
the memorial assembly for Ryuichi Matsushita

On 22 June  I went to Nakatsu Library to hear a lecture.
 There was a memorial assembly for the late Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita.

The memorial lecture was about the Fukuzawa Yukichi myth. The lecturer was Mr. Junosuke Yasukawa.

He told us that Fukuzawa's idea led Japan to invade the eastern Asian country. He showed various evidence in Fukuzawa's works.
It was so impressive and stimulating.
There were about two hundred audience. Some had come from long distance. The lady who sat next to me had come from Tokyo and she was eighty- eight years old.

Including her, almost ten people talked the audience about their respect to Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita or their public campaign.

 In Japan there are so many people who dedicate themselves to social activity. I admire them.

I should read Yukichi Fukuzawa and the complete works of Ryuichi Matsushita.

6月22日 中津の図書館へ講演を聴きに行った。松下竜一忌が行われた。



日本には 社会運動に取り組んでいる人がおおぜいいる。称賛する。


23 June 2013

Worry about PRISM

Last week, I was interested in Mr.Edward Snowden, I read an article "Whats is the NSA's PRISM program? (FAQ)".

 The article was very instructive. I've got depressed.They don't use it intentionally target any U.S.citizen.

(quote) What is PRISM?

PRISM stands for "Planning Tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management," and is a "data tool" designed to collect and process "foreign intelligence" that passes through American servers.

It only targets foreigners?

PRISM "cannot be used to intentionally target any U.S. citizen (PDF), or any other U.S. person, or to intentionally target any person known to be in the United States, according to a statement released by Director Clapper on June 8.

So how does this affect an American's data?
The key word is intentional. The NSA can't intentionally target an Americans data.But analysts need only be at least 51 percent confident of a target's "foreignness."

  So they do use it endlessly and seamlessly target U.S.citizen and non U.W. citizen. Then are allowed to target non U.S.citizen. They are allowed to target U.S.citizen when they do it not intentionally. Both U.S. and non U.S.citizen can be targeted.
  I haven't known the system, I should thank Mr. Edward Snowden, who has leaked.

 I'm worry about him because according to the article he has been prosecuted by the Obama administration.

 ( quote) The United States does have a bilateral extradition treaty with Hong Kong, but a request from the U.S. based on political offenses could be vetoed by either Hong Kong or Beijing. (quote)

 When I was young at the beginning go using Internet, I was taught that my e-mail go through server to server in the network,  in such circumstance, I should write in e-mails as same as on postcards.  In other words I should realize that my e-mail might be read by someone. Yet, I chose to use e-mail for its convenience.
 But the more advanced the internet technology, the more personal information flows on internet. Lately nobody recognize their data as postcards.
 I don't know PRISM is necessary to protect nightmarish crime. I hope to aware about how my data is treated by each nation's administrator. At least based in law.

  先週 エドワード・スノーデン氏のことに興味を持って、「国家安全保障局のPRISM とは何ですか? よくある質問」という記事を読んだ。



かぎとなるのは「意図して」という言葉です。国家安全保障局は意図してアメリカ人の情報を対象にすることはできません。しかし、分析する方は対象が少なくとも51%の外国らしさを必要とするだけです。 (引用ここまで)





23 June 2013