Today, I went to Oita prefectural library on business.The appointed time was 2 o'clock.
My daughter had to go to Hita city, and the wether forecast said it would snow. She thought it would dangerous to go by motorcycle. So I took her to Hita then went to Oita. After I finished my business I intended to go to Hita to pick her up.
I talked with some librarians at Oita prefectural library, then I left at 4:30. I drove through Oita express way, at Yufuin it was closed for snow. Between Yufuiin and Kusu interchange the express way was closed.
I drove through Route 210 to Kusu town. At Kusu town I got a call from my daughter, she said she was waiting me at Hita municipal library. I kept on driving.
From Kusu town to Hita city, there was a bridge, which had long slope up and down. When I was going down, I didn't understand why, I couldn't control my car. My car drove like a drunken driver's car. My car went across the yellow center line. It swung right and left. I thought I would be dead if a truck came on the opposite lane. After swung to left, the front tire bump to the pedestrian area which was higher about 10cm. Then I could drive on my lane. Fortunately while I was meandering any car came on the opposite lane.
My both shoulder and both arms were stiff and my chest choke.
I thought I might have died. Then my heart beat rapider than usual.
I should be more careful. The express way was closed for snow. Even if the Route 210 was not closed, it should be a certain dangerous. The road surface seemed wet everywhere. The bridge seemed wet as the same. But it was a bit icy. So scary!
Is there any God? I'm grateful deeply. I thought I couldn't pick up my daughter forever at the moment.
I was glad I could came back safely.
Who knows when his/her life ends?
I must let my sons be independent as soon as possible.
Dec.23 2012
The book emcourages you
The book encourages you.
HonestlyI still feel regret that my three sons have misery lives.
I know that since there are not enough chairs someone can't get a chair at the musical chairs. But I can't stop thinking if there was something wrong in my rearing. So I think which book I should recommend myself to encourage.
What is proper for the person who looks back one's past in vain? How about "The Remains of the Day" written by Kazuo Ishiguro, the phrase "After all, there's no turning back the clock now." will helps.
Or is it better "The Inimitable Jeeves" by P.G.Wodehouse to make you laugh? Or "Small, good things" by Raymond Carver? A little bit banality?
Now I have a book which is exciting. I have borrowed it from a municipal library last Tuesday. The translated in Japanese "For the Love of Physics" written by Walter Lewin. It is so interesting and instructive, which has many website links that encourage you know further. I recommend this book who wants to stop feeling down. Because it lead you to have a mind of wide scope and respect pioneers of getting knowledge about space.
You will be interested in the online lecture of such amazing class. Maybe you will forget that you had worried.
思ってもしようがない過去を振り返っている人にふさわしいのはどんな本か? カズオ・イシグロの『日の名残り』はどうか? 名せりふ「結局、時計を巻き直すことはできないんですもの」は助けになるかも。
それとも、笑わせるために、ウッドハウスの『やったぜ、ジーヴス』の方がいいかな? それか、レイモンド・カーヴァーの『ささやかだけど大切なこと』? ちょっと定番すぎる?
Dec. 9 2012
HonestlyI still feel regret that my three sons have misery lives.
I know that since there are not enough chairs someone can't get a chair at the musical chairs. But I can't stop thinking if there was something wrong in my rearing. So I think which book I should recommend myself to encourage.
What is proper for the person who looks back one's past in vain? How about "The Remains of the Day" written by Kazuo Ishiguro, the phrase "After all, there's no turning back the clock now." will helps.
Or is it better "The Inimitable Jeeves" by P.G.Wodehouse to make you laugh? Or "Small, good things" by Raymond Carver? A little bit banality?
Now I have a book which is exciting. I have borrowed it from a municipal library last Tuesday. The translated in Japanese "For the Love of Physics" written by Walter Lewin. It is so interesting and instructive, which has many website links that encourage you know further. I recommend this book who wants to stop feeling down. Because it lead you to have a mind of wide scope and respect pioneers of getting knowledge about space.
You will be interested in the online lecture of such amazing class. Maybe you will forget that you had worried.
思ってもしようがない過去を振り返っている人にふさわしいのはどんな本か? カズオ・イシグロの『日の名残り』はどうか? 名せりふ「結局、時計を巻き直すことはできないんですもの」は助けになるかも。
それとも、笑わせるために、ウッドハウスの『やったぜ、ジーヴス』の方がいいかな? それか、レイモンド・カーヴァーの『ささやかだけど大切なこと』? ちょっと定番すぎる?
Dec. 9 2012
Visiting my sons
Yesterday, since second Dec. was my son's birthday, my daughter and I made a birthday cake. Then we went to Fukuoka city to give him this cake. Because we won't be able to go on second Dec. for another appointment.
I packed it in a cake box, around the dish I put rolled bubble wrap lest it should move. I wanted to encourage him, honestly I needed to encourage myself, maybe.
We ate Kamo-Nabe ,hot-pot of duck meat, together. We chatted about seeking for job. My third eldest son had registered at the Hello work, the employment agency. But my second eldest son had not. Though he had lost his temporary work recently, he didn't try to find a new job. He looked like having been feeling down. I couldn't help. Even if he was more talented, he would have difficulties in finding a job. He is not so talented, just healthy, gentle and honest, it is not enough find a job. He must be active to work. Losing a job made him down. I could guess how he felt. But I should encourage him. Mr. Watson had taught me a phrase "make lemonade out of lemon", so I told him.
My third eldest son was going to take an interview on 3 Dec. Monday. The employment agency recommended him a company which deals with working uniform. I wish he will give the interviewer favorable impression.
2 Dec. 2012
I'm enjoying ESL
I went to the dentist today. I had my two teeth pulled out in late Oct. and in the beginning of Nov. Now they preparing my dental bridge in left side. After I will have dental bridge, I'll have false teeth in right side.
I should give up to be an old lady with spick-and-span teeth. Also I gave up raven locks.
And I don't know how long my life remained. When I was young, I listened a song asking "When I'm sixty four", "Will you still need me?" "Will you still sending me a Valentine?" "Birthday morning a bottle of wine?"
When I'm sixty four, nobody will send me a Valentine. I'll buy a bottle of wine for me on my birthday if possible.
I want to be a waitress who can be a nanny.
I don't want to obsess my own grandchild.But I want to play with babies or children, because it is just fun. Add to that I want to be a certain use lest I should be useless.
In the morning I cooked the sweet potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil which one side is black. In only twenty minutes it had baked well.
I used to cook sweet potatoes by a pan can be used without water. It used to take about one hour. So this way can save fuel expenses.
Recently I listen to a Podcasting of ESL--English as a Second Language.
It is so interesting and instructive. I've gotten an iPod touch which my daughter handed down me. On iPod screen I can read the dialogue and words. I didn't notice those on my iMac screen.
Now I can enjoy that more than ever.
最近ESL 第2外国語としての英語 のポッドキャストを聴いている。
24 Nov. 2012
I should give up to be an old lady with spick-and-span teeth. Also I gave up raven locks.
And I don't know how long my life remained. When I was young, I listened a song asking "When I'm sixty four", "Will you still need me?" "Will you still sending me a Valentine?" "Birthday morning a bottle of wine?"
When I'm sixty four, nobody will send me a Valentine. I'll buy a bottle of wine for me on my birthday if possible.
I want to be a waitress who can be a nanny.
I don't want to obsess my own grandchild.But I want to play with babies or children, because it is just fun. Add to that I want to be a certain use lest I should be useless.
In the morning I cooked the sweet potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil which one side is black. In only twenty minutes it had baked well.
I used to cook sweet potatoes by a pan can be used without water. It used to take about one hour. So this way can save fuel expenses.
Recently I listen to a Podcasting of ESL--English as a Second Language.
It is so interesting and instructive. I've gotten an iPod touch which my daughter handed down me. On iPod screen I can read the dialogue and words. I didn't notice those on my iMac screen.
Now I can enjoy that more than ever.
最近ESL 第2外国語としての英語 のポッドキャストを聴いている。
24 Nov. 2012
the result of employment exams
My third eldest son had taken four employment examinations of public servant.
He passed the first stage exam two of the four. He has taken two second stage exams.Those were interviews and essays.
The result was shown last Wednesday and Friday,yesterday, and he couldn't passed any.
The day when I was texted the news from him, I texted back "Don't worry.","Nothing of you've done is useless".
And today I called him wondering if he was disappointed. To talk about the employment examination of court secretary, fifty from three hundred seventy people had passed at the first stage exam and finally ten people passed at the second stage. The rest forty people would go through hardships.
He said he had visited a Hellowork, the government employment agency, already. He was going to find a job. I was glad to see he wasn't disappointed.
I didn't cry when I knew he didn't passed the examination, but I cried a little to see he was not disappointed.I'm proud of him. I know he is a a man of type who hammer at work. He will find an occupation to be suited a person like him.
17 Nov. 2012
He passed the first stage exam two of the four. He has taken two second stage exams.Those were interviews and essays.
The result was shown last Wednesday and Friday,yesterday, and he couldn't passed any.
The day when I was texted the news from him, I texted back "Don't worry.","Nothing of you've done is useless".
And today I called him wondering if he was disappointed. To talk about the employment examination of court secretary, fifty from three hundred seventy people had passed at the first stage exam and finally ten people passed at the second stage. The rest forty people would go through hardships.
He said he had visited a Hellowork, the government employment agency, already. He was going to find a job. I was glad to see he wasn't disappointed.
I didn't cry when I knew he didn't passed the examination, but I cried a little to see he was not disappointed.I'm proud of him. I know he is a a man of type who hammer at work. He will find an occupation to be suited a person like him.
17 Nov. 2012
Athletic Meet / Tour
On Oct.30 there was an Athletic Meet of our school.Students were enjoyed all the games as same as last year.
I took part in two games,. One was a relay mixed style, at the game I ran a three-legged race part. Another was just relay, I ran fifty meter. Though I had been nervous before I ran fortunately I could run without being injured.
I played the three-legged race with Mr.T. We chatted before the game. He was in printed T-shirt. The illustration was ocean and palm tree, looked like happy-go-lucky. At the bottom of the picture there was a letter online mortgage. I asked him what mortgage was.He said someone who had a house borrowed money from a bank, he negotiated with the bank how much he borrow and how much the interest. If he would not be able to return the money he would lose the house. Nowadays it became big problem, many people lost their houses.
I asked him if those who had lost their houses became homeless. He said not all of them became homeless, some rented houses and others moved to their friends'.
He said not only banks, there were companies for mortgage. I didn't know. I was interested in.
On Nov. 4 six of my co-workers and I went to Iki island. Though Iki island is in Nagasaki prefecture, the sea route is between Karatsu in Saga prefecture and Iki island. As soon as we arrived at Iki, we ate Iki beef for lunch. It was so tender and delicious. We visited a brewery, where we observed the process of brewing and tasted various liquors. We were satisfied so much and bought bottles of liquors. We ate sea urchin eggs Don for dinner. It was so fresh and so delicious. On the next day, we left Iki island, went to Yobuko to eat cuttlefish. The slices of living cuttlefish was so delicious. Then we went to Karatsu to see pottery.
It was one night two days trip by car. I thought the driver was so tired, I was grateful for him.
二人三脚はTさんと組んだ。走る前にしゃべった。プリントのTシャツを着ていらした。そのイラストは海とヤシの木というのんきな絵柄だった。絵の下にオンライン モーゲージという文字があった。モーゲージって何かたずねた。家を持っている人が銀行からお金を借りるそうだ。いくらまで借りるか利息はいくらにするかは交渉して決めるらしい。もし、お金を返すことができなければ家を失う。ちかごろ大きな問題になっているそうだ。たくさんの人が家を失った。
16 Nov. 2012
I took part in two games,. One was a relay mixed style, at the game I ran a three-legged race part. Another was just relay, I ran fifty meter. Though I had been nervous before I ran fortunately I could run without being injured.
I played the three-legged race with Mr.T. We chatted before the game. He was in printed T-shirt. The illustration was ocean and palm tree, looked like happy-go-lucky. At the bottom of the picture there was a letter online mortgage. I asked him what mortgage was.He said someone who had a house borrowed money from a bank, he negotiated with the bank how much he borrow and how much the interest. If he would not be able to return the money he would lose the house. Nowadays it became big problem, many people lost their houses.
I asked him if those who had lost their houses became homeless. He said not all of them became homeless, some rented houses and others moved to their friends'.
He said not only banks, there were companies for mortgage. I didn't know. I was interested in.
On Nov. 4 six of my co-workers and I went to Iki island. Though Iki island is in Nagasaki prefecture, the sea route is between Karatsu in Saga prefecture and Iki island. As soon as we arrived at Iki, we ate Iki beef for lunch. It was so tender and delicious. We visited a brewery, where we observed the process of brewing and tasted various liquors. We were satisfied so much and bought bottles of liquors. We ate sea urchin eggs Don for dinner. It was so fresh and so delicious. On the next day, we left Iki island, went to Yobuko to eat cuttlefish. The slices of living cuttlefish was so delicious. Then we went to Karatsu to see pottery.
It was one night two days trip by car. I thought the driver was so tired, I was grateful for him.
二人三脚はTさんと組んだ。走る前にしゃべった。プリントのTシャツを着ていらした。そのイラストは海とヤシの木というのんきな絵柄だった。絵の下にオンライン モーゲージという文字があった。モーゲージって何かたずねた。家を持っている人が銀行からお金を借りるそうだ。いくらまで借りるか利息はいくらにするかは交渉して決めるらしい。もし、お金を返すことができなければ家を失う。ちかごろ大きな問題になっているそうだ。たくさんの人が家を失った。
16 Nov. 2012
Reading Week
The reading week campaign
I'm afraid the reading week campaign is less popular than Halloween for Japanese young people.
Does my daughter know about the reading week campaign?
According to the Reading Promotion Conference web site it started in 1947. In these days the country had yet recovered from the effects of the war. The people who thought they should rebuilt a nation based on peace and couture worked together.
They worked for publishing companies, book traders book stores, and libraries. Add to them newspaper companies and broadcast companies participated to start the "Reading Week".
THe first reading week was held from Nov. 17 to 23. It followed the children's book week held during a week from Nov. 16 in U.S.
It has past over sixty years, the reading week spread nationwide, Japan is one of the country which people read books remarkably.
I hope this reading week will helps children be aware of the worth of reading.
若い人たちのなかで、読書週間はハロウィーンに負けてるんじゃないか。 娘は読書週間について知っているだろうか?
読書推進協議会のウェブサイトによれば、読書週間は1947年に始まった。まだ敗戦の影響から抜け出せていない頃だ。平和で文化的な国家を再建しようと考えた人たちが力を合わせて動いた。彼らは出版社 取次 書店 図書館で働いていた。それに加え、新聞社や放送局もこの運動に参加して「読書週間」は始まった。
Nov 26 2012
I'm afraid the reading week campaign is less popular than Halloween for Japanese young people.
Does my daughter know about the reading week campaign?
According to the Reading Promotion Conference web site it started in 1947. In these days the country had yet recovered from the effects of the war. The people who thought they should rebuilt a nation based on peace and couture worked together.
They worked for publishing companies, book traders book stores, and libraries. Add to them newspaper companies and broadcast companies participated to start the "Reading Week".
THe first reading week was held from Nov. 17 to 23. It followed the children's book week held during a week from Nov. 16 in U.S.
It has past over sixty years, the reading week spread nationwide, Japan is one of the country which people read books remarkably.
I hope this reading week will helps children be aware of the worth of reading.
若い人たちのなかで、読書週間はハロウィーンに負けてるんじゃないか。 娘は読書週間について知っているだろうか?
読書推進協議会のウェブサイトによれば、読書週間は1947年に始まった。まだ敗戦の影響から抜け出せていない頃だ。平和で文化的な国家を再建しようと考えた人たちが力を合わせて動いた。彼らは出版社 取次 書店 図書館で働いていた。それに加え、新聞社や放送局もこの運動に参加して「読書週間」は始まった。
Nov 26 2012
I've read a book, "the Film Club" written by David Gilmour and translated by Hiroshi Takami. The Japanese edition has beautiful cover designed by Shinchosha Design Division.
This is a kind of a journal narrated by a father.
When his sixteen-year-old son, Jessee, dropped out school, David told him,
" You can drop out, not work, not pay rent. You can sleep till five pm every day. But never take drug, or you won't be my son."
"And one ore. You must watch three films a week, my choosing." "It's your only education."
Then they watched "Les Quatre cents Coups", at the first.
During three years they watched three films a week. David talks about films, about girls, music … anything Jessee suffered from or was interested in.
Every now and then he worried whether he was doing right or not.
Jessee had changed little by little. He started to work washing dishes at a restaurant, to play lap music with a friend.
On one day, after three years the film club started, he said to his father he would like to go to school. He took a three months' concentrated course and passed the high school equivalency examination. He is no longer a chaotic teenager. I admire David for his patience. He has been efforts to be sincere to his son.
This is also an excellent guide book for films. So instructive for both who is rearing children and a film fan.
『父と息子のフィルム・クラブ』デヴィッド・ギルモア著 高見浩訳を読みました。日本語版は新潮社美術班の手になる表紙がとてもきれいです。
3年のあいだ、週3本映画を見ました。デヴィッドは息子に映画のこと、女の子のこと、音楽のこと等等 息子が苦しんでいること、興味のあることを何でも話しました。
19 Oct. 2012
a local community volleyball tournament
Yesterday I went to Oita city to attend our labor union's assembly and a study meeting. It was partly hard partly fun.
In the morning an assembly was held, in the afternoon a study meeting was held. I left Oita city about five.
In the evening a local community volleyball tournament was planned. I was going to take part in it. I went back in a hurry.
Fortunately I was in time. It started at six forty-five with an opening ceremony. In the beginning some teams were short of members, but more and more people gathered by seven o'clock. At seven the first game started. There were five teams. Our team played four games. I'm not sure but we won two and lost two.
The thank-you party had started at ten o'clock at our town's community house. We were given a forth prize., and I was given a best effort prize, so nice flashlight. I talked with the neighbor. We had a good time. I came back home around one o'clock.
午前中、大会があり、午後 学習会があった。5時ごろ大分市を出た。
14 Oct. 2012
In the morning an assembly was held, in the afternoon a study meeting was held. I left Oita city about five.
In the evening a local community volleyball tournament was planned. I was going to take part in it. I went back in a hurry.
Fortunately I was in time. It started at six forty-five with an opening ceremony. In the beginning some teams were short of members, but more and more people gathered by seven o'clock. At seven the first game started. There were five teams. Our team played four games. I'm not sure but we won two and lost two.
The thank-you party had started at ten o'clock at our town's community house. We were given a forth prize., and I was given a best effort prize, so nice flashlight. I talked with the neighbor. We had a good time. I came back home around one o'clock.
午前中、大会があり、午後 学習会があった。5時ごろ大分市を出た。
14 Oct. 2012
the measles immunization
I went to a pediatrician to get a vaccination of measles on last Tuesday.
There was a survey if I had an antibody of measles at my work place.
The man deal with the health department said that in Miyazaki prefecture there was an epidemic of measles at a junior high school.
One female teacher had caught measles, then her students and the students families and her husband, he was also a junior high school teacher, caught measles. The junior high school was closed for some days. Because of that at Oita prefecture they ought to check each worker's antibody to measles.
Last year or before that I asked my mother if I had caught measles or had vaccination. She said I probably caught measles.
But I thought it again. She was over seventy years old. Can I trust her memory?
So I went to a pediatrician who used to have been taken care of my children. When I was inoculated, he said probably it would build up antibodies.
The fee was four thousand five hundred yen. It was not cheap. But thanks for it I'm relived now.
14 Oct. 2012
There was a survey if I had an antibody of measles at my work place.
The man deal with the health department said that in Miyazaki prefecture there was an epidemic of measles at a junior high school.
One female teacher had caught measles, then her students and the students families and her husband, he was also a junior high school teacher, caught measles. The junior high school was closed for some days. Because of that at Oita prefecture they ought to check each worker's antibody to measles.
Last year or before that I asked my mother if I had caught measles or had vaccination. She said I probably caught measles.
But I thought it again. She was over seventy years old. Can I trust her memory?
So I went to a pediatrician who used to have been taken care of my children. When I was inoculated, he said probably it would build up antibodies.
The fee was four thousand five hundred yen. It was not cheap. But thanks for it I'm relived now.
14 Oct. 2012
Daughter is out for excursion
My daughter, second grade in Hita high school, left home for an excursion on last Tuesday.
14 students of the high school will study in Malaysia for 5 nights 6days.
They will be taught about sustainable Ecosystem at a tropical plants park. They will visit Batu Caves. They will meet Malaisyan high school students and make a presentation. They have been prepared for the presentation divided some groups.
A group will explain about Hita city, the culture, the history, nature or school,perhaps. The other groups explain about their studies they have been devoted. Every students bring a little present for each of them.
They will visit a college and will be taught about biomass from two professors, one of them is a Japanese. They will have a good time.
I'm so glad for her having such a good opportunity. I don't miss her. But partly I'm board. I feel something lack, I'm not content slightly. I feel I haven't turned on a switch of myself.
In the morning nobody says "Good morning", when I've cooked nobody says anything.
I understand it is not surprising. After my first eldest son had left home, my second eldest son and third eldest son also have left home. My daughter is leaving home in a year and half.
In the fridge, there are full of apples. My daughter complains if there isn't any. That may be the reason I feel uncomfortable.
I also love apples. I may as well eat them as much as I want.
朝 おはようと言ってくれる人はいない。ごはんを作っても誰も何も言わない。
Oct. 4 2012
14 students of the high school will study in Malaysia for 5 nights 6days.
They will be taught about sustainable Ecosystem at a tropical plants park. They will visit Batu Caves. They will meet Malaisyan high school students and make a presentation. They have been prepared for the presentation divided some groups.
A group will explain about Hita city, the culture, the history, nature or school,perhaps. The other groups explain about their studies they have been devoted. Every students bring a little present for each of them.
They will visit a college and will be taught about biomass from two professors, one of them is a Japanese. They will have a good time.
I'm so glad for her having such a good opportunity. I don't miss her. But partly I'm board. I feel something lack, I'm not content slightly. I feel I haven't turned on a switch of myself.
In the morning nobody says "Good morning", when I've cooked nobody says anything.
I understand it is not surprising. After my first eldest son had left home, my second eldest son and third eldest son also have left home. My daughter is leaving home in a year and half.
In the fridge, there are full of apples. My daughter complains if there isn't any. That may be the reason I feel uncomfortable.
I also love apples. I may as well eat them as much as I want.
朝 おはようと言ってくれる人はいない。ごはんを作っても誰も何も言わない。
Oct. 4 2012
The last athletic meet
On Sept. 22, my daughter and I went to Kitakyusyu city, to visit the Inochi no tabi Museum.
It was the first time to visit there for us. There was a special exhibition of dinosaurs. There were many other regular exhibitions which instructed us the ancient periods. The entrance fee for the special exhibition was 700 yen, for the regular exhibition was 500 yen. But the fee for both was 1000 yen. My daughter paid the student fee 600 yen.
There were many families with children. The children seemed like attracted by the reconstruction of the skeleton of dinosaurs.
Add to the special exhibition, we saw the regular exhibition. It was enjoyable. They showed us the history of Kitakyusyu city, both biology and human society.
Then we went to my son's apartment in Fukuoka city. Before I reached there I got lost. I used my smartphone's navi in the morning, from Hita city to Kitakyusyu city. As the result the battery had died.
I asked to three pedestrians and a clerk at a convenience store. My daughter and I knew we were very near. We were driving around and around the district unable to get.
At last we reached my son's apartment.
A week later I watched a video clip in Youtube about combinatorial explosion. I have got it.
A teacher demonstrated how many ways are there in a square to go from "S" to "G".
The total number of routes that to not pass by the same place twice if you divide the square into 2 by 2, there were 12 ways.
If you divide 5 by 5 , 1262816 ways.
6 by 6 , 575780564 ways.
If there are 6 divisions, there are 500 million combinations of ways!
Near a house there are about 10 × 10 paths. So I comprehended why it was hard to choice a proper paths to a goal.
On Sept. 23 there was an athletic meet in my neighbor.
I took my second eldest son and third eldest son back home. I asked my second eldest son to help the preparation of an Athletic meet which start at 7 a.m. on the next day. Because I had to take my third eldest son to Oita city before 7 o'clock. He took a recruit exam.
After I took him, I went to the athletic meet.
It was the last athletic meet of the elementary school in our town. So the neighbors were gathered as many as possible. The graduates of the elementary school had come. Thanks to rain of the previous night, there was not dusty.
All of us had a good time, felt partly sad.
9月22日 娘と北九州市のいのちのたび博物館へ行った。
30 Sept. 2012
It was the first time to visit there for us. There was a special exhibition of dinosaurs. There were many other regular exhibitions which instructed us the ancient periods. The entrance fee for the special exhibition was 700 yen, for the regular exhibition was 500 yen. But the fee for both was 1000 yen. My daughter paid the student fee 600 yen.
There were many families with children. The children seemed like attracted by the reconstruction of the skeleton of dinosaurs.
Add to the special exhibition, we saw the regular exhibition. It was enjoyable. They showed us the history of Kitakyusyu city, both biology and human society.
Then we went to my son's apartment in Fukuoka city. Before I reached there I got lost. I used my smartphone's navi in the morning, from Hita city to Kitakyusyu city. As the result the battery had died.
I asked to three pedestrians and a clerk at a convenience store. My daughter and I knew we were very near. We were driving around and around the district unable to get.
At last we reached my son's apartment.
A week later I watched a video clip in Youtube about combinatorial explosion. I have got it.
A teacher demonstrated how many ways are there in a square to go from "S" to "G".
The total number of routes that to not pass by the same place twice if you divide the square into 2 by 2, there were 12 ways.
If you divide 5 by 5 , 1262816 ways.
6 by 6 , 575780564 ways.
If there are 6 divisions, there are 500 million combinations of ways!
Near a house there are about 10 × 10 paths. So I comprehended why it was hard to choice a proper paths to a goal.
On Sept. 23 there was an athletic meet in my neighbor.
I took my second eldest son and third eldest son back home. I asked my second eldest son to help the preparation of an Athletic meet which start at 7 a.m. on the next day. Because I had to take my third eldest son to Oita city before 7 o'clock. He took a recruit exam.
After I took him, I went to the athletic meet.
It was the last athletic meet of the elementary school in our town. So the neighbors were gathered as many as possible. The graduates of the elementary school had come. Thanks to rain of the previous night, there was not dusty.
All of us had a good time, felt partly sad.
9月22日 娘と北九州市のいのちのたび博物館へ行った。
30 Sept. 2012
Planning my funeral ceremony
I've borrowed a book from Tanso Library.Its title is "A funeral ceremony planner Madoka's File", the author is Shoko Okuyama, the publisher is Bungeishunju.
In this book, a woman named Madoka Kawashima, advices some people who have to service their nearest family's funeral ceremonies.
There are various ways. Talking about a D.I.Y style funeral ceremony, a chief mourner can use a public hall and his relatives help him.
Another style, a stand by funeral ceremony, you can reserve your ceremony contract with a ceremony company.
And another style, a woods funeral (woods cemetery), you ashes can be buried at a foot of tree. Though usually you can't be allowed being buried anywhere you like, there are some woods with permission as a cemetery.
If you want to have your dearest person's ashes, you should order some ornaments made of ashes.
If you want your ashes scatter on the sea, there are some companies which deal with it. If your relatives want to it themselves, they might charter a ship. You want just scatter your ashes, you should offer being scattered with other peoples' ashes, it is cheaper.
This book is so instructive and interesting. I haven't decide my funeral ceremony or my cemetery. Honestly I haven't decide what to do after I would have retired also.
I should think about it. It will annoy my children if there would be no direction.
20 Sept. 2012
Orange and Sunshine
Today, I've watched a movie, the Orange and Sunshine.
It was a story about the child migration from U.K. to Australia. A tragic story. Those children lost their families, their identities, and had suffered with hard labor and rape.
A social worker Margaret Humphreys and her husband made effort to search for the hidden fact, despite the cruel harassment .
It was so touched.
I watched it at Hita cinematheque liberate. There was only one audience except me. We two women chatted after the movie was over. We looked some posters of the movies coming soon on the wall. She said, viewing these posters made her want to watch all. I agreed. We were lucky because on Wednesday ladies could watch with low fee.She said she usually paid senior fee. I'm looking forward to be senior.
12 Sept. 2012
It was a story about the child migration from U.K. to Australia. A tragic story. Those children lost their families, their identities, and had suffered with hard labor and rape.
A social worker Margaret Humphreys and her husband made effort to search for the hidden fact, despite the cruel harassment .
It was so touched.
I watched it at Hita cinematheque liberate. There was only one audience except me. We two women chatted after the movie was over. We looked some posters of the movies coming soon on the wall. She said, viewing these posters made her want to watch all. I agreed. We were lucky because on Wednesday ladies could watch with low fee.She said she usually paid senior fee. I'm looking forward to be senior.
12 Sept. 2012
A lecture about gender and sexual minority
On last Thursday, 6 Sept., I went to Oita city after lunch. There was an annual assembly of Oita prefectural conference of high school education advancement.
After praising people who have made effort supporting public high schools, there was a lecture.
I don't know which is better to describe "she" or "he".
The lecturer was a person of gender identity disorder. I call "he", because he wore trousers. He said he used to dislike wearing skirt in his school girl days.
He talked about the feeling something different or something wrong. He used to dislike his girlish name.
He was brought up in Hokkaido, then he has come to Kyushu, Hita city. He wanted to keep distance from his family and home town.
Now he has come out his boss and a few friends that he is female officially.
He wants to change the content of description on his proof at gender. But he can't it before he finish the series of operations of sex transformation. He is on half-way of the process.
He said the sex and sexuality were various. If your child was a gender minority, he hoped not to grieve.
It takes time for us all to be used to.
But I think the lecture was very important.
12 Sept. 2012
After praising people who have made effort supporting public high schools, there was a lecture.
I don't know which is better to describe "she" or "he".
The lecturer was a person of gender identity disorder. I call "he", because he wore trousers. He said he used to dislike wearing skirt in his school girl days.
He talked about the feeling something different or something wrong. He used to dislike his girlish name.
He was brought up in Hokkaido, then he has come to Kyushu, Hita city. He wanted to keep distance from his family and home town.
Now he has come out his boss and a few friends that he is female officially.
He wants to change the content of description on his proof at gender. But he can't it before he finish the series of operations of sex transformation. He is on half-way of the process.
He said the sex and sexuality were various. If your child was a gender minority, he hoped not to grieve.
It takes time for us all to be used to.
But I think the lecture was very important.
12 Sept. 2012
The talk about victims of sex industry
On 26 Aug, I went to an elementary school in my town. To prepare the coming athletic meet, the elementary school students, their parents, and the representative from each neighborhood had gathered to weed the ground. We weeded ninety minutes.
Then I went to the commenty center to clean it up, because it was the day my neighborhood was on duty to clean it. We swept and wiped the floor, got rid of spider webs. And cleaned the out door toilet carefully, because it will be useful on the athletic meet day.
After the duty was over, not having to do particular, I watched YouTube video clips. I wanted to watch TEDx Tokyo.
It was held in last spring at Tokyo, to choose the representative of Japan.
I watched Katoh Tokiko, John Maeda, and a little more.
I was impressed by all of them. But I was surprised and touched by Shihoko Fujiwara's talk most.
She has funded a NPO which fight against trafficking.
She talked that for the past eight years the organization was working to help victims became sex trafficking in Japan. It helped more than 120 victims, but she estimates there's more than 54000 victims still trying to escape. They can't come out because of fear, because of shame.
She talked about a thirteen years old girl. When she trafficked by happens, so many men bought her. It was obvious she was being forced, she wasn't willing to be there. But no one cared. She had been prostituted for two months everyday. She talked how sofiscated sex industry had become. She talked about her own experience. On one day she was in a subway train. A guy sitting next to her was scrolling his iPhone. Thanks to the internet he purchased of the escort service. He was scrolling down, and deciding a girl, which girl to choose, and deciding time and venue, in a few hours she would be delivered to his apartment or a hotel.
She concerned that people were not interested in having intimate relationship. She thought some people were making sex disposable like fast food.
She asked all the audience, "Do you want to choose the society where the commercialization of sex is our daily life, or the society we teach our children the importance the sexiality and the positive side of sex and how to rebuild the intimate relationship."
Reglettably she wasn't chosen the representative. But I'm grateful to know this matter.
8月26日 町の小学校に行った。運動会に向けて、小学生、その親、地域の各地区の代表者が校庭の草取りをした。1時間半草を取った。
Sept. 1 2012
Then I went to the commenty center to clean it up, because it was the day my neighborhood was on duty to clean it. We swept and wiped the floor, got rid of spider webs. And cleaned the out door toilet carefully, because it will be useful on the athletic meet day.
After the duty was over, not having to do particular, I watched YouTube video clips. I wanted to watch TEDx Tokyo.
It was held in last spring at Tokyo, to choose the representative of Japan.
I watched Katoh Tokiko, John Maeda, and a little more.
I was impressed by all of them. But I was surprised and touched by Shihoko Fujiwara's talk most.
She has funded a NPO which fight against trafficking.
She talked that for the past eight years the organization was working to help victims became sex trafficking in Japan. It helped more than 120 victims, but she estimates there's more than 54000 victims still trying to escape. They can't come out because of fear, because of shame.
She talked about a thirteen years old girl. When she trafficked by happens, so many men bought her. It was obvious she was being forced, she wasn't willing to be there. But no one cared. She had been prostituted for two months everyday. She talked how sofiscated sex industry had become. She talked about her own experience. On one day she was in a subway train. A guy sitting next to her was scrolling his iPhone. Thanks to the internet he purchased of the escort service. He was scrolling down, and deciding a girl, which girl to choose, and deciding time and venue, in a few hours she would be delivered to his apartment or a hotel.
She concerned that people were not interested in having intimate relationship. She thought some people were making sex disposable like fast food.
She asked all the audience, "Do you want to choose the society where the commercialization of sex is our daily life, or the society we teach our children the importance the sexiality and the positive side of sex and how to rebuild the intimate relationship."
Reglettably she wasn't chosen the representative. But I'm grateful to know this matter.
8月26日 町の小学校に行った。運動会に向けて、小学生、その親、地域の各地区の代表者が校庭の草取りをした。1時間半草を取った。
Sept. 1 2012
A lecture of young people's employment situation
A lecture about young people's employment situation
On 18 August, I've heard a lecture of Mr. Takasu Hirohiko who works for Research and Education Center for Fair Labor Graduate School of Social Sciences Hitotsubashi University.
He instructed us about young generation's employment situation. The survey shows that regular workers have decreased 5 million and temporary workers have increased 10 million from 1980s to 2012. The unemployment rate of age 18-24 is most in all generation.
Over 20 percent male workers age 25-44 are working beyond 60 hours a week, it cause death from overwork.
Young people need job openings, however they should find decent works. But they can't know whether the companies they're going to enter are decent or not. Mr. Takasu says they need education for fair labor. They need knowledge of labor law , their right to work, and how to make an ally.
Now the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare recommends education of labor at high school. It has announced the importance of the teachers' instruction to the graduated student go to relevant institution in case he/she has came to high school,
I want to know more about good guide books for students.
若者たちの働き方 講演会
8月18日 高須裕彦さん--一橋大学大学院フェアレイバー研究教育センター--による講演を聞いた。
若者は働き口が必要だ、けれどもまともな働き口を探さないといけない。しかし、会社に入る前にそこがまともなところかどうか知ることができない。高須さんは公正な労働教育が必要だとおっしゃる。労働法について 働く権利、仲間を作ることについて 知識が必要だ。
19 Aug. 2012
On 18 August, I've heard a lecture of Mr. Takasu Hirohiko who works for Research and Education Center for Fair Labor Graduate School of Social Sciences Hitotsubashi University.
He instructed us about young generation's employment situation. The survey shows that regular workers have decreased 5 million and temporary workers have increased 10 million from 1980s to 2012. The unemployment rate of age 18-24 is most in all generation.
Over 20 percent male workers age 25-44 are working beyond 60 hours a week, it cause death from overwork.
Young people need job openings, however they should find decent works. But they can't know whether the companies they're going to enter are decent or not. Mr. Takasu says they need education for fair labor. They need knowledge of labor law , their right to work, and how to make an ally.
Now the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare recommends education of labor at high school. It has announced the importance of the teachers' instruction to the graduated student go to relevant institution in case he/she has came to high school,
I want to know more about good guide books for students.
若者たちの働き方 講演会
8月18日 高須裕彦さん--一橋大学大学院フェアレイバー研究教育センター--による講演を聞いた。
若者は働き口が必要だ、けれどもまともな働き口を探さないといけない。しかし、会社に入る前にそこがまともなところかどうか知ることができない。高須さんは公正な労働教育が必要だとおっしゃる。労働法について 働く権利、仲間を作ることについて 知識が必要だ。
19 Aug. 2012
Laura Kaye, Author: 4 Ways to Read an eBook Without an eReader! Spread the word!
Laura Kaye, Author: 4 Ways to Read an eBook Without an eReader! Spread the word!
Thank you, I've got it!. You are so kind.
I had downloaded the Kindle for mobile to my smart phone. Many e-books are sold in Kindle store by free. I'll try some of them.
Thank you, I've got it!. You are so kind.
I had downloaded the Kindle for mobile to my smart phone. Many e-books are sold in Kindle store by free. I'll try some of them.
A lecture of Nasu Masamoto
On August 9, I've heard Nasu Masamoto's lecture.
He was born in 1942. He was bombed by an atomic bomb at Hiroshima city when he was still three.
He said about a vague remembrance of it. His house faced on the national road. He saw many people were going in front of his house. They were just like mud dolls. His house had the roof and wall blown off. He sat down in the closet. He remember he was reading a Japanese textbook. He thought the last page was so colorful. But after years he has known it was painted just two colors.
He remember a man gave him a canned tangerine. It was very hot. The man might have stolen a pile of canned tangerine from the factory set in the central Hiroshima city. He should be a shrewd person who dear to go to the city when many people escaped from. How was he alive fine rest of his life ?
After Fukushima nuclear plant accident, he went to Fukushima to see children. A junior high school girl said that she was glad to see a man who was bombed like him could get old. Though one of his classmate was dead when she was junior high school student, he could live over seventy.
One of the audience asked him, which character was the nearest to him. He replied the Hakase was the nearest. He has been curious from a little boy. Another audience asked how he had got the idea of the stories. He has written 213 books. He replied he hardly had difficulty in making stories. When he drinks with an editor chatting about next works, he goes to urinate, then the idea comes out.
He said he made effort to write the sentence which children easily understand.
If I knew that someday I would hear the author when I was reading the books, I would be more exciting.
8月9日 那須正幹さんの講演を聞いた。
13 Aug. 2012
He was born in 1942. He was bombed by an atomic bomb at Hiroshima city when he was still three.
He said about a vague remembrance of it. His house faced on the national road. He saw many people were going in front of his house. They were just like mud dolls. His house had the roof and wall blown off. He sat down in the closet. He remember he was reading a Japanese textbook. He thought the last page was so colorful. But after years he has known it was painted just two colors.
He remember a man gave him a canned tangerine. It was very hot. The man might have stolen a pile of canned tangerine from the factory set in the central Hiroshima city. He should be a shrewd person who dear to go to the city when many people escaped from. How was he alive fine rest of his life ?
After Fukushima nuclear plant accident, he went to Fukushima to see children. A junior high school girl said that she was glad to see a man who was bombed like him could get old. Though one of his classmate was dead when she was junior high school student, he could live over seventy.
One of the audience asked him, which character was the nearest to him. He replied the Hakase was the nearest. He has been curious from a little boy. Another audience asked how he had got the idea of the stories. He has written 213 books. He replied he hardly had difficulty in making stories. When he drinks with an editor chatting about next works, he goes to urinate, then the idea comes out.
He said he made effort to write the sentence which children easily understand.
If I knew that someday I would hear the author when I was reading the books, I would be more exciting.
8月9日 那須正幹さんの講演を聞いた。
13 Aug. 2012
Enhancing IT technologies at my work place
From last month, they have quit using a white board at a morning assembly at my work place. If you have an information, you should write it in a document titled some month some day morning assembly, which is shared in google drive.
Everyone reads it on PC. But some workers have no PC in the faculty room. So do I. It's nuisance bringing my PC which is in the fourth floor to and from the faculty room.
Then I've decided to view it on my smart phone. It is convenient. I used to have to note the things written on the whiteboard, but now I only view the file. In the document there are some information to students. The teachers who run classes must inform those to students,
It might be better sharing documents for students.
My daughter goes to another high school. At her high school every students has given her own mail address by the Board of Education. But her high school doesn't allow students to bring cell phone. It seems being unused possession.
先月から職場の朝礼でホワイトボードを使わなくなった。伝達事項はgoogle ドライブにある○月○日朝礼という文書に書く。それを各自パソコンで見る。しかし職員室にパソコンを持っていない職員もいる。私もそうだ。4階にあるパソコンをいちいち職員室に持ってきて持って帰るのは面倒だ。
6 Aug. 2012
Everyone reads it on PC. But some workers have no PC in the faculty room. So do I. It's nuisance bringing my PC which is in the fourth floor to and from the faculty room.
Then I've decided to view it on my smart phone. It is convenient. I used to have to note the things written on the whiteboard, but now I only view the file. In the document there are some information to students. The teachers who run classes must inform those to students,
It might be better sharing documents for students.
My daughter goes to another high school. At her high school every students has given her own mail address by the Board of Education. But her high school doesn't allow students to bring cell phone. It seems being unused possession.
先月から職場の朝礼でホワイトボードを使わなくなった。伝達事項はgoogle ドライブにある○月○日朝礼という文書に書く。それを各自パソコンで見る。しかし職員室にパソコンを持っていない職員もいる。私もそうだ。4階にあるパソコンをいちいち職員室に持ってきて持って帰るのは面倒だ。
6 Aug. 2012
On 28 July, our Labour union's women department held a lecture. It was about women's right under a disaster. The lecturer was Ms Reiko Tamai who belonged NPO Support Center for women and children, Women's net Kobe.
She told us many crimes committed in evacuation from disaster. Children and women were sacrificed for sex crime. There were not consider to prevent children, patient, senior, or women from violence and abuse at refuges.
She said it was important to concern for human rights under ordinary situation to prevent crimes under extraordinary situation.
By all her lecture I was shocked. She also told us about domestic violence. The assailant tend to be fine gentleman. They chose person to hit. They don't hit their boss or co-workers. They hit their children or wives. She said gender equality was so important.
On 29 July I've been a conference of Oita Pref. High school PTA Kyudai district. We heard two reports and two lectures.
One of the lecture was given by Shitijo Maiko who belongs to Institute of Hyper network society. Her lecture was so interesting.
Many students uses LINE, cause it is convenient tool to communicate. But you must be careful. If you don't uncheck the future of Seeking friends, you out out your phone's address book.
A smart phone is almost as same as a personal computer, so you must install an anti-virus software. And you might well set up your password to boot in case someone find after you lost it.
If your children suffered from cyber bully, the "Net Anshin Center" --will be helpful.
I've learned much about the danger for use smartphone or mobile phone.
To be aware of safety in communication in internet is a modern literacy. I must attend this kind of lecture again.
The other lecture was given by Ohhata Seiya who used to be principal of some public high schools in Kumamoto pref.
He was so energetic. He stressed they to let children gain the ability to fight desperately.And to make it real you must need the five abilities, greeting, physical strength, sensibility, concentration, and consideration.
His lecture was so attractive because it was based on his experience.
He told it was important to greet to families.
He stressed to feed children with balanced meals. And to make children do chores around the house.
Though it seemed very common, it would be distinguish to keep on doing common thing.
Both lectures were so instructive. I'm grateful for the staff.
7月28日 労働組合女性部の勉強会があった。災害時における女性の人権についてだった。講師は玉井礼子さん NPO法人女性と子ども支援センターの方だ。女性達と子ども達が性犯罪の犠牲になった。避難所では子どもや病人や老人や女性を暴力や虐待から守るように考えられていなかった。
7月29日 大分県高校PTA久大地区の研修会があった。2つの実践報告と2つの講演を聴いた。
もし子どもがネットいじめに苦しんでいたら「ネットあんしんセンター」 に相談するといい。
She told us many crimes committed in evacuation from disaster. Children and women were sacrificed for sex crime. There were not consider to prevent children, patient, senior, or women from violence and abuse at refuges.
She said it was important to concern for human rights under ordinary situation to prevent crimes under extraordinary situation.
By all her lecture I was shocked. She also told us about domestic violence. The assailant tend to be fine gentleman. They chose person to hit. They don't hit their boss or co-workers. They hit their children or wives. She said gender equality was so important.
On 29 July I've been a conference of Oita Pref. High school PTA Kyudai district. We heard two reports and two lectures.
One of the lecture was given by Shitijo Maiko who belongs to Institute of Hyper network society. Her lecture was so interesting.
Many students uses LINE, cause it is convenient tool to communicate. But you must be careful. If you don't uncheck the future of Seeking friends, you out out your phone's address book.
A smart phone is almost as same as a personal computer, so you must install an anti-virus software. And you might well set up your password to boot in case someone find after you lost it.
If your children suffered from cyber bully, the "Net Anshin Center" --will be helpful.
I've learned much about the danger for use smartphone or mobile phone.
To be aware of safety in communication in internet is a modern literacy. I must attend this kind of lecture again.
The other lecture was given by Ohhata Seiya who used to be principal of some public high schools in Kumamoto pref.
He was so energetic. He stressed they to let children gain the ability to fight desperately.And to make it real you must need the five abilities, greeting, physical strength, sensibility, concentration, and consideration.
His lecture was so attractive because it was based on his experience.
He told it was important to greet to families.
He stressed to feed children with balanced meals. And to make children do chores around the house.
Though it seemed very common, it would be distinguish to keep on doing common thing.
Both lectures were so instructive. I'm grateful for the staff.
7月28日 労働組合女性部の勉強会があった。災害時における女性の人権についてだった。講師は玉井礼子さん NPO法人女性と子ども支援センターの方だ。女性達と子ども達が性犯罪の犠牲になった。避難所では子どもや病人や老人や女性を暴力や虐待から守るように考えられていなかった。
7月29日 大分県高校PTA久大地区の研修会があった。2つの実践報告と2つの講演を聴いた。
もし子どもがネットいじめに苦しんでいたら「ネットあんしんセンター」 に相談するといい。
I've read "Threads" written by Sophia Bennet
Treads by Sophia Bennet
I bought Treads trilogy in the end of June. I've finished these books. It took almost one month. I've been reading these books as long as possible for my spare time, like I did while last winter holiday with "Hunger Games".
Three girls, all fourteen years old, Nonie, Jenny, Edie, they are good friends. Nonie is fond of fashion, Jenny likes performing drama or musical, Edie wants to go to Harvard Univ. and warns for U.N. she is busy for studyng,practicing orchestra, volunteer .
They meet a girl. Nonie and Jenny saw her sketching designer's works in V&A museum costume section. Her name is Crow --a nickname, the name has a history --.
She has genius of design and sewing. There's a tattered pair of pink fairy wings slung over her shoulders. She is a refugee from Uganda.
She lives with her aunt in a small apartment house. She is twelve and dyslexic. Edie helps her reading. Nonie is a fashionista. She helps her make dresses. She managed a chance of show in London fashion week. On the process they come to know her country's situation. She and her brother were attacked by another tribe army. Crow has escaped, her brother is missing.
Crow become a famous designer in London. Crow's dresses make her friends happy.
The three girls have troubles. Edie is a hard worker, Jenny has a sick mother.Nonie loves fashion but hasn't find what to be.
Crow's brother has found at last. he had been injured but now he is safe in London and helps his sister.
Nonie's brother, Harry has art talent. He become DJ at fashion show, the first opportunity is Crow's show. He dates super model. He hasn't know his true mind before Nonie tells him.
Nonie and Harry have different fathers and their mother is a single mother. Nonie has misunderstood that she had disturbed her mother merry to Harry's father.
Jenny's mother has a depression. But Jenny go to New York for a roll of musical. Edie takes care of Jenny' mother and blames Jenny.
At last, when Edie listens to her sing. Jenny's song is marvelous, it expresses grief, triumph over struggle. Jenny is a artist, Edie has understood.
Nonie has gone through making a proper boyfriend. At last she has met, and she has found what to do after graduated from school.
Crow's little sister found a group to make bags to earn a school fund in Uganda. Edie support it on her website.
Crow wants to male her label to make dresses using cloth from Uganda some day.
All the characters make their content like threads has saw together. Through the trilogy they struggle, worry each other, help each other, and they find their ways to go.
This is a fabulous novel, especially for teen-age girls. You should feel happy, and be satisfied. I recommend.
3人の少女たちがいる、14歳のノニー、ジェニー、エディー 仲がいい。ノニーはファッションが大好き、ジェニーは演じることが好き、エディーはハーバードに行って国連で働きたいと思っていて勉強にオーケストラの練習にボランティア活動にといろいろ忙しい。
ある女の子に会う、ノニーとジェニーはビクトリア&アルバート美術館の服飾区画でデザイナーの作品をスケッチしているその子を見る。彼女の名はクロウ ーこれはニックネームでそれには理由がある。
July 21 2012
I bought Treads trilogy in the end of June. I've finished these books. It took almost one month. I've been reading these books as long as possible for my spare time, like I did while last winter holiday with "Hunger Games".
Three girls, all fourteen years old, Nonie, Jenny, Edie, they are good friends. Nonie is fond of fashion, Jenny likes performing drama or musical, Edie wants to go to Harvard Univ. and warns for U.N. she is busy for studyng,practicing orchestra, volunteer .
They meet a girl. Nonie and Jenny saw her sketching designer's works in V&A museum costume section. Her name is Crow --a nickname, the name has a history --.
She has genius of design and sewing. There's a tattered pair of pink fairy wings slung over her shoulders. She is a refugee from Uganda.
She lives with her aunt in a small apartment house. She is twelve and dyslexic. Edie helps her reading. Nonie is a fashionista. She helps her make dresses. She managed a chance of show in London fashion week. On the process they come to know her country's situation. She and her brother were attacked by another tribe army. Crow has escaped, her brother is missing.
Crow become a famous designer in London. Crow's dresses make her friends happy.
The three girls have troubles. Edie is a hard worker, Jenny has a sick mother.Nonie loves fashion but hasn't find what to be.
Crow's brother has found at last. he had been injured but now he is safe in London and helps his sister.
Nonie's brother, Harry has art talent. He become DJ at fashion show, the first opportunity is Crow's show. He dates super model. He hasn't know his true mind before Nonie tells him.
Nonie and Harry have different fathers and their mother is a single mother. Nonie has misunderstood that she had disturbed her mother merry to Harry's father.
Jenny's mother has a depression. But Jenny go to New York for a roll of musical. Edie takes care of Jenny' mother and blames Jenny.
At last, when Edie listens to her sing. Jenny's song is marvelous, it expresses grief, triumph over struggle. Jenny is a artist, Edie has understood.
Nonie has gone through making a proper boyfriend. At last she has met, and she has found what to do after graduated from school.
Crow's little sister found a group to make bags to earn a school fund in Uganda. Edie support it on her website.
Crow wants to male her label to make dresses using cloth from Uganda some day.
All the characters make their content like threads has saw together. Through the trilogy they struggle, worry each other, help each other, and they find their ways to go.
This is a fabulous novel, especially for teen-age girls. You should feel happy, and be satisfied. I recommend.
3人の少女たちがいる、14歳のノニー、ジェニー、エディー 仲がいい。ノニーはファッションが大好き、ジェニーは演じることが好き、エディーはハーバードに行って国連で働きたいと思っていて勉強にオーケストラの練習にボランティア活動にといろいろ忙しい。
ある女の子に会う、ノニーとジェニーはビクトリア&アルバート美術館の服飾区画でデザイナーの作品をスケッチしているその子を見る。彼女の名はクロウ ーこれはニックネームでそれには理由がある。
July 21 2012
A traffic accident by my daughter
I was surprised when I took a phone call from my daughter about 8 a.m. in this morning. She said she had an traffic accident.
I asked whether she had called her high school. She said she hadn't because she didn't have the phone number then. So I told her I would call her teacher and I would be there as soon as possible. Then I said to my boss I would take leave and went to the place.
It was near her high school., near Wakamiya intersection. She goes through the root 386 and turn right at the traffic light usually. But today she saw many cars in front of her then decided to short cut. When she went out the narrow path to the wide street, she had to stop and turn right. Then a car came from right direct very slowly, she thought it turn right and she went ahead, but the narrow path was restricted while a certain hour, so the car went straight. She can't stop and she bumped its rear left tire.
She hit her left shin against her mortar bike and cut a little. When I arrived there she holder the shin with a coolant wrapped with a towel. She said the driver purchased them at the nearest convenience store.
I thought it was completely my daughter's fault. But the driver was so kind to accompany with us to the hospital.
The hospital was so crowded today. We wait about two hours. Someone said that the previous two days it rained so heavily in Hita city, the citizens were partly alerted to run away their houses. So many patient couldn't come to hospital these two days. That's why it was so crowded today.
Anyway, my daughter was treated, the doctor put on disinfectant on the injury and told her to take antibiotic. She was taken an X-ray, then we were surprised to see the technician was the man our next door neighbor.
I was relieved she wasn't seriously hurt, just got with lightly bruised and slightly cut.
I admire the driver. In the beginning to when we said good bye, he was so nice. My daughter and I apologized to interrupted him to go to work. He said it's O.K. and take care of herself casually. He ought to scold her but he didn't.
Though It was unexpected accident to be twice, I was happy to meet such a nice man.
今朝8時頃 娘から電話があってびっくりした。事故った、という。学校には連絡したかと聞くと、番号がわからないという。それで先生には私から連絡する、なるべく早く行くから、と言った。上司にいって休みをとってすぐ現場に行った。
5 July 2012
I asked whether she had called her high school. She said she hadn't because she didn't have the phone number then. So I told her I would call her teacher and I would be there as soon as possible. Then I said to my boss I would take leave and went to the place.
It was near her high school., near Wakamiya intersection. She goes through the root 386 and turn right at the traffic light usually. But today she saw many cars in front of her then decided to short cut. When she went out the narrow path to the wide street, she had to stop and turn right. Then a car came from right direct very slowly, she thought it turn right and she went ahead, but the narrow path was restricted while a certain hour, so the car went straight. She can't stop and she bumped its rear left tire.
She hit her left shin against her mortar bike and cut a little. When I arrived there she holder the shin with a coolant wrapped with a towel. She said the driver purchased them at the nearest convenience store.
I thought it was completely my daughter's fault. But the driver was so kind to accompany with us to the hospital.
The hospital was so crowded today. We wait about two hours. Someone said that the previous two days it rained so heavily in Hita city, the citizens were partly alerted to run away their houses. So many patient couldn't come to hospital these two days. That's why it was so crowded today.
Anyway, my daughter was treated, the doctor put on disinfectant on the injury and told her to take antibiotic. She was taken an X-ray, then we were surprised to see the technician was the man our next door neighbor.
I was relieved she wasn't seriously hurt, just got with lightly bruised and slightly cut.
I admire the driver. In the beginning to when we said good bye, he was so nice. My daughter and I apologized to interrupted him to go to work. He said it's O.K. and take care of herself casually. He ought to scold her but he didn't.
Though It was unexpected accident to be twice, I was happy to meet such a nice man.
今朝8時頃 娘から電話があってびっくりした。事故った、という。学校には連絡したかと聞くと、番号がわからないという。それで先生には私から連絡する、なるべく早く行くから、と言った。上司にいって休みをとってすぐ現場に行った。
5 July 2012
restart Ohi nuclear plant
On last two days, I was out of shape. I had both headache and stomachache and felt vomiting.
I had to go to an annual meeting of labor union held in Oita city. While the meeting was going on I went out the room and lay face down on the bench in aisle for a while, on my way to drive back home, I rest at a parking area because I felt too bad.
When I was younger, I had been in such trouble only one or two in a year. But recently it comes periodically. I realize I've get older. I should be prepare it, so I went to a drugstore to buy medicines for headache and stomachache today.
Today I feel better so I ate first time in two days, rice-gruel with dried plum was yummy.
In the afternoon to late night I kept on my eyes on IWJ --Independent Web Journal--which was reporting the protesting restart of Ohi nuclear power plant on Ustream.
While I was watching, the viewer was increasing and the number of tweet was skyrocketing. Many people complained mass-media ignored the riot. I admire the demonstration. They were so sincere and drumming was cool. The Internet Web Journal was broadcasting the antiriot police push the people who just screaming.
At 9 p.m. the Ohi nuclear plant has restarted. I prayed the people not get injured being packed away by police.
July 1 2012
I had to go to an annual meeting of labor union held in Oita city. While the meeting was going on I went out the room and lay face down on the bench in aisle for a while, on my way to drive back home, I rest at a parking area because I felt too bad.
When I was younger, I had been in such trouble only one or two in a year. But recently it comes periodically. I realize I've get older. I should be prepare it, so I went to a drugstore to buy medicines for headache and stomachache today.
Today I feel better so I ate first time in two days, rice-gruel with dried plum was yummy.
In the afternoon to late night I kept on my eyes on IWJ --Independent Web Journal--which was reporting the protesting restart of Ohi nuclear power plant on Ustream.
While I was watching, the viewer was increasing and the number of tweet was skyrocketing. Many people complained mass-media ignored the riot. I admire the demonstration. They were so sincere and drumming was cool. The Internet Web Journal was broadcasting the antiriot police push the people who just screaming.
At 9 p.m. the Ohi nuclear plant has restarted. I prayed the people not get injured being packed away by police.
July 1 2012
Next Love Parade
I've heard a news about a music festival called Love Parade. It used to be held until 2010 in Germany. But it was quit from a serious accident. But it may be held in autumn or summer this year.
I've watched a music clip on You Tube once. I've also watched a video clip of club culture in Berlin. Young people gather to club to dance all night long till they're exhausted. They can escape from reality thanks to club music.
In Berlin there are many clubs now. It has been increased after Berlin Wall had come down. In those days , there were West Berlin and East Berlin. Young people who avoid conscription gathered to West Berlin.
They squatted abandoned buildings and remodeled into club. After Berlin Wall collapsed, young people gathered both West and East Berlin. More and more they squatted abandoned buildings or abandoned factories. In this way club house culture has grown up. Now it is main purpose of foreign tourists.
I hope the coming Love Parade will be fabulous.
一度 YouTube映像で見たことがある。それと、ベルリンのクラブカルチャーに関する動画も見た。若者がクラブで一晩中疲れ果てるまで踊る。彼らはクラブのおかげで現実から逃避することができる。
彼らは使われなくなったビルをクラブに変えた。ベルリンの壁崩壊後は 東ベルリンにも西ベルリンにも若者が集まった。もっと多くの廃ビルや廃工場が占拠された。こうしてクラブハウスカルチャーが育った。今は外国人観光客はそれを目当てにやってくる。
21 June 2012
I've watched a music clip on You Tube once. I've also watched a video clip of club culture in Berlin. Young people gather to club to dance all night long till they're exhausted. They can escape from reality thanks to club music.
In Berlin there are many clubs now. It has been increased after Berlin Wall had come down. In those days , there were West Berlin and East Berlin. Young people who avoid conscription gathered to West Berlin.
They squatted abandoned buildings and remodeled into club. After Berlin Wall collapsed, young people gathered both West and East Berlin. More and more they squatted abandoned buildings or abandoned factories. In this way club house culture has grown up. Now it is main purpose of foreign tourists.
I hope the coming Love Parade will be fabulous.
一度 YouTube映像で見たことがある。それと、ベルリンのクラブカルチャーに関する動画も見た。若者がクラブで一晩中疲れ果てるまで踊る。彼らはクラブのおかげで現実から逃避することができる。
彼らは使われなくなったビルをクラブに変えた。ベルリンの壁崩壊後は 東ベルリンにも西ベルリンにも若者が集まった。もっと多くの廃ビルや廃工場が占拠された。こうしてクラブハウスカルチャーが育った。今は外国人観光客はそれを目当てにやってくる。
21 June 2012
In last week, Prime Minister Noda announced that he would allow to restart Ohi nuclear plant. That's depressing!
After the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, we had found the government and electric companies' risk estimate had been too low. Various vulnerabilities had been pointed out but those had been ignored.
Nuclear power plants were contributed lots of money. If those were banned, those electric companies couldn't gain benefit. That's the reason the stakeholders want to restart of two idled reactors at the Ohi nuclear plant. But observing the handling a matter after Fukushima plant's accident, I can't trust they have prepared for severe accident.
I can't believe the government and electric company will make local residents refuge, or guarantee to remove them to somewhere else if their region contaminated by radioactive material.
Ohi nuclear plant might damage Lake Biwa. It might rob people of water to drink.
I searched for the word "restart nuclear plant" by tag in twitter. I found a signature-collecting campaign.
I sent my signature, though I knew it was not binding. I just wanted to show that who opposite were here.
June 13 2012
After the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, we had found the government and electric companies' risk estimate had been too low. Various vulnerabilities had been pointed out but those had been ignored.
Nuclear power plants were contributed lots of money. If those were banned, those electric companies couldn't gain benefit. That's the reason the stakeholders want to restart of two idled reactors at the Ohi nuclear plant. But observing the handling a matter after Fukushima plant's accident, I can't trust they have prepared for severe accident.
I can't believe the government and electric company will make local residents refuge, or guarantee to remove them to somewhere else if their region contaminated by radioactive material.
Ohi nuclear plant might damage Lake Biwa. It might rob people of water to drink.
I searched for the word "restart nuclear plant" by tag in twitter. I found a signature-collecting campaign.
I sent my signature, though I knew it was not binding. I just wanted to show that who opposite were here.
June 13 2012
On last Saturday, my daughter and I went to Fukuoka city to see my sons.
Before leaving Hita city, I went to shopping for a lighting furiture. My son had moved in April and he had not bought it yet.
I went to a shop where I found a good one. It looked like a filament bulb, but it was a fluorescent light. Its price was 3980 yen. Then I went to another shop to compare with it. I found the same light which sold at 4980 yen. I went back the first shop. I told a clerk I wanted it. She looked for the good in warehouse. Then she said, " Sorry, we have only that displayed one.Don't you mind to buy it?" I said," No, I don't." But it was slightly covered with dust. The chief clerk cleaned it and said he would discount 30 percent. I was glad. It was new and anything bad. I bought it and carried it to my son's apartment house.
When my doughtier and I arrived at my son's place, we could see my second eldest son, but we couldn't see my third eldest son. Because he had gone to school.
The next day was my neighborhood clean-up day. We weeded and cleaned ditch. We finished it in the morning. I had been fine till then.
Afterward I became awfully bad. I was useless for three days. My daughter was a great help. She cooked and laundered.
先週の土曜日 娘と一緒にせがれのいる福岡市に行った。
7 June 2012
Before leaving Hita city, I went to shopping for a lighting furiture. My son had moved in April and he had not bought it yet.
I went to a shop where I found a good one. It looked like a filament bulb, but it was a fluorescent light. Its price was 3980 yen. Then I went to another shop to compare with it. I found the same light which sold at 4980 yen. I went back the first shop. I told a clerk I wanted it. She looked for the good in warehouse. Then she said, " Sorry, we have only that displayed one.Don't you mind to buy it?" I said," No, I don't." But it was slightly covered with dust. The chief clerk cleaned it and said he would discount 30 percent. I was glad. It was new and anything bad. I bought it and carried it to my son's apartment house.
When my doughtier and I arrived at my son's place, we could see my second eldest son, but we couldn't see my third eldest son. Because he had gone to school.
The next day was my neighborhood clean-up day. We weeded and cleaned ditch. We finished it in the morning. I had been fine till then.
Afterward I became awfully bad. I was useless for three days. My daughter was a great help. She cooked and laundered.
先週の土曜日 娘と一緒にせがれのいる福岡市に行った。
7 June 2012
Funeral Lecture
Yesterday, I attended a funeral. To my regret, a high school student died two days before in a traffic accident when still seventeen years old. All the mourners grieved at his sudden death. One can't hear a youngster's death without grieving so much.
Then I took my third eldest son to Fukuoka city, to my second eldest son's place. He is going to stay there for three months. Now he goes to the preparatory school from home by high way bus. It takes over one and half hour for each way. If he stay with his brother, he might have more time to study. I asked my second eldest son if he would accept that plan. He readily consented. When my third eldest son and I arrived at his house, he served us curry and rice. I was so glad to see he had become nice guy.
Today I went to Oita city to hear a lecture by Mr. Yoro Takeshi on the topic why one can be deceived.
It was quite interesting.
He says almost all Japanese think themselves having no religion, it is untrue. They have a religion of Null religion. They believe Null religion unconsciously.He says a religion gives a chance of thinking something. But one who believes that he/she has no religion can't be aware of the problem.
And about the word environment. He says after we have used to the word "environment", we have made the word "myself" pair. Then we have forgotten that we related with everything. The rice we eat become a part of us, the fish we eat become a part of us. Using the decided concept, "environment" and "myself", made us forget it.
We have a map of the world in our mind, and "I" or "myself" is the arrow of the navigation system. We show favoritism the arrow. With something trouble in the brain, the arrow has melt. And the "I" and the world will become as one.
At the last of the lecture he said "Don't trust me", it was the lecture of training not being deceived. I felt half being deceived, and half being trained.
27 May 2012
Then I took my third eldest son to Fukuoka city, to my second eldest son's place. He is going to stay there for three months. Now he goes to the preparatory school from home by high way bus. It takes over one and half hour for each way. If he stay with his brother, he might have more time to study. I asked my second eldest son if he would accept that plan. He readily consented. When my third eldest son and I arrived at his house, he served us curry and rice. I was so glad to see he had become nice guy.
Today I went to Oita city to hear a lecture by Mr. Yoro Takeshi on the topic why one can be deceived.
It was quite interesting.
He says almost all Japanese think themselves having no religion, it is untrue. They have a religion of Null religion. They believe Null religion unconsciously.He says a religion gives a chance of thinking something. But one who believes that he/she has no religion can't be aware of the problem.
And about the word environment. He says after we have used to the word "environment", we have made the word "myself" pair. Then we have forgotten that we related with everything. The rice we eat become a part of us, the fish we eat become a part of us. Using the decided concept, "environment" and "myself", made us forget it.
We have a map of the world in our mind, and "I" or "myself" is the arrow of the navigation system. We show favoritism the arrow. With something trouble in the brain, the arrow has melt. And the "I" and the world will become as one.
At the last of the lecture he said "Don't trust me", it was the lecture of training not being deceived. I felt half being deceived, and half being trained.
27 May 2012
2012 SSH Lecture
All the audience were attracted by the lecture which showed the daily life on the space station in detail. He told us the core area of the space station was about 7 or 8 buses' width, as large as a jumbo jet. It was constructed for 121 days.
It flies at 7.7 km per second, and it looks like zero weight. The position at 400 km altitude is very slightly out of the earth, every 45 minutes it turns day and night. The difference of temperature in an day is 250℃. Mr. Wakata has contaminated by radioactivity 50 millisievert for four months. He had gone to there in the space shuttle Discovery and has come back in Endeavor. He constructed the laboratory Kibou. It was build with robot arms which manipulated from space station and space shuttle. Before docking the shuttle turns for being taken pictures from space station. Before leaving for the earth it goes around the space station to take the pictures. The technician examines the pictures to see whether it has any crack or not.
In the space station, water is valuable. Thanks to the new equipment, they can reduce the 65 percent water than ever they have been taken with them from the earth. The astronauts are doing examinations on scientists' behalf. In those there were some examinations based on children's idea, for example flying carpet, how come water being splashed from water gun, what if they did arm-wrestling.
When he asked if they had any question, many students raised their hands. A student asked what would he do to deal with space development. He said so many kind of work was needed for space development that he should make efforts any field. A student asked how rich linguist he was, because in the station there were people from various countries. He said in the station, the common languages were English and Russian. The examination he had taken was in Russian. A student asked what he was doing while he was not in the space station. He said, on the earth, he was training, managing other astronauts' training, improving equipments, or working for public information.
On the day, in daytime he gave a talk at Hita high school, in the evening he also did at Yame city. On the previous day he gave a lecture at Kumamoto city. From this coming Thursday he will be in Houston where he works for NASA.
He encouraged the students to have will and to make efforts to pursue the goal. The students looked being cheered up by his lecture within certain limits. I hoped so.
Recently I've learned that the lower you expect, the less you are disappointed. Perhaps I've got old.
秒速 7.7kmで進む、それで見かけの重量がない。高度400kmは地球のごく近いところだそう。45分おきに昼夜変わる。1日の寒暖差250℃。若田さんは4ヶ月で50ミリシーベルト被ばくした。スペースシャトルディスカバリーに乗っていき、エンデバーで帰ってきた。
May 16 2012
A newly-opend bakery
On last Saturday, I went to Beppu city for a conference, where we discussed about an annual assembly of our labor union's plan.
When I was home I found a flyer which told an opening notice of new bakery.
I looked for the address on google map. I understood it was near Tsuzuki elementary school. But there wasn't more information. Fortunately in the evening it was going to be held an community annual meeting. I thought I should ask someone about the bakery there. And I asked one of my neighbor, and he told me it was under Tsuzuki nursery school.
On Sunday I went to the bakery. On my way there I met two ladies with their children having bread, I asked how I could go there. And I arrived there.
It was an ordinary house. They sold bread and pastry in the backyard. Though it was about ten o'clock, over ten customers were there. Some
liquor bottles given as celebration gifts were displayed.
I bought a loaf of bread,spinach bread, carrot bread,melon pan, and raisin bread. The baker gave me a pack of macaroon as opening premium. It was crisp and yummy.
I asked her when the bakery was open. She said she considered it. I told her I was to buy if it was open on Sunday.
The district is a maze. If you want to go to the bakery, first, you should go the Tsuzuki elementary school, and seeing it on your right side go to Tsuzuki nursery school, then walk along the path right of the nursery's entrance gate. At the parting of the ways, turn left twice. The house is the bakery. In the backyard they sell bread and pastry when it is open.
Apr. 30 2012
When I was home I found a flyer which told an opening notice of new bakery.
I looked for the address on google map. I understood it was near Tsuzuki elementary school. But there wasn't more information. Fortunately in the evening it was going to be held an community annual meeting. I thought I should ask someone about the bakery there. And I asked one of my neighbor, and he told me it was under Tsuzuki nursery school.
On Sunday I went to the bakery. On my way there I met two ladies with their children having bread, I asked how I could go there. And I arrived there.
It was an ordinary house. They sold bread and pastry in the backyard. Though it was about ten o'clock, over ten customers were there. Some
liquor bottles given as celebration gifts were displayed.
I bought a loaf of bread,spinach bread, carrot bread,melon pan, and raisin bread. The baker gave me a pack of macaroon as opening premium. It was crisp and yummy.
I asked her when the bakery was open. She said she considered it. I told her I was to buy if it was open on Sunday.
The district is a maze. If you want to go to the bakery, first, you should go the Tsuzuki elementary school, and seeing it on your right side go to Tsuzuki nursery school, then walk along the path right of the nursery's entrance gate. At the parting of the ways, turn left twice. The house is the bakery. In the backyard they sell bread and pastry when it is open.
Apr. 30 2012
A reception
On 20 Apr. Friday, a reception of my work place was held. We had some newcomers, who I went to fill their glasses with beer.
I talked with a home economics male teacher. I said to him I liked to read "Papa's dishes project" on Facebook. The member published a book. If he needed it I would add it our library. He was glad. He hoped the students would be interested in home economics.
When I chatted with a woman facing her, we heard a loud voice, probably argument. She could see him, and was surprised. "I haven't seen it."
" What are they doing?" I hesitated to turn back, wondering it was bad manner to pay attention to them. "Is it better to ignore?"
I explained her the contents that I could grasp by the choppy words. Mr.A blamed Mr.B because of leaving office at 5:00 every day. Mr.B retorted. Mr.B was taking care of his parents. Therefore he should go home soon after work. He was in a bad temper.
It seemed getting worse, and many men interrupted them. They took them out of the room. A sound of "Bang! " was heard from outside.
She was much interested in their behavior, and we kept on chatting about it. I thought Mr.B drunk too much or he wasn't a good drinker. I had two minds. One, let him drink more until he would fall asleep. Another, stop him drinking. She bursted into laugh, and said." No,no. The first is bad. He should not drink more."
" I haven't seen that before." " Do you have?" she asked me. I replied "I suppose in downtown at pub, you can see that occasionally."
I have three sons. Though they used to fight when they were younger, I didn't disturb. After they got tired or lost interested, they quit spontaneously.
I was surprised to see many guys interrupted them, it was to be banned in public.
I had come home at 9:30 p.m. I worked making documents I needed on the next day from 10 to 12. On April I should make some documents for the labor union work. One is due 26th, and another is due 28.
My task is as yet unfinished.
ある女性と彼女に向きあって話していたとき、口論しているようなうるさい声がした。彼女からは見えた、そしてびっくりした。「こんなの見たことなかった。」「あれ、何をしてるの?」 私は、じろじろ見たら失礼じゃないかなと振り返るのをためらった。「知らない顔してた方がいいかな?」
悪化しそうな雰囲気だった。それで何人かの男性が止めに入った。二人を部屋から連れ出した。「どすん」という音が外から聞こえた。彼女が彼らのふるまいに興味しんしんだったので、話し続けた。私はB氏は飲み過ぎたんだと思う。それかお酒に弱いか。私は2つのやり方があると思うと言った。一つはB氏が寝入ってしまうまでお酒をもっと飲ませる。もう一つはもう飲ませない。彼女は笑い出した。「だめ、だめ。最初のは。もう飲んだらいけない」 「あんなの見たことなかった。」「あなたはある?」と私に聞いてきた。「繁華街の居酒屋だったらたまに見られると思うよ」と答えた。
22 Apr. 2012
I talked with a home economics male teacher. I said to him I liked to read "Papa's dishes project" on Facebook. The member published a book. If he needed it I would add it our library. He was glad. He hoped the students would be interested in home economics.
When I chatted with a woman facing her, we heard a loud voice, probably argument. She could see him, and was surprised. "I haven't seen it."
" What are they doing?" I hesitated to turn back, wondering it was bad manner to pay attention to them. "Is it better to ignore?"
I explained her the contents that I could grasp by the choppy words. Mr.A blamed Mr.B because of leaving office at 5:00 every day. Mr.B retorted. Mr.B was taking care of his parents. Therefore he should go home soon after work. He was in a bad temper.
It seemed getting worse, and many men interrupted them. They took them out of the room. A sound of "Bang! " was heard from outside.
She was much interested in their behavior, and we kept on chatting about it. I thought Mr.B drunk too much or he wasn't a good drinker. I had two minds. One, let him drink more until he would fall asleep. Another, stop him drinking. She bursted into laugh, and said." No,no. The first is bad. He should not drink more."
" I haven't seen that before." " Do you have?" she asked me. I replied "I suppose in downtown at pub, you can see that occasionally."
I have three sons. Though they used to fight when they were younger, I didn't disturb. After they got tired or lost interested, they quit spontaneously.
I was surprised to see many guys interrupted them, it was to be banned in public.
I had come home at 9:30 p.m. I worked making documents I needed on the next day from 10 to 12. On April I should make some documents for the labor union work. One is due 26th, and another is due 28.
My task is as yet unfinished.
ある女性と彼女に向きあって話していたとき、口論しているようなうるさい声がした。彼女からは見えた、そしてびっくりした。「こんなの見たことなかった。」「あれ、何をしてるの?」 私は、じろじろ見たら失礼じゃないかなと振り返るのをためらった。「知らない顔してた方がいいかな?」
悪化しそうな雰囲気だった。それで何人かの男性が止めに入った。二人を部屋から連れ出した。「どすん」という音が外から聞こえた。彼女が彼らのふるまいに興味しんしんだったので、話し続けた。私はB氏は飲み過ぎたんだと思う。それかお酒に弱いか。私は2つのやり方があると思うと言った。一つはB氏が寝入ってしまうまでお酒をもっと飲ませる。もう一つはもう飲ませない。彼女は笑い出した。「だめ、だめ。最初のは。もう飲んだらいけない」 「あんなの見たことなかった。」「あなたはある?」と私に聞いてきた。「繁華街の居酒屋だったらたまに見られると思うよ」と答えた。
22 Apr. 2012
About flowers
I'm going to talk about seasonal topic.
Recently the subject of cherry blossoms often comes up in our daily conversation.
You might be attracted by it. But I'm attracted by rape flowers more than cherry blossoms. Those are beautiful from a distance, but the color is subtle. Perhaps that color is called cherry pink. When the petals are falling, it reminds me good people who had passed away. I suppose I'm brainwashed. In Japanese literature or popular music, cherry blossoms are described as fragile.
Contrary the rape flower 's yellow color is so vivid. It cheers me up. Though cherry blossoms leads me somewhere far or something vague,rape flower wakes me up.
I like rape flower not only because the beauty but also the usefulness. I use some cooking oil, and mostly I use canola oil, vegetable oil made from rapeseed.
Recently the subject of cherry blossoms often comes up in our daily conversation.
You might be attracted by it. But I'm attracted by rape flowers more than cherry blossoms. Those are beautiful from a distance, but the color is subtle. Perhaps that color is called cherry pink. When the petals are falling, it reminds me good people who had passed away. I suppose I'm brainwashed. In Japanese literature or popular music, cherry blossoms are described as fragile.
Contrary the rape flower 's yellow color is so vivid. It cheers me up. Though cherry blossoms leads me somewhere far or something vague,rape flower wakes me up.
I like rape flower not only because the beauty but also the usefulness. I use some cooking oil, and mostly I use canola oil, vegetable oil made from rapeseed.

I've read "BEQUEST Of WINGS --A Family's Pleasures with Books --" translated in Japanese.
I was so touched. It expresses a warm,healthy and decent atmosphere in bringing up children. I repent of having neglected encouraging my children to form the habit of reading. Annis Duff describes how fun it is that spending time chatting over books with her children. And she refers to many good books. In this book put on annotation every end of chapter. But there are some books which I can't recognize the original titles. If I could read the original "Bequest Of Wings", I would know those books' original language titles. I consulted OPAC. I found out that the ILCL (International Library of Children's Literature):Researchers' Reading Room has a copy. If I want to borrow the book, I must ask my regional library if it has a membership of the interlibrary loan services. If Oita prefectural Library can borrow the book from NDL, I can read the book in the library only. I can't borrow it. If I go to Oita city every Saturdays and Sundays, how many will it take to finish the book? I was anxious. Then I searched it in Internet. I've found the digital copy in the Internet Archive: On the Text department page,I can consult Ebook and Texts archive. There is "Bequest Of Wings". And I read it searching the books which not being refered the original title in the Japanese translation. I am so satisfied. I'm so grateful of the Internet Archive. Of corse I thank Ms. Ohe Eiko, Ms. Masaki Ruriko, and Ms. Watanabe Toshiko, who translated this book into Japanese.
とても感銘を受けた。あたたかく、健全な、礼儀正しい子育ての雰囲気がうかがえた。自分が子ども達に本を読む習慣をつけさせることを怠ったことを後悔している。アニス・ダフは、子ども達と本について語り合うことがどんなに楽しいことか述べている。そして、何冊ものよい本を挙げている。各章の終わりに注がある。しかし、原書のタイトルがわからないものもある。もし、『つばさの贈り物』の原書を読むことができたら、それらの原題がわかるだろう。OPACで調べてみた。国際子ども図書館の資料室にある。借りたければ、住んでいる地域の図書館が「図書館間貸出」制度に入っているかどうか問い合わせなければならない。もし、大分県立図書館が国立国会図書館から借りられれば、私はそこの館内だけで読むことができる。借りることはできない。土日ごとに大分市まで行くとして、読み終えるまでどれくらいかかるだろう? 不安だ。それで、インターネットで探してみた。インターネットアーカイヴで電子書籍を見つけた。テキストの部門で、電子書籍とテキストのアーカイヴを調べることができる。『つばさの贈り物』があった。日本語版で原題がわからなかった本を探しながら読んだ。とても満足した。インターネットアーカイヴのサイトに感謝している。もちろん、大江栄子さん、間崎ルリ子さん、渡邉淑子さんにも感謝している。日本語に翻訳してくれて。
7 Apr. 2012
The nuclear plant crisis and the Univ.of Tokyo Discourse

I've read "The nuclear power plant crisis and the Univ.of Tokyo Discourse" written by Ayumu Yasutomi. After I reserved to borrow it, I have waited for a long time. It is popular at Oita pref. Library.
After Fukushima Daiich nuclear plant had an accident, people are confused because the government and TEPCO and scholars have hide facts or announce it is normal nonchalantly.
In this book, Prof.Yasutomi criticizes especially such scholars kept by the government, for the behavior as insincere to science.
For Prof.Yasutomi himself works for Tokyo Univ. and has been observing, he know that well. Then he designates it "Univ. of Tokyo discourse".Also he warns citizen lest being cheated.
This book is both so interesting and instructive. I recommend you.
Now the situation looks similar to those in the Japanese Community in Brazil immediately following the World War 2. --when the community divided in two, those who believed Japan had won and those who had believed Japan had lost.
There are people who believe the government releases that the radiation effects are little, and the other who measure the radioactive contamination by themselves and worry about especially children's health. It is terrible circumstance.
To think by myself is important.
保富歩著 『原発危機東大話法』を読んだ。予約してからだいぶ待った。大分県立図書館では人気だ。
3 Apr. 2012
what I've noticed
Recently I've noticed the sun sets later and later.I feel spring is coming close.
This winter I've got a good thing. For many years I had been bothered itchy shin and hips. The parts which the skin stick to bone became itchy in winter season. In dry weather my skin might be dried and become itchy. Hence I applied white petrolatum on my shin every day after I took a bath from last autumn. The effect is splendid. I've never had itchy skin this winter.
The white petrolatum was cheap. I don't remember exactly, but it cost about 1000 yen. I must remember to apply it again next autumn.
Another one I noticed recently, I'm weak to the number calling in English. When I've heard a number, someone's birth year, somewhere address, or someone's annual income, I can't comprehend those simultaneously.
Then I try to count from one to a hundred with soaking myself in bathtub. It is difficult to count up from fifty-nine to sixty, from sixty-nine to seventy, and from seventy-nine to eighty. I stammer thinking what's next.
I've learned it at junior high school, but I'm unused to them. How do I call "page 1603" ?
31 Mar. 2012
This winter I've got a good thing. For many years I had been bothered itchy shin and hips. The parts which the skin stick to bone became itchy in winter season. In dry weather my skin might be dried and become itchy. Hence I applied white petrolatum on my shin every day after I took a bath from last autumn. The effect is splendid. I've never had itchy skin this winter.
The white petrolatum was cheap. I don't remember exactly, but it cost about 1000 yen. I must remember to apply it again next autumn.
Another one I noticed recently, I'm weak to the number calling in English. When I've heard a number, someone's birth year, somewhere address, or someone's annual income, I can't comprehend those simultaneously.
Then I try to count from one to a hundred with soaking myself in bathtub. It is difficult to count up from fifty-nine to sixty, from sixty-nine to seventy, and from seventy-nine to eighty. I stammer thinking what's next.
I've learned it at junior high school, but I'm unused to them. How do I call "page 1603" ?
31 Mar. 2012
My son's moving
Yesterday, my second eldest son moved from Kagoshima city to Fukuoka city.
On 16 Mar. he graduated from Kagoshima prefecture junior college. Then on the next day he left.
My daughter and I went to Kagoshima city to help him. We left home at seven o'clock in the morning. When we arrived at his apartment house at ten thirty, my elder brother and his wife had arrived there already and had started helping packing.
We helped packing and cleaning the room. I had ordered a moving company. They arrived at four o'clock in the evening. A workman and a work woman had come. I appreciate their skill. Their way of carrying appliances was skillful.
The workman said my son's belongings would be arrived on two days after. Therefore we loaded my car with his his clothes and beddings for two nights.
The moving company's car left at five, and we thanked and said goodbye to my brother and his wife. Then I thanked the landlord then left at six o'clock.
I drove to Fukuoka city.
For I had never went to the place, I asked my daughter to read the map and navigate me. She was excellent. We reached there at nine thirty. We met a man worked for a real state agent there,who gave my son the room key. Then my daughter and I came home. We arrived at home twelve thirty.
18 Mar. 2012
On 16 Mar. he graduated from Kagoshima prefecture junior college. Then on the next day he left.
My daughter and I went to Kagoshima city to help him. We left home at seven o'clock in the morning. When we arrived at his apartment house at ten thirty, my elder brother and his wife had arrived there already and had started helping packing.
We helped packing and cleaning the room. I had ordered a moving company. They arrived at four o'clock in the evening. A workman and a work woman had come. I appreciate their skill. Their way of carrying appliances was skillful.
The workman said my son's belongings would be arrived on two days after. Therefore we loaded my car with his his clothes and beddings for two nights.
The moving company's car left at five, and we thanked and said goodbye to my brother and his wife. Then I thanked the landlord then left at six o'clock.
I drove to Fukuoka city.
For I had never went to the place, I asked my daughter to read the map and navigate me. She was excellent. We reached there at nine thirty. We met a man worked for a real state agent there,who gave my son the room key. Then my daughter and I came home. We arrived at home twelve thirty.
18 Mar. 2012
My kids' future
I bought "Master Keaton" ,a comic set of eighteen volume, written by Naoki Urasawa.
Recently I noticed I had enough credit card point to trade it for Amazon gift card. Then I've got 5000 yen of Amazon gift card,which I bought the comic with.
I respect Naoki Urasawa. Master Keaton is a masterpiece. Its senario is so good. I'm so glad.
I hope the next chance will come soon.
My third eldest son went to preparatory school in Fukuoka city for the guidance today.
My daughter asked him "Are there any friend or any acquaintance?" He replied "No. If any, both of us are unpleasant."
I realized preparatory school is which he doesn't want to meet any acquaintance at. But only one thing I am pleased. That school has a discount school-expenses system depend on the result of entrance examination. He has got 300.000 yen discount.
My second eldest son is going to graduate from junior college. After that he is to move from Kagoshima city to Fukuoka city. He will find temporary jobs there. He asked me to send him money until he won't need.
My first eldest son has spent four years at an university, but he can't graduate this year. The number of credits he has earned is short of the requirement for graduation.
Three sons can't be independent of me.
I used to wish them to be happy. But it is difficult. Because they know their lack of talent. For they are wise enough to know their lack of talent they can't feel happy.
Then being stupid is better? No. I wish them to be happy in spite of a lack of talent. I say it including myself. They can be happy, for example watching starry sky, finding some great comics, or tasting chocolate. In this way I hope them avoid feeling their life sore. And I hope them --including myself-- sleep correctly,take balanced diet, enjoy their mortal life as well as possible.
I send my second son weekly Kinyobi , occasionally send first son POSSE. I have a subscription to DAYS JAPAN for my family.
I hope them care about social issue, whether they are content with or not.
More important task is letting my daughter go to university as she hopes.
浦沢直樹のマスターキートン全18巻を買った。 最近クレジットカードのポイントがアマゾンギフトカードをもらえるくらいに貯まっているのに気づいた。5000円分のアマゾンギフトカードをもらって、それで漫画を買った。
では愚かな方がいいのか? ちがう。才能がなくても幸せであってほしい。自分自身のことも含めてだ。幸せだと思うことはできる。例えば、星空を見たり、すごい漫画を見つけたり、チョコレートを味わったりして。そんな風にして人生をつらいと思うことを回避してほしい。そして、自分自身も含めて、きちんと寝て、正しい食生活をして、終わりのある人生をできるだけ楽しんでほしい。
2番目の倅には週刊金曜日を送っている。1番上の倅にはときどきPOSSEを。うちではDAYS JAPANを定期購読している。子ども達に、満足していようといまいと、社会の問題に関心をもっていてほしい。
10 Mar. 2012
Recently I noticed I had enough credit card point to trade it for Amazon gift card. Then I've got 5000 yen of Amazon gift card,which I bought the comic with.
I respect Naoki Urasawa. Master Keaton is a masterpiece. Its senario is so good. I'm so glad.
I hope the next chance will come soon.
My third eldest son went to preparatory school in Fukuoka city for the guidance today.
My daughter asked him "Are there any friend or any acquaintance?" He replied "No. If any, both of us are unpleasant."
I realized preparatory school is which he doesn't want to meet any acquaintance at. But only one thing I am pleased. That school has a discount school-expenses system depend on the result of entrance examination. He has got 300.000 yen discount.
My second eldest son is going to graduate from junior college. After that he is to move from Kagoshima city to Fukuoka city. He will find temporary jobs there. He asked me to send him money until he won't need.
My first eldest son has spent four years at an university, but he can't graduate this year. The number of credits he has earned is short of the requirement for graduation.
Three sons can't be independent of me.
I used to wish them to be happy. But it is difficult. Because they know their lack of talent. For they are wise enough to know their lack of talent they can't feel happy.
Then being stupid is better? No. I wish them to be happy in spite of a lack of talent. I say it including myself. They can be happy, for example watching starry sky, finding some great comics, or tasting chocolate. In this way I hope them avoid feeling their life sore. And I hope them --including myself-- sleep correctly,take balanced diet, enjoy their mortal life as well as possible.
I send my second son weekly Kinyobi , occasionally send first son POSSE. I have a subscription to DAYS JAPAN for my family.
I hope them care about social issue, whether they are content with or not.
More important task is letting my daughter go to university as she hopes.
浦沢直樹のマスターキートン全18巻を買った。 最近クレジットカードのポイントがアマゾンギフトカードをもらえるくらいに貯まっているのに気づいた。5000円分のアマゾンギフトカードをもらって、それで漫画を買った。
では愚かな方がいいのか? ちがう。才能がなくても幸せであってほしい。自分自身のことも含めてだ。幸せだと思うことはできる。例えば、星空を見たり、すごい漫画を見つけたり、チョコレートを味わったりして。そんな風にして人生をつらいと思うことを回避してほしい。そして、自分自身も含めて、きちんと寝て、正しい食生活をして、終わりのある人生をできるだけ楽しんでほしい。
2番目の倅には週刊金曜日を送っている。1番上の倅にはときどきPOSSEを。うちではDAYS JAPANを定期購読している。子ども達に、満足していようといまいと、社会の問題に関心をもっていてほしい。
10 Mar. 2012
My third eldest son graduated from high school
On March 1, my third eldest son graduated from Hita high school.
The graduation ceremony was held in the gymnasium. Before the graduation ceremony started, I had read various congratulation messages on the wall. From ex-teachers, some lawmakers, some special schools' principals,and some junior high school principals.
In those messages I noticed a letter from Mrs. Tomimats, who was the late principal Mr.Tomimatsu's wife. Last June he had passed away after a boy student was passed away in May.
In her letter she apologized graduates for her husband’s sudden death made them upset. And she congratulated their graduation, hoped them pursue their ends. The letter was impressed. She should be still in deep sadness, but she send them congratulation. I couldn't say anything. I hoped her accept my condolences on her husband's death.
Also in the address of representative of graduates, he talked about the two, late boy student and the ex-principal. He said he would never forget them.
I n those days, I had heard from my daughter about the school song all students sang taking their farewell of their principal on the day his body left school on the way to his home from the hospital. It had reminded me the silent salute to Mr. Keating in "DEAD POETS SOCIETY".
After the graduation ceremony the last home room activity was held for about an hour and half. Many parents took part in.
The students seemed very happy after they had spent a year together. They said "See you again!" each other.
3 月1日、3番目の倅が日田高を卒業した。卒業式が体育館であった。式が始まる前に壁に貼ってあったいろいろな祝辞を読んだ。以前勤めていた先生から、政治家から、専門学校長から、中学の校長からなど。その中で富松夫人、富松前校長の奥様からの手紙に気がついた。昨年5月に男子生徒がなくなったあと6月に亡くなった。
4 March 2012
The graduation ceremony was held in the gymnasium. Before the graduation ceremony started, I had read various congratulation messages on the wall. From ex-teachers, some lawmakers, some special schools' principals,and some junior high school principals.
In those messages I noticed a letter from Mrs. Tomimats, who was the late principal Mr.Tomimatsu's wife. Last June he had passed away after a boy student was passed away in May.
In her letter she apologized graduates for her husband’s sudden death made them upset. And she congratulated their graduation, hoped them pursue their ends. The letter was impressed. She should be still in deep sadness, but she send them congratulation. I couldn't say anything. I hoped her accept my condolences on her husband's death.
Also in the address of representative of graduates, he talked about the two, late boy student and the ex-principal. He said he would never forget them.
I n those days, I had heard from my daughter about the school song all students sang taking their farewell of their principal on the day his body left school on the way to his home from the hospital. It had reminded me the silent salute to Mr. Keating in "DEAD POETS SOCIETY".
After the graduation ceremony the last home room activity was held for about an hour and half. Many parents took part in.
The students seemed very happy after they had spent a year together. They said "See you again!" each other.
3 月1日、3番目の倅が日田高を卒業した。卒業式が体育館であった。式が始まる前に壁に貼ってあったいろいろな祝辞を読んだ。以前勤めていた先生から、政治家から、専門学校長から、中学の校長からなど。その中で富松夫人、富松前校長の奥様からの手紙に気がついた。昨年5月に男子生徒がなくなったあと6月に亡くなった。
4 March 2012
About nimoca
Recently I've gotten an integrated circuit card for ticket payment.
It is nimoca, which is usable at Nishinihon rail line, Nishitetsu Bus, and some other shops.
There are three types of nimoca card. As far as I studied, only credit nimoca is convenient for me.Because Only credit nimoca is usable to buy super ticket for Nishitetsu Bus.
When my family member or I go to Hakata, I buy the super ticket packed four. It is the cheapest from Hita to Hakata. It cost 2800 yen for round trip.
The ordinary type nimoca can pass the card reader but I can't buy tickets over the counter by it. I can buy over the counter by credit nimoca.
I've gotten an arecorenimoca,which is a combined with Fukuoka bank card and credit card.
After I had gotten it, I've found it isn't usable in Hita city except Lawsone convenience store. Once I asked to buy the ticket by the IC card the clerk refused.She said the nimoca is unusable in Hita. I have to buy the super ticket in Fukuoka city.
It is convenient in Fukuoka, but not in Hita city.
Feb.29 2012
It is nimoca, which is usable at Nishinihon rail line, Nishitetsu Bus, and some other shops.
There are three types of nimoca card. As far as I studied, only credit nimoca is convenient for me.Because Only credit nimoca is usable to buy super ticket for Nishitetsu Bus.
When my family member or I go to Hakata, I buy the super ticket packed four. It is the cheapest from Hita to Hakata. It cost 2800 yen for round trip.
The ordinary type nimoca can pass the card reader but I can't buy tickets over the counter by it. I can buy over the counter by credit nimoca.
I've gotten an arecorenimoca,which is a combined with Fukuoka bank card and credit card.
After I had gotten it, I've found it isn't usable in Hita city except Lawsone convenience store. Once I asked to buy the ticket by the IC card the clerk refused.She said the nimoca is unusable in Hita. I have to buy the super ticket in Fukuoka city.
It is convenient in Fukuoka, but not in Hita city.
Feb.29 2012
Three street names
Three street names are in my mind.
First, the Shower Dori. In my youth I lived in Kumamoto city. There was a street of hustle-bustle named Shimo Dori. The street had a roof. Going out of the street, if it rained, you noticed it on the next street. From the reason young people called the next street Shower Dori --Shower street--. It sounded cheery as young people enjoying even on rainy day.
Second, the Oyafuko Dori. Around the same time, I had heard the name from an ex-classmate in high school. She lived in Fukuoka city at that time. On either side of the street, there were many preparation schools. Young people going to schools felt sorry for their parents spending much money for them. So they called themselves undutiful children. Then the street called Oyafuko Dori --undutiful children's street. It showed how they felt embarrassed and grateful for their parents. I hoped they would pass the examination.
But the name is withdrawn now. I don't know particulars.
Third, the Ukiuki Dori. It is in Hita high school. I've heard the name first about five or six years ago.
A girl student explained me, on the corridor next to the faculty room, students lined up frecuently. Because if they had not put their assignment to teachers or they had bad point on their daily tests, they were summoned to the faculty room. Truly they felt unhappy waiting in the corridor, but saying unhappy would make worse. Then a few girl students started calling it Ukiuki Dori --cheery street--. I admire the girl's positive attitude. Nowadays the name is popular among the students and the teachers.
18 Feb. 2012
First, the Shower Dori. In my youth I lived in Kumamoto city. There was a street of hustle-bustle named Shimo Dori. The street had a roof. Going out of the street, if it rained, you noticed it on the next street. From the reason young people called the next street Shower Dori --Shower street--. It sounded cheery as young people enjoying even on rainy day.
Second, the Oyafuko Dori. Around the same time, I had heard the name from an ex-classmate in high school. She lived in Fukuoka city at that time. On either side of the street, there were many preparation schools. Young people going to schools felt sorry for their parents spending much money for them. So they called themselves undutiful children. Then the street called Oyafuko Dori --undutiful children's street. It showed how they felt embarrassed and grateful for their parents. I hoped they would pass the examination.
But the name is withdrawn now. I don't know particulars.
Third, the Ukiuki Dori. It is in Hita high school. I've heard the name first about five or six years ago.
A girl student explained me, on the corridor next to the faculty room, students lined up frecuently. Because if they had not put their assignment to teachers or they had bad point on their daily tests, they were summoned to the faculty room. Truly they felt unhappy waiting in the corridor, but saying unhappy would make worse. Then a few girl students started calling it Ukiuki Dori --cheery street--. I admire the girl's positive attitude. Nowadays the name is popular among the students and the teachers.
18 Feb. 2012
I"ll note about my third-eldest son's accident. I follow up about his motorcycle.
I asked Sugawara Cycle's owner to repair it. He examined and told me if it would be repaired it would cost more than a second hand motorcycle. And he told that the Insurance company.
A person worked for Mitsuisumitomokaijo called me and she said if his motorcycle couldn't be repaired they would pay me the market price of it. They would estimate the price after someone go to Sugawara Cyle in Hita city on Friday or Monday.
Then a person of the company came to Sugawara Cycle on last Monday. Then she called me on the next day. She said they would pay 96000 yen.
On the other hand Mr.Sugawara recommended me to buy a medium-size scooter from two reason.
First.My son's motorcycle,HONDA Benry,has damaged badly, also it is so old that it need more money than another one.
Second. My daughter's motorcycle is too big for her. It is hand-me-down from her elder brother. It was suitable for him who is taller than her. He recommended me to change my son's motorcycle a medium-size scooter, then let my son and my daughter trade their motorcycles.
We agreed it, especially my daughter was pleased.
We went to Sugawara Cycle and chose one ,HONDA Scoopy. Its price was 100000 yen.
I'll add 4000 yen for it. It looks nice.
My son was unlucky. But this is consolation. One of my acquaintance has taught me the proverb. All's Well That Ends Well.
Today he delivered the scooter in the evening.
10 Feb. 2012
I asked Sugawara Cycle's owner to repair it. He examined and told me if it would be repaired it would cost more than a second hand motorcycle. And he told that the Insurance company.
A person worked for Mitsuisumitomokaijo called me and she said if his motorcycle couldn't be repaired they would pay me the market price of it. They would estimate the price after someone go to Sugawara Cyle in Hita city on Friday or Monday.
Then a person of the company came to Sugawara Cycle on last Monday. Then she called me on the next day. She said they would pay 96000 yen.
On the other hand Mr.Sugawara recommended me to buy a medium-size scooter from two reason.
First.My son's motorcycle,HONDA Benry,has damaged badly, also it is so old that it need more money than another one.
Second. My daughter's motorcycle is too big for her. It is hand-me-down from her elder brother. It was suitable for him who is taller than her. He recommended me to change my son's motorcycle a medium-size scooter, then let my son and my daughter trade their motorcycles.
We agreed it, especially my daughter was pleased.
We went to Sugawara Cycle and chose one ,HONDA Scoopy. Its price was 100000 yen.
I'll add 4000 yen for it. It looks nice.
My son was unlucky. But this is consolation. One of my acquaintance has taught me the proverb. All's Well That Ends Well.
Today he delivered the scooter in the evening.
10 Feb. 2012
投稿 (Atom)