
Going to college

Last Saturday I was so glad to see my eldest son.
But I've felt sad to hear from him by an e-mail that an English teacher had said to the class he won't admit his credit to those who absent from the class when my son was absent because he went home for the Coming of Age ceremony.
I was surprised how strict the university was for attendance. I looked at a calender wondering wasn't it April fool.
I replied him to make a proper apology his teacher and beg another assignment deserve his absence.
I would be so confused if he should stay in school another year.

I'm considering to recommend my third eldest son taking employment exams instead of going to college.
I've thought it because the book I've read recently." Generation Debt" written by Anya Kamenetz, translated in Japanese.
According to the book in U.S. students are graduating with an average of almost $20,000 in student loans.
Jobs have become scarcer, wages and fringe benefits have dropped.The nation is abandoning its children.
I used to suppose that if children had will and ability, I let them go to college. But I've become to decide to let them go to college if they had will,ability and strategy.
Graduating college isn't an advantage as used to be. Worse children might become NIKES --no income kids with education--.

Now my third eldest son wishes to go to college. I think he is just attracted the campus life, he doesn't desire a higher education.
He may have hard time only graduating in four years. And he might have hard time to find a job opening when he had graduated.
During he is a second grade student, we have to deliberate what course he will choose in third grade.
If he had chosen the course of "Art second", he won't take an employment exam. He must study for the National Center Test. If he had chosen the course of "Art first", he will be able to take an employment exam and the National Center Test.
We must consider which is better for his future.

先週の土曜日 一番上の倅に会えてうれしかったです。

それは『目覚めよ、借金世代の若者達』 アーニャ・カメネッツの本の日本語訳を読んだからです。
大学を出ることがかつてのような格別の特典にはなりません。それどころかNIKES ー学歴があって収入のない若者-になるかもしれません。


18 Jan.2010


About my sons

My eldest son had came home for the "Coming of Age Day" ceremony of Hita city held on 10th January. He planned to travel on 9th,but on the day he had overslept. Thus he couldn't come home. He took a train on the next day and arrived at Hita station about 9:30. He attended the "Coming of Age Day" ceremony, after it was over I went to pick him up at Hita station.
He stayed two nights. On 12 Jun. he had left. In the morning my eldest son and my third eldest son and I left home together, I took them to nearby the high school and Hita station on my way to work.
During the two days my three sons and daughter were playing various video games.
He asked me whether I had considered in case my second eldest son would failed all the exams. He forecasted that my second son would not be passed, because he always shirked works.
I felt as if I was scolded. I explained my eldest son that I had told my second son if he would not be passed the exams of public colleges, he would have to find a job immediately. My eldest son told me why those two things were equal that I told him and that he had agreed. He predicted that if my second son had failed all the exams he would insist he would prepare the exams for another year. He might become a withdrawal. I was surprised. I couldn't imagine that. I hope my second son go to college, but I don't hope him spend extra time and money.
He can take the exams only this time. I gave him a chance, if he won't take it effectively, it is his matter.
I must make sure my second son comprehends that.
He shirks works. Perhaps he knows what to do, but he can't. It is said the longest journey is from the head to the heart.
I feel a little guilty. I have failed to strengthen him interest in learning.
He might have been alienated at school.

I've read "Teenage Wasteland :suburbia's Dead End Kids" written by Donna Gaines. It is a study of youth alienation and anomie, set out to understand a quadruple teenage suicide pact in Bergenfield. New Jersey in 1987. This book was published 1992, which I read recently.
She saw Bergenfield from a kid's point of view. Alienation was her primary concern.
She wrote : There're the traditional status hierarchies of high school, preps, buppies, greasers, nerds, jocks. There are stereotypes base on combinations of ethnicity and class culture.
It was so interesting. I wanted to read more soc books.

I think my second son was feeling alienation as a feeling of isolation and utter powerlessness, frustration with a loss of control over his life, a sense of disconnectedness from self and society.
He has been a dull student. He may have been like a second-class citizen. I admire him because he has gone to high school for three years.
I don't know he will become a college student or not. Even if he won't, I hope him a worker who is satisfied.


『10代の荒廃- 郊外のぎりぎりの子どもたち』というドナ・ゲインズの書いた本を読みました。若者の疎外と無気力について、1987年にニュージャージー州バーゲンフィールドで起きた10代の若者4人の集団自殺を理解しようとしたものです。1992年に出版されました。最近読みました。

2番目の倅は疎外を感じていたと思います。孤独、無力感 葛藤、人生を支配できない感じ、自分自身と社会から切り離された感じ。

13 Jan. 2010


Decade life plan

I’ve bought a new home accounting notebook. In this notebook there’s a page for plan of next decade. I filled the page.
Now, I have four dependent children. They were born between 1989 and 1995.
On 2010, I have two college students, one high school student and one junior high school student.
On 2011, I have two college students and two high school students. My third eldest son must prepare entrance exams.
On 2012, my eldest son will be independent. I have two college students and one high school student.
On 2013, I have two college students and one high school student who must prepare entrance exams.
On 2014, my second eldest son will be independent. I have two college students.
On 2015, I have two college students.
On 2016, my third eldest son will be independent. I have one college student.
On 2017, I have one college student.
From 2010 to 2015, during the six years my life will be hard with less disposal income. But I wish my children become better. I want they are neither ignorant nor incompetent.
Of course the world has changed drastically. My sons and daughter will have difficulties in finding job. I hope they will survive. If he/she couldn’t find employment, he/she might try making an autonomous working group. Anyway, he/she is going to need knowledge and human relationship. I hope the college education will be effective.
From 2018 it might be easier to make a living. On March 2021, I’ll retire, so I have to save money for my senior life.
After retirement, I wish to find a job as a waitress at a restaurant or a café. I can take care of babies or toddlers for one or two hours. So I want a mother of kids take a tea break while I’m taking care of her kids. It’s the restaurant or café’s special service. Doesn’t it sound great?
I want to work as long as possible. On the other hand, it is so sweet dream reversing the order of generational dependency, if my sons and daughter are well off.

4 Jan. 2010