using the micro bus for the elementary school and high school students. If we can get to the branch office of city hall, we can get on a regular bus for the town from there.
Another one is about library bus. Our neighbor is far from public library. Children and senior citizen who can’t drive aren’t able to go to library.
We hope the library bus come to our district once or twice a month. If the library bus will deliver books I want to read, I will be so happy after I will have given up my driver’s license.
Others are for streetlights and for traffic safety.
I have submitted it to our local community chairman. He will prioritize all the request from each neighborhood.
I wish the demand bus and library bus will be implemented someday.
10月28日 地元の班の月例の集まりがあった。
Nov.10 2013
We discussed which matter should we submit to the municipality as our request through the local community.
We discussed and agreed six requests. Half of them were about safety traffic.
One of them is about so-called “demand bus”. Our neighbor exists far from central area of the city.
The person who has no car or no driver’s license must go by taxi. We hope the city start the demand bus system using the micro bus for the elementary school and high school students. If we can get to the branch office of city hall, we can get on a regular bus for the town from there.
Another one is about library bus. Our neighbor is far from public library. Children and senior citizen who can’t drive aren’t able to go to library.
We hope the library bus come to our district once or twice a month. If the library bus will deliver books I want to read, I will be so happy after I will have given up my driver’s license.
Others are for streetlights and for traffic safety.
I have submitted it to our local community chairman. He will prioritize all the request from each neighborhood.
I wish the demand bus and library bus will be implemented someday.
10月28日 地元の班の月例の集まりがあった。
Nov.10 2013
Medical expenses subsidy for diseses designated as being worrisome
Recently I ‘m interested in articles about medical expenses on the newspaper.
I have had little knowledge about the medical expenses subsidy for rare diseases.
There’s a medical expenses subsidy system for diseases designated by Japanese government as being worrisome.
It’s not Health insurance, it is one of the expenses for medical research. But it is helpful for the case who suffer the act of paying medical expenses.
Even if they have rare illness which is difficult to cure, without designation they can’t get the subsidy.
The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare has announced that they will increase the number of illness designated as specified, and on the other hand, the amount of paying by each patients must pay will increase.
After it has been in public, many patients claim that they won’t be able to live safely.
The patients have already heavy troubles in working, finding jobs, going to hospital or ect. If the medical expenses will grow four times, they should be depressed.
I had not been noticed such a issue of burden that patients have before I read Ohno Sarara’s excellent essay.
I don’t know why the government doesn’t combine that expenses with social insurance.
I felt the medical expenses heavy when my four children were babies and toddlers. Yet, I think we should share the burden by all.
Because it occur to everybody. Nobody can say they won’t get disease which has no known treatment.
An economics professor declines that public insurance system should be used for patients of incurable ill.
Almost all of diseases need less expenses than difficult illness.
Though the cost of difficult ill treatment is high, the number of patients is small.
The cost we have to pay for them will relatively not so high.
I’ve understood.
2013 11 10 日経新聞の画像
最近 新聞の記事で医療費のことに興味がある。
患者さんたちは、すでに 仕事をすること、仕事を探すこと、病院に通うことなどさまざまな困難を抱えている。もし、医療費負担が4倍になると絶望するにちがいない。
Nov.10 2013
Recently I ‘m interested in articles about medical expenses on the newspaper.
I have had little knowledge about the medical expenses subsidy for rare diseases.
There’s a medical expenses subsidy system for diseases designated by Japanese government as being worrisome.
It’s not Health insurance, it is one of the expenses for medical research. But it is helpful for the case who suffer the act of paying medical expenses.
Even if they have rare illness which is difficult to cure, without designation they can’t get the subsidy.
The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare has announced that they will increase the number of illness designated as specified, and on the other hand, the amount of paying by each patients must pay will increase.
After it has been in public, many patients claim that they won’t be able to live safely.
The patients have already heavy troubles in working, finding jobs, going to hospital or ect. If the medical expenses will grow four times, they should be depressed.
I had not been noticed such a issue of burden that patients have before I read Ohno Sarara’s excellent essay.
I don’t know why the government doesn’t combine that expenses with social insurance.
I felt the medical expenses heavy when my four children were babies and toddlers. Yet, I think we should share the burden by all.
Because it occur to everybody. Nobody can say they won’t get disease which has no known treatment.
An economics professor declines that public insurance system should be used for patients of incurable ill.
Almost all of diseases need less expenses than difficult illness.
Though the cost of difficult ill treatment is high, the number of patients is small.
The cost we have to pay for them will relatively not so high.
I’ve understood.
2013 11 10 日経新聞の画像
最近 新聞の記事で医療費のことに興味がある。
患者さんたちは、すでに 仕事をすること、仕事を探すこと、病院に通うことなどさまざまな困難を抱えている。もし、医療費負担が4倍になると絶望するにちがいない。
Nov.10 2013
Kujukushima Island cruising
Kujukushima island
On 19 October I went to Sasebo, Nagasaki pref.
I got the chance to go Kujukushima island cruising. It was a bus tour.
I got on a bus at Hita city at 9:20 in the morning of 19 Oct.
In the early morning it was rain.
On the day my daughter had to go to school to have a mock exam.
So I gave her a ride, after that I went to Tsukikuma parking lot. I parked in the packing lot for buses. I intend to wait for the time the parking lot for cars open. I waited until 9:10. But nobody who open the gate came, though the sign showed it open from nine though seven.
So I parked my car on the edge of the space as far as possible. For a while after I got on the bus I was worried about it.
It took about two hours from Hita to Sasebo through the expressway. We arrived at Saikai pearl Sea Resort. There was the port of Minami Kujukushima island cruising boats.
They have two kinds of boat. One is thrilling and the other is elegant. The boat we boarded was the elegant one.
It has the name of Pearl queen. There were passenger seats on second floor and second floor and on the deck. I crimes on the spiral staircase watching space.
It took fifty minutes for cruising on the sea. I saw various islands and equipments go growing pearl and oyster. The islands were covered pine trees. The rock surface was so interesting. At one of the island which has irregular shoreline the boat got into a creek deeply and turned.
It seemed very good point to practice sailing a yacht.
I reminded myself Arthur Ransome's works ; Swallows and Amazons, We Didn't mean to Go to Sea.
I was satisfied to go to sea even if for a while. I can't see the ocean usually.
I shopped Kujukushima Senbei as souvenir.
20 Oct. 2013
On 19 October I went to Sasebo, Nagasaki pref.
I got the chance to go Kujukushima island cruising. It was a bus tour.
I got on a bus at Hita city at 9:20 in the morning of 19 Oct.
In the early morning it was rain.
On the day my daughter had to go to school to have a mock exam.
So I gave her a ride, after that I went to Tsukikuma parking lot. I parked in the packing lot for buses. I intend to wait for the time the parking lot for cars open. I waited until 9:10. But nobody who open the gate came, though the sign showed it open from nine though seven.
So I parked my car on the edge of the space as far as possible. For a while after I got on the bus I was worried about it.
It took about two hours from Hita to Sasebo through the expressway. We arrived at Saikai pearl Sea Resort. There was the port of Minami Kujukushima island cruising boats.
They have two kinds of boat. One is thrilling and the other is elegant. The boat we boarded was the elegant one.
It has the name of Pearl queen. There were passenger seats on second floor and second floor and on the deck. I crimes on the spiral staircase watching space.
It took fifty minutes for cruising on the sea. I saw various islands and equipments go growing pearl and oyster. The islands were covered pine trees. The rock surface was so interesting. At one of the island which has irregular shoreline the boat got into a creek deeply and turned.
It seemed very good point to practice sailing a yacht.
I reminded myself Arthur Ransome's works ; Swallows and Amazons, We Didn't mean to Go to Sea.
I was satisfied to go to sea even if for a while. I can't see the ocean usually.
I shopped Kujukushima Senbei as souvenir.
20 Oct. 2013
IKEDA Kayoko's lecture
On 18 Oct.I went to a lecture of Ms. IKEDA Kayoko, which was held by Hita talented women club.
In the beginning of her lecture, she told us why she put on a purple outfit. She explained it was for LGBTs' human rights action.
Purple is the color mixed blue --which has mannish impression-- and red --which has feminine impression.
( It was difficult to understand and agree.)
That's why purple is a symbol including male, female, gay , lesbian, bi-sexual, and trance-sexual. October 18 is Sprit -day which encourage LGBTs. She said.
She talked about girls live in Nepal. In Nepal girls had not been able to go to school, and forced to marriage in their teenage. Because of poverty.
But after U.N. began to support the school meal, girls has started to to to school. It is so good not only for girls themselves but also for society. Educated girls will promote economic growth and correct politics.
She said when the sanitary conditions were bad many women were killed in birth and babies were easily dead before three-years -old. That were great distress. So men dare to say ”women and children”、as if they look down on. It was a method to recover their grief hurry.
I am regret she had no time to talk about LGBT. She just talk that if there was a hundred villagers, ninety person were heterosexual and ten person were homosexual.
I can realize it. But I want to know what is the urgent issue.
Is that the prejudice which suffer sexual minorities? Or the marriage system? In Japan is equal marriage possible or not ?
I have no gay or lesbian friend or acquaintance, or just they have not let me know? I don't know what annoy them most. I don't know what should I do.
If there will be an another lecture about LGBTs' human rights, I wish to go.
講演の初めになぜ紫の服を着てきたのか話した。レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスセクシャルの人々の人権を守る運動だと説明した。紫は青ー男性っぽい印象ーと赤ー女性っぽい印象 の混じった色。(これは理解も同意も難しかった)
性的少数者に体する偏見なのか? 結婚制度なのか? 日本では同性婚はできるのかどうか?
私にはゲイもレズビアンも友達も知り合いもいない。それとも知らせてもらってないだけ? 何が一番彼らを苦しめるのかわからない。どうすればいいのかわからない。
20 Oct. 2013
In the beginning of her lecture, she told us why she put on a purple outfit. She explained it was for LGBTs' human rights action.
Purple is the color mixed blue --which has mannish impression-- and red --which has feminine impression.
( It was difficult to understand and agree.)
That's why purple is a symbol including male, female, gay , lesbian, bi-sexual, and trance-sexual. October 18 is Sprit -day which encourage LGBTs. She said.
She talked about girls live in Nepal. In Nepal girls had not been able to go to school, and forced to marriage in their teenage. Because of poverty.
But after U.N. began to support the school meal, girls has started to to to school. It is so good not only for girls themselves but also for society. Educated girls will promote economic growth and correct politics.
She said when the sanitary conditions were bad many women were killed in birth and babies were easily dead before three-years -old. That were great distress. So men dare to say ”women and children”、as if they look down on. It was a method to recover their grief hurry.
I am regret she had no time to talk about LGBT. She just talk that if there was a hundred villagers, ninety person were heterosexual and ten person were homosexual.
I can realize it. But I want to know what is the urgent issue.
Is that the prejudice which suffer sexual minorities? Or the marriage system? In Japan is equal marriage possible or not ?
I have no gay or lesbian friend or acquaintance, or just they have not let me know? I don't know what annoy them most. I don't know what should I do.
If there will be an another lecture about LGBTs' human rights, I wish to go.
講演の初めになぜ紫の服を着てきたのか話した。レズビアン・ゲイ・バイセクシャル・トランスセクシャルの人々の人権を守る運動だと説明した。紫は青ー男性っぽい印象ーと赤ー女性っぽい印象 の混じった色。(これは理解も同意も難しかった)
性的少数者に体する偏見なのか? 結婚制度なのか? 日本では同性婚はできるのかどうか?
私にはゲイもレズビアンも友達も知り合いもいない。それとも知らせてもらってないだけ? 何が一番彼らを苦しめるのかわからない。どうすればいいのかわからない。
20 Oct. 2013
PTA for examinees
On 17 Oct. I attended to a PTA meeting of third grade type 2s'. Type 2 means the examinees of National Center Examination.
A teacher in charge of carrier counseling division told parents there had been a "meeting of count down one hundred days before the National Center Exam" a few days ago.
He told students and parents ; examinees might suffer feeling they could not advance in their mock exam result, but it was common, it was a proof of they were making effort so hard.
His word reminded me the phrase "The higher the tree, the harder the wind."
Almost all of the parents and teachers have experienced the preparation for an exam, so we can realize students' anguish and limitation that will have come to them. I have compassion. That is especially why I want to continue supporting them.
It may be relatively short time of one hundred days, but hard hours seem long for an earnest examinee.
After the third grade type 2s' PTA, there were home rooms' PTA.
My daughter's home room teacher explained the future timelines until the date of the announcement of the results of second entrance exams of the universities.
And he said the graduation ceremony day was suspended March 1 or 3.
He told us he was going to hold interviews with students and their parents for asking the final decision of which university they want to send an application for admission to on January 26 2014. He won't be able to replace the order of interview after being announced. Because students have only one day to make up their minds.
It will be the next day of my nephew's wedding ceremony in Kagoshima. I should ask him a fever to put our turn in the afternoon.
It is just an annual event, but for the students who have to face all that issue, it seems pushing them so much to change their mind-set.
20 Oct. 2013
A teacher in charge of carrier counseling division told parents there had been a "meeting of count down one hundred days before the National Center Exam" a few days ago.
He told students and parents ; examinees might suffer feeling they could not advance in their mock exam result, but it was common, it was a proof of they were making effort so hard.
His word reminded me the phrase "The higher the tree, the harder the wind."
Almost all of the parents and teachers have experienced the preparation for an exam, so we can realize students' anguish and limitation that will have come to them. I have compassion. That is especially why I want to continue supporting them.
It may be relatively short time of one hundred days, but hard hours seem long for an earnest examinee.
After the third grade type 2s' PTA, there were home rooms' PTA.
My daughter's home room teacher explained the future timelines until the date of the announcement of the results of second entrance exams of the universities.
And he said the graduation ceremony day was suspended March 1 or 3.
He told us he was going to hold interviews with students and their parents for asking the final decision of which university they want to send an application for admission to on January 26 2014. He won't be able to replace the order of interview after being announced. Because students have only one day to make up their minds.
It will be the next day of my nephew's wedding ceremony in Kagoshima. I should ask him a fever to put our turn in the afternoon.
It is just an annual event, but for the students who have to face all that issue, it seems pushing them so much to change their mind-set.
20 Oct. 2013
Local community's athletics meet
Local community's athletics meet
Our local community had an athletics meet on 13 Oct.
It used to be held by the local elementary school and local community and the local nursery.
The elementary school has combined and moved.
From this year we hold it without elementary school. The neighborhood association officials discussed about it and decided to hold it by ourself.
It was fine. Officials gathered at eight o'clock and prepared. It started at nine. Many residents gathered. Children and Students had participated humorous race. Nursery children performed their cute dance and race. Senior citizens took part in the game of throwing balls into a basket. Middle aged persons made a tug of war.
After that there was a lottery. I got a shopping cart.
There were many faults on management. But better than nothing. I hope we will be able to carry things better.
20 Oct. 2013
Our local community had an athletics meet on 13 Oct.
It used to be held by the local elementary school and local community and the local nursery.
The elementary school has combined and moved.
From this year we hold it without elementary school. The neighborhood association officials discussed about it and decided to hold it by ourself.
It was fine. Officials gathered at eight o'clock and prepared. It started at nine. Many residents gathered. Children and Students had participated humorous race. Nursery children performed their cute dance and race. Senior citizens took part in the game of throwing balls into a basket. Middle aged persons made a tug of war.
After that there was a lottery. I got a shopping cart.
There were many faults on management. But better than nothing. I hope we will be able to carry things better.
20 Oct. 2013
the movie of Fukushima Kikujiro
On 23 Sep. I went to Fukuoka Pref. First I went to Kasuga city to see a movie then went to Okagaki town to listen to a lecture, after that I went to see my sons in Fukuoka city.
I left home 10 minutes before eight. It was the first time to go to Kasuga clover plaza.So I was anxious whether I could find it smoothly.
I had mistake to turn left once, but I went to there in time, I had reached there an hour before the movie started.
The movie was awesome. Its title was "The Untruth of Japan". It was a documentary film on Fukushima Kikujiro, a photographer.
The director is Hasegawa Saburo. I could trace Fukushima's works and understand his philosophy.
His works were famous for the atomic bomb victim, Minamata victim, the students movements, and Sanrizuka farmers.
He is ninety years old now. He lives with his dog. Everyday he eats notoriously. He says he lives on about eighty thousand yen. He refuses to get the pension because he prosecutes the administrator of Japan. I am impressed.
After 2011 he goes to Fukushima Pref. to take pictures of people live within twenty-four km radius from Fukushima nuclear reactor.
After I had seen the film, I went to Okagaki town. It took one and half hour from Kasuga city.
Also it was the first time to go to Okagaki Sanryai, the complexed building contained the library, the gymnasium, a hall, and some lecture rooms. On the day there was a speech contest of youth and a badminton competition. Therefore the parking lot was full of cars. I went around looking for a space to park, but I couldn't find any. Then I parked at the next to a car where was not designated area.
I went to the audiovisual room. There were full of middle aged and old women. Three lecture were held by two physicians and two physical therapist. We have learned about pelvic floor muscle. Three of them work for Kitakyusyu General hospital.And one of them had worked until last March.
After that I drove to Fukuoka city. It took one and half. I don't like to drive around Tenjin and Watanabe Tori. Because always there are traffic jam. I chatted with my second eldest son. He and my third eldest son are learning about how to take interview or how to write a resume at the other hand finding job openings. My third eldest son passed a few exam of first stage, but couldn't passed the second. He has not depressed. At least he has ability to pass the written test.
I hope both of them will get jobs by the end of the year.
9月23日 福岡県に行った。最初、春日市に映画を見に行きそれから岡垣町に講演を聴きに行き、その後福岡市に倅達に会いに行った。
映画はすごいものだった。タイトルは『ニッポンの嘘』。写真家 福島菊次郎のドキュメントだ。監督は長谷川三郎。福島さんの作品とその人生観を辿ることができた。彼は被爆者や水俣病患者、学生運動、三里塚農民の作品で有名だ。
映画を見た後岡垣町へ行った。春日市から1時間半かかった。 岡垣サンリーアイも今回はじめて行った。図書館、体育館、ホール、いくつかの教室がある複合施設だった。ちょうど、青少年の主張大会とバドミントン大会も行われていて駐車場はいっぱいだった。空きスペースを探してぐるぐる回ったが見つからなかった。それで車の隣の線のない所に停めた。
26 Sep. 2013
Summer holiday
August is going to end. What have I done this summer?
I went to Kagoshima pref. on the second Sunday. My daughter and I saw my mother and sister-in-law and nephew and niece.
We went to cemetery.
We called on some relatives and my mother's senior apartment house.
It took one and half hours to Kumamoto IC from our home, after that it took two and half hours to Kaseda through Kagoshima.
My daughter and I chatted with my mother, who looked better than we visited last.
We left Kagoshima at about three o'clock, so I expected we would get Kumamoto about six o'clock. But an traffic accident caused 7 km traffic jam from Hitoyoshi to Yatsushiro. It was nuisance.
We reached Kumamoto at seven, then we visited my daughter's grandma. We were regaled with a substantial dinner.
Then I drove to home. I had got tired.
I bought a new facsimile on 17 Saturday. Honestly it was not broken, but often paper jammed. It should not be repaired because it was bought in 1995. I went to a appliances shop. I was surprised. That one I bought cost only nine thousand seven hundred yen.
I brought the old one to ask them to dispose with a warranty. When I bought 18 years ago, it cost sixty four thousand yen.
18 years is long enough for facsimile's price got down.
29 Aug. 2013
I went to Kagoshima pref. on the second Sunday. My daughter and I saw my mother and sister-in-law and nephew and niece.
We went to cemetery.
We called on some relatives and my mother's senior apartment house.
It took one and half hours to Kumamoto IC from our home, after that it took two and half hours to Kaseda through Kagoshima.
My daughter and I chatted with my mother, who looked better than we visited last.
We left Kagoshima at about three o'clock, so I expected we would get Kumamoto about six o'clock. But an traffic accident caused 7 km traffic jam from Hitoyoshi to Yatsushiro. It was nuisance.
We reached Kumamoto at seven, then we visited my daughter's grandma. We were regaled with a substantial dinner.
Then I drove to home. I had got tired.
I bought a new facsimile on 17 Saturday. Honestly it was not broken, but often paper jammed. It should not be repaired because it was bought in 1995. I went to a appliances shop. I was surprised. That one I bought cost only nine thousand seven hundred yen.
I brought the old one to ask them to dispose with a warranty. When I bought 18 years ago, it cost sixty four thousand yen.
18 years is long enough for facsimile's price got down.
29 Aug. 2013
Mr. Hata Masanori's lecture
Today, Hita high school held a lecture at the Patoria hall.
I've heard Mr. Hata Masanori's lecture. Mr. Hata is 6th graduator of Hita high school. Almost 60 years ago.
The lecture was on zoology and his memory of high school.
First, when he was a high school student, he was interested in English and mathematics, and he studied hard.
While he was studying at night, he put a spoonful instant coffee into his mouth then pored water into mouth, then mixed them in his mouth.
He peed into a bucket. He didn't want to waste time.
He went to Tokyo university and studied zoology. He was interested in hominid ancestor. In his twenties there were only Peking man. The Pithecanthropus erectus and Australopithecus were not found yet.
He told us Jane Goodall. He told about Gorilla. They have strong chin muscle.
He was fond of brown bear. He brought up a baby brown bear. He was bitten 400 times. He mimicked how it achieved at midnight. It wandered with crying. He said it was longing its mother.
He also brought up a crow. He asked us why baby swallow open their mouth when their mother feed them. Nobody knew.
He explained. Inside their mouth, the color was vivid red when they were hungry. After it got feeder the color turned to white.
When they were hungry, blood concentrated to mouth, so it was red. And after fed blood went down to stomach, so it turned to white. In this way mothers feed evenly.
He told that he experienced at Tasmania. There were so many road-kill of wallaby. He checked female wallaby and pulled out babied.
In Tasmania various kind of milk was sold. He bought wallaby milk and reared them. He put wallaby into socks. Wallaby took the socks its mother.
He told about when a horse birthed. Almost all specialist of horse thought their birth was depend on tide. But he recorded his horses' birth. He found out it wasn't depend on tide. They avoid rainy day. Because if baby horse get wet it would lose his body temperature.
His lecture was so interesting. We wished to listen more. But he had to quite lest miss his flight.
He recommended the audience to study language. He spoke Brazill, German, Spanish, and English to research from place to place on the earth.
I'll remember.
今日 日田高校の講演会がパトリアで開かれた。
まず、高校生だった頃 英語と数学が好きでたくさん勉強した。夜勉強しているとき、インスタントコーヒーの粉をさじで口に入れ、それから水を口に注ぎ、口のなかで混ぜた。おしっこはバケツにした。時間を無駄にしたくなかったので。
28 Aug.2013
I've heard Mr. Hata Masanori's lecture. Mr. Hata is 6th graduator of Hita high school. Almost 60 years ago.
The lecture was on zoology and his memory of high school.
First, when he was a high school student, he was interested in English and mathematics, and he studied hard.
While he was studying at night, he put a spoonful instant coffee into his mouth then pored water into mouth, then mixed them in his mouth.
He peed into a bucket. He didn't want to waste time.
He went to Tokyo university and studied zoology. He was interested in hominid ancestor. In his twenties there were only Peking man. The Pithecanthropus erectus and Australopithecus were not found yet.
He told us Jane Goodall. He told about Gorilla. They have strong chin muscle.
He was fond of brown bear. He brought up a baby brown bear. He was bitten 400 times. He mimicked how it achieved at midnight. It wandered with crying. He said it was longing its mother.
He also brought up a crow. He asked us why baby swallow open their mouth when their mother feed them. Nobody knew.
He explained. Inside their mouth, the color was vivid red when they were hungry. After it got feeder the color turned to white.
When they were hungry, blood concentrated to mouth, so it was red. And after fed blood went down to stomach, so it turned to white. In this way mothers feed evenly.
He told that he experienced at Tasmania. There were so many road-kill of wallaby. He checked female wallaby and pulled out babied.
In Tasmania various kind of milk was sold. He bought wallaby milk and reared them. He put wallaby into socks. Wallaby took the socks its mother.
He told about when a horse birthed. Almost all specialist of horse thought their birth was depend on tide. But he recorded his horses' birth. He found out it wasn't depend on tide. They avoid rainy day. Because if baby horse get wet it would lose his body temperature.
His lecture was so interesting. We wished to listen more. But he had to quite lest miss his flight.
He recommended the audience to study language. He spoke Brazill, German, Spanish, and English to research from place to place on the earth.
I'll remember.
今日 日田高校の講演会がパトリアで開かれた。
まず、高校生だった頃 英語と数学が好きでたくさん勉強した。夜勉強しているとき、インスタントコーヒーの粉をさじで口に入れ、それから水を口に注ぎ、口のなかで混ぜた。おしっこはバケツにした。時間を無駄にしたくなかったので。
28 Aug.2013
An impressive lecture
On 27 July, I went to listen a lecture by Ms. Minako Saito.
First, she told about corporal punishment at schools and sports association.
Some people think that corporal punishments are needed in training.
She said before world war 2 there had been no corporal punishment at schools. During and after the world war 2, the way of maritally training was added to schools. People used to the relationship of control - controlled.
Contrary to the fact, there are laws which ban violence. The Child Abuse Prevention Act.(2000) The domestic violence prevention act.(2001) The guidelines of power harassment.(2012)
Second, she concerned about the statement by Mr. Tohru Hashimoto that the comfort women were necessary.
He said the country which had comfort women is not only Japan. But Ms. Minako Saito said such countries were Japan and Germany. In regards to another country, there were prostitutes, but the government had nothing to do with it. The soldiers were allowed to take leave for refresh. Japanese soldiers were not given a holiday. So the army provided comfort women.
Third, she forecasted the Abe cabinet will promote to revise the constitution during coming three years.
I'm so worry. During Abe's first team,which started in September 2006 and ended a year later, he passed the National Referendum Law.
Now he dominates both houses. He wants to win constitutional revision, editing the Renunciation of War chapter.
I can't understand why the amendment is needed. The majority may be same as me.
Add to this issue, I'm worry about he will restart the now-idle nuclear power plant. I've known the public opinion at the poll of election. The majority of people are against restarting the power plants. However LDP won the election.
On 8 July I listened Ms. Kanko Akagi. The lecture abotut books was so impressed. I met two excellent lecturer this month. I'm so glad.
7月27日 斎藤美奈子さんの講演を聴きにいった。
その現実に反して、暴力を禁止する法律がある。児童虐待防止法.(2000) DV(ドメスティックバイオレンス)防止法。(2001) パワーハラスメントのガイドライン.(2012)
29 July 2013
First, she told about corporal punishment at schools and sports association.
Some people think that corporal punishments are needed in training.
She said before world war 2 there had been no corporal punishment at schools. During and after the world war 2, the way of maritally training was added to schools. People used to the relationship of control - controlled.
Contrary to the fact, there are laws which ban violence. The Child Abuse Prevention Act.(2000) The domestic violence prevention act.(2001) The guidelines of power harassment.(2012)
Second, she concerned about the statement by Mr. Tohru Hashimoto that the comfort women were necessary.
He said the country which had comfort women is not only Japan. But Ms. Minako Saito said such countries were Japan and Germany. In regards to another country, there were prostitutes, but the government had nothing to do with it. The soldiers were allowed to take leave for refresh. Japanese soldiers were not given a holiday. So the army provided comfort women.
Third, she forecasted the Abe cabinet will promote to revise the constitution during coming three years.
I'm so worry. During Abe's first team,which started in September 2006 and ended a year later, he passed the National Referendum Law.
Now he dominates both houses. He wants to win constitutional revision, editing the Renunciation of War chapter.
I can't understand why the amendment is needed. The majority may be same as me.
Add to this issue, I'm worry about he will restart the now-idle nuclear power plant. I've known the public opinion at the poll of election. The majority of people are against restarting the power plants. However LDP won the election.
On 8 July I listened Ms. Kanko Akagi. The lecture abotut books was so impressed. I met two excellent lecturer this month. I'm so glad.
7月27日 斎藤美奈子さんの講演を聴きにいった。
その現実に反して、暴力を禁止する法律がある。児童虐待防止法.(2000) DV(ドメスティックバイオレンス)防止法。(2001) パワーハラスメントのガイドライン.(2012)
29 July 2013
House of Councillors election
[House of Counciliors election]
House of Counciliors election is coming soon. In twitter site I find out various opinions and party accounts.
Nuclear policy is a moot point. I may vote a candidate who promises to withdrew nuclear power plants.
Though it may need long time and much money, I 'm sure it is needed to avoid another tragic accident.
The electric company will complain, but if the power supply system will be changed, many user will choose the power company which generate power from sustainable energy.
Still the power market is oligopolistic. It disturbs the manufacturing industry. It is very annoying and unfair.
I vote a person against nuclear power plants and wish he/she will win a seat.
[Watching DVD]
From last Friday I started watching a video during lunch break with students. We watch the "Little Britain" together.
For our lunch break is forty-five minutes, we spend thirty minutes to watch video.
We are going to enjoy five days' lunch break serially. On the first day there were about ten boy students. They seemed to get engrossed. I also got engrossed .
15 July 2013
House of Counciliors election is coming soon. In twitter site I find out various opinions and party accounts.
Nuclear policy is a moot point. I may vote a candidate who promises to withdrew nuclear power plants.
Though it may need long time and much money, I 'm sure it is needed to avoid another tragic accident.
The electric company will complain, but if the power supply system will be changed, many user will choose the power company which generate power from sustainable energy.
Still the power market is oligopolistic. It disturbs the manufacturing industry. It is very annoying and unfair.
I vote a person against nuclear power plants and wish he/she will win a seat.
[Watching DVD]
From last Friday I started watching a video during lunch break with students. We watch the "Little Britain" together.
For our lunch break is forty-five minutes, we spend thirty minutes to watch video.
We are going to enjoy five days' lunch break serially. On the first day there were about ten boy students. They seemed to get engrossed. I also got engrossed .
15 July 2013
DVD of the "Little Britain" / Exhibition
DVD / Exhibition
I've got an interesting DVD, "Little Britain" first season vol.2. I've borrowed DVDs of "Little Britain" sometimes at TSUTAYA.
I've been hoped to buy the DVDs. But my allowance is not enough to buy new ones. Fortunately, I had found a cheep and good one at Amazon market. It was used at a rental shop, cost 400 yen.
I love the actor and actress who appearing to the dorama, especially Matt Lucas. His various expression is amazing.
All of the scenarios are caricature of our daily life and exaggerate our vanity or senseless. When I watched it for the first time, I was shocked. In U.K. it was allowed to broadcast. If It were in Japan, it might be banned for its imprudence and vulgarity.
I laughedt and laughed. I admired Matt Lucas and David Walliams.
At Tsutaya Hita branch I found only three DVDs of Little Britain. I should keep an eye on second-hand DVD market if there is another bargain.
On 6 July, I went to Patria Hita to look an art exhibition. There were Japanese paintings and calligraphic works.
I enjoyed the work of Higashiyama-kaii. On the painting there was very beautiful green trees and a white horse.
At the edge of a lake, there were trees above the surface of the lake, and on the other side those were reflected. A white horse was walking.
The leaves flickered in the breeze, however the surface of the lake was calm and quiet. Maybe it was a fantasy. I wished I could be such a beautiful forest.
There also were Rai Sanyo's handwriting on a scroll, and handbooks written by Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Those were valuable collection. I hope to go to see them again.
湖のほとりで 湖面の上方には木が、そして反対側にはそれが映っていた。白い馬が歩いていた。
7 July 2013
I've got an interesting DVD, "Little Britain" first season vol.2. I've borrowed DVDs of "Little Britain" sometimes at TSUTAYA.
I've been hoped to buy the DVDs. But my allowance is not enough to buy new ones. Fortunately, I had found a cheep and good one at Amazon market. It was used at a rental shop, cost 400 yen.
I love the actor and actress who appearing to the dorama, especially Matt Lucas. His various expression is amazing.
All of the scenarios are caricature of our daily life and exaggerate our vanity or senseless. When I watched it for the first time, I was shocked. In U.K. it was allowed to broadcast. If It were in Japan, it might be banned for its imprudence and vulgarity.
I laughedt and laughed. I admired Matt Lucas and David Walliams.
At Tsutaya Hita branch I found only three DVDs of Little Britain. I should keep an eye on second-hand DVD market if there is another bargain.
On 6 July, I went to Patria Hita to look an art exhibition. There were Japanese paintings and calligraphic works.
I enjoyed the work of Higashiyama-kaii. On the painting there was very beautiful green trees and a white horse.
At the edge of a lake, there were trees above the surface of the lake, and on the other side those were reflected. A white horse was walking.
The leaves flickered in the breeze, however the surface of the lake was calm and quiet. Maybe it was a fantasy. I wished I could be such a beautiful forest.
There also were Rai Sanyo's handwriting on a scroll, and handbooks written by Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Those were valuable collection. I hope to go to see them again.
湖のほとりで 湖面の上方には木が、そして反対側にはそれが映っていた。白い馬が歩いていた。
7 July 2013
the memorial assembly for Ryuichi Matsushita
On 22 June I went to Nakatsu Library to hear a lecture.
There was a memorial assembly for the late Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita.
The memorial lecture was about the Fukuzawa Yukichi myth. The lecturer was Mr. Junosuke Yasukawa.
He told us that Fukuzawa's idea led Japan to invade the eastern Asian country. He showed various evidence in Fukuzawa's works.
It was so impressive and stimulating.
There were about two hundred audience. Some had come from long distance. The lady who sat next to me had come from Tokyo and she was eighty- eight years old.
Including her, almost ten people talked the audience about their respect to Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita or their public campaign.
In Japan there are so many people who dedicate themselves to social activity. I admire them.
I should read Yukichi Fukuzawa and the complete works of Ryuichi Matsushita.
6月22日 中津の図書館へ講演を聴きに行った。松下竜一忌が行われた。
日本には 社会運動に取り組んでいる人がおおぜいいる。称賛する。
23 June 2013
There was a memorial assembly for the late Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita.
The memorial lecture was about the Fukuzawa Yukichi myth. The lecturer was Mr. Junosuke Yasukawa.
He told us that Fukuzawa's idea led Japan to invade the eastern Asian country. He showed various evidence in Fukuzawa's works.
It was so impressive and stimulating.
There were about two hundred audience. Some had come from long distance. The lady who sat next to me had come from Tokyo and she was eighty- eight years old.
Including her, almost ten people talked the audience about their respect to Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita or their public campaign.
In Japan there are so many people who dedicate themselves to social activity. I admire them.
I should read Yukichi Fukuzawa and the complete works of Ryuichi Matsushita.
6月22日 中津の図書館へ講演を聴きに行った。松下竜一忌が行われた。
日本には 社会運動に取り組んでいる人がおおぜいいる。称賛する。
23 June 2013
Worry about PRISM
Last week, I was interested in Mr.Edward Snowden, I read an article "Whats is the NSA's PRISM program? (FAQ)".
The article was very instructive. I've got depressed.They don't use it intentionally target any U.S.citizen.
(quote) What is PRISM?
PRISM stands for "Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management," and is a "data tool" designed to collect and process "foreign intelligence" that passes through American servers.
It only targets foreigners?
PRISM "cannot be used to intentionally target any U.S. citizen (PDF), or any other U.S. person, or to intentionally target any person known to be in the United States, according to a statement released by Director Clapper on June 8.
So how does this affect an American's data?
The key word is intentional. The NSA can't intentionally target an Americans data.But analysts need only be at least 51 percent confident of a target's "foreignness." (quote)
So they do use it endlessly and seamlessly target U.S.citizen and non U.W. citizen. Then are allowed to target non U.S.citizen. They are allowed to target U.S.citizen when they do it not intentionally. Both U.S. and non U.S.citizen can be targeted.
I haven't known the system, I should thank Mr. Edward Snowden, who has leaked.
I'm worry about him because according to the article he has been prosecuted by the Obama administration.
( quote) The United States does have a bilateral extradition treaty with Hong Kong, but a request from the U.S. based on political offenses could be vetoed by either Hong Kong or Beijing. (quote)
When I was young at the beginning go using Internet, I was taught that my e-mail go through server to server in the network, in such circumstance, I should write in e-mails as same as on postcards. In other words I should realize that my e-mail might be read by someone. Yet, I chose to use e-mail for its convenience.
But the more advanced the internet technology, the more personal information flows on internet. Lately nobody recognize their data as postcards.
I don't know PRISM is necessary to protect nightmarish crime. I hope to aware about how my data is treated by each nation's administrator. At least based in law.
先週 エドワード・スノーデン氏のことに興味を持って、「国家安全保障局のPRISM とは何ですか? よくある質問」という記事を読んだ。
かぎとなるのは「意図して」という言葉です。国家安全保障局は意図してアメリカ人の情報を対象にすることはできません。しかし、分析する方は対象が少なくとも51%の外国らしさを必要とするだけです。 (引用ここまで)
23 June 2013
The article was very instructive. I've got depressed.They don't use it intentionally target any U.S.citizen.
(quote) What is PRISM?
PRISM stands for "Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management," and is a "data tool" designed to collect and process "foreign intelligence" that passes through American servers.
It only targets foreigners?
PRISM "cannot be used to intentionally target any U.S. citizen (PDF), or any other U.S. person, or to intentionally target any person known to be in the United States, according to a statement released by Director Clapper on June 8.
So how does this affect an American's data?
The key word is intentional. The NSA can't intentionally target an Americans data.But analysts need only be at least 51 percent confident of a target's "foreignness." (quote)
So they do use it endlessly and seamlessly target U.S.citizen and non U.W. citizen. Then are allowed to target non U.S.citizen. They are allowed to target U.S.citizen when they do it not intentionally. Both U.S. and non U.S.citizen can be targeted.
I haven't known the system, I should thank Mr. Edward Snowden, who has leaked.
I'm worry about him because according to the article he has been prosecuted by the Obama administration.
( quote) The United States does have a bilateral extradition treaty with Hong Kong, but a request from the U.S. based on political offenses could be vetoed by either Hong Kong or Beijing. (quote)
When I was young at the beginning go using Internet, I was taught that my e-mail go through server to server in the network, in such circumstance, I should write in e-mails as same as on postcards. In other words I should realize that my e-mail might be read by someone. Yet, I chose to use e-mail for its convenience.
But the more advanced the internet technology, the more personal information flows on internet. Lately nobody recognize their data as postcards.
I don't know PRISM is necessary to protect nightmarish crime. I hope to aware about how my data is treated by each nation's administrator. At least based in law.
先週 エドワード・スノーデン氏のことに興味を持って、「国家安全保障局のPRISM とは何ですか? よくある質問」という記事を読んだ。
かぎとなるのは「意図して」という言葉です。国家安全保障局は意図してアメリカ人の情報を対象にすることはできません。しかし、分析する方は対象が少なくとも51%の外国らしさを必要とするだけです。 (引用ここまで)
23 June 2013
the Monster will make into TV-show
On 3 May, I read Monster,which was the Japanese comic by author Naoki Urasawa, almost all day long.
Because I was aware by twitter it would be turned into a serialized TV-show a while before.
I love Master Keaton, so I wish it will be make into a movie. Though I'm looking forward to see the Monster TV-show.
I'm curious about the cast, who will be Dr.Tenma, and the twins. The actor of Dr.Tenma should look gentle and so intellectual person, and should look fearless as a fugitive criminal.
Also I'm curious who will be the actor and actress for Johan and Nina. They should look very innocent and fragile, and of course they should be the very picture each other. Sometimes Johan had put a wig and pretend Nina. Both of them are so beautiful.
And the the theme is so serious and tragic. It reminds me the Sophie's Choice. I don't know if there is any Parental Guidance for a TV program. The Hunger Games had been designated PG-13. If the reason is the scene of murder which is too cruel for children, the Monster will be designated.
But I bet Dr.Tenma will encourage children. I wish the director make the TV drama avoiding brutal description for children will be able to watch it.
When I was reading the Monster, my second eldest son came home after two months since he had come last.
He had sent me an e-mail informed he would come, so I ordered a cake at a pastry shop. His birth day is 30 Apr. So I intended to celebrate his birthday.
I thought he would call me to pick him up at Hita bus center or Hita station. But he came home in the early morning,one of his friend lived in Kurume gave him a ride.
He helped me to set up an awning.It took us one hour.Then I went to buy a cake I ordered.
My son, my daughter, and I ate it. It was so delicious.
He planned to take a motorcycle to Fukuoka, He tried to ride his motorcycle which had been abandoned these days. He decided not to take it because its battery was almost dead.
In the evening I took him to Hita station. He went back to Fukuoka by train. Because a highway bus would be caught a traffic jam on holiday.
After I came home, I read the Monster again.
誰が演じるんだろうと気にかかる。ドクターテンマは誰が、あの双子は誰がやるんだろう? ドクターテンマをやる役者は優しそうで知的な人でないといけない、その上逃亡中は精悍でなくては。
ヨハンとニナは誰がやるのだろう? あの子たちはとても純粋で傷つきやすく見えないといけない。もちろん2人がそっくりでないと。ときどきヨハンはウイッグをつけてニナに化けたりしていたから。そしてどちらもとても美しい。
5 May 2013
test-ride of the N-Box
On last Saturday, I went to a car shop for a test-ride event.
Already I had sent an application to Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. I had been interested in a new car named N-Box.
And I had received a reply mail,which said the expiry was the last of April. So I had to go there by 30 April.
Fortunately I had time to go out on 28 April Saturday. I tried a ride of the Honda N-box. It was a light duty vehicle, but it didn't look small.
It had some good equipment, the most I admired among them was the side mirrors and a side view mirror.
The side view mirror was on the left pillar dividing its front windscreen from its front side window. It reflected a mirror on the back of left side mirror.
It gave me wide eyesight around the left front tire. I asked the clerk if there were sold a kind of option for my Honda fit.
He said it was provided for only N-Box. It could be invented thanks for the form. It made me possible to park the car at the position of the road not cross the very limits or fallen a gutter.
It was just a mirror, not a hi-tech camera, so I was impressed.
My car should be taken an inspection regulated by law on this summer. I intend to take the inspection, which allow me to use the car more two years. I want to buy a new car before the next expiry. I might buy a N-Box, because its running cost is less than a Fit.
Today I have written the thank-you cards for my previous co-workers. It seems common that the people who has transferred send their greeting cards by the end of April. It remains two days in April. I have written the cards express my gratefulness.
Well, I don't dislike a task like this, but tend to postpone until I can't ignore it. Yesterday morning I puttered around my garden and in the afternoon puttered around the house. Just for annoying. I know I should shake off that bad habits. I hope I will do earlier at the next time.
Anyway I posted those cards. I feel relieved.
昨日、土曜日 車の試乗会に行った。
29 Apr. 2013
Already I had sent an application to Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. I had been interested in a new car named N-Box.
And I had received a reply mail,which said the expiry was the last of April. So I had to go there by 30 April.
Fortunately I had time to go out on 28 April Saturday. I tried a ride of the Honda N-box. It was a light duty vehicle, but it didn't look small.
It had some good equipment, the most I admired among them was the side mirrors and a side view mirror.
The side view mirror was on the left pillar dividing its front windscreen from its front side window. It reflected a mirror on the back of left side mirror.
It gave me wide eyesight around the left front tire. I asked the clerk if there were sold a kind of option for my Honda fit.
He said it was provided for only N-Box. It could be invented thanks for the form. It made me possible to park the car at the position of the road not cross the very limits or fallen a gutter.
It was just a mirror, not a hi-tech camera, so I was impressed.
My car should be taken an inspection regulated by law on this summer. I intend to take the inspection, which allow me to use the car more two years. I want to buy a new car before the next expiry. I might buy a N-Box, because its running cost is less than a Fit.
Today I have written the thank-you cards for my previous co-workers. It seems common that the people who has transferred send their greeting cards by the end of April. It remains two days in April. I have written the cards express my gratefulness.
Well, I don't dislike a task like this, but tend to postpone until I can't ignore it. Yesterday morning I puttered around my garden and in the afternoon puttered around the house. Just for annoying. I know I should shake off that bad habits. I hope I will do earlier at the next time.
Anyway I posted those cards. I feel relieved.
昨日、土曜日 車の試乗会に行った。
29 Apr. 2013
A traffic accident
On Saturday of the previous week, I went to Oita city to a lecture.
On the way back home, near Jion no Taki, I saw two pedestrian on the side of a crosswalk. so I stopped my car in front of the crosswalk.
I waited until they would finish crossing the crosswalk. Before they would have finished I heard a big sound of Bang.
I looked back, where a white car hit into my car. I was surprised.
Then I moved my cat to the edge of the street. The another car also moved behind my car.
The driver of the car and I exchanged our names, addresses, and phone numbers. then both called each insurance companies.
I wasn't injured but I called police office to make sure afterword. The policeman said to me that we should move our cars to a parking lot. So we drove to the nearest parking lot.
We waited to the police come for about twenty minutes. He investigated, took pictures, then he said there were no injured people so police would not be involved. He let us leave.
The driver apologized me. He was on the trip with his family, he said it was too bright to see the front. so I said to him enjoy his trip, I was O.K.
I drove to a car shop to repair my car. They said they could prepare a rental car on the next Monday.
On Monday I have brought my car to the car shop, afterward I use a rental car which is better than my car except not having ETC. I can't get ETC discount for a while.
I hope my car will be back as soon as possible. I don't need to pay the repair cost but can't get the compensation for the loss from not having ETC.
21 Apr. 2013
On the way back home, near Jion no Taki, I saw two pedestrian on the side of a crosswalk. so I stopped my car in front of the crosswalk.
I waited until they would finish crossing the crosswalk. Before they would have finished I heard a big sound of Bang.
I looked back, where a white car hit into my car. I was surprised.
Then I moved my cat to the edge of the street. The another car also moved behind my car.
The driver of the car and I exchanged our names, addresses, and phone numbers. then both called each insurance companies.
I wasn't injured but I called police office to make sure afterword. The policeman said to me that we should move our cars to a parking lot. So we drove to the nearest parking lot.
We waited to the police come for about twenty minutes. He investigated, took pictures, then he said there were no injured people so police would not be involved. He let us leave.
The driver apologized me. He was on the trip with his family, he said it was too bright to see the front. so I said to him enjoy his trip, I was O.K.
I drove to a car shop to repair my car. They said they could prepare a rental car on the next Monday.
On Monday I have brought my car to the car shop, afterward I use a rental car which is better than my car except not having ETC. I can't get ETC discount for a while.
I hope my car will be back as soon as possible. I don't need to pay the repair cost but can't get the compensation for the loss from not having ETC.
21 Apr. 2013
restless days
Lately,I have been anxious about some tasks.
One of the reason is that I have been transferred. I should tell next person about present work place and been taught about next work place. Add to the jobs I should remember the co-workers at new place. I've been unsure if I will be able to used to them, or become familiar the new circumstance.
Another reason is the handing over an accounting report of my duty to next person. Though I live in a small settlement, there are just twelve houses now, it has a neighborhood association. We take the President and the Treasuer by turns.
Last fiscal year I served as a Treasure, and this year I am the President. That's the reason I had to make an accounting report at the end of March, and had to prepare the cherry blossom viewing party as the first tusk.
I wrote and delivered an information to the neighborhood. I went to a drugstore and a supermarket to by beer, beverage, snack, cheese and chocolate. I had ordered boxed meals and went to get them to the catering shop near Teruoka station.
I have transferred and started to work at the new place. In the beginning I have been confused at many things.
On the other hand I made my accounting report and got an auditing. I have transferred the report and the leftover to the successor, though it has dragged on until the first of April, because banks were closed on the last two days of March in this year.
I hope I will be able to make things neat from late April.
最近 いろんなことで緊張していた。
13 Apr. 2013
One of the reason is that I have been transferred. I should tell next person about present work place and been taught about next work place. Add to the jobs I should remember the co-workers at new place. I've been unsure if I will be able to used to them, or become familiar the new circumstance.
Another reason is the handing over an accounting report of my duty to next person. Though I live in a small settlement, there are just twelve houses now, it has a neighborhood association. We take the President and the Treasuer by turns.
Last fiscal year I served as a Treasure, and this year I am the President. That's the reason I had to make an accounting report at the end of March, and had to prepare the cherry blossom viewing party as the first tusk.
I wrote and delivered an information to the neighborhood. I went to a drugstore and a supermarket to by beer, beverage, snack, cheese and chocolate. I had ordered boxed meals and went to get them to the catering shop near Teruoka station.
I have transferred and started to work at the new place. In the beginning I have been confused at many things.
On the other hand I made my accounting report and got an auditing. I have transferred the report and the leftover to the successor, though it has dragged on until the first of April, because banks were closed on the last two days of March in this year.
I hope I will be able to make things neat from late April.
最近 いろんなことで緊張していた。
13 Apr. 2013
My birthday
On 23 March, though I had forgotten it, it was my birthday.
In the evening, as I was cooking for dinner, my daughter came home. Then she handed me a box with a cake in it saying happy birthday.
I was surprised. She said it might be the last chance to celebrate my birthday together. It was the first birthday of mine with a birthday cake, after long time since childhood.
The next day I went to a car equipment shop. I had been thinking of changing my car's tires. But I had no time to go. Having done it relieved me. I feel spring has come at last.
Then I went to Tsutaya to borrow a DVD of ”WHAT'S EATING GILBERT GRAPE”. To my surprise, the clerk charged me half price because of birthday month.
That movie was amazing. I had heard it was a fine work. It was beyond my expectation. How pity and grace the Mother! She had survived by keeping eat. She was fat. But she was not ugly. She might hope to die. But she loved her children so much that she couldn't commit suicide.
The two sons were marvelous. The picturesque scene was so impressive. I was satisfied so much.
映画はすばらしくよかった。いい作品と聞いてはいたけど。予想を超えていた。お母さん役のなんと気の毒でやさしいこと! 彼女は食べ続けることで生き延びてきた。彼女は太っている、けれど醜くはない。たぶん死んでしまいたかったのだろう。しかし自殺するにはあまりに子ども達を愛していた。二人の息子たちも素晴らしかった。絵のように美しいシーンも印象的だった。心から満足した。
24 March 2013
In the evening, as I was cooking for dinner, my daughter came home. Then she handed me a box with a cake in it saying happy birthday.
I was surprised. She said it might be the last chance to celebrate my birthday together. It was the first birthday of mine with a birthday cake, after long time since childhood.
The next day I went to a car equipment shop. I had been thinking of changing my car's tires. But I had no time to go. Having done it relieved me. I feel spring has come at last.
Then I went to Tsutaya to borrow a DVD of ”WHAT'S EATING GILBERT GRAPE”. To my surprise, the clerk charged me half price because of birthday month.
That movie was amazing. I had heard it was a fine work. It was beyond my expectation. How pity and grace the Mother! She had survived by keeping eat. She was fat. But she was not ugly. She might hope to die. But she loved her children so much that she couldn't commit suicide.
The two sons were marvelous. The picturesque scene was so impressive. I was satisfied so much.
映画はすばらしくよかった。いい作品と聞いてはいたけど。予想を超えていた。お母さん役のなんと気の毒でやさしいこと! 彼女は食べ続けることで生き延びてきた。彼女は太っている、けれど醜くはない。たぶん死んでしまいたかったのだろう。しかし自殺するにはあまりに子ども達を愛していた。二人の息子たちも素晴らしかった。絵のように美しいシーンも印象的だった。心から満足した。
24 March 2013
Making a fire
On 16 March, I got rid of my garden garbage. I put twigs branches which I cut down last month, and fallen leaves into plastic bags.
While I was doing it, my nest neighbor passed by. I chatted with him, then I asked how he did with his garden garbege. He said he had burned. I had never thought of burning. But he said it was easy, and he advised me it was not windy so it good for burning.The weather forecast said it would be rain afternoon.
Knowing that I carried those leaves and twigs to an empty land in my neighborhood. I piled up those. Then I carried two buckets and a fire extinguisher.
It was my first experience burning garden garbage.
First I sprinkled square around the garbage to soak the land to prevent fire spreading.
I lit fire. The dry leaves and dry twigs burned easily. But big roots of grasses with soil didn't burn. I cut them with a hoe. But it was hard.
My neighbor lady came and helped me. Then her husband came and chatted with us. He said there was a factory making bio fuel from wood in Hita city. If my garden garbage could be made into bio-fuel, it would be so happy.
On 20 March, the vernal equinox holiday, my daughter and I went to Fukuoka city.
Recently I had got some canned beer, Sasa dumpling, so I wanted share them with my sons. I brought also rice and fruits.
While I drove to there I used my tablet's navi. I was anxious because on the way to there my tablet became hotter and hotter. At last when I arrived at my son's apartment house, it had frozen. Though I tried to turn off the power button, it wasn't effective.
Anyway I left it be, my daughter and my son and I went to Tenzin. We looked around some shops, bought some gifts. I needed some gifts for my co-workers because I would be transfered, and my daughter needed birthday presents for her friends.
My daughter and I went back home using my daughter's iPhone5 navi.
3月16日、庭ごみを片付けた。先月切った小枝や枝、そろえに落ち葉をごみ袋につめた。 そうやっている最中、お隣の方が通りかかった。しゃべっているときお宅は庭ごみをどうしてますか、と尋ねた。彼は燃やした、と言った。私は燃やすという発想がなかった。でも、彼は簡単ですよと言い、今日は風がないからちょうどいい、と言った。天気予報は午後から雨が降ると言っていた。
3月20日 春分の日、娘と福岡市に行った。
23 March 2013
While I was doing it, my nest neighbor passed by. I chatted with him, then I asked how he did with his garden garbege. He said he had burned. I had never thought of burning. But he said it was easy, and he advised me it was not windy so it good for burning.The weather forecast said it would be rain afternoon.
Knowing that I carried those leaves and twigs to an empty land in my neighborhood. I piled up those. Then I carried two buckets and a fire extinguisher.
It was my first experience burning garden garbage.
First I sprinkled square around the garbage to soak the land to prevent fire spreading.
I lit fire. The dry leaves and dry twigs burned easily. But big roots of grasses with soil didn't burn. I cut them with a hoe. But it was hard.
My neighbor lady came and helped me. Then her husband came and chatted with us. He said there was a factory making bio fuel from wood in Hita city. If my garden garbage could be made into bio-fuel, it would be so happy.
On 20 March, the vernal equinox holiday, my daughter and I went to Fukuoka city.
Recently I had got some canned beer, Sasa dumpling, so I wanted share them with my sons. I brought also rice and fruits.
While I drove to there I used my tablet's navi. I was anxious because on the way to there my tablet became hotter and hotter. At last when I arrived at my son's apartment house, it had frozen. Though I tried to turn off the power button, it wasn't effective.
Anyway I left it be, my daughter and my son and I went to Tenzin. We looked around some shops, bought some gifts. I needed some gifts for my co-workers because I would be transfered, and my daughter needed birthday presents for her friends.
My daughter and I went back home using my daughter's iPhone5 navi.
3月16日、庭ごみを片付けた。先月切った小枝や枝、そろえに落ち葉をごみ袋につめた。 そうやっている最中、お隣の方が通りかかった。しゃべっているときお宅は庭ごみをどうしてますか、と尋ねた。彼は燃やした、と言った。私は燃やすという発想がなかった。でも、彼は簡単ですよと言い、今日は風がないからちょうどいい、と言った。天気予報は午後から雨が降ると言っていた。
3月20日 春分の日、娘と福岡市に行った。
23 March 2013
"Paper Menagerie" & "Unnatural Selection"
I've read the "Paper Menagerie" written by Ken Liu. I have bought the best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the year vol.6 .
You can read the "Paper Menagerie" on
Also you can listen it on
This Ken Liu's work has became the first work of fiction to win all three of SF's major awards : the Hugo, the Nebula and the World Fantasy Award.
This is a story of a Chinese lady immigrated to U.S. from Hong Kong by mail order catalog.
This story is told by her son's point of view. In his childhood his mother made paper animals, which pleased him innocently. They were alive.
But after aged ten he had been abused at school, it caused him to avoid his mother.
He packed his paper menagerie into shoebox and pushed them away in the corner of attic.
She died in her forties. After she had passed he knew his mother's life in China and Hong Kong, how she felt about her son. His paper tiger taught him.
I was impressed by the miracle and was so sorry about her sadness. The paper tiger and the boy had deep relationship. It reminded me somehow Ray Bradbury or James Tiptree Jr. So lyrical, so adorable.
This story is fiction. Then I thought about that poverty forced women and girls had been sold.
I've read "UNNATURAL SELECTION: choosing boys over girls, and the consequences of a world full of men" written by Mara Hvistendahl translated in Japanese. This is non-fiction.
She reports the fact that advanced technology which made possible to know the sex of the fetus has caused over one hundred sixty three million girl babies' missing in Asia.
When parents are allowed to have only one child, they choose boy. Asian countries have extreme gender ratio for children, for example Lianyungang has 163 boys for every 100 girls under the age of five.
Imbalanced gender population might cause some problems. Poor men have difficulties finding brides. Girls are targeted by illegal immigrant organization as brides of rich men or prostitution. There are some parents who sell their daughters.
Increasing prostitution industry might increase syphilitic and AIDS.
The Chinese mother in the "Paper Menagerie" who was a ten-year-old orphan, caught by a group of trading girls and forced to work like a slave. She thought the only hope to escape was to be a wife of American man, that was the reason she put herself into a catalog she could be bought.
Her life was so pitiful. Poverty hit children down, usually girls are worse than boys.
Those two books deserve to read, I am touched so deeply.
ケン・リウ作『折り紙の動物園』を読んだ。『サイエンス・フィクション アンド ファンタジー』ベスト版第6巻を買った。
インターネットでは で読める。
それに朗読は で聴くことができる。
このケン・リウの作品はSF界の3つの大きな賞を取ったもの。ヒューゴー、ネビュラ それにワールド・ファンタジー・アワード。
3 Mar. 2013
You can read the "Paper Menagerie" on
Also you can listen it on
This Ken Liu's work has became the first work of fiction to win all three of SF's major awards : the Hugo, the Nebula and the World Fantasy Award.
This is a story of a Chinese lady immigrated to U.S. from Hong Kong by mail order catalog.
This story is told by her son's point of view. In his childhood his mother made paper animals, which pleased him innocently. They were alive.
But after aged ten he had been abused at school, it caused him to avoid his mother.
He packed his paper menagerie into shoebox and pushed them away in the corner of attic.
She died in her forties. After she had passed he knew his mother's life in China and Hong Kong, how she felt about her son. His paper tiger taught him.
I was impressed by the miracle and was so sorry about her sadness. The paper tiger and the boy had deep relationship. It reminded me somehow Ray Bradbury or James Tiptree Jr. So lyrical, so adorable.
This story is fiction. Then I thought about that poverty forced women and girls had been sold.
I've read "UNNATURAL SELECTION: choosing boys over girls, and the consequences of a world full of men" written by Mara Hvistendahl translated in Japanese. This is non-fiction.
She reports the fact that advanced technology which made possible to know the sex of the fetus has caused over one hundred sixty three million girl babies' missing in Asia.
When parents are allowed to have only one child, they choose boy. Asian countries have extreme gender ratio for children, for example Lianyungang has 163 boys for every 100 girls under the age of five.
Imbalanced gender population might cause some problems. Poor men have difficulties finding brides. Girls are targeted by illegal immigrant organization as brides of rich men or prostitution. There are some parents who sell their daughters.
Increasing prostitution industry might increase syphilitic and AIDS.
The Chinese mother in the "Paper Menagerie" who was a ten-year-old orphan, caught by a group of trading girls and forced to work like a slave. She thought the only hope to escape was to be a wife of American man, that was the reason she put herself into a catalog she could be bought.
Her life was so pitiful. Poverty hit children down, usually girls are worse than boys.
Those two books deserve to read, I am touched so deeply.
ケン・リウ作『折り紙の動物園』を読んだ。『サイエンス・フィクション アンド ファンタジー』ベスト版第6巻を買った。
インターネットでは で読める。
それに朗読は で聴くことができる。
このケン・リウの作品はSF界の3つの大きな賞を取ったもの。ヒューゴー、ネビュラ それにワールド・ファンタジー・アワード。
3 Mar. 2013
School closing ceremony
On 24 Feb. I went to the Tsuzuki elementary school for there was a school closing ceremony.The elementary school will closed at end of March.
The residence, the teachers and clerks who had worked for, the graduates, a bicycle shop owner who has taken care of students' bicycles, farmers who taught students about rice field or plum trees, the man who taught students English, the person from board of education, and so on -- many people gathered.
Over a hundred years, it has stood. Thought the school buildings and gymnasium were rebuilt. The days have been repeated they children enter and children graduate, year by year, generation after generation.
Usually the first primary education was engraved on one's memory. That was the reason so many people had gathered. It was like a funeral. I guess a funeral is a farewell ceremony, which is held to say "Thank you" and "Good-bye".
After the ceremony at the gym, there was a party at Tsuzuki community center the next to the school. The residents and some teachers took part in. We talked, ate, and drunk with missing our primary school.
It hinted me an idea.
There are the community center, the playground for parking lot, and a temple on the other side of the street.
If you need to hold a funeral, it is good location. I recommend my children when they intend to hold a funeral for me. They can borrow the community center and the playground at a reasonable rent. Also they can invite a priest of a Buddhist temple to chant a sutra. Add to this just prepare some bottled tea and some funeral buns, and an amplify and a speaker and an iPod for broadcasting music.
It helps them save money, and I might be content. How do they like it?
2月24日 閉校式があったので都築小学校に行った。小学校は3月末で閉校する。
27 Feb. 2013
The residence, the teachers and clerks who had worked for, the graduates, a bicycle shop owner who has taken care of students' bicycles, farmers who taught students about rice field or plum trees, the man who taught students English, the person from board of education, and so on -- many people gathered.
Over a hundred years, it has stood. Thought the school buildings and gymnasium were rebuilt. The days have been repeated they children enter and children graduate, year by year, generation after generation.
Usually the first primary education was engraved on one's memory. That was the reason so many people had gathered. It was like a funeral. I guess a funeral is a farewell ceremony, which is held to say "Thank you" and "Good-bye".
After the ceremony at the gym, there was a party at Tsuzuki community center the next to the school. The residents and some teachers took part in. We talked, ate, and drunk with missing our primary school.
It hinted me an idea.
There are the community center, the playground for parking lot, and a temple on the other side of the street.
If you need to hold a funeral, it is good location. I recommend my children when they intend to hold a funeral for me. They can borrow the community center and the playground at a reasonable rent. Also they can invite a priest of a Buddhist temple to chant a sutra. Add to this just prepare some bottled tea and some funeral buns, and an amplify and a speaker and an iPod for broadcasting music.
It helps them save money, and I might be content. How do they like it?
2月24日 閉校式があったので都築小学校に行った。小学校は3月末で閉校する。
27 Feb. 2013
an exhibition of Japanese masterpieces from the Meuseum of Fine Arts,Boston
On 17 Feb. I went to Kyusyu National Museum, where now an exhibition of Japanese masterpieces from the Meuseum of Fine Arts,Boston is being held.
I'm going to be age-52 soon, and I expect to live more or less than twenty years. I don't think I will have an oportunitiy to go to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in my life. That's the reason I have applied to the bus tour to the Kyusyu National Museum planed by Hita municipal office.
In spite of the ticket fee was 1500 yen, the tour fee was 2000 yen.
I wanted to see Soga Shohaku's works. I was attracted the Unryuuzu especially when I saw it on Internet.
Unryuuzu -- explanation
A giant dragon pushes its way through raging waves and clouds. The powerful brushwork and bold use of gradations of ink turning the paper completely black in spaces, are striking to the eye. This was originally a set of eight fusuma panels that adorned a temple hall, and one can imagine the sense of being completed enveloped by the dragon in such a space.
I wonder those drawings were drawn on each paper, or after drawn one large paper divided into eight pieces? Or stuck the pieces of paper temporarily, draw, then divided?
It was so large. Each of them were 165.6 centimeter high and 135.0 centimeter wide. One side of the hall was occupied by the work. It was displayed dexterously. The light from the ceiling was relatively dark. That distinguished the work more dynamic. The largeness was overwhelming.
I saw the dragon's eyes. I felt he was confused having the power which he had not intended to have. I didn't think of leaving for an hour.
Soga Shouhaku's another works were also excellent. A drawing had explained that the man lost his supernatural power for being attracted by a woman. I saw the woman who had bare calves. I felt she had fertility,looked like having been approved by nature or Gaea. That man just had given up, then had lost his power,I supposed.
How I feel having drawings or paintings? Some paintings on the wall will make me relax. But how will I feel being surrounded such large panels of drawings. I will fell myself so tiny, diminutive. I won't be able to live in.
It will be nice if I see such drawings at a temple once in a while.
I'm grateful to the cultural promotion division of Hita municipal office.
2月17日 九州国立博物館へ行った、ボストン美術館展が行われていたので。
雲龍図 -- 解説
こんな作品は1枚1枚の紙に描いたんだろうか、大きな紙に描いてから8つに切り分けたんだろうか? それとも、ばらばらの紙を一時的にのりでくっつけて、描いて、それからばらしたのだろうか?
こんな絵をうちに飾っていたらどんな感じだろう? 壁に何枚か絵がかかっているのはリラックスさせるだろう。しかし、こんな大きな絵に囲まれていたらどんな風に感じるだろう? 自分がとても小さな、ちっぽけな存在に感じられるのでは。とても住めない。
17 Feb. 2013
I'm going to be age-52 soon, and I expect to live more or less than twenty years. I don't think I will have an oportunitiy to go to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in my life. That's the reason I have applied to the bus tour to the Kyusyu National Museum planed by Hita municipal office.
In spite of the ticket fee was 1500 yen, the tour fee was 2000 yen.
I wanted to see Soga Shohaku's works. I was attracted the Unryuuzu especially when I saw it on Internet.
Unryuuzu -- explanation
A giant dragon pushes its way through raging waves and clouds. The powerful brushwork and bold use of gradations of ink turning the paper completely black in spaces, are striking to the eye. This was originally a set of eight fusuma panels that adorned a temple hall, and one can imagine the sense of being completed enveloped by the dragon in such a space.
I wonder those drawings were drawn on each paper, or after drawn one large paper divided into eight pieces? Or stuck the pieces of paper temporarily, draw, then divided?
It was so large. Each of them were 165.6 centimeter high and 135.0 centimeter wide. One side of the hall was occupied by the work. It was displayed dexterously. The light from the ceiling was relatively dark. That distinguished the work more dynamic. The largeness was overwhelming.
I saw the dragon's eyes. I felt he was confused having the power which he had not intended to have. I didn't think of leaving for an hour.
Soga Shouhaku's another works were also excellent. A drawing had explained that the man lost his supernatural power for being attracted by a woman. I saw the woman who had bare calves. I felt she had fertility,looked like having been approved by nature or Gaea. That man just had given up, then had lost his power,I supposed.
How I feel having drawings or paintings? Some paintings on the wall will make me relax. But how will I feel being surrounded such large panels of drawings. I will fell myself so tiny, diminutive. I won't be able to live in.
It will be nice if I see such drawings at a temple once in a while.
I'm grateful to the cultural promotion division of Hita municipal office.
2月17日 九州国立博物館へ行った、ボストン美術館展が行われていたので。
雲龍図 -- 解説
こんな作品は1枚1枚の紙に描いたんだろうか、大きな紙に描いてから8つに切り分けたんだろうか? それとも、ばらばらの紙を一時的にのりでくっつけて、描いて、それからばらしたのだろうか?
こんな絵をうちに飾っていたらどんな感じだろう? 壁に何枚か絵がかかっているのはリラックスさせるだろう。しかし、こんな大きな絵に囲まれていたらどんな風に感じるだろう? 自分がとても小さな、ちっぽけな存在に感じられるのでは。とても住めない。
17 Feb. 2013
Bullying suit
I have read an article in the newspaper.
The Otsu city government admitted for the first time that where was a causal relationship between bullying and a junior high school boy's suicide in 2011.
The bullying by the boy's classmate was the "direct cause" of his death. The family argued that the school authorities had known their slow response could have led to the boy's suicide.
The family filed the court 77 million yen damages suit against the municipal government and the three victimizers.
I'm glad they the family' accusation has accepted. But still the family's grief hasn't over, 'cause the boy can't return.
Anywhere the bullying occurred,the government should set up school social worker, I hope so. And make efforts to unravel the bullying, the victimizers and the victims mostly need help.The classroom teacher has little time to do the survey.
It is better to pay to hair experts than pay much money in compensation. For the students teachers and parents, some third person to hear their situation is needed.
At a school, there tend to be an obsessed atmosphere, because they are ordered tone good students, good teachers. So students want to a scape goat, and teachers tend to deny it. It may hurts their career. Bullying should be ignored. People might hope complete justice, but it is difficult to exist.
6 Feb. 2013
The Otsu city government admitted for the first time that where was a causal relationship between bullying and a junior high school boy's suicide in 2011.
The bullying by the boy's classmate was the "direct cause" of his death. The family argued that the school authorities had known their slow response could have led to the boy's suicide.
The family filed the court 77 million yen damages suit against the municipal government and the three victimizers.
I'm glad they the family' accusation has accepted. But still the family's grief hasn't over, 'cause the boy can't return.
Anywhere the bullying occurred,the government should set up school social worker, I hope so. And make efforts to unravel the bullying, the victimizers and the victims mostly need help.The classroom teacher has little time to do the survey.
It is better to pay to hair experts than pay much money in compensation. For the students teachers and parents, some third person to hear their situation is needed.
At a school, there tend to be an obsessed atmosphere, because they are ordered tone good students, good teachers. So students want to a scape goat, and teachers tend to deny it. It may hurts their career. Bullying should be ignored. People might hope complete justice, but it is difficult to exist.
6 Feb. 2013
On 26 Jan I went to Kyusyu Univ. to hear a lecture, Ikegami Akira's "Why do we learn? why do we communicate?" .
I had sent an application to attend the lecture for my daughter and myself. Then I got both, but regrettably on the day my daughter couldn't attend because of Shinken mock exam.
It snowed on the day. So I had to take my daughter to and from high school. I left for Fukuoka city with time to spare lest I would be caught traffic jam.
Not snowed so heavily I reached Fukuoka city earlier than I expected. So I rent to Kaizuka Park to take a walk. Then I went to Kyushu Univ. central library. I read a book till the lecture hall open. The lecture was held at 50th memorial hall.
There were large audience, hundreds of.
Mr. Ikegami 's lecture was attractive. First he talked that he found out from the experience of TV Kids News. He noticed what people didn't understand on news. Then he wrote many books to guidance. He feels such people who called experts have poor skill to communicate, and ordinary people have poor literacy.
Now he works for Tokyo Institute of Technology. He teaches students to progress their common sense and communication skill. He showed a sample of how to guide Algerian situation.
He started with the Nations' name which young people are were interested in, Algeria and Nigeria. Niger is French, meaning black river. Nigeria means the nation of Niger --black river--."a" means nation,in Latin. "stun" is also means nation in Persian. Algeria means many islands nation. Then he explanade the history of Algeria. War of independence from France, the election which the Islamic fundamentalism party wan, continued civil war, recent coalition government, and the refuged armed group to Mali.
He says, university education's duty is make students gain broad culture. So liberal arts is important.
He quoted Schopenhauer, "Reading books is just tracing others' thoughts, unless you rethink it." He recommended reading with doubting.
It was on the fifth day after a doctor forbade me going out because of flu. I'm satisfied to go.
1月26日 九州大学に池上彰さんの「何のために学び、伝えるのか」という講演を聴きに行った。
1 Feb. 2013
I had sent an application to attend the lecture for my daughter and myself. Then I got both, but regrettably on the day my daughter couldn't attend because of Shinken mock exam.
It snowed on the day. So I had to take my daughter to and from high school. I left for Fukuoka city with time to spare lest I would be caught traffic jam.
Not snowed so heavily I reached Fukuoka city earlier than I expected. So I rent to Kaizuka Park to take a walk. Then I went to Kyushu Univ. central library. I read a book till the lecture hall open. The lecture was held at 50th memorial hall.
There were large audience, hundreds of.
Mr. Ikegami 's lecture was attractive. First he talked that he found out from the experience of TV Kids News. He noticed what people didn't understand on news. Then he wrote many books to guidance. He feels such people who called experts have poor skill to communicate, and ordinary people have poor literacy.
Now he works for Tokyo Institute of Technology. He teaches students to progress their common sense and communication skill. He showed a sample of how to guide Algerian situation.
He started with the Nations' name which young people are were interested in, Algeria and Nigeria. Niger is French, meaning black river. Nigeria means the nation of Niger --black river--."a" means nation,in Latin. "stun" is also means nation in Persian. Algeria means many islands nation. Then he explanade the history of Algeria. War of independence from France, the election which the Islamic fundamentalism party wan, continued civil war, recent coalition government, and the refuged armed group to Mali.
He says, university education's duty is make students gain broad culture. So liberal arts is important.
He quoted Schopenhauer, "Reading books is just tracing others' thoughts, unless you rethink it." He recommended reading with doubting.
It was on the fifth day after a doctor forbade me going out because of flu. I'm satisfied to go.
1月26日 九州大学に池上彰さんの「何のために学び、伝えるのか」という講演を聴きに行った。
1 Feb. 2013
On 12 January, I watched a movie, "Our Homeland".
A family of three live,father, mother, and their daughter whose name is Rie.
There used to be a son who has gone to North Korea in 70's. Now he has serious disease. He comes to Japan to receive medical treatment with other two patients and a officer as a vigil. They are to stay three months.
Rie's brother whose name Sonho has a tumor. He goes to see a doctor and taken a examination. The doctor says three months is too short to treat him. Rie and her mother make effort to ask another doctor.
A woman who has come to Japan together needs to orthopedic surgery and she expects to have it.
But suddenly they receive an order to go back to North Korea in two days. Not knowing the reason Rie and her parents get grief.
I don't know why. Is the woman's surgery estimated too expensive?
Sonho says he will live without thinking, but he tells his younger sister Rie to live with thinking by herself.
Mother raises money to buy her son and the officer new suits which they put on when they leave.
This film has screened at Hita Chuo Kominkan, by a working committee. The movie director Yan Yonghi has come and talked with the audience.
The campaign to go to North Korea had started 1959 and continued 60's and 70's. About ninety four thousand people emigrated. Most of them were came from South Korea, but they expected the unification of North and South Korea.
This movie describes one of those experience, based on Yan Yonghi's own history.
She considers it is important that parents tell their children their family's history. She met many immigrant live in U.S. They know their history well and attempt to discuss with Japanese young people. But Japanese tend to be confused because they know little.
That movie is excellent, and has got the first prize of KinemaJunpo Japanese film. On the screening day Yan was given a bouquet for congratulation.
I admire the actresses who roled Rie and Omoni, Ando Sakura and Miyazaki Yoshiko. I was impressed. They showed how their hearts break when they couldn't prevent Sonho from leaving.
Yan Yonghi said she had not been allowed to visit her brothers lived in North Korea after making her documentary film. It is a sorrow.
I hope the unification of North and South Korea, at least resume the Six-Nation Talks.
1月12日 映画『かぞくのくに』を見た。
13 Jan. 2013
A family of three live,father, mother, and their daughter whose name is Rie.
There used to be a son who has gone to North Korea in 70's. Now he has serious disease. He comes to Japan to receive medical treatment with other two patients and a officer as a vigil. They are to stay three months.
Rie's brother whose name Sonho has a tumor. He goes to see a doctor and taken a examination. The doctor says three months is too short to treat him. Rie and her mother make effort to ask another doctor.
A woman who has come to Japan together needs to orthopedic surgery and she expects to have it.
But suddenly they receive an order to go back to North Korea in two days. Not knowing the reason Rie and her parents get grief.
I don't know why. Is the woman's surgery estimated too expensive?
Sonho says he will live without thinking, but he tells his younger sister Rie to live with thinking by herself.
Mother raises money to buy her son and the officer new suits which they put on when they leave.
This film has screened at Hita Chuo Kominkan, by a working committee. The movie director Yan Yonghi has come and talked with the audience.
The campaign to go to North Korea had started 1959 and continued 60's and 70's. About ninety four thousand people emigrated. Most of them were came from South Korea, but they expected the unification of North and South Korea.
This movie describes one of those experience, based on Yan Yonghi's own history.
She considers it is important that parents tell their children their family's history. She met many immigrant live in U.S. They know their history well and attempt to discuss with Japanese young people. But Japanese tend to be confused because they know little.
That movie is excellent, and has got the first prize of KinemaJunpo Japanese film. On the screening day Yan was given a bouquet for congratulation.
I admire the actresses who roled Rie and Omoni, Ando Sakura and Miyazaki Yoshiko. I was impressed. They showed how their hearts break when they couldn't prevent Sonho from leaving.
Yan Yonghi said she had not been allowed to visit her brothers lived in North Korea after making her documentary film. It is a sorrow.
I hope the unification of North and South Korea, at least resume the Six-Nation Talks.
1月12日 映画『かぞくのくに』を見た。
13 Jan. 2013
My new year's resolution
I hope to grow two or three kinds of green vegetables.
Over ten years ago,I started arranging my garden. While about five years I tried this or that. Planting hedges, installing a pergola, planting trees and perennial plants and so on.
But recently I have hesitated to do gardening. Branches has grown too much, weed has occupied too much, which annoys me.
I cut hedges and branches which over hung the next-door neighbor's garden occasionally.
I made up my mind. I gave up some area to grow plants. I will cover anti-weed sheet where I don't want to weed. And I will choose an area to make a vegetable garden. I'll plant two or three vegetables.
To prepare the vegetable garden, I pulled six red robin and transplanted on a winter holiday. To prepare make the empty aria, I pulled a big Pampas Grass and a small grass. Formerly I liked to see the Pampas Grass blooming. But it grew too much. I thought that If I didn't pull it out now, I would not be able to cut hereafter.
Pulling out plants was drudgery. I'm glad I've done it somehow.
Now I have enjoyable time to plan my garden.
I want to do something in the simplest way. I've read a library book,its title is "Recommend lazy gardening" written by Saito Yoshikazu. I requested his another book, "First step of lazy gardening".
Next resolution. I hope I will be attentive to my sons instead of complaining, and less anxious to them succeed finding jobs.
I might have been demanding them to be normal. When Japan was highly developing, people who graduated schools get jobs ordinarily. Now the social situation has changed. Still I demandded my sons get jobs as same as before.
I sent e-mails to inform the Fukuoka prefectural cite or Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare cite to my second eldest son.
I met him on 2nd January. He looked like being annoyed. So I have noticed. The less I hope, the less I will be disappointed.
Even if he won't get regular job, still he will be able to find happiness he deserve. I hope so.
5 Jan. 2013
I hope to grow two or three kinds of green vegetables.
Over ten years ago,I started arranging my garden. While about five years I tried this or that. Planting hedges, installing a pergola, planting trees and perennial plants and so on.
But recently I have hesitated to do gardening. Branches has grown too much, weed has occupied too much, which annoys me.
I cut hedges and branches which over hung the next-door neighbor's garden occasionally.
I made up my mind. I gave up some area to grow plants. I will cover anti-weed sheet where I don't want to weed. And I will choose an area to make a vegetable garden. I'll plant two or three vegetables.
To prepare the vegetable garden, I pulled six red robin and transplanted on a winter holiday. To prepare make the empty aria, I pulled a big Pampas Grass and a small grass. Formerly I liked to see the Pampas Grass blooming. But it grew too much. I thought that If I didn't pull it out now, I would not be able to cut hereafter.
Pulling out plants was drudgery. I'm glad I've done it somehow.
Now I have enjoyable time to plan my garden.
I want to do something in the simplest way. I've read a library book,its title is "Recommend lazy gardening" written by Saito Yoshikazu. I requested his another book, "First step of lazy gardening".
Next resolution. I hope I will be attentive to my sons instead of complaining, and less anxious to them succeed finding jobs.
I might have been demanding them to be normal. When Japan was highly developing, people who graduated schools get jobs ordinarily. Now the social situation has changed. Still I demandded my sons get jobs as same as before.
I sent e-mails to inform the Fukuoka prefectural cite or Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare cite to my second eldest son.
I met him on 2nd January. He looked like being annoyed. So I have noticed. The less I hope, the less I will be disappointed.
Even if he won't get regular job, still he will be able to find happiness he deserve. I hope so.
5 Jan. 2013
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