
the memorial assembly for Ryuichi Matsushita

On 22 June  I went to Nakatsu Library to hear a lecture.
 There was a memorial assembly for the late Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita.

The memorial lecture was about the Fukuzawa Yukichi myth. The lecturer was Mr. Junosuke Yasukawa.

He told us that Fukuzawa's idea led Japan to invade the eastern Asian country. He showed various evidence in Fukuzawa's works.
It was so impressive and stimulating.
There were about two hundred audience. Some had come from long distance. The lady who sat next to me had come from Tokyo and she was eighty- eight years old.

Including her, almost ten people talked the audience about their respect to Mr. Ryuichi Matsushita or their public campaign.

 In Japan there are so many people who dedicate themselves to social activity. I admire them.

I should read Yukichi Fukuzawa and the complete works of Ryuichi Matsushita.

6月22日 中津の図書館へ講演を聴きに行った。松下竜一忌が行われた。



日本には 社会運動に取り組んでいる人がおおぜいいる。称賛する。


23 June 2013

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